View Full Version : Trigger pin movement on P9?

10-13-2011, 09:56 AM
I went to shoot my P9 last night and noticed the trigger pin started to move out of the frame. I pushed it back in how do I fix this without wending my gun to kahr? I read where one p9 owner simply removed the trigger pin and reinstalled it with the flared part on the left side of the frame. Is this a way to fix this and will it hurt anything in the long run if I were to do it?

It seems this is a common problem on my gun is it covered under warranty as I bought the gun used?

10-13-2011, 10:18 AM
I went to shoot my P9 last night and noticed the trigger pin started to move out of the frame. I pushed it back in how do I fix this without wending my gun to kahr? I read where one p9 owner simply removed the trigger pin and reinstalled it with the flared part on the left side of the frame. Is this a way to fix this and will it hurt anything in the long run if I were to do it?

It seems this is a common problem on my gun is it covered under warranty as I bought the gun used?

did on my PM9 when it started to move outward. I think it will only go so far but again it should stay put also. Tap that pin out a tad yourself, just a tad now, and then put some crazy glue on the pin and drive it back flush.(both sides, one on the pin itself and one on the other side in the pin cavity. then on the left side of the top of the trigger gruard right along side of where that pin comes out,u will see a small hole (very small) there is a keeper pin in tha thole that might have moved a tad outward, with a small small punch give that keeper pin a drive back upward to. all in all , no need to send it back this fix will work prefect. U certainly have nothing to loose by trying this either, u ain't gonna mess up the gun,

neverheard of the fix ur talking about and I personally would shy away from that. Taking tha tpin out abnd getting it back in is a real bit-h and I am pretty sure that pin is smaller on the left side than the right side, so I can't see how one can install that pin from the left side.

10-13-2011, 12:16 PM
Hi thanks for the reply my P9 is one of the first ones without the trigger pin retaining hole you speak of what if anything else can I do about this? Thanks

10-13-2011, 12:36 PM
Here's my fix on my PM45 when I had that problem... pictures, of course:



10-13-2011, 12:53 PM
Hi thanks for the reply my P9 is one of the first ones without the trigger pin retaining hole you speak of what if anything else can I do about this? Thanks

at wyns great photos of where that retainer pin holeis??/I never knoew they didn'thave one in the P9, In ur case Iwould still go with the crazy/super glue fix, u have nothig to loose..

10-13-2011, 03:57 PM
My P9 pin drifts out too. It has no tiny pin through the frame to hold it. I've tried the super glue fix, but it didn't hold permanently. However it is quick, easy and may work, so it's at least worth a shot.

I've considered reversing the pin as well because it appears that other P9s I've seen have that pin inserted from the right in pics of other P9s, mine is installed from the left. I assume that means the pin will work both ways and drift from both sides.

10-13-2011, 04:26 PM
I wonderif anew pin would solve his issue if the glue thing doesn't work.

10-13-2011, 05:59 PM
It has no tiny pin through the frame to hold it.

My CM9 has one. It is on the left side below the trigger pin, about 1/16" from the trigger.

10-13-2011, 06:07 PM
I think they are talking about the earlier model P9's not having that keeper pin. I would guess that kahr went to the keeper pin when they started having the trigger pins back out. Not sure if kahr could or would drill an old style P9 for this keeper pin. I think I would try the sper glue fix before anythinng else, It seemed to work on many..

10-13-2011, 08:51 PM
My P9 is an early one. Because the P9 was the first polymer frame Kahr, I also assume the keeper pin came later as a fix to this problem. The pin drift isn't a function question, but rather an annoyance. The pin will move about 1/10" after say 100 rounds. It does seem to cease moving though after a point and it doesn't appear it would come out, rendering the gun useless. IMHO is isn't a huge problem, but it is irritating to see. It is the only polymer Kahr I've seen or heard to do this.