View Full Version : Cm9

10-20-2011, 07:50 PM
Just ordered my cm9 was very impressed with the price 439.00 plus tax.Will be here Tuesday.

10-20-2011, 08:06 PM
Congratulations. I owned a CM9. I pocket carried using the super fly holster

10-20-2011, 08:08 PM
Just ordered my cm9 was very impressed with the price 439.00 plus tax.Will be here Tuesday.

Nice gun. Nice Price.
You're going to be happy with that one.

I almost bought one myself.
But got seduced by a EXO Glock - LOL!

Later I came close again.
But a S&W 640-1, a gun I've longed for for many years,
appeared at the right price. And you know what happened.

Now Iv'e got 7 handguns and two hands?!?
Think it's time to slow down (for this year anyway....)

Good luck.
There's not much better in this world than a new gun!
Woo Hoo!

10-20-2011, 08:28 PM
Thanks guys I was thinking of trying the remora holster that was on youtube. I have the superfly and don't really know about Remora but think i'll try one inless some one here talks me out of it.

10-20-2011, 09:16 PM
remora is good i have one and it works well... buds still has them for 398 shipped for anyone else looking.

10-20-2011, 09:42 PM
I have the superfly and remora for my cm9. I like the remora much better for both iwb and pocket carry. The superfly is wider, more stiff, and looks weird in the pocket. It seems to still rely on the hangup piece for pocket retention.

The remora is tacky, slimmer cut, and much more bendable. Overall more comfortable and still has great pocket retention.

10-20-2011, 11:34 PM
Hey Dusty... Congrats on the purchase. I also have a CM9 and have been very pleased with it. I pocket-carry using the DeSantis Nemesis holster. It works well for me.

10-21-2011, 07:19 AM
I wonder if the title SUPER FLY for their holsters was the brainchild of one of their perverts who might work there??? Use that term in a conversation with some gals around and see how soon u start to see them hanging around you "CLOSER". iT IS TRULY AN AMAZING HOLSTER:D

Bill K
10-21-2011, 07:59 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk!

I feel you made a great choice in getting the CM9. Got the PM9 myself but if the CM9 were readily available at the time perhaps that is what I would have now.

les strat
10-21-2011, 10:09 AM
The more I shoot my CM9, the more I fall in love with it. Break it in hard, and it will only get better. Mine has.

10-21-2011, 09:56 PM
Just orderd my remora holster for cm9. But had a lcp and got the kydex from Aholster and like it more than i do the super fly so far thinner and lighter. but it feels like you have to catch it on the pocket to draw it but i think it will be just fine.

10-21-2011, 10:32 PM
Do any of you where Tactical pants for pocket carry pm9 or cm9 or 38 snubbie and if you do what kind do you like?

10-22-2011, 02:16 AM
Do any of you where Tactical pants for pocket carry pm9 or cm9 or 38 snubbie and if you do what kind do you like?

I've got a few sets of tac pants. 5.11, Blackhawk, and another I can't remember. The Blackhawk pair has bigger pockets and I prefer them. One pair of 5.11 I have are lined with flannel which is great in the winter. The pockets on the Blackhawk can fit my Walther ppks and my S&W model 36 very well. I can even cram my Sig 239 in there, but I never have except to see if it would fit lol.

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10-22-2011, 03:37 AM
Do any of you where Tactical pants for pocket carry pm9 or cm9 or 38 snubbie and if you do what kind do you like?

Woolrich Tactical Elite series pants are all great.
They are pricey, but the fit and quality is worth it.
I have -
Men's Elite Discreet Pants
Men's Elite Cargo Pants
And highly recommend all of them.


10-22-2011, 07:22 AM
Woolrich Tactical Elite series pants are all great.
They are pricey, but the fit and quality is worth it.
I have -
Men's Elite Discreet Pants
Men's Elite Cargo Pants
And highly recommend all of them.


i also like woolrich tactical
checkout botach.com
they have a clearance on woolrich and eotach clothes for 20 bucks. the sizes are limited though
i was able to get 2 pairs of the denim and 2 pairs of the black all for 80 bucks with free shipping. also bought 5 pairs of the eotech shorts for 20 each.