View Full Version : CM9 FIber Optic sight?

10-05-2011, 04:56 PM
Hey guys, just picked up my CM9 last week, and was about to order the front night sight that I read suggested in a previous thread and I came across the front fiber optic sight for 10bucks more.... ANybody have experience with these? they're on the Kahr website... Says they come both red and green rods... Do they break easily?? Are they visible enough in the dark?? THanks!

10-05-2011, 05:11 PM
have a friend who is a moderator over on the lcp forum who has a cm9 with the dawson fiber optic sight and he claims there is nothing better. I tend to agree with him. I have them on my G19 ad absolutley7 love um. I don't think they are fragile sights either, guarantee u ujntil totaql darkness those sights are eye ball grabbers...

10-05-2011, 05:29 PM
Are these the sights your friend has? http://www.kahr.com/Sights/Kahr-CW-Series-Fiber-Optic-Front-Sight.asp