View Full Version : Bought another pocket 9mm

10-23-2011, 05:52 PM
My LGS had the smallest 9mm I ever saw for $370 and I picked it up. It wasn't a CM9, and was even smaller in some dimensions. It has a ported barrel to help control recoil and muzzle flip, holds 6+1 and has a polymer frame and kinda looks like a mini Glock. Haven't taken it to the range yet, probably will do that this week sometime. Tomorrow looks like a biking day if the weatherman is right, so may be a day or two before I put any rounds thru it. I'll post more about it if anyone is interested after I see how it shoots. This one definately needs a pocket holster as there is no manual safety.

10-23-2011, 06:01 PM

10-23-2011, 06:05 PM
My LGS had the smallest 9mm I ever saw for $370 and I picked it up. It wasn't a CM9, and was even smaller in some dimensions. It has a ported barrel to help control recoil and muzzle flip, holds 6+1 and has a polymer frame and kinda looks like a mini Glock. Haven't taken it to the range yet, probably will do that this week sometime. Tomorrow looks like a biking day if the weatherman is right, so may be a day or two before I put any rounds thru it. I'll post more about it if anyone is interested after I see how it shoots. This one definately needs a pocket holster as there is no manual safety.

I'm I missing something?
Did you post you have a new gun and not say what it is?
I feel like I'm playing 20 questions with my daughter LOL!

OK I'll bite.
Going to guess it's a Diamondback DB9 - Final Answer - LOL

10-23-2011, 06:11 PM
My LGS had the smallest 9mm I ever saw for $370 and I picked it up. It wasn't a CM9, and was even smaller in some dimensions. It has a ported barrel to help control recoil and muzzle flip, holds 6+1 and has a polymer frame and kinda looks like a mini Glock. Haven't taken it to the range yet, probably will do that this week sometime. Tomorrow looks like a biking day if the weatherman is right, so may be a day or two before I put any rounds thru it. I'll post more about it if anyone is interested after I see how it shoots. This one definately needs a pocket holster as there is no manual safety.In a recent tactical handgun class, during a drill with a BG inside arms length, it was demonstrated that using the proper technique, a ported gun could leave you blind..permanently. In most night time SD situations, again, not what you want. Enclosed room? Ditto. Ported guns are controversial and seem best geared for daytime range use when recoil and muzzle flip are issues.
Just saying.

10-23-2011, 06:23 PM
The reviews I have seen are horrible on the Diamond Back :eek: major quality issues.
I looked at one at my dealer and decided to pass, nice looking but I will wait till they work out the bugs. Apparently made/sold by the owner of Cigarette Boats?
I went with a PF9 Kel Tec for a new pocket toy.

10-23-2011, 06:29 PM
In a recent tactical handgun class, during a drill with a BG inside arms length, it was demonstrated that using the proper technique, a ported gun could leave you blind..permanently. In most night time SD situations, again, not what you want. Enclosed room? Ditto. Ported guns are controversial and seem best geared for daytime range use when recoil and muzzle flip are issues.
Just saying.

99% of my guns are ported and I say BS. The flash out of a 3" or smaller barrell is virtulally no different than a ported gun.

10-23-2011, 06:29 PM
In a recent tactical handgun class, during a drill with a BG inside arms length, it was demonstrated that using the proper technique, a ported gun could leave you blind..permanently. In most night time SD situations, again, not what you want. Enclosed room? Ditto. Ported guns are controversial and seem best geared for daytime range use when recoil and muzzle flip are issues.
Just saying.

Ten years in, I don't have any problems at all with my short, Vang Comp, barreled 870s.

Sorry...couldn't help myself.

10-24-2011, 12:06 AM
99% of my guns are ported and I say BS. The flash out of a 3" or smaller barrell is virtulally no different than a ported gun.In your opinion, what type of gun or shooter benefits from porting? What problem does it solve?

10-24-2011, 02:41 AM
The reviews I have seen are horrible on the Diamond Back :eek: major quality issues.
I looked at one at my dealer and decided to pass, nice looking but I will wait till they work out the bugs. Apparently made/sold by the owner of Cigarette Boats?
I went with a PF9 Kel Tec for a new pocket toy.

they are right up the road from kel tec, and they make air boats.... Even though i live so close to both of them i got rid of my kel tecs and refuse to buy a diamondback... cm9 and airweight revolver all the way!

10-24-2011, 05:22 AM
i have shot ported gun for over 30 years, my PM9, K9 and G19 and Model 60 are all magna ported.

I still have my hearing, and my sight and all my body parts. Stick it under ur nose and ur gonna have issues, stick a non ported gun under ur nose and ur gonna have issues.

Certainly if in doubt never port, just seems so so odd that most all owners of ported guns who shoot ported guns don't buy the negative reports from these non ported gun "experts".

Best thingt I can tell anyone is if in doubt just don't do it. Makes nadda difference to me and to most all port owners. I have not shot alot at night and I bet most of all u shooters have not either, just not something we do but what night shooting I have done with shooters with me who don't shoot ported guns, we sure can't see much difference at all. THEY ALL PUT OUT A TON OF FLAME OUT THE FRONT OF THE GUN. Are they louder, probably so, but it is the sound is redirected not that the round in a ported gun makes it louder. Again both ported and non ported are extrremely loud without hearing protectors, so to me that is kind of a mute point. Certainly the higher the caliber and the lighter the gun, one will see the advatages of a ported gun. My PM9 is just so so nice to shoot with a ported barrel but again a 9 is normally nice to shoot anyways, so to port a 9 is a decision I made, not that I had to do it to shoot it comfortable. I can tell you my G19 when I had it at accurate Iron for some serious trigger work and Mike Cwyrus is a top Glock shooter. He commented to me that my G19 ported was the nicest most accurate Glock he had ever worked with. take that for what it is worth. My Glock vitrually just sits there for the second shot,it is just that smooth to shoot.

My K9 well what a dream gun to shoot ported. with its weight and size that gun is just a dream to shoot. my PM9 with 32K rounds out of it, I would have no other way. Some porting I have a feeling does not work as good as others. For sure MKagna port invented it and their system works .

It is a personal decision one has to make, I want a pleasant gun to shoot and a magna ported gun gives me that feature. 99.995% of all of us shooters will never use their gun in harms way but will shoot it like they stole it. I want to enjoy that range time and if there is any defensive drawbacks well I will just have to "chance it". I guess.

10-24-2011, 05:31 AM
In your opinion, what type of gun or shooter benefits from porting? What problem does it solve?

less felt recoil, less muzzle jump, higher the caliber the more of both is less. If u have a tame gun now, it can't make a 9mm a 22. small frame guns are more noticeable when ported, due to less ergonomics that the gun offers. Kahrs with their loiwer bore axis gives less felt recoil than those with a higher bore axis, and certainly a light weight gun will show more positive results than a heaviy gun. Any ported gun will have less muzzle jump and felt recoil that one that is non ported, just how much is the question. We have read here of guys who ported their 40 cal kahrs and reported good reduction . Very few report no difference. Some shoters to are very tolorent to high recoil guns. I have shot for years so a 44 mag Smith although a nut buster to shoot alot, I find alot of fun. Recoil never bothered me but we see it here where some report buying a PM9/CM9 and reporting alot of recoil. diferent strokes for different folks..:banplease:

So for me recoil is not a problem, for some it is, porting will help both types of shooters. It sur ein hell ain't gonna make a 44 magnum feel like a 38 spl, so one needs to go into any ported gun with common sense expectations. I think it is magna port who states that velocity loss is less than 6 percent also..

10-24-2011, 11:08 AM
ok, yeah it's a Diamondback DB9, you guys are pretty sharp. I've read the bad and the good.
I was going to take it to the range before I said what it was due to all the bad press on it, and see for myself if I had problems with it or not. Not gonna get into the pros and cons of a ported barrel. Thats and individual's choice. I can see scenarios that you might not want a ported gun. I haven't needed my gun in over 20 years, and I hope that continues. If not, I hope I'm aware enough of my surroundings a bad guy doesn't get that close that we struggle over the gun.

MW surveyor
10-24-2011, 12:18 PM
Hey, just thought of something.

If a bad guy grabs your ported gun by the barrel, just pull back to make sure its in battery and fire off a round. I'll bet the gas jetting from the port will make him let go!!!!! :)

10-24-2011, 12:49 PM
That just might work MW surveyor!

10-24-2011, 12:51 PM
if its a revolver, no need to even pull back. If he gets that close and grabs ur gun, u might be in deep **** anyway, ported gun or not..

10-26-2011, 01:36 PM
I loved my diamondback 380. It was the perfect pocket gun. 200 rounds through it, accurate, no FTF / FTE, then the trigger let go on the 4th round at a range session. Lucky it wasn't a life threatening situation... but I will never own another. CM9 in my pocket now.

10-26-2011, 02:14 PM
OK, here's where you all can laugh it up at me for not getting the CM9. I had a horrible range experience with the DB9, not one mag went thru without a couple jams. I then let the range officer shoot it, and he puts 2 trouble free mags down range. So we worked on my shooting some, I guess you need to squeeze the DB9 handle really firm to get it to shoot properly. I thought somehow I was limp wristing it, but couldnt figure out how. I was holding it gently yet firmly as I'd been taught years ago. I'll check the firmer grip out another time as I was tired from shooting. My CW40 performed well, with one light strike, so I'll clean out the stiker channel when I clean it, the .45 perfomed well with +P rounds with the new recoil spring, but still has trouble with the 7 round mags, think I'll exchange them for 6 round mags rather than send the gun back. My Dan Wesson shot a nice 3" group at 25 yards just off to the left a couple inches and about an inch low, with using the tray as a rest for my elbows to steady the gun, was very hard to see the target while focusing on the front sight. Not sure if the DB9 is going to work out yet, another range trip is needed, my hand and wrist were too tired to shoot much more after consulting the range officer. I did go ahead and buy a nice galco pocket holster, so I can carry it now. I'll see if I can get it to behave, if not it will be on Armslist soon.

10-26-2011, 03:50 PM

Sorry.......couldn't resist.

10-26-2011, 05:19 PM
LOL, go ahead and take a shot, I asked for it.

10-26-2011, 05:42 PM
Well OK, I'll chuckle a little bit cause you told me too but also note that you said the range officer shot 2 trouble free mags after you couldn't complete 1.
So if I"m reading this correctly your gun is ok. YOU are the problem.

Are you ready to accept that or do you want to blame it on me. Maybe I'm the problem. You think I'm the problem?

PM inbound by the way. I think I done you wrong.

10-26-2011, 07:52 PM
No, the problem obviously is mine. I don't know if you remember, but I had trouble with my Kahr CW40 at first, didn't realize I had a limp wrist problem. It'd never been apparent in the other semi's I had shot that were all steel. And of course is doesn't affect revolvers, so I kept thinking on the DB9 I must somehow be limpwristing, but for the life of me couldn't figure it out, so the range officer put a couple mags down range, with no problems at all, then helped me figure out the problem was that I wasn't holding the pistol firm enough. I was actually glad to see the problem was me and not the gun as I hate shipping guns back and forth to the mother ship. I may also need to make sure my hold on the gun is right up against the beavertail. That was mentioned on the Diamondback forum, so I have some things to try the next range session. That again was something I'd not run into, not holding a pistol tight enough. It also seemed to affect accuracy, as the shots were much closer to the bullseye, than the ones before.
I'm going to give it another range session, and try all the suggestions out, and if it's too much trouble, or to much strain on my arthritic hands, it will be on Armslist shortly. The Ruger LC9 again ate everything I fed to it without a problem. That is definately a good design, particularly if you have small hands, or limited hand strength. The CW40, was flawless except for one light strike or extra hard primer, so I will clean out the striker channel, and see if anything comes out, but other than that it ran like a clock. The CW45 with the new recoil spring ate all the +P I fed to it with no problems, but still won't feed reliably from the 7 round mags. I got one to almost work, but it never did quite pass my test of at least 3 trouble free mags in a row. I think I'll just see if I can trade the 7 rounds for some 6 round mags and be done with them. Ian wants me to send the gun back to them with the 7 round mags to look at, but not sure I want to fool with that. Guess it wouldn't hurt if they pick up the shipping. The CW40 has been sitting in the drawer too long anyway, so I spose I could send the .45 in and pack the .40 for a week or two.
Bawanna, don't worry another minute, you've not done me wrong in anyway, I responded to the PM and hope you don't fret over it another minute.