View Full Version : P-9?s & Help

10-25-2011, 05:01 PM
Went to a local pawn shop and found a used P-9 w/night sites only 1 mag nice shape no box or papers was told 450+tax is this a good price?
I did not leave with it. The pistol seemed to have 1 issue on checking trigger seemed to have a click approximately after 1/4" take up of trigger thoughts Ideas? (my p-40 has no such issue)
I plan on returning on Thursday, I was originally searching out a cm9
I figure this P-9 would make a nice addition to my p-40 covert and I also plan
to convert this P-9 if still available to a covert only if fully reliable.
Was the price ok? seemed in exceptional condition. And I believe it was a newer model

10-25-2011, 05:26 PM
I bet that little click at about a 1/4" in trigger travel is that trigger bar spring grabbing on the bottom of the trigger bar. That is a no brainer to fix. just a small dab of grease where that trigger bar sp;ring rides under that trigger bar and it will be OK. If u pull that side plate also, I think u might see that spring alit better and maybe u might want to polish where that spring travels under the tgrigger bar. If u can ge the serial number of that gun u can go to glock talk and hit on the kahr threqad and then hit on their updatred kahr serial numbers and it might igve u a very close birth date. that might tell u even more. If u buy it can u buy it with the agreement that if it doesn't work, they will get it fixed or if u can return it for something else or ur money back. would be nice if they would "rent" the gun to you for a 100 rounds.

10-25-2011, 06:06 PM
Thank you I have dealt with the shop quite a bit and I know the owner would make it right, might have to do a store credit on another firearm.
He had to many goodies and I only had so much cash and am trying to stay focused on a 9mm Kahr. Thanks again for the input I see a P-9 in the near future. That all Black P-9 with those night sights was just right

10-25-2011, 06:44 PM
wellk the price was certainly right IMO. The gun should be OK to and you won't shoot a nicer kahr than that P9 unless u grab a K9.... Does he happento have a place where u and he could go to shoot it even before u go through all the registeration b. s. and maybe the gun isnot right. u know how about offering him $25 bucks jto test shoot it, if it works as it should then the 25 come soff the buying price, if it does not work as it should, ur out only 25 bucks..

10-25-2011, 09:14 PM
He has a reputable shop and I will have no problem w/an exchange or sending off for repair. Ill post the outcome, it will not be till Thursday that I will be able to get back to the shop.