View Full Version : Feeling guilty, neglecting my K9
10-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Lately I've been carrying a .45 and my K9 is keeping the nightstand warm. My plan is to put a high capacity .45 in the nightstand (MP45 or G21) and a Bersa UC45 Pro in my holster, and I feel a little bad for my K9. Any suggestions on how to cheer it up? I pledge to keep it forever, I just need a way to keep it exercised.
10-09-2011, 06:07 PM
Its not human. Just take it out, fondle it profusely, savor the feel of it in your hand and it will be fine.
I'm slightly concerned about a Bersa in your holster. Think a PM45 would be better or hopefully a CM45 maybe in the future.
I have a 21 in my night stand but the PM45 is always nearby so its a toss up which I'd grab first, maybe the running mate CBOB.
10-09-2011, 06:31 PM
make it a truck/car gun
Bill K
10-09-2011, 06:55 PM
Why the pledge to keep the K9 forever? Your reason for doing so may negate your need for shooting the gun. You know, like you're going to keep it forever so that it gets passed onto a son or daughter. No need for shooting it if that's the reason for the pledge.
10-10-2011, 12:55 AM
Why the pledge to keep the K9 forever? Your reason for doing so may negate you need for shooting the gun. You know, like you're going to keep it forever so that it gets passed onto a son or daughter. No need for shooting it if that's the reason for the pledge.
I never shoot my S&W M629-2 anymore.
And I’m keeping her forever.
Passing her down to my children.
(Although an acquaintance believes I will be buried with the gun.
He plans to dig me up to get it – LOL!)
I just take her out now and then.
Oil, shine, spin the cylinder, pull the glassiest trigger on the planet – and smile.
I’m ok with that and so is she.
Misty water color memories of the way we were….
Bill K
10-10-2011, 08:32 AM
I just take her out now and then.
Oil, shine, spin the cylinder, pull the glassiest trigger on the planet – and smile.
That would have to be the 2nd "glassiest trigger on the planet" as the first would be found on my Ruger Super Blackhawk! :D
10-10-2011, 08:53 AM
Send your K9 over to my house. It can play over here.
10-10-2011, 11:14 AM
I too never shoot my 629-4 anymore, and my Dan Wesson Pistol Pack will remain unfired by me. They will get fondled and oiled and caressed some, but I have other guns to shoot. Those are for a rainy day or hopefully they will go to my son when I move on from this world.
10-10-2011, 12:06 PM
Its not human. Just take it out, fondle it profusely, savor the feel of it in your hand and it will be fine.
I'm slightly concerned about a Bersa in your holster. Think a PM45 would be better or hopefully a CM45 maybe in the future.
I have a 21 in my night stand but the PM45 is always nearby so its a toss up which I'd grab first, maybe the running mate CBOB.
The occasional fondle will happen. I'll have to take it to the range too.
I fondled the Kahr .45s in the store, and just didn't care for how they felt. That grip, so rough. And the trigger felt like it was going to slice off the end of my finger when it was resetting. Fixable, I know, but it just didn't feel right, like my K9 does.
10-10-2011, 12:30 PM
A piece of innertube on the grip and your set. Not sure what the trigger reset you describe is, mine is smooth through the whole cycle. The grip like you say was rougher than a cob. I never even shot it without the tube. In fact I had to delay my first session for awhile, I held it so much and often when I first got it that I cheese grated my hand so bad I didn't figure it would be any fun to shoot any of my guns.
Not an issue at all after the tube
10-10-2011, 01:44 PM
Its not human. Just take it out, fondle it profusely, savor the feel of it in your hand and it will be fine.
I'm slightly concerned about a Bersa in your holster. Think a PM45 would be better or hopefully a CM45 maybe in the future.
I have a 21 in my night stand but the PM45 is always nearby so its a toss up which I'd grab first, maybe the running mate CBOB.
Yeah, I agree - There are a lot of 45's I'd carry before the Bersa and I do.
Too bad the K9 isn't a pocket pistol like the PM9 or then you could carry it when you couldn't cover a holster.
10-14-2011, 03:42 PM
I took out the K9 for a jaunt today and boy is she nice to carry after schlepping a P345 for a few weeks. :D
The inner tube might work (I have that on my PF9), but the Kahr .45s are just not quite the gun I'm looking for. I haven't totally ruled them out, though.
10-14-2011, 03:52 PM
I have rarely carried mine... the extra 9 ounces or so... and the bulk are just too much. The P40 may become my regular, but I carry the P380 the most... especially around the house. I could just as easily carry the PM45 as either of the other two polymers... PM9, P40. I will take the PM45 with me this Christmas and be carrying it in Colorado. Winter time shouldn't be too hard... it's around the house there wearing shorts that will be harder. I might have to wear shorts with a belt.
Both of my wife's step-brothers were carrying .45's, so I thought that I would take mine for "show and tell" and shooting. I need to start practicing with it again. I've been sidetracked with the P40.
I can shoot the K9 a lot better after all of the shooting with the 4 newer kahrs.
10-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Lately, and I know it's blasphemous, I have been an EXO G27 man.
My G27 actually weighs less with nearly twice the capacity (of my MK40).
It's also more pleasant to practice with.
The MK40 Elite is like a Swiss watch.
A work of art that I will keep it forever.
But I'm kind of a firepower guy.
Double capacity with 22 round reloads is hard to argue with.
So CC for now, it's the hand held AK-47 - LOL!
27.1 oz 10/155 grain
35.8 oz 23/155 grain
10-14-2011, 05:01 PM
Now you just need to get ya a 4 mag pouch for the 22 rounders and you'd be well prepared for Zombies, shopping malls, Mall Ninja's, you name it.
If were ever in a fracas I'll try to stay close to you for refills. I'll bring my K40 so I gotta launcher with me.
10-14-2011, 05:05 PM
My PM45 has been on me everyday since it proved muster quite some time back. In the evenings at home or on the weekends if I don't feel like the Cbob on the hip, I move the PM up or leave it on the ankle. Been Silent Thundering it on weekends lately. Too slow on the ankle for a primary stand alone, especially on the lawn mower.
10-14-2011, 05:16 PM
so I take it u like ur PM45???
10-14-2011, 05:42 PM
so I take it u like ur PM45???
Pretty much yeah. Not in any mano mano way you understand.
10-14-2011, 06:11 PM
Now you just need to get ya a 4 mag pouch for the 22 rounders and you'd be well prepared for Zombies, shopping malls, Mall Ninja's, you name it.
If were ever in a fracas I'll try to stay close to you for refills. I'll bring my K40 so I gotta launcher with me.
Way ahead of you Bawanna - LOL!
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