View Full Version : CTC Site on 1911.....

10-14-2011, 11:50 AM
I recently put a CTC laser site on my 1911. I am not sure I like it. First of all, I had to remove my Pachmeyer grips which I dearly love and perfectly fit my hands. Then I noticed a spot of red on my forefinger when gripping the pistol and engaging the site. Apparently my forefinger partially blocks the laser in the grip. I still see the dot on the target but the red spot on my forefinger is distracting.

Should I cut off my forefinger? :D

Anyone have any experience with these site on a 1911?

10-14-2011, 12:16 PM
Well forefingers are kind of important, I use mine for the triggers, pointing at stuff when I don't want to be polite, and sometimes picking my nose if my left hand is busy scratching other area's of my anatomy. Don't tell any of this to Melissa, might gross her out.

I'd suggest cutting off your Hawaiian good luck finger or your not really hitched ring finger (if your right handed) and hope that the empty space allows room for your forefinger to move down a little bit and not be distracting.

I've not owned a set but handled a few and the grip itself on the model's I held were kind of soft and flexible, maybe not as soft as the Hogues but rubbery.
I didn't have any issue with my finger blocking the laser but I have relatively scrawny fingers. Do you have fat fingers?
The set I got for my wifes SP101 were older style, (got a good deal on new old stock) but they are hard plastic and not nearly as comfy as the factory grips.

I recommend a car cigarette lighter to stem the blood loss when you cut your finger off, which ever you choose. I saw it on "Man on Fire" and it seemed to work pretty effectively. Probably easier if someone assist you in the application and it did seem rather messy none the less.
But what price to make our guns work, right?

Best of luck in whatever you choose. A video of the procedure might be nice.

10-14-2011, 01:13 PM
I have the same problem on my K9 with those sights. The right side of the gun is illuminated with the laser reflecting off my trigger finger, so I have to worry about blocking the laser when my finger is out of the guard. I like my original grips, too, and I don't like the bump on the front of the grip. Now I also worry about actuating the TRIGGER when I'm trying to actuate the laser!:eek:

Th LG K9 is my TV chair-side gun for home defense... with an 8-round +1 load and two 8-round spares at hand.
