View Full Version : Shooting Glasses

01-10-2010, 04:56 AM
I do not know how many on this site need Precription Glasses for Shooting, I for one do, I took my Precription too Costco and for around $90 dollars had Shooting Glasses made. It is so nice to see the Sight and the Target so clear when on the range, now with the ordering of new sights from Kahr should be great to shoot now. Anyone purchased new shooting Glasses and what kind of hearing Protection.:53:

01-10-2010, 06:02 AM
Can’t comment on shooting glasses…yet. Although I did have to put a few dabs of fluorescent paint on my mil spec 1911 sights. That worked wonders for tired eyes not yet in need of glasses, give me a few more years though.
Two months ago Midway had a sale on Caldwell e-max, low profile electronic muffs for $17.99. For that price I should have picked up 4 pair. What an excellent value! I’ve got absolutely no complaints at all for that price. Good NR and the range sounds come back on quickly. I don’t see any difference between these and my more expensive Peltor Tactical’s. With all my electronic muffs, I turn up the volume to about 3/4 and throw in a pair of foam ear plugs for added protection.

01-10-2010, 09:14 AM
I purchased prescription inserts for some of the ESS products (ICE safety glasses and Advancer goggles). Very good customer service and reasonable turn around time. If they need adjustment you can return for a remake. You can go to essgoggles.com or to opticsplanet.net. I have used Peltor 7s for a few years and love them. I saw the Caldwell special and am sorry I did not purchase some... I did not believe that they could be that good at that price!

01-10-2010, 06:15 PM
I do not know how many on this site need Precription Glasses for Shooting, I for one do, I took my Precription too Costco and for around $90 dollars had Shooting Glasses made. It is so nice to see the Sight and the Target so clear when on the range, now with the ordering of new sights from Kahr should be great to shoot now. Anyone purchased new shooting Glasses and what kind of hearing Protection.:53:


I at 55 and my wife 54 have just purchase our first set of dedicated shooting glasses. we are fortunate that our eye doctor is also a competition shooter and he worked with us to determine just what we needed to give us the best possible results. We were fitted with glasses that allow use to clearly focus on the front sight with our dominate eye while the non-dominate eye is set up for distance to clearly see the target. We are shooting with both eyes open and the two imagines just seam to merge together into one with the sights over top of the target.

We are both near sighted and were having a hard time focusing on the front sight and the target together, getting old sucks, but not as much as not getting old. LOL!:eek: I am happy to say getting these glasses has been a great improvement for both of us.

I would highly recommend to anyone finding that their vision is not what it once was to search out an eye doctor that understands what is needed to shoot well and is willing to work with you if to give back the ability to shoot well and enjoy our sport to it's fullest. :59:

And as far as hear protection we both use the Caldwell E-MAX Low Profile Electronic Earmuffs, very inexpensive, at around $30.00 they are even less expensive than many of the big name non-electronic muffs. They work great and allow us to hear normal conversation spoken at a normal level and never miss anything the range officers says but they instantly suppress anything above 85dB. They have 2 microphone so you hear in stero and can tell from what direction sound are coming from I think they work as well to me as many of the more expensive electronic muffs that I have tried of my friends