View Full Version : bullet wont extract properly

10-18-2011, 08:47 AM
I have a mk9 and I love it. Carry it everyday in a iwb from R Grizzle. I dont empty the chamber until I get to the range and then I shoot the whole mag out sort of a test to see what would happen if I brought it into service after sitting in my holster for a month. It has always been there for me. That being said sometimes I want to clean it up or play with it and I have to shuck the bullet. When I pull the slide back the bullet never pops out on to the desk it always falls out through the mag well. I never gave it much thought, but yesterday I got home and decided to check over the gun and really gave a good pull on the sllide and the bullet jamed up in the ejection port. I had to play around with it until I got it to fall out. Is it just the way it is? If so I have no problem with it because it always goes bang and functions 100%. I just think it would eject the bullet out of the gun. It sure would make it more pleasent to empty.

10-18-2011, 09:36 AM
My MK9 behaves similarly.

Also, occasionally, the first round in a magazine (once in a great while the second) will have a weak ejection resulting in a stovepipe or just a casing wedged in a way the keeps the slide from returning to battery. It's not the mag, as I have several. I also have a PM9 that never does this, so I doubt it is my grip ... but I have noticed that my recoil spring is very stout (significantly more so) compared to the PM9.

I wonder if an overly strong spring would cause a weak ejection? It has gotten better after 500 rnds, (used to be more often) and I think that is due to the spring breaking in. I've contemplated clipping a half coil, but I'll wait and see what advise comes through here.

10-18-2011, 10:24 AM
We hear this frequently and it's not uncommon. It's kind of like sling shotting the first round as opposed to using the slide release. If you execute the sling shot perfectly it will work.

When your clearing the chamber to play, fondle caress etc, (guns need love too) you have to work the slide briskly, full cycle with gusto. It's not always easy. It will get better with time also.

You can sometimes just ease the slide back and just let the round kind of dribble out the side if you angle the gun to the right or left almost upside down, you still have to pull it far enough back to let the ejector push the round out of the extractor.

Long as it's shooting perfect your right, nothing to be concerned about.

10-18-2011, 11:29 AM
My bullet always extracts out the end of the barrel when I pull the trigger...........

10-18-2011, 11:36 AM
If you eject the chambered round with the mag still in place it should fly. I like that I can ease the slide back and have the round drop on the table rather than chase it. It's just the round slipping out from under the extractor when done sub-sonically - unlike the shooting recoil.

10-20-2011, 09:09 AM
Well thanks at least I know I am not doing something wrong. It didnt bother me much thats why I never asked about it. Plus I unload sometimes never before I go to the range. Its good to know that the gun itself is doing what it should do. thanks everyone.

10-28-2011, 08:57 PM
Ejecting the round with a mag inserted is a recipie for disaster. Many accidents happen due to improper sequence. Pull/drop the mag. Then eject the round in the chamber. That way you don't accidently chamber another round (unless you are deliberately doing the rack, tap, shoot immediate action drill).

For me and my MK9 and PM9, I turn the pistol upside down and pull the slide back with my left hand as it is cupped over the ejection port. Round always ends up in my palm. Make sure the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction and your finger is out of the trigger guard.


10-28-2011, 09:56 PM
My CW40 would not eject certain hollow point ammo if it had a wide mouth. It would hang up in the ejection port. I took a file and very slowly and carefully removed a bit of material from the underside, on the back right side, of a flat piece of steel, that hangs off the top of the barrrel at the back. The bullet would wedge between that and the frame. I did this just a little bit at a time until the bullet would eject from the barrel with a good yank on the slide. I only took off just a little bit of steel at a time, 2 or 3 strokes of the file, then testing, until the bullet would eject. It was kind of a pain in the butt, removing the barrel from the gun, then putting it back in and testing, but I got it working. When the bullet would eject I took a very fine file and smoothed it all out. I didn't have to remove much at all before the bullet would clear. If you have a dremel you could probably do this without removing the barrel, if you can find a way to hold the slide open enough to get to that piece of steel.

10-28-2011, 10:21 PM
You lost me there Carl, perhaps I misunderstood. Cycling a mag of ammo should not harm anything so I missed the disaster and improper sequence part. In fact it's just a repeat of the initial slingshot.

When reloading with a different OAL I'll run a mag through to make sure it feeds well. Nothing is out of sequence and no disaster. If you have some background on this I'd be happy to read it and may change my mind.

11-02-2011, 10:25 AM
My comment was aimed at the situation where someone racks a round out of the chamber with a mag still inserted, drops the mag, and then hands it to another person and says "it is unloaded." This improper sequence happens more often than most knowledgeable gun owners would think. Lots of family members (especially kids) and friends get shot from these supposed "unloaded guns."

If you are on a range and simply want to clear one round and load another, then as long as the gun is pointed down range, one can rack the entire mag through the ejection port without a problem...whatever floats your boat.
