View Full Version : Weekend range report for my P45...

01-10-2010, 08:40 PM
Saturday...day one...left me very discouraged and almost heart broken. I started off with a cheap noname brand of ammo and started having trouble from the get go. Every 2nd-3rd round would FTE. I moved onto some better ammo but had the same results.

At this point I have to be honest. Thought's of "Oh know I bought a lemon" were dancing through my head. I decided to keep trying. after a 150 rounds of ball ammo all I had was a box of Winchester self-defense ammo and a box of Speer Gold-Dots. So here it goes...Winchester first. I was shooting with two mags loaded with only five rounds a piece through out the whole session. I made it through the whole box with only three FTE's out of 50rnds. Much better than the every 2nd-3rd of the ball ammo.

I was feeling a little more encouraged at this point. Last but not least all I had left was the Speer Gold-Dot self defense rnds in 230gr. I made it through all those rounds with only one FTE on the last shot.

Took it home, broke it down and gave her a good cleaning. This is where I believe I made a mistake. I did not clean it when I bought it. Now I realize I should have known better.

Sunday...day two. Didn't plan on going back to the range until later in the week but I just couldn't take it. I hate it when things don't work right. Armed with a wide variety of ammo and a freshly cleaned gun I was at it again. My first box of ammo was 230gr Lellier&Bellot FMJ. I used the same method of rotating two mags at five rnds a piece.

Absolutely flawless threw the first 7mags and then two FTE's on the eight mag. The last two mags went off without a hitch. With my spirits lifted I pulled out another box. This was the PMC bronze also in 230gr. I only had 1 FTE through the whole box. Back to the cheap stuff to see how it does. Not as bad as the day before but it wasn't as fond of the Remmington brand ball ammo as I had about 4 FTE's from half a box.

At this point I'm thinking the previous owner didn't make much of an effort breaking in the Kahr. I put 200rnds through it yesterday and another 125 today. It seems to be getting better the more I put through it. I did leave it pretty wet when I cleaned it yesterday to see if it would help. I'll give it another good cleaning and run it with not as much lube sometime this week. This gun will have to run absolutely flawless until I will consider carrying it.

On a side note; I bought some Magtech Gaurdian Gold 230gr +P ammo to try out. Nothing but trouble from the start. I loaded 5rnds in a mag and when I hit the slide release it failed to go into battery. Not only that but the round was jammed in the chamber. I dropped the mag and could not get the slide to go back by hand. I ended up having to press the top of the slide against a piece of wood and put my body weight on it. Finally the slide opened and I was able to get the round out. With one in the mag I dropped the slide again and no problem. Fired the round without a hitch. So, I loaded up five more rounds and @#%!...jammed again. Same routine to clear the round. Being a glutton for punishment I tried it again. @#$%!...jammed. Here we go again, piece of wood and lots of force and the round was cleared. Box up the ammo and leave it to try in my 1911.

So...all in all I was very discouraged at first but left the second day hoping the light at the end of the tunnel is near.

On a very positive note the MK9 performed great.

01-10-2010, 08:46 PM
my p-45 dosen't like mag-tech either. winchester white box, though, it loves.

i put 8 full mags through it today without one problem. i even used some ammo that was 'scuffed up' by the ealier problem with my slide release.

01-11-2010, 06:05 AM
my p-45 dosen't like mag-tech either. winchester white box, though, it loves.

i put 8 full mags through it today without one problem. i even used some ammo that was 'scuffed up' by the ealier problem with my slide release.

Mine liked the Winchester white box personal defense ammo but was picky with the ball ammo.

Here are some pics of the jam session...



