View Full Version : Unloading chamber

10-27-2011, 04:09 PM
Finally got a PM45, slightly used, don't know how many rounds. Two range trips and about 100 rounds no problems!!!!
I have had to pull back slid to the rear and PAUSE, and maybe shake, to get the un-fired round out of the the piece. Using 230 grain hollow points, if I don't do that and just pull the slide all-the-way back and let it go------the round gets jammed --the hollow point around the small protrusion on the slide --top outside corner, this part of the slide is ground for relief.... and the back of the LOADED around wedged against the the rear of the slide. Very, Very, very hard to get out, the slide only moves an itty bity at that point.
Anybody else noticing this...

BTW shots great, about the same as full loads in PM40, and just as good as P-45!!!!

10-27-2011, 04:38 PM
Good for you Earle. I'm happy for you. I sure love mine.

You gotta work the slide with gusto to get a loaded empty out of the chamber. Kind of more challenging to do it slow and ease the round out. I tip the gun to the right or left don't matter to give it a chance to drop out the top and pull it back all the way. Holding up right if the round doesn't have a good chance of clearing it will just fall back in and go back to the chamber where it wants to be anynow.

Play with it some and after awhile it will just work natural for ya.

Nice to add you to the Have list and remove you from the Have Not list.

10-27-2011, 07:50 PM

10-27-2011, 07:50 PM
Sorry it was sup post to be thanks

10-28-2011, 08:54 PM
For my PM9 and MK9, after removing the mag, I tip the gun upside down as I pull the slide back with the left hand cupped over the ejectio port. Round drops into my hand.

Works every time...just make sure the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction and the finger is out of the trigger guard.