View Full Version : i think i figured out the whole sling shot problem
10-26-2011, 02:29 PM
bear with me here: ive tried a bunch of different shaped rounds and in the end, slingshotting is only reliably viable with short OAL rounds. the best performing round is the pow r' ball round. its short. it works. everytime. also critical defence seems to work with the 6rd mag but the 7 rd gives fits unles u download it by 1 round. anyway, im working on a list and this is the shortest of the short.
if anyone else knows of any rounds with similar size and shape of pow r' ball? i dont know of any. BTW, sling shotting the rounds home is grreat for those of us that do not carry with a round in the pipe. period, i dont carry that way cause im too forgetful and ill forget i had one loaded. cheers.
10-26-2011, 02:36 PM
I've been using Federal range ammo and Winchester PDX1 for defense ammo, no problems.
Your last sentence kind of scares me...
10-26-2011, 02:51 PM
i dont carry that way cause im too forgetful and ill forget i had one loaded.
Scares me too. Does this mean you squeeze the trigger randomly because you know it's not loaded?
10-26-2011, 03:04 PM
In the past discussions regarding carrying with chamber loaded or not have turned very ugly right down to questioning ones manhood for not filling the chamber.
Please lets not go there again.
With regards to the sling shot, longer rounds only exaggerate the issue. Shorter bullets give you just a tiny bit of a margin. If the gun will shoot longer bullets they can be slingshotted if the slingshot is done perfectly. Ride the slide just a tiny bit and it's game over, ain't gonna happen.
The tolerances on a kahr are tight like all compacts. Don't recall how many rounds are through yours but sometimes the slingshot thing gets easier down the road.
The Kahr is a very safe gun to carry with the chamber loaded and I politely think you should consider doing so. As your obviously already aware most jambs will occur on that first round especially if your slingshotting which will probably be the only option in a defense situation. Add a couple gallons of adrenaline coursing through your veins and some are lucky to hold the gun right side up let alone try to load a chamber.
Just a suggestion. If its not for you, that's fine and dandy with me.
Be nice fellas.
10-26-2011, 03:08 PM
Hi Jeffe007...The Kahr pistols don't always slingshot so good....My PM40 will slingshot the first round most every time but every once in a while I might not get a good enough grip and it will FTF....It is not my place to tell anyone how to carry their gun but for what it's worth here is my 2 cents....Load that pistol all the way up with one in the pipe and start to follow this rule....ALL GUNS ARE PERMANENTLY LOADED 100% OF THE TIME AND CAN'T EVER BE UNLOADED EVER EVER PERIOD!!!!...
If you go with that plan you will never have an AD due to forgetting its loaded because its ALWAYS LOADED!!! and if God forbid you have to pull it to defend yourself or family you won't waste a second or two trying to get it into action which might be about a half second too long....Remember that a BG won't stand there while you fiddle around with a jam...Good luck my friend...
If slingshot works for you, feel free. Don't expect Kahr to suggest or recommend a technique that has proven to be difficult for some users to master. Kahr _must_ go with a technique that is proven to work for all users - releasing a locked slide on a full magazine.
10-26-2011, 07:27 PM
My PM9 is only a couple of weeks old. It has about 300 rounds through it. I have used the slingshot methof of loading from the very first magazine. Zero issues with any shape or weight bullet, factory or handloads. Maybe I am lucky.
10-26-2011, 08:06 PM
I occasionally slingshot just because, if you have a dud round, the bad guy won't wait for you to perform Kahr's recommended loading method. So your discovery that a short OAL is the key to reliable slide racking is valuable information.
10-26-2011, 09:15 PM
I've not had any problems slingshotting my CW40 and 45, after the 200 round break in. Almost always works, every once in awhile it misses picking up a round, but that is very rare.
10-27-2011, 12:05 AM
I've been using Federal range ammo and Winchester PDX1 for defense ammo, no problems.
Your last sentence kind of scares me...
10-27-2011, 12:35 AM
bear with me here: ive tried a bunch of different shaped rounds and in the end, slingshotting is only reliably viable with short OAL rounds. the best performing round is the pow r' ball round. its short. it works. everytime. also critical defence seems to work with the 6rd mag but the 7 rd gives fits unles u download it by 1 round. anyway, im working on a list and this is the shortest of the short.
if anyone else knows of any rounds with similar size and shape of pow r' ball? i dont know of any. BTW, sling shotting the rounds home is grreat for those of us that do not carry with a round in the pipe. period, i dont carry that way cause im too forgetful and ill forget i had one loaded. cheers.Since one of the four rules of gun safety is "Always assume a gun is loaded", wouldn't you be better off chambering a round and following that basic rule? If you have a stiff holster and some trigger finger discipline, you can and should carry with one in the pipe.
10-27-2011, 08:07 AM
I'm pretty new to this area. What is sling shooting?
10-27-2011, 08:08 AM
Sorry, I mean what is slingshotting.
BTW, sling shotting the rounds home is grreat for those of us that do not carry with a round in the pipe. period, i dont carry that way cause im too forgetful and ill forget i had one loaded. cheers.
This my friend could get you killed in a SHTF situation especially IF the round that you are attempting to slingshot in the heat of the confrontation does NOT feed when you need it most. :eek:
10-27-2011, 08:32 AM
Sorry, I mean what is slingshotting.
It is when you pull the slide back to chamber a round or as we used to say in the military to charge the weapon. I hope that helps. God Bless :D
10-27-2011, 09:29 AM
Being a lefty, I have slingshot my CM9 for the last 1000 rounds with everything from 115g to 147g, long and short bullets with NO problems of ANY kind with this pistol! I do sharply rap the magazine to seat the rounds to the rear.
10-27-2011, 10:12 AM
no doubt ur good at this to. some seem to not have that luck until once the gun and the shooter both mate up better with each other. I can say my Pm9 after 1000 rounds felt like a complete different gun. smoother than glass, and I could havd rack it with total ease and confidkence. At first that was not so.. I shouldmaster boht ways as hand racking is a good drill but if u have an inured hand or ur disabled in the first place, then one best master the slide rleease as good and fast as he can..
10-27-2011, 12:20 PM
The only time I ever do this is when I have a click no bang. I think technique has everything to do with this being succesful. A 100% firm grip, fully retracting the slide and then releasing it and letting it snap forward just as if you used the slide release has always worked for me.
10-27-2011, 12:29 PM
A bingo for jmurch. If done properly a slingshot will work everytime. It's awfully easy to not do it right though.
Kahrs are a little unforgiving in that area. Mine have worked fine right out of the box with the slingshot, others need to loosen up a bit before they work good.
If the slide release works, the slingshot has to work. Just can't ride the slide at all, let her fly with gusto.
10-27-2011, 12:37 PM
Proper slingshotting requires full-to-the-rear slide racking with a clean release... like a slingshot... no riding the slide a bit. I use the weak-hand fingers over the slide with the thumb along the side of the slide for a better grip and a vigorous rack with the weak hand while thrusting the pistol forward with the gun hand for more power. For even more power, you can keep the arms parallel and close to the chest and being careful with the muzzle, though.
Waiting until you actually NEED a round in the chamber is very hazardous, as many things work against successfully getting a round into the chamber under stress, not to mention the bad guy, if this starts at close quarters. If you've never had an accelerated adrenaline rush, you just can't really appreciate having less things to do when your fine-motor skills go missing as your body directs blood flow to your main organs and you're looking through a tiny field of view since your field of vision could have shrunk about 90% or more! Our bodies' fight-or-flight-response isn't something you experience much in everyday life and is a big surprise the first few times it really kicks in.
10-27-2011, 12:59 PM
I found out kind of by accident that if I hold the pistol in my right hand finger off trigger and tilt it 90 degrees to the left with the ejection port facing up it will sling shot the 1st round every time I think due to the fact the feed ramp is offset to the left in a Kahr...
I have nerve damage in my left hand (right hand shooter) and this is the only way I can grip and pull the slide with my left hand to chamber a round but it works so I am lucky there...
10-29-2011, 01:23 AM
I charge my CM9 using the sling shot method most of the time.
Quickly pull the slide back and release.
Also you may want to reconsider the empty chamber thing.
You may need your weak hand to fend off a knife strike or some other attack before you even consider drawing a weapon.
10-29-2011, 08:02 AM
bear with me here: ive tried a bunch of different shaped rounds and in the end, slingshotting is only reliably viable with short OAL rounds. the best performing round is the pow r' ball round. its short. it works. everytime. also critical defence seems to work with the 6rd mag but the 7 rd gives fits unles u download it by 1 round. anyway, im working on a list and this is the shortest of the short.
if anyone else knows of any rounds with similar size and shape of pow r' ball? i dont know of any. BTW, sling shotting the rounds home is grreat for those of us that do not carry with a round in the pipe. period, i dont carry that way cause im too forgetful and ill forget i had one loaded. cheers.
THanks for the report, But I must say, That if CAN NOT remember if your gun is loaded or not, than you should not carry it!:2rolleyes:
Get a custom made holster and carry a ROCK!
10-29-2011, 09:20 AM
I don't want to be around a man who has no confidence in his own abilities. You are supposed to treat every gun as if it were fully loaded. Gun safety is no accident.
10-29-2011, 10:30 AM
All my guns have one in the pipe and full mags. I don't get up from the cleaning bench until they are ready to go. Nothing to forget as they are always loaded.
I'm no pistolero, but I'd bet I can empty at least five rounds before you could slingshot a round into place, easy 11 rounds in 2 seconds.
BGs aren't necessarily going to be slow, stupid, or poor marksmen, giving you extra time to rack when you should be 100% ready to go.
10-29-2011, 11:28 AM
and more than likely the BGT's gun will be loaded to..
10-29-2011, 12:10 PM
if the point hasnt been driven home enough yet... learn your gun safety rules, and carry loaded. carrying with an empty chamber is foolhardy with any design, downright reckless with such a potentially difficult weapon to load as a kahr.
if you are not confident in your ability to carry a loaded weapon, get some training. ask your instructor wif what you're doing right now is a good practice to be in while you're supposedly carrying for the purposes of self defense. you wont find one who will.
10-30-2011, 04:31 PM
********** I figured u would know what I mean I did t think u be such a **** about my PERSONAL ****** preference. U dont like it go screw urself. I dont know why some people always think their **** don't stink an that their somesort of super gun man. I always assume a gun to. Be loaded u pricks. I don't want to ever run the risk of my child in the middle of the nite getting my gun and discharging it. No I dot have a safe eithe. And most don't. I am on a strict budget and can't afford it. Look I did this to help. Obviously u dont need it. To **** with ya then.
10-30-2011, 04:37 PM
Classy. You'll do well. :-*
Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.
10-30-2011, 04:46 PM
Wow....I think we all need to step back and take a breath. This thread has turned worthless. Threads locked and anymore negativity you'll be forced to step back and breathe, not just get asked.
This is a friendly will be kept as such.
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