View Full Version : Voter Psychology
10-19-2011, 04:46 PM
So I'm probably over thinking all of this but here it goes anyway. I figure the ones really running the campaigns are planning this and I always like to be a step ahead.
What will it take to get a new President in the next election? I'm thinking it's about getting the voters that fell for our current president. Would Romney get more of the swing voters that voted Obama into office? I mean if he won the Governors office in Mass. as a republican he has to have something that the swinging "moderates" will go for. I'm not a big fan of Romney. Of course if a republican could get Ted Kennedy's seat now anything could happen.
Do we vote for who we think the best person will be for the country and risk 4 more years of the same. Could Perry, Paul, Cain, or Gingrich win? I remember the Perot effect and the results that brought in 1992.
A lot of this will all probably be decided by the spin artist anyway.
I figure unless the country rises up and does what's really right we aren't controling anything.
Just open thoughts here.........
10-19-2011, 05:00 PM
Obama will probably use his presidential edicts to make all illegal immigrants legal voters and get re-elected... we all lose!
10-19-2011, 05:16 PM
That a good question, and I've actually been giving it some thought. Cain is my personal choice right now, but would I vote for him if he couldn't beat Obama - no! I think Romney is way too far left, but if he's the only one who could defeat Obama, I'd have to hold my nose and give him my vote. I guess it boils down to anyone would be better than who we now have, even my yardman. BTW, he's not Latino and is a naturally born citizen. :)
10-19-2011, 06:52 PM
That a good question, and I've actually been giving it some thought. Cain is my personal choice right now, but would I vote for him if he couldn't beat Obama - no! I think Romney is way too far left, but if he's the only one who could defeat Obama, I'd have to hold my nose and give him my vote. I guess it boils down to anyone would be better than who we now have, even my yardman. BTW, he's not Latino and is a naturally born citizen. :)
You should run. You could beat Romney by a yard :D
10-19-2011, 07:05 PM
I'm think'n I'll vote on principal and pray for God's blessing again. Voting the lesser of two evils, we still get evil. Nobody's perfect. If God is truly the head of this nation it will all work out for the best.
10-19-2011, 07:23 PM
I like Herman Cain and would vote for him. It might be a smart move for him to be the Republican nominee so that he would pull some of the African American vote away from Obama. Right now I would vote for anyone who could beat Obama and is not a Muslim.
10-19-2011, 07:35 PM
I could probably go for Cain. He has a very interesting resume. A real self made man from humble beginnings.
10-19-2011, 08:38 PM
Let me know if this thread needs my attention. I've got to avoid it. The very thought of Obummer being in office one more day (even tomorrow) depress's me and I'm already drinking heavily from work stress.
While I agree with Richardh that god is the real boss, he's doing a fine job of scaring the hell out of me.
10-19-2011, 08:46 PM
Cain's the far.
10-19-2011, 08:50 PM
Richardh is right on track: The Lord raises up kings, and he deposes them... People need to understand that means he raises up the leadership that we need, for His purposes, not ours. He raised up Nebuchadnezzar, even though Judah wasn't very fond of him.
10-19-2011, 09:10 PM
One of the things that attracts me to Herman Cain is his strong faith. I can't even imagine him doing anything that would be contrary to his religious principles. I'm sure there was a lot of prayer involved in his decision to run.
That, and the fact that he has a great track record as an executive and problem solver, is very bright, and is a genuinely nice person. Last but not least, how cool would it be to have some one in the White House that knows me by my first name? :D
10-19-2011, 09:27 PM
Maybe we got what we deserved. Our nation slaughters the unborn at an alarming rate, we kicked God out of the classrooms and any public place the aclu can kick him out of. Pornography is a mouseclick away, or brought through your local cable or beamed down from satellites. Maybe O'bama was a wakeup call to turn this nation around and get back on track. Guess I'm clinging to my gun and my bible.
10-19-2011, 09:32 PM
Let me know if this thread needs my attention. I've got to avoid it. The very thought of Obummer being in office one more day (even tomorrow) depress's me and I'm already drinking heavily from work stress.
While I agree with Richardh that god is the real boss, he's doing a fine job of scaring the hell out of me.
Bawanna, I'm probably the one you would have to worry about - I'll try to be good. :rolleyes:
10-19-2011, 09:34 PM
You should run. You could beat Romney by a yard :D
A yard! only a yard? you don't have much faith in me do you? :D
10-19-2011, 09:56 PM
Richardh is right on track: The Lord raises up kings, and he deposes them... People need to understand that means he raises up the leadership that we need, for His purposes, not ours. He raised up Nebuchadnezzar, even though Judah wasn't very fond of him.
You are right, Husky. I find it very sobering how God obviously removed His influence and let American voters be as foolish as was demonstrated in that 2008 presidential election. A classic "bad king" as in the Kings and Chronicles books of the bible. I believe Herman Cain would fit the "good king" role and turn this country around. With God's blessing. May it be so.
10-19-2011, 10:19 PM
Obama will probably use his presidential edicts to make all illegal immigrants legal voters and get re-elected... we all lose!
Or Obama could deport all the illegals gain the support of unemployed workers and border state residents and thereby improve jobs,wages, healthcare,education, water, air, Oh wait he can't do that it might hurt the economy(corporate profit). ;)
mr surveyor
10-19-2011, 10:39 PM
... I started to bite, but that previous post wasn't even worth the effort of responding to.
10-19-2011, 10:45 PM
I'm picking up bad Karma, ju ju, whatever you want to call it.
10-19-2011, 10:45 PM
You are right, Husky. I find it very sobering how God obviously removed His influence and let American voters be as foolish as was demonstrated in that 2008 presidential election. A classic "bad king" as in the Kings and Chronicles books of the bible. I believe Herman Cain would fit the "good king" role and turn this country around. With God's blessing. May it be so.
I don't watch TV and seldom listen to the radio but I did hear something about "Cain's Flat Rate Tax" This could be something that Americans might enjoy. The first constitutional income tax for the country. It seems to work well for those countries that have adopted it. Just think we will know that we all support our country to an equal degree. Just five minutes to fill out a postage sized tax return. An end to vast corporate welfare.
If Cain is the God send with a true flat rate tax proposal is he also a Corporatist like Romney, Perry, Obama, etal.
10-19-2011, 10:51 PM
Explain what you mean by the term Corporatist.
10-19-2011, 11:04 PM
If I understand the terminology, Obama is about as far from a corporatist as it's possible to get.
10-20-2011, 01:16 AM
A yard! only a yard? you don't have much faith in me do you? :D
Should have said more than a yardman. :D bad choice of words. my wife tells me that all the time. :40:
10-20-2011, 02:04 AM
So I'm probably over thinking all of this but here it goes anyway. I figure the ones really running the campaigns are planning this and I always like to be a step ahead.
What will it take to get a new President in the next election? I'm thinking it's about getting the voters that fell for our current president. Would Romney get more of the swing voters that voted Obama into office? I mean if he won the Governors office in Mass. as a republican he has to have something that the swinging "moderates" will go for. I'm not a big fan of Romney. Of course if a republican could get Ted Kennedy's seat now anything could happen.
Do we vote for who we think the best person will be for the country and risk 4 more years of the same. Could Perry, Paul, Cain, or Gingrich win? I remember the Perot effect and the results that brought in 1992.
A lot of this will all probably be decided by the spin artist anyway.
I figure unless the country rises up and does what's really right we aren't controling anything.
Just open thoughts here.........
Those republicans you mentioned are republican in name only.
I say vote your conscience. If that means you vote for anyone but Bush/Obama then so be it. BUT be aware that the last group of voters tried that. In fact it would seem that several voting groups have tried that (ok so it wasn't the whole group of voters but apparently it was enough voters to sway the elections) and look where doing that has gotten this nation.
We need someone who will stand there and tell us the truth. Who will read the Constitution and explain what HE thinks it means word for word and section for section.
I mostly support Mr Cain, HOWEVER I sure want him to explain how he can say he supports and believes in the 2nd amendment yet believes that gun control should be left up to the individual state. My question to him is which part of "shall not be infringed" does he not understand? IF he believes that the right to keep and bear arms should be infringed then to me he needs to offer and amendment to change that amendment to reflect his beliefs more, not claim he supports it and yet doesn't.
10-20-2011, 02:17 AM
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs but I surely do not believe that this nation is or ever was a nation of GOD.
Which GOD would it supposedly to have been a nation of?
As I recall the founding fathers wanted to be sure to form a nation where the people were free to believe in whichever GOD they wished and were free to worship their GOD in whichever fashion they chose. THAT surely is not a nation of any single GOD.
At least in my mind...
Look at your currency... notice that line "IN GOD WE TRUST"... think about when that was added to currency and why it had to be added at all if indeed this nation was to have been a nation of GOD. Why would not the founding fathers have insisted that that motto be on the very first currency?
Recite your pledge... notice that bit "under GOD".... think about when that was added to the pledge and wonder why if the nation was a nation of GOD why it would need be added to a pledge. Ask yourself why there is a pledge and why the founding fathers did not deem it neccessary to have such a thing.
Seems to me the founding fathers deemed there should be a nation of free men, free to believe and do as they wished so long as it did not infringe on the freedom of other men.
Seems to me those founding fathers formed the Articles of Confederation and then learned that those were not enough so they penned this Constitution by which the intended governement was to abide. Seems to me they intended the PEOPLE to hold this government to this abiding of said document and seems to me that the people have failed to do so. Now it may be that the people do not wish this governement to abide by that document. There is evidence that the progressives at least do not wish to be bound by such.
In point of fact neither of the two major political parties wishes to be bound by such.
By faith and by choice I'm color blind, I care not one whit what color your hair or skin or shoes are. Not relevant. Having said that four years ago I voted for an African American for president because I thought he was the best man for the job. This time, I plan to do the same.
No actually everything I said is absolutely true, it's just that it wasn't Obama. Last time I voted for Alan Keyes. This time I plan to vote for Herman Cain. i believe they were/are the best man for the job.
10-20-2011, 04:21 AM
Ya know I woulda voted for Mr Keyes myself except HE LIED TO ME for no good reason.
Mr Keyes came to the church my mother visits from time to time and I thouroughly enjoyed his speech. I like Mr West as well and Mr Cain.
I wont abide being lied to for no good reason. Not even from my own wife or mother.
10-20-2011, 12:00 PM
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs but I surely do not believe that this nation is or ever was a nation of GOD.
Which GOD would it supposedly to have been a nation of?
As I recall the founding fathers wanted to be sure to form a nation where the people were free to believe in whichever GOD they wished and were free to worship their GOD in whichever fashion they chose. THAT surely is not a nation of any single GOD.
At least in my mind...
Look at your currency... notice that line "IN GOD WE TRUST"... think about when that was added to currency and why it had to be added at all if indeed this nation was to have been a nation of GOD. Why would not the founding fathers have insisted that that motto be on the very first currency?
Recite your pledge... notice that bit "under GOD".... think about when that was added to the pledge and wonder why if the nation was a nation of GOD why it would need be added to a pledge. Ask yourself why there is a pledge and why the founding fathers did not deem it neccessary to have such a thing.
Seems to me the founding fathers deemed there should be a nation of free men, free to believe and do as they wished so long as it did not infringe on the freedom of other men.
Seems to me those founding fathers formed the Articles of Confederation and then learned that those were not enough so they penned this Constitution by which the intended governement was to abide. Seems to me they intended the PEOPLE to hold this government to this abiding of said document and seems to me that the people have failed to do so. Now it may be that the people do not wish this governement to abide by that document. There is evidence that the progressives at least do not wish to be bound by such.
In point of fact neither of the two major political parties wishes to be bound by such.
Jesse Jackson Jr. [the congressman] recently said in a speech that "The Constitution should be set aside". Now I realize that the Washington crowd has been doing this unofficially for over 200 years, but this is the first time I ever heard one say so overtly.
10-20-2011, 12:10 PM
sure looks to me like alot of people (some here even) interpret the constitution they way it suits them which is what our government has been doing for years. J. Jackson I think being from Illinois and the Chicago area, would probably make that statement as Illinois has never played by the rules anyhow. Our federal pin In Terre Haute is full of Illinois Politico's..
Ya know I woulda voted for Mr Keyes myself except HE LIED TO ME for no good reason.
Fascinating. So there's a story waiting to be told here? (Or is it private?)
10-20-2011, 02:40 PM
I think the nation was founded on the principle of freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Even at that I believe some of the founding fathers were atheists.
10-20-2011, 03:09 PM
I think the nation was founded on the principle of freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Even at that I believe some of the founding fathers were atheists.
Which ones?
10-20-2011, 03:54 PM
Fascinating. So there's a story waiting to be told here? (Or is it private?)
Nothing private at all. As I recall it he called Ms Clinton a Carpet Bagger. She had no real residence in NY and yet she was able to move there, run and win an election there. He claimed he would never do such a thing and yet isn't this exactly what he did when he moved to Illinois to run against Barack Obama?
I can admire a man who sticks by his principles and surely can not abide one who doesn't and lies to me about it.
10-20-2011, 04:44 PM
In my last history class, the founding fathers were described as deists.
1.belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason ( and nature ( only, with rejection of supernatural revelation (distinguished from theism (
2.belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.
10-20-2011, 05:07 PM
In my last history class, the founding fathers were described as deists.
1.belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason ( and nature ( only, with rejection of supernatural revelation (distinguished from theism (
2.belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.
Well, we know that progressives have been rewriting the history books, removing God, His influence and His moral foundation. There is no validity to this blanket statement regarding the founding fathers being deists. It is a progressive plot to brainwash the children. Look at the reliefs and sayings placed all over the Supreme Court building, the Capitol and other of the original buildings, and you see a belief that is far removed from deism or agnosticism, which that description also fits.
10-20-2011, 05:53 PM
its getting deep.
This ol man prays every day, Am I allowed to say that here???:crazy: Had cancer twice, made the man upstairs a few promises . He listened, I'm here 10 years later..
10-20-2011, 06:00 PM
its getting deep.
This ol man prays every day, Am I allowed to say that here???:crazy: Had cancer twice, made the man upstairs a few promises . He listened, I'm here 10 years later..
Amen. +++++++++1
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