View Full Version : PM9 FTF! I thought...

01-09-2010, 01:26 PM
At the range yesterday, I was practicing shooting 6+1. Loading the mag full, used the slide release to chamber a round then drop the mag and add a round. On the second mag doing this had a FTF on the second round. First ever FTF with the PM9. I go to clear the round and realize its a freakin .40S&W round DOH!! Conclusion: When I added the the round after chambering the +1 round I pushed a .40 round in the mag by mistake :( I did a thorough inspection of the PM9 and found no damage and had no issues in many rounds after this so I guess no damage was done.

Lesson: Put away all ammo except for the gun you are shooting.

01-09-2010, 03:06 PM
Glad to hear that things worked out the way they did.We have all made mistakes handling our firearms and most of us have been lucky.When you goof up,you need to do just as you did and make it a learning experience.You now have made a new rule that I`m sure you will stick to each time you handle your firearms.

01-12-2010, 10:50 AM
That was one of the reasons I chose the PM9. Because I already own a Glock 26 and I did not want to deal with two types of ammo.

When I took my CHL, the instructor said to always keep guns of different calibers in different bags, so you do not accidently mix the ammo.

01-12-2010, 10:54 AM
I've been thinking a lot about accidentally mixing up 9mm and .380 ammo after I get my P380. Has anyone here ever fired or tried to fire those calibers in the wrong gun?

01-13-2010, 12:10 PM
Hi Wintrout, Interesting question....I don't think a 9mm will chamber in a .380 due to the longer round and a .380 wouldn't head space in a 9mm pistol but I never tried....I know you cant use 9mm reloading dies to load .380...The .380 is a straight wall case and 9mm uses a tapered case....As for ammo mix ups, it is easier to do than you might think...I have caught myself loading .40 s&W in a .45 acp magazine and almost didnt notice it...They went in just fine but looked a little short...I looked again and did a Homer Simpson DOOOOOOGH!!! and changed them out....Lucky I didnt try and shoot them....Another time while at the range with several of my sons non firearm savvy friends...We had several guns out and one the guys wanted to shoot my cowboy single action .45 long colt...He loaded it and shot one time but the next time the gun didnt fire...I checked it and found he had loaded it with .45 acp...It didnt hurt the gun but my pucker factor went up to about a 9 because we also had my S&W 629 .44 mag out with an open box of shells which would have done a Ka-Boom had he loaded it with those...I now make it a practice to only have one gun/ammo out of the bag at a time....I also used a red sharpie to color the case heads of all .44 mag/.44 special so as not to let them get anywhere near the Colt .45 single action...Moral of story, Its better to keep it simple stupid and triple check everything before shooting than it is to pick up the pieces and lost body parts!!!!:eek: