View Full Version : CW45 free mags

10-19-2011, 11:39 AM
I have a CW45 coming shorly and will apply for the free magazine. Are there any know issues with these 7 round mags like in the PM series?

10-19-2011, 12:49 PM
I have three 7 round mags, 2 with extended grip and one with the short plastic base. None of them are worth a damn in my CW45. They either get the nose of the cartridge stuck in the top of the chamber or they fail to pick up the next round. I have two 6 round mags that work perfectly. Kahr told me next time I was using them to see if they have excessive play vertically in them, I checked last night they do move up and down a little, but so do my 6 round mags. Ian wants me to send the gun and mags back for them to check. I took each mag apart and lightly oiled the inside, made sure they were put together correctly, and they still didn't work last time I tried them last Saturday. They cycle manually just fine, but not when shooting.

10-19-2011, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the info. I think i will get a second 6 round mag if I can.

10-19-2011, 03:31 PM
Thanks for the info. I think i will get a second 6 round mag if I can.
If you can't, the guts of the seven rounder can be used with a modified Officer's/compact size 1911 magazine tube to make a flush fit magazine.

10-19-2011, 03:41 PM
Kahr offered to swap out the mags for me, but i don't think I could have got 3 bad mags. It wouldn't shoot +P ammo either without jamming, so they are sending me a new recoil spring, I'll see if this makes any difference. If that doesn't help they want me to send the gun and the 7 round mags back for them to take a look at.