View Full Version : Yet another happy new CM9 owner!

10-23-2011, 11:15 AM
When I was considering buying the CM9, I debated for a while, wondering if I wanted to take the chance on bringing a "problem child" into the household. So I am glad to see many reports of folks having no issues with their CM9s. I wanted to add my voice here also.

I finally was able to get to a local store that had a CM9 in stock. The closest store sold their last one before I got there earlier in the week. This store did not have one in their display case when I got there, but they had one more in the back, which I happily purchased. These things are selling pretty well around here! :D

I finally headed out to the range yesterday afternoon (after finishing my honey-dos for the day). I had my new CM9 (properly lubed, but not thoroughly "prepped" as per the thread - did not get to the 500 rackings), 200 rounds of range ammo, and some SD ammo (optimistic).

The summary? NO PROBLEMS! :D:roll::w00t:

The details?
100 rounds WWB
50 rounds S&B
50 rounds Rem UMC
12 rounds Fed HST 124gr
6 rounds Gold Dot 115gr

FTF/nose dives? Nada.

Alternated between slingshotting and using the slide release to load the first round. With the S&B particularly, sometimes it would not go in to battery using the slingshot, but a bump to the back of the slide would complete the process. This was also late in the day, was getting a little tired, probably more me than the gun.

I had 3 mags, 1 that came with the gun, 2 from Ivanhoes. Before I left, I tried the follower drop test. The Ivanhoe mags dropped free completely. The one that came with the gun had some resistance passing the mag release. I thought uh-oh, maybe I should sand that down before I go? Nah, I have two others, I will just use those if I have any troubles. Again, no troubles with any of them. Oh yeah: all 3 mags were received with the springs properly installed.

Had a couple of early slide lock-backs, but those were towards the end of the day. Getting a little tired, most likely my fault.

Things I will look into? All 3 mags have the typical behavior of not dropping free, just dropping a bit after hitting the release. Not sure if I like this or not, but leaving this alone for now. Also the grip: a little rough shooting 200+ rounds. Will be going back through the threads talking about grip tapes, etc.

Thanks for all the valuable info here. It helped me get going the right way. And all of you thinking about buying a CM9 but wondering if they can be trusted: go for it! There are a lot of happy owners out there having no problems. Don't think they are all like the few that come here with issues.

- Wayne

10-23-2011, 11:44 AM
Great report Wayne! You've been busy here while waiting and finally get to shoot your new prize. We're all happy for you and hope you continue to share your story as you add more rounds to your shot count.

10-23-2011, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the report, Wayne. I am in the same boat that you were in. Wondering, what am I getting myself into?.. Reports like your's will make my decision much easier, when the time comes. (Next week)..Thanks, Mike

10-23-2011, 02:33 PM
I am one of those that has a problematic CM9.
Would it be too much of an inconvenience to ask if you could post pictures of your recoil spring? Is there any way you could measure it as well?
With such a simple design I can only think the issue I am having is with that or something in the magazine, but since I have three magazines I just think the odds favor the spring.

It might be a real help and I would sure appreciate it.


Bill K
10-23-2011, 04:06 PM
A detailed and well written report, thanks for sharing.

10-23-2011, 05:52 PM
I am one of those that has a problematic CM9.
Would it be too much of an inconvenience to ask if you could post pictures of your recoil spring? Is there any way you could measure it as well?
With such a simple design I can only think the issue I am having is with that or something in the magazine, but since I have three magazines I just think the odds favor the spring.

It might be a real help and I would sure appreciate it.


No problem Mark. Glad to help. These springs are a real mystery to me. Some are 13 coils, some are 15. Trim half a coil off and suddenly your problem child is a perfect angel. Tolerances are pretty tight in these amazing little machines. Anyway, here's a picture of mine. I did take a picture when it was new, this is after 200+ rounds. Little has changed so far. It's a little hard to tell from the picture, but mine has 14 1/2 coils.


Hope this helps. Good luck with yours. Sometimes forum folks can help you fix it, sometimes it seems to need the experts at Kahr. Either way, hope yours is good to go soon.

- Wayne

10-24-2011, 06:08 PM
Thank you.
I returned mine today to Davidson and my new one will be at the FFL Wed. Hopefully 3rd times the charm.


10-26-2011, 03:23 PM
First tear down after the virgin range trip almost had me drinking. I almost could not get the darn spring back into the slide.... IT WAS A BEAR!!!!! I want to count the coils, but I'm afraid to take it apart again......

10-26-2011, 05:37 PM
First tear down after the virgin range trip almost had me drinking. I almost could not get the darn spring back into the slide.... IT WAS A BEAR!!!!! I want to count the coils, but I'm afraid to take it apart again......

Take a look at the tear down/reassembly video on the Kahr site. Note the way he holds the slide and the recoil assembly. Once you get the right hold on it it's not too bad.

10-27-2011, 10:26 AM
my CM9 had to be sent back due to problems with the barrel and there for I recieved a new barrel and all the problems are gone thank god cause I love this little gun 200 rounds and no problems I need another 300 and I can start carrying it

10-27-2011, 06:35 PM
Thanks everyone learning alot for my new cm9.