View Full Version : How to spot a hidden gun

10-08-2011, 12:00 AM
From a former NYPD detective. (Saw this in another forum). What do ya'll think?

10-08-2011, 04:43 AM
I use some of this every day when evaluating the crowd around me. With practice you can get better at spotting people. In my case I have to decide cop or criminal. There is no in between here.

Bill K
10-08-2011, 05:03 AM
Well technically you haven't detected/spotted a hidden gun only a behavior that suggests that someone may be carrying. Useful stuff none the less. The only "hidden" guns I've spotted, it has only been a few, have been because of printing. At times a suspicion because of a person's gravitas but that of course is very subjective.

10-08-2011, 05:17 AM

10-08-2011, 05:27 AM
It's a accurate and useful depiction of common carry "tells". It has even been posted on this site a time or two I think. The use is both in learning to spot a CCW and in learning how not to be spotted.

10-08-2011, 06:26 AM
if ur legal to carry, who cares really. I don't think the BG is watching for this. If a cop ask me if I was carrying I would answeer yes and produce proof to be able to vasfrry. No doubt my PM9 prints in my front pocket but I have carried that puppy there for damn near 5 years, drinks and ride with cops. They have never ask or to my knowledge even noticed. I also never tell them either. As a carrier of a concealed gun, I guess my mind is on other things than watching a persons pocket or belt line to deciphger if he has a gun, or what ever and if he did, then what. ??/call the police??? shoot him??? tell him that is a no no to carry?? follow him??? Maybe osme day I will pay the ultimate price for laxiness but I ain't paranoid. Being armed robbed in my gun business many years ago. (twice)has taught me one big lesson. carry concealed at ALL TIMES,

Now I will admit I have profiled the lower etremities of may many nice blonde gals over the years to see IF THEY ARE CARRYING. Maybe I hyave my priorites mixed up to.. hell I don't know.

10-08-2011, 06:30 AM
I use some of this every day when evaluating the crowd around me. With practice you can get better at spotting people. In my case I have to decide cop or criminal. There is no in between here.

an inbetween, he could be a fella just like me with a ccw permit. NOT A COP, NOT A CRIMINAL just a guy like you And then do u really want to interfer in what U MIGHT THINK is a gun but certainly odds are that it probably isn't.

I can tell you this much if you see what u think is my gun printing and address me about it, ur not gonna like what I tell you.

Longitude Zero
10-08-2011, 08:43 AM
That chart is very good when the person carrying is inexperienced or just plain dumb. After you get acclimated to the weapon those traits generally but not always all but disappear.

10-08-2011, 07:43 PM
That chart is very good when the person carrying is inexperienced or just plain dumb. After you get acclimated to the weapon those traits generally but not always all but disappear.

I've seen this chart before. It's good, and I agree with you. If I find myself becoming too conscious of my gun...new clothing, new belt, new holster, whatever.... I'm doing something wrong and I adjust. Kind of like carrying my wallet....should only really notice if I reach for it, just sometimes to check to see if I remembered, and it's not there.

11-09-2011, 12:38 PM
Interesting info,

I can honestly say I find myself doing some of those traits in the work place, I find I stand in a door way and turn my body in a way to put the gun in the opposite direction of the person I am speaking with.

I do not do it intentionally but this diagram clearly states my behavior is natural and obviously common.

I will take those points as a tool to learn what not to do ;)


11-09-2011, 01:20 PM
See if you can tell how many guns this kid carrying.


11-09-2011, 01:23 PM
See if you can tell how many guns this kid carrying.


And not ONE single LCP lol. Notice how they don't show him trying to walk?

11-15-2011, 02:08 PM
I carry 5 o'clock, the only thing I'm guilty of is holding the shirt tail of a short shirt down as I bend over.

01-06-2012, 06:37 PM
This kid has a great future as a clown car driver for the circus. :)

01-07-2012, 08:59 AM
In Indiana, you'd go nuts trying to determine who's carrying and who isn't. It seems everyone is packing. I love it.:D

01-07-2012, 09:27 AM
I had this weird dream the other nite...

I was in WallyWorld with one of those European shoulder wallet things (I dont own one, much less actually wear one... but its a dream). Somehow, the local LEOs approach and ask if I'm carrying a concealed weapon. In the dream, I tell them yes, and let me get my CWP out of the wallet in my left back pocket. I produce my CWP, but they want me to take off my "holster" with the gun in it. I give them the shoulder wallet thing. They examine it and find no gun... so ask me..."I thought you said you were carrying a concealed weapon?". And I just smile, and say, "I still am!"

01-07-2012, 10:21 AM
Good one. That could be a good distraction for the BG's trying to rob you, too.
