View Full Version : New 380 - range report

10-07-2011, 09:06 PM
My 380 was finally delivered last Saturday. During the first 250 rounds of PMC I had plenty of typical 380 issues; FTF, FTE, failure to return to battery, name it. I cleaned the gun after 130 rounds and had slightly fewer problems on my second outing. Towards the end of my second session, it dawned on me that I might be limp-wristing the pistol, as I'd been shooting for accuracy. I used a strong, two-handed grip on the final two magazines and didn't have any issues.

I decided that my next time out I'd shoot 50 rounds of SD ammo and concentrate on my grip. I only used the six round magazine and shot each magazine fully loaded with one in the chamber (7). I used LE/Tactical 90 gr. Hydra Shok and had virtually no issues. My slide failed to lock back on the 35th round, but it only happened once. I had a failure to eject on my second to last magazine, but I was trying to make some head shots before I left. I'll chalk that failure up to limp-wristing.

The only problem I consistently had was the slide failing to go into battery when I dropped the release on the first round. On my final two magazines, I only loaded four bullets and the slide went into battery, so this might be a magazine issue. Overall I'm very pleased with the gun, as I think it's running well so far. I’m concerned how easy it is to limp wrist though. I’ll run more PMC through her this weekend and see how I do one handed.

R H Clark
10-08-2011, 06:30 PM
I'm still on the break in period on mine,just a little over 50 rounds shot.I've only had one single stove pipe so far when my wife tried it out.She surely limp wristed it as I cleared the jam and rapidly fired the remaining 4 with no issue.

Bill K
10-08-2011, 06:47 PM
With my .380s (P3AT x 2) I'll generally just shoot the SD rounds that are in the carry + 50 ball ammo out of my practice/training P3AT (with laser). If I'm not careful I can easily get sloppy near the end of my .380 session and induce problems.

10-09-2011, 06:15 PM
Hold on to that little sucker she jumps and watch your grip so you dont hit the slide release. Mine was giving me a little trouble on the loading the first round even using the slide release. It turned out it was the mag I opened the top ( I call the lips) a little and I also had a Pearce finger grip on it too which was causing the mag not to fully seat into the weapon. I broke mine in cleaning it every 50 rounds and keeping it well oiled up when shooting. I used winchester white box and shot about 300 rounds total, then I shot my SD round (Speer Gold Dot 124Grain). I put a couple of boxes of those through it. NOW She purrs Like a kitten. I carry it in my pocket everyday. Goodluck with yours!!!

10-09-2011, 06:58 PM
I put another 120 rounds of PMC through her yesterday - no issues accept my slide won't go into battery on the first round and it failed to lock back a couple of times. I'm not sure I want to "open" the top of the magazine, as I'm concerned I might damage it. I'll try some fine grit sandpaper on the undersides of the lips and see if that works. I don't know what to do about the slide failing to lock back, but it's not a big issue to me.

On another note, has anyone tried the Fist #1 kydex IWB clip holster?


I'm looking for an ultra thin IWB holster and this is the thinnest one I've seen. Thought I'd ask before I order one. Thanks.

10-09-2011, 07:32 PM
This holster is even thinner, and it and the gun totally disappear from your consciousness because it is so perfectly comfortable! It is the PJ IWB Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37), just $40 shipped. A much better deal IMO.


You want thin? Check this out!


Paul is a great guy who will work with you to get the holster just the way you like it.

10-10-2011, 06:49 PM
I had plenty of typical 380 issues; FTF, FTE, failure to return to battery, name it.

Have we had our expectations lowered by Kahr on their P380 or what?

My SIG P226 has now shot many thousands of rounds without one single failure to feed, eject or anything of the sort. Even in the hands of some trembling scared novices!

My Glock 36 (the so-called Glock "problem child") has had one stovepipe in several thousands of rounds and I suspect that some bad ammunition was to blame.

My S&W revolver (predictably) just goes bang every time.

Hmmmm.... what's wrong with this picture?

Anyone want to buy a P380?


Jim Clements
10-11-2011, 10:44 PM
I have a new P380 it work great with only one problem it will not fire one round about ever 20 rounds, one time only and fire again for about 20 round and miss fire. When I look at the primer on the bullet the firing pin hit it off center, I notice that 75% of the fired rounds it look like the firing pin hit off center and drag it way to the center and fired. about 25% hit in the center. any Idea what is causing this.

10-11-2011, 11:00 PM
Is the slide completely closed when this happens?

10-12-2011, 07:36 AM
Is the slide completely closed when this happens?
My lady friend had a bunch of this problem with her new P380.
The slide never wants to completely close (leaves 1/8-1/4 inch gap). Just about every round, she has to push it up a little in order for the next shot to go bang.
What's the cause of that? Bad/weak spring <== this is lame (more like bad QC) because it's a brand new gun.

10-12-2011, 08:17 AM
Have your lady friend clean and lube it per this forum. If it still does it, call Kahr and get new recoil springs. If it still fails, send it back to Kahr. But first, make sure to put the mandatory 200 rounds thru it.

10-12-2011, 08:19 AM
Back to topic thanks for the range report. Keep working with it, I'm sure the probs will clear up.

10-12-2011, 08:52 AM
Have your lady friend clean and lube it per this forum. If it still does it, call Kahr and get new recoil springs. If it still fails, send it back to Kahr. But first, make sure to put the mandatory 200 rounds thru it.
Yes, it was religiously cleaned before we went to the range.
Yes, it already passed the "200 round break in" and the problem continued to exit.
It's been back at Kahr already. It's about two weeks now and has not heard anything back from them. She called them and they told her that it would take at least 2 weeks before they even look at it.

10-12-2011, 01:02 PM
Were the problems with both magazines? Did the problem occur with multiple shooters? What type(s) of ammo?

I had the same problem with mine, but it was due to not being broken in yet and limp wristing. Sounds like she might have a magazine issue, limp wristing issue or a bad recoil spring. I'd also recommend trying a hotter ammunition and cleaning after every 50 rounds.

10-12-2011, 06:24 PM
It probably needs the "frame replacement fix". That was also one of the issues with mine - the slide would often need to be nudged forward 1/8-1/4" after a little bit of shooting.

They also replaced the main spring and extractor in mine. I waiting to get my repaired P380 to the range to see if all the various issues are now resolved.

The bad news is that replacing the frame also changes the weapons serial number and so it can result in another 10-day wait depending on where you live.


10-12-2011, 09:43 PM
A few things can contribute. Stiff mag springs push the top round up into the slide so hard that the slide slows to a stop before closing. I polished the inside of the chamber with a Dremel and mine stopped hanging up. Dirty gun syndrome can also make the slide not close. Rumors are going around of the frame heating up and bowing which might also be the cause.

10-13-2011, 07:40 AM
Were the problems with both magazines? Did the problem occur with multiple shooters? What type(s) of ammo?

I had the same problem with mine, but it was due to not being broken in yet and limp wristing. Sounds like she might have a magazine issue, limp wristing issue or a bad recoil spring. I'd also recommend trying a hotter ammunition and cleaning after every 50 rounds.
1) it happened to both magazines + one extended one as well
2) it's not limp wrist because I tried it and I had the same issue. I own a P380 and did not have that problem with mine.
3) bad recoil spring? I suspect but this is a bad QC issue because the pistol bought brand new.
4) we used WWB and Remington ammo. I never had any problem with these two brands/types.
5) cleaning every 50 rounds? this sounds crazy because I have owned many guns (included Kahrs) and never had to do this to a single one. If this is the case, the everyone should just forget Kahr because everytime I go to the range, I do not put less than 200 rounds (= 4 cleans?) in a pistol.

Anyway, the pistol is at Kahr now for two weeks. I wonder when they look at it and I can wait to see what they say about the issues. I suspect they may replace the frame (it's a popular trend for P380)