View Full Version : 2011 NFL season

10-10-2011, 08:30 PM
This year's NFL season has got me all confused.

Detroit doing well????
Philly & Dallas stink???
Indianapolis clueless???
Buffalo winning???

What's going on here?:confused:

Please advise me on who to pick in next week's pool.:D

10-10-2011, 08:31 PM
That's the nice thing about being a Vikings fan, we're always confused...

10-11-2011, 05:40 AM
Well I can tell you first hand Andy Reid has worn his welcome out in Philly. He may be a good coach but when it come to game day he can't coach worth a darn. His Press confrences after the games have been the same almost word for word since he got here, and as die hard Eagle fans we're sick of the same old excuses. He shouldn't even come to press conferences anymore he should just send in a tape recording. Of clear his throat three times and then come out with his all time favorite phrase of "I have to put my players in a better position to make plays and win games". No Sh8 then do it. I honestly do not know how he is still here. Makes me want to put my foot through the TV when he says that. I wish Andy well, I think he is basically a good guy, but it's way past time for him to take a break regroup, think things out and find himself another team to coach a few years down the road. Because it's obvious that his throw the football philosophy all the time is not working. He's to hard headed to change and admit he's wrong and Defenses are eating his QB's up. He has got great players but he and his coaches don't know what to do with them and there making it up as they go along. It like watching a game of street football. Good Grief,That's not going to flush in the NFL. Andy's time has come and he's got to go somewhere else where he can get a frest start with a fan base that hasn't herd it all way to many times before to be taken seriously.

I don't know what the Vikings were thinking with Mc Naab. He was washed up 4 years ago. I think Andy kept him here two years to long. Mc Naab is a good QB but if any team thinks he's going to be there leader they are dreaming. He never was the take charge leader type. It's just not in his DNA.

10-11-2011, 06:16 AM
How do u think the Indy Coltsw season ticket holder feel, after last year buying a season ticket andpaying big bucks and then to find out that Manning will not be playing. You can get front row 50 yards seats ant Lucas stadium pretty cheap. 5 losses. I see no end either. Not only manning is hurt, addai is down, , oh well, they outta loose every game and then get first round draft choice.

10-11-2011, 07:35 AM
It is another good year to be a Packer fan..Watch out for those Detroit Lions. They will sneak up on you..Mike

10-11-2011, 08:43 AM
My wife & I were at the Colts game on Sunday (yeah, I'm a hapless season ticket holder), and to lose the game after having a 10 point lead was heartbreaking. Painter has played very well, but the defense just keeps moving backwards.:31:

My money is on the Packers this year. New Orleans looks strong, New England (Boooo) is rolling along, and I'll be dipped in toxic waste...those Detroit Lions are starting to impress me.

We're almost thru a third of a season. Stay tuned. Things WILL change.

10-11-2011, 08:49 AM
Maybe Detroit can get Matt Millan back. That'll square them away..Mike

10-11-2011, 09:15 AM
Maybe Detroit can get Matt Millan back. That'll square them away..Mike

I think Matt is working for Philly and Indy. He was the ability to take down multiple teams.:D

10-11-2011, 10:19 AM
I think you're right. He must have had pictures of somebody and a chicken, to have kept his job for so long in Detroit..

10-11-2011, 10:47 AM
Well first off I can't stand pro-football, but around here the big wonder is why h0mo Romo still has a job. Stupid filter...

10-11-2011, 11:20 AM
Rony Tomo, the Dallas quarterback, has spawned a line of excuses that seems to have permeated the NFL. "I did the best I could and I take full responsiblity for the sixteen interceptions I threw in the first quarter."
Andy Reid is now taking up that line of reasoning. "I'm the coach, I's my fault."

Fine. Get rid of Rony Tomo and fire Andy Reid.
After five years, let someone else give it a shot.
Problems solved.:cool:

10-11-2011, 11:29 AM
I too am starting to get tired of todays NFL game...If the quarterback gets bumped they call roughing the passer, if a safety tackles somebody too hard he gets a $25,000 fine, all kick offs go into the end zone so nobody could possibly get blocked or knocked down, what a joke....I am a life long Falcons fan so I'm used to being disappointed but this year is starting to look really bad...

They are barely 2-3 after going 13-3 last year...It seems like some of the players get their big contract and then just mail the effort in...They Falcons picked up free agent defensive end Ray Edwards from the Vikings and gave him a 30 million dollar contract and so far in 5 games he has no sacks and 3 tackles...

Last game against Green Bay their other star defensive end John Abraham sat out the game with a hip bruse and they showed him on the sideline in street cloths sporting his tats and a 3 carrot diamond in each ear smiling big time while collecting his big check for doing nothing....

I have watched the NFL ever since I was a kid and still remember Super Bowl 1 so that tells you how old I am and I just don't think that tough old school players like Jack Lambert, Jim Brown, Jack Tatum, John Matuszak, Jim Marshall or Johnny Unitas would ever sit out a game with a minor injury because if they did they knew there was someone else just waiting for their chance...

The game has changed and is being played by a bunch of over paid thugs who's only job skill comes from a free college education for being 6' 5" 335 lbs...

One last thing, Remember this is entertainment not sports and I'm starting to wonder just how much Vegas has to do with some of the outcomes and strange score changes and bad calls...I really think thats why they started doing the kick off from the 35 so there is almost no chance for a return and a quick score because thats one game changer play that Vegas can't figure odds on and there are bets riding on every play...I don't think the league gives a rats ars about injuries, just money!!!

10-11-2011, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=getsome;101164]I too am starting to get tired of todays NFL game...If the quarterback gets bumped they call roughing the passer, if a safety tackles somebody to hard he gets a $25,000 fine, all kick offs go into the end zone so nobody will possibly get knocked down, what a joke....

I have watched the NFL ever since I was a kid and still remember Super Bowl 1 so that tells you how old I am and I just don't think that players like Jack Lambert, Jim Brown, Jack Tatum, John Matuszak or Johnny Unitas would ever sit out a game with a minor injury because if they did they knew there was someone else just waiting for their chance...


My wife, (poor woman) has to endure my complaints every time there's a kickoff.... Just put the darn ball on the 20 yardline and stop wasting time.
Roughing penalties are ruining the game. I've predict that within ten years, the NFL will be playing Flag-football.

Remember Micheal Vick (AKA The Dog Killer) complained about being hit too much? WOW, I came off my chair when I heard that. Has he ever watched films of Joe Namath, Bart Star, or Joe Theisman? How about the newer quarterbacks like Ben Rothesberger, Eli Manning and even Rony Tomo.
Times are changing and I'm not impressed with the outcome.:cool:

10-11-2011, 12:33 PM
I wonder when the Cowboys are going to catch on to Romo? Somebody down there must really like him. I can't believe that Jones hasn't got someone else to do the job. Romo is not the answer, and never was, and never will be. By the way, he is from a town about 20 miles from where I live..Mike

10-12-2011, 02:21 PM
I just got the results from the guy that runs our football pool.... I'm thrid from last.

I guess you can take whatever I've said in this thread and throw it out. I obviously don't have a clue.:cool:

10-12-2011, 02:35 PM
hell stick around LAp. IF WE THREW OUT EVERTYONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE ON THIS FOURM, i CERTAINLY WOULD not be writing this to you now nor would most of the good ol regulars be reading it either..

10-12-2011, 03:46 PM
hell stick around LAp. IF WE THREW OUT EVERTYONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE ON THIS FOURM, i CERTAINLY WOULD not be writing this to you now nor would most of the good ol regulars be reading it either..

Great. Now I feel better about bringing up another sore subject in the NFL.

The music at the Colts Lucas Oil Stadium is about as obnoxious as it gets. I'm not a fan of rap music (it is NOT music). Why the stadium needs to turn their sound system up to 120 decibels is beyond my comprehension. The thumping goes right thru my chest...I can only imagine what it's doing to my ear drums. Next time, I'm wearing my Peltor shooters ear muffs.

See jocko, encouraging me only makes me say more cluless stuff.:D

10-12-2011, 04:07 PM
I think they want to over ride the BOOING!! Never been to a NFL game at lucas, my son has many times, course I being his father, he would say 'MY DAD HASN'T A CLUE AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON"..

10-12-2011, 08:49 PM
How do u think the Indy Coltsw season ticket holder feel, after last year buying a season ticket andpaying big bucks and then to find out that Manning will not be playing. You can get front row 50 yards seats ant Lucas stadium pretty cheap. 5 losses. I see no end either. Not only manning is hurt, addai is down, , oh well, they outta loose every game and then get first round draft choice.

I play fantasy football and try to get Manning as my QB every year.
He’s normally money in the bank reliable.
Now he’s on my fantasy team version of IR and I’m 2-3.
I guess everything changes.
For now I’ve been running with my backup Eli.

Is there a silver lining to all this? Maybe.
I live in Florida and just picked up a no name guy off the waiver wire.
Ever heard of Tim Tebow? LOL

With any luck it’s TEBOW TIME!!!
(I get double scores for rushing TDs)


10-13-2011, 05:13 AM
little wonder peyton manning is a 4-time nfl MVP.....a huge wonder why he hasn't won the award more than 4 times. if this season hasn't proven his 'value', what on earth does one need to see? case closed!

10-13-2011, 05:19 PM
Ever heard of Tim Tebow? LOL

With any luck it’s TEBOW TIME!!!
(I get double scores for rushing TDs)


I wouldn't count on it. May well get there but he's not there yet, despite his fan popularity. He's Denver's new starting QB because mostly Orton spent the the first four season games stepping all over himself. I figure the Broncos, 4-12 last season, for a 3-13 team this year. TG my wife is a New England native. It gives me an acceptable excuse to to be a Patriots fan.

10-13-2011, 05:55 PM
There's really no good explanation for being a Patriots fan.;)

They've been a thorn in the Colts sides for the past few years. Now, with Manning out, the rivalry doesn't have that level of competition anymore. I guess Brady will just have to duke it out with Drew Brees.

Here in Indy, we're just sitting back and watching everyone else try and win a chance to come here for the Superbowl. It's frustrating.

10-13-2011, 06:49 PM
There's really no good explanation for being a Patriots fan.;)......

Ok, I'll give you two:
-- Broncos, home team, is already 1-3.
-- Wife gets "excited" when the Patriots win.

10-13-2011, 08:34 PM

One of those it a darn good reason. Ummm, I'm too old to understand your second point.;)