View Full Version : Ordered a K9 today

10-24-2011, 08:50 PM
I finally did it.

Ordered the K9 in black today. :D

Should have it Thursday!

10-24-2011, 08:52 PM
Congratulations! Cherish it always!

10-24-2011, 09:15 PM
Jealous! Post a pic or two when you get it!

10-24-2011, 10:53 PM
Welcome to the forum. Let me introduce you to the drill sergeant.

10-25-2011, 06:16 AM
The black K9 is the most "workingman" looking gun they produce, IMHO. I mean that as a compliment. No frills, no BBQ... all business.

10-25-2011, 07:26 AM
agree has to be the best of the best of all semi's. in looks, quality and performance...

10-25-2011, 10:18 AM
The black K9 is the most "workingman" looking gun they produce, IMHO. I mean that as a compliment. No frills, no BBQ... all business.

What sort of attribute is BBQ regarding a gun? :rolleyes:

10-25-2011, 11:22 AM
What sort of attribute is BBQ regarding a gun? :rolleyes:

As in the phrase "BBQ Gun", which connotes frills and finishes not actually usefull or even ostentacious. A pimp gun. ;)

10-25-2011, 11:32 AM
Mostly true but I've seen a few barbecue (also referred to as Sunday go to meeting guns) that would take care of business too.

Fancy finish and chrome fixtures, a little engraving don't take away the capability of a gun if properly applied.

Same rules apply for gun belts and holsters. It's sort of your dress up carry system. Probably most popular down Texas and Arizona way.

I got a good chuckle out of a couple of young fellas working the counter at a local shop a few years ago. They had a Beretta totally blinged out. My son was looking at it. Told him wouldn't be good for every day but a hell of a barbecue gun. The thought that was the funniest thing. For once I was serious. Guess I need to work on my timing and presentation.

10-25-2011, 12:26 PM
never heardof it explained that way "ol great one". sounds like something some of the "hill" people from Tn or Ky would come up with. u sure u dont have deep roots tied to that area????

10-25-2011, 12:56 PM
I'm pure Missouri and still have my appreciation for a good mule. Take a good mule over a horse any day of the week.

Years ago when my daughter was doing the 4H horse thing, they had a judging in an arena. About 20 or 30 horses and 1 mule. Fine looking animal he was. Course judges didn't know a good mule from a pink petticoat and he didn't do well. Girl was extremely ticked off and dissapointed with her mule.
I met her at the gate coming out and praised the animal profusely and offered to buy it on the spot. I'd go get my trailer. The girl did a complete 180 after an accredited Missouri boy praised her animal and we chatted for a while, old man young girl but not perverted.
She of course wouldn't sell. Teaser! Her mother approached me afterwards and said I'd boosted that girls confidence 1000 times over. Felt pretty good about that but still wanted the mule.
My daughter rode a long haired horse. Can't remember what the breed is called, shaggy looking. Looks good but weird. We know what its like to be different but good.

I think Kentucky and Tennessee's idea of dress up is clean overalls, maybe with both shoulder straps intact.

I know the Texas Rangers were and probably still are big into barbecue guns. Border Patrol in the old days, probably not so much anymore.

If you visit Mernickle holsters website he even has a couple he calls barbecue rigs. Heavily carved, lots of silver, real pretty stuff. Big bucks but I'll have one some day. PS6 for a 1911 if you want to send me one.

10-25-2011, 01:04 PM
As in the phrase "BBQ Gun", which connotes frills and finishes not actually usefull or even ostentacious. A pimp gun. ;)

OK. So, my Mirror Polished CM9 probably qualifies in this category. :o I like to call it a gentleman's gun. :cool:

BTW, I think it is spelled "corpsman". :)

10-25-2011, 01:18 PM
BTW, I think it is spelled "corpsman". :)

You'd have thought Obama would have picked up on that during his years at Yale. Guess he skipped economics too.

See the moron in chief do justice to his brilliance here;
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2010/02/04/obama_mispronounces_corpsman_at_prayer_breakfast.h tml

10-25-2011, 01:26 PM
You'd have thought Obama would have picked up on that during his years at Yale. Guess he skipped economics too.

Oh! It's a quote from the chosen one. :o Duh! :nerd::2rolleyes: Maybe for us ignoramusses you should add "Quoting Barack Obama:" in front of it.

10-25-2011, 01:38 PM
Maybe I'm due a new signiture line anyway. Maybe an Obama quote about the horrible, illegal use of Gitmo by George Bush.