01-08-2010, 08:36 PM
Hi guys,
I have been carrying Glocks for about 20 years and decided to down size a bit.
All my Glocks have been 45 ACP – G21, G30, and G36 so I bought a CW45 at a gun show the week before Christmas for $400.00 + tax.
I read this board for a while prior to purchasing and was concerned a bit about reliability based on some post regarding problems. I have been around the various forums a while and understand that most of the things that perform correctly don’t get much attention and the few that dont are all over the place with complaints and posts. Anyway with some concern and some faith I bought the CW45 because it appeals to me. I look at carry guns as tools – period. The CW45 is purposely built and no frills. That’s what I want in a carry gun combined with complete reliability. Save the rosewood grips and stuff for the range guns or collections. Give me function, ergos and accuracy for carry.
Anyhow my first range session was last week and I put about 225 rounds through it with various loads from FMJ round nose to JHP’s. I brought an athletic glove with out fingers on it because I knew the grip was course and I had a couple hundred rounds to pop. I started bare handed and on the first 5 or 6 magazines I had the mag drop out on at round 5 with one left in the mag about 4 times. I had read about this and was concerned but pushed on keeping in mind the 200 round break in Kahr recommends. After about the first half dozen mags and about 4 drops I was watching to make sure I wasn’t thumbing the mag release. It didn’t appear so but after putting on the glove the problem went away – coincidence?
Probabaly but not sure. I am sure my grip improved with the glove reducing muzzle flip and possibly the possibility for my thumb to hit the release with recoil. About 170 rounds followed with out cleaning and no failures. It fed everything and my accuracy improved once I realized I was shooting low and left because of the long trigger stroke and short sight radius. I started stacking the trigger about 75 % and realigning the sights and shot to point of aim at 7 yards.
I will need more flawless range time before I carry this gun and trust my life to it but I like it. It just has to win my confidence first.
When I loaded it up with 230 grain round nose and dry cycled it ejecting live rounds it would not eject the last round in the mag. Not a problem as I can drop the mag and then empty the gun. Maybe the ejection port is a bit small for the full length ammo and the last round sits higher in the gun? No biggie just an observation.
If I can put a couple more hundred rounds through with out issue I am thinking about the following accessories.
Agrips – The grip is course and I am used to Houge Handals but the Agrip appeals to me.
My near sight isn’t was it used to be and I am considering the Crimson Trace laser that is coming out for this gun combined with a Crossbreeed Holster to fit the lasered CW45.
Anyway any input you can give the noob on the mag issue and my accessory selections will be appreciated. I now its al been hashed out here before but I am a noob and new to Kahrs to be easy on me :D
I have been carrying Glocks for about 20 years and decided to down size a bit.
All my Glocks have been 45 ACP – G21, G30, and G36 so I bought a CW45 at a gun show the week before Christmas for $400.00 + tax.
I read this board for a while prior to purchasing and was concerned a bit about reliability based on some post regarding problems. I have been around the various forums a while and understand that most of the things that perform correctly don’t get much attention and the few that dont are all over the place with complaints and posts. Anyway with some concern and some faith I bought the CW45 because it appeals to me. I look at carry guns as tools – period. The CW45 is purposely built and no frills. That’s what I want in a carry gun combined with complete reliability. Save the rosewood grips and stuff for the range guns or collections. Give me function, ergos and accuracy for carry.
Anyhow my first range session was last week and I put about 225 rounds through it with various loads from FMJ round nose to JHP’s. I brought an athletic glove with out fingers on it because I knew the grip was course and I had a couple hundred rounds to pop. I started bare handed and on the first 5 or 6 magazines I had the mag drop out on at round 5 with one left in the mag about 4 times. I had read about this and was concerned but pushed on keeping in mind the 200 round break in Kahr recommends. After about the first half dozen mags and about 4 drops I was watching to make sure I wasn’t thumbing the mag release. It didn’t appear so but after putting on the glove the problem went away – coincidence?
Probabaly but not sure. I am sure my grip improved with the glove reducing muzzle flip and possibly the possibility for my thumb to hit the release with recoil. About 170 rounds followed with out cleaning and no failures. It fed everything and my accuracy improved once I realized I was shooting low and left because of the long trigger stroke and short sight radius. I started stacking the trigger about 75 % and realigning the sights and shot to point of aim at 7 yards.
I will need more flawless range time before I carry this gun and trust my life to it but I like it. It just has to win my confidence first.
When I loaded it up with 230 grain round nose and dry cycled it ejecting live rounds it would not eject the last round in the mag. Not a problem as I can drop the mag and then empty the gun. Maybe the ejection port is a bit small for the full length ammo and the last round sits higher in the gun? No biggie just an observation.
If I can put a couple more hundred rounds through with out issue I am thinking about the following accessories.
Agrips – The grip is course and I am used to Houge Handals but the Agrip appeals to me.
My near sight isn’t was it used to be and I am considering the Crimson Trace laser that is coming out for this gun combined with a Crossbreeed Holster to fit the lasered CW45.
Anyway any input you can give the noob on the mag issue and my accessory selections will be appreciated. I now its al been hashed out here before but I am a noob and new to Kahrs to be easy on me :D