View Full Version : Positives about Kahr

10-13-2011, 10:02 PM
There is a lot of threads on this board lately about how jacked up the Kahr .380 is. I want to say my piece about Kahr.

I have an all black P40. I love this gun. It looks great IMHO. So far it has been a great gun to carry. Light, compact, good amount of fire power for a small gun, accurate, has slide lock on last rnd(many small guns do not), no safeties other than the DAT, and Kahr's CS has been good.

The P40 and I started off on a bad foot but seemed to get along better after about 600rnds. I think it is a more high maint. gun than most and upkeep and replacing the recoil spring like clock work is needed to keep it reliable. I really dont mind the owner's involvement but some might.

We all loose when our fellow Kahr people also "get it" when it came to the Kahr line up but are being let down( read.380 probs). This negative image, while probably a small % in the total sales of that model, not only seems magnified on this board, but spills over to all models made by Kahr. Not only do we all loose value, but we might question the dependability of our own gun no matter the model. Will it be ready if needed? Was that earlier FTF or FTRB 100 rnds outside the break in period really gone?

Thoughts? Any truth in the above for you?

10-13-2011, 10:08 PM
Mine (PM9) has been flawless for about 700 rounds now, haven't done anything to it but clean and lube after a day at the range.

Eats whatever I feed it!

Thanks Kahr.


10-13-2011, 10:16 PM
I put these complaints in perspective. If I had a longtime problem, this would be one of the first places I'd air it out.... maybe someone here can solve my problem. If not, then I get to vent. I'd do the same on the Smith & Wesson board and the Ruger board if I had similar experiences.

I also don't think it drags down the whole company. I can't name any company that doesn't make a lemon or two.

If I see that a product that I own is being questioned, I like to see what the issue is. Being aware of potential problems may make me avoid the same fate. That's the beauty of forums.

10-13-2011, 10:16 PM
right on! Keep the positive love going.................................

10-14-2011, 07:42 AM
yup my PM9 is a real POS, 32K down range and the damn gun just goes bang every time. I for the life of me cannot get kahr to fix it right, suggestions???

My K9 is starting to act up just like my PM9, very dissapointed:israel:

10-14-2011, 07:55 AM

Hall of famer right there. You'll have to put it in a shadow box one day.

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

10-14-2011, 09:17 AM
I like my "Bubba Blitz" mug:

10-14-2011, 09:37 AM
When it comes to complaints about any Pistol/Rifle/Car/Motorcyle etc. not just Kahrs. I look at the wording and how things are phrased. Many times you can tell if the poster is full of SH8 about how much he knows, or weather he/she just has a bone to pick because he/she doesn't have one, or heard something from there neighbors uncle about a paricualar product, and is taking his Monkey see, Monkey do infinate wisdom to the bank.
I personally have never owned one gun /rifle,etc. that has not been crusified by some narrow mind know it all that has a bone to pick for one childish reason or another.
I take it all with a grain of salt and do my homework. That with what I already know, or have learned from my research make my choice weather to by a certain product or not. I pay no attention to fanboys or brand haters. There are just to many good products on the market, and many times you can be charged more by going with a particular brand and actually end up with less than if you went with another. All because one chooses not to think for themselves or out of there own little box.

Like many of us, There are certain people I listen to and take there words as truth as they know it to be from there own experiences, not just words of someone else. I guess that comes with age, and more than few years on the net. Still doesn't mean I can spell worth a damn or put a comma where it should be, but heck at least now I can type with two fingers and thumb.:D

10-14-2011, 09:43 AM
At least you're honest. :D

Bill K
10-14-2011, 10:33 AM
I have a reliable PM9 after doing a simple mod which I learned about here on KahrTalk. I'd have no problem recommending any of Kahr's offerings EXCEPT THE THE P380! [Yes, based on reading about all the issues here on this forum.] For any recommendation I'll always add caviots about the possibilities of issues needing to be worked out.

10-14-2011, 11:35 AM
When you hear these things, you are only hearing one side of the story. The other side of the story quite often brings a different perspective to the table. And of course...., sometimes things don't always behave like they are supposed to (I think people fall into that category as well! :D)

I drive Fords. I will only buy a Ford. That being said, anyone remember the Granada? What a POS. That does not mean the Mustang was a bad car or the F150 is a bad truck.

I really like my PM9 and have very fond memories of other Kahr pistols I have played with. That includes the P380. I personally think it is a great little gun. The ones I played with did not have any issues at all. Anything mechanical can be fixed. I am quite sure if you have a P380 that is not working well for you, Kahr will take care of it. :)

10-14-2011, 12:31 PM
When you hear these things, you are only hearing one side of the story. The other side of the story quite often brings a different perspective to the table. And of course...., sometimes things don't always behave like they are supposed to (I think people fall into that category as well! :D)

I drive Fords. I will only buy a Ford. That being said, anyone remember the Granada? What a POS. That does not mean the Mustang was a bad car or the F150 is a bad truck.

I really like my PM9 and have very fond memories of other Kahr pistols I have played with. That includes the P380. I personally think it is a great little gun. The ones I played with did not have any issues at all. Anything mechanical can be fixed. I am quite sure if you have a P380 that is not working well for you, Kahr will take care of it. :)

That's a very interesting analogy there WMD. I drive a Ford, I've driven lots of Fords, I hate Fords. I'm Chevy through and through. But most of the Fords were good rigs too, just didn't like em.
I had a Granada, it was a great car, no issues at all, bought it used, drove it a long ways, it was like a mini Lincoln looked good, nice leather inside, but it was a Ford I hated it.

I have managed to stick to my guns and follow my creedo "Death Before Dodge". Wife insisted on a couple, a Sebring Convertible, biggest hunk of junk I ever owned, well in the top 3 anyhow. Know others with them that loved them and had good luck. Guess it don't matter what the product is, there's good ones and bad ones.

Wife now has a 2005 Mustang Convertible, nice car, used again, never could afford a brand new car, so far so good. She loves it and drives it like she stole it. I wash it nearly every weekend. I rode in it once or twice, rides like a buck board. I want a Camaro.

10-14-2011, 12:43 PM

now that is a real original their ol great one. I wonder if I could use that in a sentence when relating my Harley to something else???? The sebring was one of dodges biggest peaces of junk. Today the entire chrysler line is much better, althoughI don't own one either. I te4nd to lean towards german cars.

10-14-2011, 01:11 PM
When I was in High School I refused to ride in a VW bug, my grandfather convinced me they were the worst piece of junk ever made.

Right out of High School a friend worked at a dealership and he'd had them through school. Got to dinking around with him working on them. Before all was said and done I think I owned 6 of them.

Fastest car I ever owned was a souped up 68 Beetle. Turned 13 flat at the drag strip. Had a 4 barrel Holley on it for awhile but it worked best with 2 two barrel Webers. It's was mover that one was.

Wife had a BMW for awhile, I think them are from that neck of the woods too. It was a pretty decent car too.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Positives About Kahr thread.

Had this been an actual emergency you would have been instructed to tune in to your local lieing sack of horse pucky news channel to find how much ammo is required to carry on.

10-14-2011, 01:59 PM
I believe the Kahr line of pistols is one of the finest lines of pistols available, except for one model. Just look at the boards and you can figure out which model.

10-14-2011, 02:22 PM

now that is a real original their ol great one. I wonder if I could use that in a sentence when relating my Harley to something else???? The sebring was one of dodges biggest peaces of junk. Today the entire chrysler line is much better, althoughI don't own one either. I te4nd to lean towards german cars.

I've always chuckled at the name of their truck: Dodge Ram, i.e., you better dodge this truck before it rams you! :D

10-14-2011, 02:41 PM
gee and here I thought only kahrs were giving troubles!!!!

Bill K
10-14-2011, 03:34 PM
Antidotes, for me, really aren’t much of a help as I think we’d all agree that you’ll find problems in just about all production gun models. What we need or want to know is factually what percentage of a particular gun model has one or more problems and what the mean time (number of firings) to failure is for a particular gun model. How does the P380 fair compared to, lets say, the PM9 or CM9. I’d like to know the failure stats for each.

10-14-2011, 03:41 PM
not much of a suvery but awhile back I ask the members here who owned the P380 if they had to send their gunbs back. I think the results were close to 50%. The PM9 or any other kahr was never even close to that percentage. I kjnow my survey was limited also I think just a tad over 30 replied, I would say today with what has happened lately witht he jP380 that my percentages would be in the 60-70% range..

10-14-2011, 04:19 PM
When I hear the words .380 pistols my mind sees Kel Tec P3at's or Ruger LCP's.
There not the highest quality but for there intended purpose they get the job done quite well and at a reasonable price. My thoughts are like many others the .380 is just to border line of a round to go spending to much money on when you have other options. I have a lot of friends who have P3at's and LCP's and carry and shoot them quite often and like mine they have very few problems with them. Some of them are Leo's. Mine has over 800 rounds through it. I stopped counting at 800 as I had friends shooting it to.
I carry my P3at for those days when all other pistols are just to hard to conceal and printing would not be exceptable like funerals and weddings.

10-14-2011, 05:00 PM
ur probably right to. the kt ajd lcp seem to work (now), they certainly aren't considered a tight gun either like the kahr P380 is. Maybe to that isnot a good thing for a 380 to be so damn tight. ain't a target gun, but a close up save ur life last ditch gun. Loose is good in some cases..

Bill K
10-14-2011, 06:15 PM
+1 . . . Yes, the unsophisticated conventional recoil spring makes it a handful to shoot, but it runs like a small, mean sewing machine. :)

For several reasons I feel keeping your practice/training sessions with pocket .380s short. Seven carry rounds then 50 rounds of ball is enough. Bring a more range friendly gun along ifin you want to shoot more.

10-14-2011, 06:20 PM
I agree there not much fun to shoot. Keep my point and shoot practice sessions to three mags tops.

10-14-2011, 06:54 PM
New member here, I searched the forum and read all I could on the polymer kahr's and was a little apprehensive on the 40S&W in such a small light weight pistol, Well I ended up with a p-40 Kahr covert. All I can say is what an awesome pistol. Recoil is not bad, a little muzzle flip but not bad and 6 rounds of .40S&W! I am equating the covert to a DAO downsized CCO. Did I mention 300+ rounds and no issues!!! great CCW
now I need an OWB holster.

10-14-2011, 07:33 PM
I agree there not much fun to shoot. Keep my point and shoot practice sessions to three mags tops.

This is exactly why I spent the extra money for a Kahr! I've never shot a P3AT, but owned a P32 as my first mouse gun. Even the little .32 kicked more than I thought it should and the trigger sucked. I couldn't shoot the .32 any better than my jframe and that isn't saying much. I've read several posts about how hard the Kel Tec 380/9mm guns kick and that they're not range guns - again, similar to a jframe.

By comparison, one can shoot a Kahr 380/PM9 all day and it isn't going to hurt your hand. You also get full size sights and a trigger that's head and shoulders over the Kel Tec. I realize that if you have to use a 380, it's probably going to be at close range, and point shooting, but I wanted a gun that's capable of more. I'm far more confident with the accuracy and range of the Kahr over the KT & Ruger offerings. Is it worth paying twice as much and having a higher risk of getting a POS? Depends on the person, but to me it's worth every penny since my life may depend on it.

10-14-2011, 07:41 PM
Hey JFootin, how about "Suicide before Suzuki"? LOL, I have a Suzuki dirt bike that is totally gutless, a 4 stroke 125. Got it for the kids to learn to ride on, although none of them bothered to learn. Guess they didn't want to be seen on a Suzuki. Their old 2 strokes used to be a lot of fun though, thanks EPA for getting the 2 strokes off the market.
I wouldn't mind their cruiser street bikes so much if they weren't such a ripoff of a Harley. Same goes for the other *** bikes. If I want to ride a Harley, I'll take the real thing, not some *** knock off. I actually liked some of the older *** street bikes with 3 and 4 cylinders that didn't try to be a Harley knockoff. Some of them performed pretty well. Had a 650 Yamaha 4 cylinder that was a real screamer before I saved enough to buy my Harley. I have some friends that won't ride Harley anymore because the current local dealer and the one before him are such jerks. One of them has that 1800 V Twin Honda that moves pretty good. Kinda sad when a dealer makes you so mad you won't even ride the brand he sold. I drive 150 miles to deal with the dealer up in Topeka for any work I need a shop to do. I won't buy much of anything from the dealer here, except maybe and oil filter or something I need right away otherwise I order it from one of the internet sites, and try to do as much work as I can on it on my own.

J-A-P gets starred out? Wow.

10-15-2011, 12:01 AM
This is exactly why I spent the extra money for a Kahr! I've never shot a P3AT, but owned a P32 as my first mouse gun. Even the little .32 kicked more than I thought it should and the trigger sucked. I couldn't shoot the .32 any better than my jframe and that isn't saying much. I've read several posts about how hard the Kel Tec 380/9mm guns kick and that they're not range guns - again, similar to a jframe.

By comparison, one can shoot a Kahr 380/PM9 all day and it isn't going to hurt your hand. You also get full size sights and a trigger that's head and shoulders over the Kel Tec. I realize that if you have to use a 380, it's probably going to be at close range, and point shooting, but I wanted a gun that's capable of more. I'm far more confident with the accuracy and range of the Kahr over the KT & Ruger offerings. Is it worth paying twice as much and having a higher risk of getting a POS? Depends on the person, but to me it's worth every penny since my life may depend on it.
I understand where your coming from and that's good if that's what works for you, but like I mentioned I only carry the .380 KT mouse gun on those special occasions. I used to carry it a lot more than I do now,but since I got the PM9 not so much. It's never failed to operate and I've treated that gun pretty badly at times. It's been rained on sweat on from trips on the motorcycle and being in my pocket,and has seen more pocket lint than a chinese garment worker. I agree it takes some getting used to shooting ,and the recoil is snappy. It's not a range toy and I never bought it to be one,or to shoot all day. It's just a tool that conceals very well only to be used when absolutely nesessary for up close SD. Lord knows they sell enough of them and most owners have very few problems it seems once broken in. I certainly have no fear of it going bang till it empty when and if I need it to. I like many others I'm just not a big fan of spending to much money for a pistol that shoots a round with such limitations.
My EDC is a PM9 and it's a great CC pistol 95 % of the time,but In all honesty I wouldn't want to shoot that all day either.

10-15-2011, 07:22 AM
Harley has over 800 dealers in the US and like kahrs they have a percentage that are assholes. bEEN IN OTHER BRAND BIKE SHOPS THAT ARE no better. I don't do business with a dealer 12 miles from me, actually sued them 15 years ago and won, but it sure in hell didn't stop me from buying WHAT I WANTED. troubel with alot of dealers today is that they didn't come through the hard times that harley had, they didn't grow up HARLEY DAVIDSON. Those old time dealers and familys know how to treat a customer. they can talk the talk and walk the walk. Many of these new dealers today don't even fokking ride. Some to are now out of business... for here is a ol saying, screw me once your fault, screw me twice my fault. I have been screwed many times ONCE. Being in business for over 40 years in a small ass town, I now what it takes to keep the doors open and that is being honest and treating everyone the same. We certainly made mistakes in our years to but good people understand that. Course also being on the other side of the counter many customers were plain assholes to, It works both ways.

10-15-2011, 08:12 AM
I think where KEL TEC and there clone the Ruger LCP have shined is they have kept there pocket rocket .380's simple beyond belief. There overall ergo's are good as they have no protruding parts to get hung up on when carried in a pocket or on the hip. There sights are terrible at best because of there simple minimalist design but then who uses sites anyway point shooting in SHTF situations. I believe simple usually works better. Nothing fancy or anything to write home about with these two pistols, but they are reliable and do what there designed to do. I do believe though that people buy these little .380 Pocket Rockets expecting them to do more then there design or caliber will allow. To me it's just a tool to be used when needed. Nothing more nothing less.
I've heard the complaints about the Kahr .380 but like I've mention before I have a tendency to take things with a grain of salt and certainly would not trash the whole brand for a few quirks the .380 might or might not have. I just personally would never spend to much money on a pocket .380 when there are other good options out there for less, that if carried a lot will end up being a banged up beater gun. If you have the jingle available to carry a Kahr .380 and your happy with it's reliability then by all means that's what you should carry. You'll get no argument fom me. As I say to my friends "Shoot straight, Ride safe"