View Full Version : New Kahr CM9 owner; first outing

10-25-2011, 02:45 PM
Well I took my gun to the range today for it’s maiden voyage. I did the Kahr prep and racked the slide several hundreds of times. After about 75 rounds I had one nose dive, then after about 130 the slide locked open in the middle of a magazine. At about 180 rounds I pulled the trigger and click…nothing; so I keep it pointed downrange for about 30 seconds, then racked the round out. The primer looked like it had never been hit! I put the round back in a magazine and fired it. Don’t know what happened there? I was using cheap Winchester (white box) and Remington (green box) JHP ammo. I finished the rest of the cheap stuff; then I then fired about 20 Hornady Critical defense with no problem. So after 220 rounds, I had 3 issues. Hopefully now that it’s broken in it will run smoothly.

PS On a side note, I also took out my new G31 357Sig and it had 3 nose dives in the first 120 rounds, but has seemed to straighten out now after about 370 rounds.

10-25-2011, 03:04 PM
Glad your CM seems to be running. I guess that Glock Perfection advertisement is right out the window huh?

I always figured a 357 Sig round would feed like eggs through a hen even under the worst conditions but apparently I missed that call too.

Stick around dimden, you'll like it here.

10-25-2011, 03:09 PM
the lock open cold have been shooter error. u might have hit that slide lock lever and never even knew it.

make sur eu recheck yourmagazines like explaine din the propper preppng thread. If a mag follower is grabbing u can get nose dives. easil correctable,. Ijustthink more rounds dow3n range will straight itself out.

10-25-2011, 03:12 PM
I've learned the expensive way, and now just use Federal for my range ammo and Winchester PDX1 as my defense ammo.

Congrats, and enjoy!

10-25-2011, 03:21 PM
Yeah, I didn't think about the fact that I could have bumped the side lock while shooting. I'm not too worried about the gun having a few hiccups during the break in period. I'm sure it will sort its self out. I was surprised the Glock 357 Sig had some problems as the 357 Sig is supposed to feed much better than a 40 S&W (I have G23 in 40 S&W and only thing it has done is not lock the slide back after the last round). I was quite pleased with the accuracy of the CM9 when I did my part with the trigger. A smaller gun with a short sight radius takes some consentration to shoot well. I wasn't used to the trigger and couldn't decide to pull right thought like a double action or try to squeeze slowly like a single action shot. How do you guys that shoot the Kahr regularly pull the trigger?

10-25-2011, 03:24 PM
I tried for awhile to stage the trigger and anticipate the shot. I found it didn't work well for me and went with the straight pull through. I figure for it's intended purpose that's really the way to do it anyhow. Won't be time to stage the trigger when your eye ball to eye ball with the elephant.

It'll be shoot and cut tusk.

10-25-2011, 03:58 PM
Good point, you should probably practice the way you would have to shoot in a self defense situation. Guess I'll work on pulling strait through with out disturbing the site picture. (sounds good, just hard to do).

Bill K
10-25-2011, 04:01 PM
Welcome to the forum!

Thank you for the range report. Sorry to read it was less than perfect but now maybe all the issues are behind you.

10-25-2011, 08:16 PM
That miss fire could have been some junk in your striker channel.

Get you some of the NON-CHLORINATED brake cleaner from WalMart or any auto store. Make sure its NON-CHLORINATED (will say so on the label somewhere).

When you clean next time, flip the slide over. Between the striker spring and the breech face you will see a tiny hole. That is the clean out hole for striker channel.

Put the tip of the spray nozzle of your brake cleaner in that hole and spray away. You should have stuff coming out the back of and the front (where the firing pin pokes through). This will flush out the striker channel well. No need to put any lube in here. If you must only a slight drop.

PS: Wear glasses just to be safe.

11-03-2011, 04:11 PM
Just got back from the range. My CM9 just when throught 170 more rounds with no failures. However my Glock 31 had 2 nose dives in 50 rounds..go figure. Looks like the CM9 is feeding fine now.

11-03-2011, 05:56 PM
Cool... So the (infamous) 200-rd. break-in worked out good for you... Thanks for posting...

11-03-2011, 07:01 PM
Welcome & congratulations glad you had a good run at the range. Keep us all posted

11-03-2011, 10:32 PM
Welcome to the Forum, Dimden, from a fellow CM9'er. Glad to hear that your initial hiccups have been resolved.