View Full Version : PM9 horizontal scratches on barrel?

10-14-2011, 08:47 AM
I have some odd scratches showing up on my barrel, the part that is visible on top. Does anyone else have this? The odd thing about them is that they go sideways. :confused:

10-14-2011, 09:10 AM
My guess is that what you are seeing is how the surface was left by the final machining process (especially if the "scratches" are uniform in pattern). The barrel is probably blasted and plated after the final machining; this will help to hide the marks, but they are still there. As the finish wears, the marks become more visible. Do the marks on your barrel look like the ones seen in the photos of this thread? :http://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=5&f=35&t=64979
If so, then the above would hold true.

10-14-2011, 09:14 AM
Thanks, that's exactly how they look - I appreciate the info because it makes sense now. I had no clue how there could be horizontal marks on it! :)

Thank you!

10-14-2011, 10:28 AM
They're there and don't just buff out. I haven't cared enough to go after them and don't notice them much anymore.

10-14-2011, 10:30 AM
Now that I know it's normal I won't even think twice about it :)

10-14-2011, 11:46 AM
100 rounds thru my PM9 and my barrel looks exactly like yours. Don't worry. The gun is a tool to use. Wear marks are an indication of use. More use=more wear marks=more fun.

10-14-2011, 11:49 AM
Wear marks don't bother me, but the horizontal lines had me baffled. :D

10-14-2011, 12:35 PM
yup GB my PM9 looked just like thaqt, when I got tha t gun it had some sh-t type dull ass finiswh over the entire barrel (under all of that was the nice nickel finish) after a fewhundred rounds my topon the chamgber looked just like that ad that is because it actualy makes contact with the under side of the slide. My lines across the chamber top looked exactly like that.I attribute that to left over machine marks. In time thoughy they are now all gone, from contact on the under neath portion of the slide. I always rub a finger of TW25 on that under side of the slide to after cleaning. I would consider this as a normqal thing, certainly nothing that will effect anything. I just finally polished out m entire outter barrel and it looks nice and shiny.

10-14-2011, 01:01 PM
When I got into my Bawanna induced Fluff & Buff thing I polished the barrel removing all the marks on the barrel itself and making it really shine. Rubbing grease around the barrel makes a difference also. In addition, I rub grease into the barrel opening in the slide as that's what marks the barrel (not barrel shroud).

10-14-2011, 01:07 PM
Polished mine also. Could be me just trying to put a positive spin on my hard work ,but I think the gun cycles better with a polished barrel.:madgrin:

10-14-2011, 01:54 PM
OK, for those who polished the barrel - what did you use? I haz Dremel! :D

10-14-2011, 01:56 PM
That's what I used. A little flitz or generic polishing compound on the cotton dremel wheel and your in business.

That matte finish comes off very easy and quickly and it'll shine up like a new penny, well maybe quarter would be a better comparison.
Unlike the slide which is hard as nails and hard to polish.

10-14-2011, 02:43 PM
OK, for those who polished the barrel - what did you use? I haz Dremel! :D

is perfect, if u have flitz use it as the compound our buy the 3 pack bar of polishing compound in the dremel display and a cotton polising cone and u are good to go. It won't take long to do it either, get that dull crap off the barrel and u have one sweet looking nickel barrel. I haveno idea why the barrels come with that dull coating onh them.

slide would be a real bit-h to try to dremel polish as it is pure stainless unlike your barrel which has that nice smooth nickel coating on it.

10-14-2011, 02:50 PM
The one good thing about those scratches is when your looking at a used PM9 it can give you some sort of indication of the amount of rounds put through the pistol. I bought mine used and there was next to no scratches on mine. It was the first indication I had that there were low rounds fired through it and that I might want to look into this gun a little farther.

10-14-2011, 02:51 PM
Flitz or Mothers Chrome polish work well. The barrel is close enough that you don't need or want to remove more than the dull.

10-14-2011, 03:05 PM
I dremel polish my outside barrel pretty often and have never really gotten into the nickel finish. with my ported barrel, I often will dremel the black powder marks that form on the outside of the barrel at the ports. doeksnt hurt anything but looks like hell to me and I have a hard time just looking past it and not poli9shing those markes off. I also use 600+ grit fine paper to take those marks away and the barrel still shines like a diamond in a goats ass
IMO one would have to be us9ng some pretty harsh compound to get through that nickel coating... Flitz and Mothers are some pretty mild compounds and should never harm that finish, IMO.

10-14-2011, 04:27 PM
"diamnd in a goats ass"

We can't say the singular of crackers but you can say that? What kind of talk is that. Remember Melissa and Jdlott and TD2K, they are probably well and good with diamnd, close as it is but perhaps backside might be a better choice for the poor goats deriere?

By the way, where can I get me one of these coats with the diamond in the hinney?

10-14-2011, 04:27 PM
I touch mine up with Semi Chrome and a piece of old T shirt..:D

10-14-2011, 04:32 PM
The goat has an ass, like Jack had Number 7.

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

10-14-2011, 04:59 PM
well evidently it is legal to say that word butnot crack-r. I don't make the rules either.. I'm sure the 3 gals knew exactly what I was referring to. I meant no disrespect to them at all. that saying is as old as a horse's head..

10-14-2011, 05:51 PM
By the way, where can I get me one of these coats with the diamond in the hinney?
Gota go through a lot of hinneys to find a diamond!

10-14-2011, 06:02 PM
Gota go through a lot of hinneys to find a diamond!

So if your searching a lot and you happen to come accross a particularly ugly one, is it politically correct to just pass that one by and move on to the next one. My luck, only the ugly ones got diamonds.

10-14-2011, 06:54 PM
Perhaps an ugly hinney = a beautiful diamond. Think about it. A pretty hinney would have had the diamond plucked a long time before you get there. All the other diamond hinters just pass by the ugly ones.