View Full Version : Gun trade question

10-26-2011, 04:55 PM
My LGS has the CW45 listed in their inventory for $415. The state & local sales tax will add about $35 to the price.

I'd like to trade a couple pistols for it:

Very early unaltered blued KelTec P3AT with a total of 4 magazines, & box/papers. Less than 100 rounds through it - never carried.

Early AMT stainless .380 Backup (Single Action) with 2 magazines & box/papers. No more than 50 rounds fired - never carried.

Both pistols are like new, but I never liked either one of them.

What kind of a trade could I make with those? I'm totally inexperienced with trading guns.
Looked up the AMT on GunsAmerica, and several of them ranged from $220-$300 used. The KelTec goes new for $220 & up to $270 new (1 extra mag.).

What say you Kahrphiles?

I need a .45 to go with my PM9.

10-26-2011, 05:27 PM
Most gun shops will low ball you on price so they can turn the guns and still make a decent profit...As for the two guns that you mentioned and this is just a guess on my part but I would say they would give you about $300.00 which is a low estimate and if you were able to sell them to another individual you could probably get $200.00 to $225.00 for each of your pistols but by that time the .45 might be gone...

If they would be willing to go $300.00 then jump on it...You will love the Kahr .45 and you will have 10 times the gun than you do now even with both put together....

Jocko used to be in the gun business so he can give you a better idea of your pistols trade in value so stay tuned...Welcome to KahrTalk by the way

10-26-2011, 05:29 PM
I concur but doubt they'd go 300 for tradein. They want more margin than that.

10-26-2011, 06:07 PM
in as much as the cw45 is a good gun and sells very well, and the two tradein's ur talking about are so so guns. The kel teck is not a good gun, so more than likely6 a dealer will probalby tell u that, The AMT no longer made, to my knowledge would be a down fall, and I have been out ofthe gun business for over 15 years, so I have lost alot of whatis golg on in the gun trading world. I would probalbyas a dealer thinik that my w45 ismore easier to sell than either of the two used guns, I sold AMT's back in my gun days and theyt were a problem child back then. again not sure if this AMT

10-26-2011, 06:11 PM
Bawanna's correct, unless you're in a big hurry, you'd be better off selling the guns to individuals. I doubt you'll get more than $200.00 from the gun store. Being in Round Rock you might want to try selling them online at Texas Gun Trader. I've bought and sold on this site several times.

10-26-2011, 06:15 PM
in as much as the cw45 is a good gun and sells very well, and the two tradein's ur talking about are so so guns. The kel teck is not a good gun, so more than likely a dealer will probalby tell u that, The AMT no longer made, to my knowledge would be a down fall, and I have been out of the gun business for over 15 years, so I have lost alot of what is golng on in the gun trading world. I would probalby as a dealer thinik that my cw45 ismore easier to sell than either of the two used guns, I sold AMT's back in my gun days and they were a problem child back then. again not sure if this AMT is a new production gun or what . I owned 3 kt's so for me ur talking to the wrong person in asking me to take one on trade--I WOULD NOT...

I today do not feel qualified in telling a person what a gun is worth on trade. I would say though a small dealer like I was or some of the small "good" gun shops still existing, would treat you far better than ganer mt. or cabelas. They tend to trade very very low and sell used very very high. and u know we always think "our" guns are worth more than maybe what they actually are. 6 extra magazines and 5 extra holsters basically to a dealer means NADDA.

It is like putting 5K in accessories on your Harley and expecting a dealer to take that into consideration when you want to trade it. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. they are going to go to blue book or NADA and go high or low on the trade and never even consider the accessories u put on itj. I have seen this to many times. Buy a new truck and stick it in the garge for 10 years and never drive it and see what a dealer gives u. BOOK VALUE for a 10 year old truck. I say if u want a cw45 bad peddle the guns that u truly have no use for, bite the bullet, take ur hit and move on..

10-26-2011, 06:20 PM
Bud's has the CW 45 for $371 shipped.
They trade guns too. I never did a trade with them, but I would at least contact them and see what they would do. Then try my local shop to see what they would do.

10-26-2011, 06:36 PM
Good eye Beardog. That's shipped and no tax (unless you live in Washington) so just the transfer fee.

10-26-2011, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes Jocko, I know my two pistols are crapola - that's why I want to get rid of them. :o

10-26-2011, 06:46 PM
One mans crapola is another mans treasure. I'd remember that.

10-26-2011, 07:59 PM
One mans crapola is another mans treasure. I'd remember that.

Well, that's true. I once bought a used MG sports car from a lawyer. :der:

10-26-2011, 08:28 PM
Well, that's true. I once bought a used MG sports car from a lawyer. :der:

I get a strong feeling theres a good story related to that transaction.

I remember during my brief on the job rehabilitation job at a gunshop Makarovs were the hot thing. Sold em for just a little over a 100 bucks. I thought they were pretty cool but kind of junk too.
We had one regular guy that came in all the time and he just swore by those things. His everyday carry gun was a Makarov. I sold a ton of them just from others watching and listening to him chat at the counter while fondling them.

Don't matter what it is, somebody will love it.

So? How much for the AMT POS? Ok, just kidding.......................

10-26-2011, 08:31 PM
Try selling yours first on Armslist, heck first see what they will offer for trade, my guess on value would be around $150 for Kel Tec and maybe $200 for other [retail]. If he makes reasonable trade offer you may just want to take it. Armslist is free to advertise, I have sold quite a few there with good results.


10-26-2011, 09:24 PM
I put a guns on Armslist and sold it in 2 days.