View Full Version : CA Gun Control Just Got Worse

10-10-2011, 04:23 PM
Gov Brown signed gun laws (effective 1/1/2014) this weekend that:

1. Require registration of long guns.
Senate Bill 819 would allow the Department of Justice to use the Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds to help pay for enforcement of California firearm possession laws in the Armed & Prohibited Persons Systems program. The DROS fund monies were originally collected from every firearm purchaser to pay for the administrative process for background checks. This bill will divert and drain hundreds of thousands of dollars of DROS fee monies that YOU have paid for background checks. As a result, the DROS fund will certainly run out of money. When it does, they will almost certainly want another increase in the fees YOU PAY for FIREARM background checks in California.

2. Bans open carry of unloaded handguns.
Assembly Bill 144 would ban the open carrying of an unloaded handgun. In reality, the open carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens is caused by California’s unfair concealed carry laws, which allow citizens from one county to apply for and receive a permit while neighbors in the next county are denied that basic right in an arbitrary manner.

3. Allow background check fees to be used for other purposes.
enate Bill 819 would allow the Department of Justice to use the Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds to help pay for enforcement of California firearm possession laws in the Armed & Prohibited Persons Systems program. The DROS fund monies were originally collected from every firearm purchaser to pay for the administrative process for background checks. This bill will divert and drain hundreds of thousands of dollars of DROS fee monies that YOU have paid for background checks. As a result, the DROS fund will certainly run out of money. When it does, they will almost certainly want another increase in the fees YOU PAY for FIREARM background checks in California.

4. Standardize CCW application process in all counties and removes the liability insurance requirement
Senate Bill 610 would standardize the application process for a permit to carry a concealed handgun. SB 610 would also delete the requirement that a CCW applicant obtain liability insurance as a condition of obtaining a CCW permit.

Some see the standardization of the process as good but I expect it to go against us. They will surely make the requirements and qualifications extreme to dis-qualify many who can get them now. E.g., San Francisco makes it impossible to get a permit where other counties make it simple. To standardize, guess which way they'll go - encouraged by the former mayor of Berkley.

10-10-2011, 04:31 PM
Old Lincoln, I've told you before and I'll tell ya again, there's still room for a couple more transplants, namely you and your missus up here in Washington. We're not the promised land far as gun control goes but far better than where your at.

I'll order you up a PM45 gratus as a welcome present, no safeties, no indicators, no child proof container. Stainless or Black, night sights, no I know the sights Big Dot all the way for you my friend. Think I even have some of the evil Black Talons, we can be really bad boys and howl at the moon.

Let me know when you leave and we'll leave the light on for ya. Don't leave anything behind, you don't want to have to go back for anything. They got a Disneyland in Florida now so no reason at all to go back to that place.

10-10-2011, 04:47 PM
I'd be there if the kids would head that way also! They are really getting interesting now at 9, 11, and 14 and I can't miss out on seeing them grow up.

But dang!! This governor is something else. Everybody knows CA is broke, so he just signed what he calls the "Dream Act" to give financial school aid to illegal aliens. This at the same time he's taking money away from schools.

Last time he was governor we thought he was smoking mushrooms and now I'm convinced he fell on his head too much. Either that or he's drinking beer with Obama the Liar President.

Bill K
10-10-2011, 05:00 PM
"The best thing about a democracy is the people get the government the deserve. The worst thing about a democracy is the people get the government the deserve." My guess is that there are a whole bunch of quiet citizens in CA that endorse and practice "constitutional carry".

10-10-2011, 05:03 PM
My introduction to California was a military transfer in May 1963. I liked living there. Beautiful place. My son was born there. Both my bachelor and masters degrees come from the state's once fine higher education system. I lived there on and off for 16 of the next 26+ years. By the time I moved out for the last time in December 1989 it was already headed well into the fiscal and political toilet. At this point I refuse to even go there if at all possible, even on business. Paradise lost.....and a lesson not to be ignored by us.

10-10-2011, 05:14 PM
..........But dang!! This governor is something else. Everybody knows CA is broke, so he just signed what he calls the "Dream Act" to give financial school aid to illegal aliens. This at the same time he's taking money away from schools.

Last time he was governor we thought he was smoking mushrooms and now I'm convinced he fell on his head too much. Either that or he's drinking beer with Obama the Liar President.

He was definitely something else the first time, unlike his dad who was actually sane. As I'm sure you remember, we referred to him at the time as the Moonbeam Governor. He sorta moved Linda Ronstadt into the governor's mansion for awhile and he mostly couldn't leave the state for fear his republican Lt would sign something he hated into law or rescind or otherwise deconstruct something he'd done. What wonderful days!

10-10-2011, 05:34 PM
I can jump in my car and drive from Florida all the way to the California border legally carrying my G27.

Nevada no longer honors reciprocity with Florida.
But I think they are a "Shall Issue" state as well.

Only a minority of states still disarm the public leaving them prey for criminals.
I left California permanently 20 years ago for that reason.

I enjoy these friendly states:
Alabama (1,3,5)
Alaska (1)
Arizona (6)
Arkansas (1)
Colorado (1,4)
Georgia (1)
Idaho (3,6)
Indiana (1,3,6)
Iowa (6)
Kansas (1)
Louisiana (1)
Michigan (1,4)
Mississippi (1)
Montana (3)
Nebraska (1)
New Hampshire (1,3,4,6)
New Mexico (1)
North Carolina (1)
North Dakota (3,6)
Ohio (1)
Oklahoma (1)
Pennsylvania (1,6)
South Carolina (1,4,6)
South Dakota (1,3)
Tennessee (1,6)
Texas (1,3,6)
Utah (1,6)
Vermont (2)
Virginia (1,6)
Washington (1,6)
West Virginia (1)
Wyoming (1,3)

10-10-2011, 05:44 PM
Bill K:
Sorry Bill, we are a Republic, not a democracy.


10-10-2011, 06:16 PM
AMEN! Our forefathers wanted us to be protected from the possibility of a tyrannical government... alas, look how our "little" Constitutionally fettered government has grown... mostly by ignoring the Inconvenient Constitution and perverting the hell out of the "Commerce Clause" of the U.S. Constitution! Our forefathers worked hard to insure that the States were able to maintain their sovereignty, balancing the power between the States AND the PEOPLE. Then the progressives got to work... adding an ammendment so that the Senators were selected by the People as well. Then we got Prohibition where the government warred against the PEOPLE, who for the most part didn't need no stinking Prohibition. Thank goodness, I didn't have to put up with that. It took 2 or 3 votes before we got Abilene, Texas, to go "wet" when I was stationed there almost 9 years. The military vote was a big factor in that.

Dang! Time sure flies... gotta go watch Dexter with Wifey... our favorite! There's nothing like a serial killer who takes care of the bad guys that the law can't seem to touch.


Oh, I forgot... we're a representative republic... not a democracy, but most people don't know sh!t about history and U.S. Government. We're approaching or already at the tyranny of the majority... something our forefathers tried to avoid. Now the politicians are bribing the ignorant electorate with promises of goodies taken from the evil rich... ya know... the people who risked their money to start businesses and create jobs... the PRODUCTIVE, useful people! :rolleyes:

Bill K
10-10-2011, 06:21 PM
Bill K:
Sorry Bill, we are a Republic, not a democracy.


Yes, I know that. Still I think most will get the jist of the quote and how it still might apply to a Republic.

10-10-2011, 06:35 PM
"The best thing about a democracy is the people get the government the deserve. The worst thing about a democracy is the people get the government the deserve." My guess is that there are a whole bunch of quiet citizens in CA that endorse and practice "constitutional carry".

You are so right!
How in the world did "Moonbeam Brown":crazy: get elected? He was a fruitcake before.....did people think he changed? To many people sit home for the primaries and then wonder why there are only poor choices at the general election time. The special interest groups get "their guy":third: when everyone sits home.

10-10-2011, 10:04 PM
But he PROMISED he was Pro 2A this time!!!!

10-11-2011, 05:15 PM
You are so right!
How in the world did "Moonbeam Brown":crazy: get elected? He was a fruitcake before.....did people think he changed? To many people sit home for the primaries and then wonder why there are only poor choices at the general election time. The special interest groups get "their guy":third: when everyone sits home.

The first was an "honest" mistake that got folks' somewhat disbelieving attention when it turned into a circus. This time I suspect the majority of the electorate most likely knew and wanted what they were buying into.

10-11-2011, 05:29 PM
Yup, he "owns" San Francisco, Oakland, Berkly, and has a significant percentage of LA. Meg Whitman was totally smeared by the way out there liberals when she was close over her illegal housekeeper. That LA attornet Gloria Allred represented that poor $60K/yr underpaid housekeeper threatening a big lawsuit and the talk shows ate it up supporting her poison and Meg was done. When near the end and Gretta challenged her about the lawsuit, Allred said with a smile, Just because I can file a lawsuit doesn't mean I will."

It's a shame, Meg hired her through an agent who vouched she was legal. The lady even admitted she lied when claiming she was a legal resident. Had Meg tried to make her prove it she would have been attacked for that.

10-12-2011, 10:10 AM
I see that monies are being diverted to other areas with the changes which certainly cause fees we pay to go up but other than that, I do not really see how these changes are more restrictive. Can someone explain it to me(nicely)? Thanks