View Full Version : Rick Perry

10-28-2011, 06:39 AM
Three years ago half of this nation lost it's mind and voted for a charismatic black promising hope and change. This year the other half of our nation is losing it's mind and supporting a charismatic black promising 9-9-9. Rick Perry is the only candidate with military, business and governing experience. He has an A+ rating from the NRA and is a concealed carry permit holder. Don't allow the media to pick our next President. As a gun owner, support Rick Perry for President of the United States.

10-28-2011, 07:40 AM
and u being from OHio had best makesure Ohio votes republican this time or we can kiss this election good by. Indiana is going to be a republican state again, u can take that to the bank..

Longitude Zero
10-28-2011, 08:26 AM
Ohio go Republican??? I would never say never but the phrase, "When pigs fly comes to mind." jocko I hope you are right. From now on the Presidentail election really comes down to a small handfull of states to determine. Sadly my state OK is not one of them. To few electors.

10-28-2011, 08:55 AM
Florida also has to go republican. a reasn wy I think later when we have ournominee,Rubio will step forward. Florida is a just, Ohio really is to. Republican govoner in Ohio certainly helps things out thie time and that state is hurting and as union as it is, the mindset is changing away from Obama. Inidina will go republican this year, . The great once "sucked" many Indiana people in 4 years ago but that is not going to happen this time..

What the hell do u mean when Pigs fly??. Pelosi flys all the time:banplease:

10-28-2011, 09:40 AM
Sorry, but I can't support Perry. Why? Because he can't beat Obama. Unless there is drastic change only Cain or Romney can do that, and even then it will be an uphill battle. Right now my support is with Cain, but that could change if he hits some serious potholes. My primary concern is to get rid of Obama, and I'll vote for whichever Republican candidate has the best chance of doing that a year from now.

BTW, the 9-9-9 plan is a bridge to the FairTax, of which Cain is a big supporter. So am I. Perry's plan is just another flat tax proposal which won't really change much from what we have. We tried a semi-flat tax in 1986 and how much good did that do?

I like Herman and he is a proven leader and a problem solver. I would feel comfortable with him in the White House, but would also be reasonably happy with Gingrich, Romney, or even Perry, IF they have a chance of winning. I can, however, see the Anti-Bush crowd, and they are legion, saying "just what we need, another Republican Governor from Texas".

10-28-2011, 09:58 AM
I would be real careful endorsing this early in the game.

I come from the most red state in the union and in 2008 a lot of Utahns did not like the attack on mormons by Huckabee and recently when Perry did not rebuke the religious leader for his off the wall comment it really put a bad tast in my mouth and many others for Perry.

How can anyone lead that does nothing when 14 million God fearing people get labeled a "cult". (Utah is dominated by mormons and we strongly support gun rights. We are your friends.) It would offend anyone on this forum and just because Perry is in the good grace of the NRA does not make him the best choice.

Our country has a lot of problems and making the decision based on his gun views alone is not wise.

I agree that traditionally Republicans are more inclined to uphold the 2nd amendment. The question we need to be asking those running for office is will you appoint Supreme Court justices who will uphold the 2nd amendment.


10-28-2011, 10:09 AM
As Governor of Mass., Romney supported the assault weapons ban. He also supported the ban on high capacity magazines. He only became a member of the NRA two years ago when he decided to make another run for the presidency. Romney supported gay marriage and abortion. Neither Romney nor Cain has military experience. Cain has no experience in governing. Cain is weak on the issue of our second amendment rights. Perry can beat Obama, but only if he's nominated. Support for Romney or Cain is a vote for Obama lite. Ohio will vote republican if the right republican is nominated. Ohio twice voted for George W. Bush. Ohio has a republican Governor.

10-28-2011, 10:45 AM
Sorry, but I can't support Perry. Why? Because he can't beat Obama. Unless there is drastic change only Cain or Romney can do that, and even then it will be an uphill battle. Right now my support is with Cain, but that could change if he hits some serious potholes. My primary concern is to get rid of Obama, and I'll vote for whichever Republican candidate has the best chance of doing that a year from now.

BTW, the 9-9-9 plan is a bridge to the FairTax, of which Cain is a big supporter. So am I. Perry's plan is just another flat tax proposal which won't really change much from what we have. We tried a semi-flat tax in 1986 and how much good did that do?

I like Herman and he is a proven leader and a problem solver. I would feel comfortable with him in the White House, but would also be reasonably happy with Gingrich, Romney, or even Perry, IF they have a chance of winning. I can, however, see the Anti-Bush crowd, and they are legion, saying "just what we need, another Republican Governor from Texas".

I agree with this one except I'm still a little leery of Herman Cain. I think he's intelligent, definitely has leadership, a creative thinker and a no-nonsense kind of guy that can get things done, but not sure he's really Presedential material. We've already had one .... well, counting Jimmy Carter, two ... that are not really Presedential material, I'd like to see someone that can truly stand on the world stage and make an impression.

les strat
10-28-2011, 11:09 AM
I agree with this one except I'm still a little leery of Herman Cain. I think he's intelligent, definitely has leadership, a creative thinker and a no-nonsense kind of guy that can get things done, but not sure he's really Presedential material. We've already had one .... well, counting Jimmy Carter, two ... that are not really Presedential material, I'd like to see someone that can truly stand on the world stage and make an impression.

Oh we got that now! LOL. You didn't say good or bad.

Cain is a problem solver. Honestly, I don't want a professional politician that has "governed". At this point, that's the last thing we need. Cain actually answers questions and doesn't give the vague "politican answer". That might be his demise. He also knows business and money... not the business and money DC has turned into, but the basics of economics - you can't take and spend more than yo have to get out of the red. I think he could see our way out of this though. Sadly, the nation wants to be lied to with earfulls of cottoncandy speeches, and that's not Cain. Plus, the dems are so trying to paint him as an Uncle Tom black man the "black experience", although being a great grandson of a slave, he comes from an humble, work-ethic background... the type that doesn't b*tch, moan, and feel they are owed everything. Work to pull yourself up. That's the kind of example this frikkin country needs.:banplease:

10-28-2011, 11:29 AM

I don't know what poll your referring to. The independent will decide this election and last I read Perry does not have their support. Nor does Cain have the support of the independent.

The Supreme Court is where your 2nd amendment will be protected. If you don't like the choice ny the President you let your Senator know not to sustain the choice.


10-28-2011, 11:50 AM
Just a few years ago, Perry was a Democrat. This tells me he is at the heart a politician of the worst kind—a chameleon! Here is what I'm talking about:

Longitude Zero
10-28-2011, 12:11 PM
I come from the most red state in the union on this forum.


Not quite. Utah was not all red in the 2008 election. It had 3 blue counties. My state of Oklahoma was COMPLETELY red in the 2008 election. We had ALL counties RED.. A search of the 2008 election with coutny results will show the truth of my statement.

10-28-2011, 01:02 PM
I'm a conservative as they come - voted for Bush twice - and have lived in Texas 50+ years, but will never vote for Rick Perry.

I will never, ever vote for that anti-gun, empty suit, arrogant, condescending, one term germ who currently infests the White House either.

10-28-2011, 01:02 PM
I agree with this one except I'm still a little leery of Herman Cain. I think he's intelligent, definitely has leadership, a creative thinker and a no-nonsense kind of guy that can get things done, but not sure he's really Presedential material. We've already had one .... well, counting Jimmy Carter, two ... that are not really Presedential material, I'd like to see someone that can truly stand on the world stage and make an impression.

Carter made the mistake of surrounding himself with advisers that knew as little about running the country as he did with maybe one exception, Bert Lance. Obama [I assume he's the other one] has also chosen advisers who think like him and have no experience in the free market. Add to this total lack of experience, the fact that I really don't think he wants to advance the free market system, but instead longs for a socialist or even a Marxist system of central government control.

I know Herman and he supports the Constitution completely, including the 2nd amendment. He doesn't talk much about it because he is currently concentrating on the economy, because he thinks that's the first priority. I know of very few people who ever met Herman Cain in person or heard him speak that weren't completely taken by his honesty and detemination. Remember, this is the man who had stage 4 colon and liver cancer and beat it. Very few people can say that. I have no doubt that Herman will use carefully his power of choice in the selection of his inter circle. He knows where his experience is lacking and will do whatever is necessary to pick people to help in these areas.

As I said earlier, it's still over a year until the election and much can change. I like Cain, but if he's not the person to rid us of Obama next year, I will certainly support whoever that is, and I have told Herman that.

10-28-2011, 02:28 PM
The supreme court will not protect our second amendment rights if it's full of liberal Justices. Did the Supreme Court protect the right to life of the unborn? The current President of the United States is removing our troops from harm's way at the risk of our National Interests. To hell with the economy. I want a man in office who will uphold the Constitution and place our National interests above all else. I believe that man to be Rick Perry. Don't let the media pick your candidate.

10-28-2011, 03:13 PM
Not quite. Utah was not all red in the 2008 election. It had 3 blue counties. My state of Oklahoma was COMPLETELY red in the 2008 election. We had ALL counties RED.. A search of the 2008 election with coutny results will show the truth of my statement.

Sorry Oklahoma. I know in the past Utah and Oklahoma have been very close in terms of Republican population vote.

If Mitt gets the Republican nomination he will sweep Utah. He saved our Bacon when it come to the 2002 Winter Olympics.

10-28-2011, 03:15 PM
For you that don't know much about Herman Cain, I'll give you a brief background. His great grandfather was a slave, his grandfather was a sharecropper, his father a Janitor and his mother cleaned houses. However, his parents knew the value of an education, and made sure the children went to college, whatever sacrifices had to be made. Herman graduated from Morris Brown with a BA in mathematics and from Purdue with a masters in computer sciences while he worked full time for the Navy. He has honorary degrees from many universities and won the Horatio Alger Award. This is one smart, determined and driven man, although you would never know it from his laid back style. You've probably heard about his successes with Coca-cola and Pillsbury [Burger King and Godfathers pizza] and he has served on the boards of a dozen major corporations and also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Not bad for the great grandson of a slave.

I don't remember a man with such an unprivileged background vying for the presidential nomination since Harry Truman, and Cain is the political opposite of the liberal Truman.

10-28-2011, 03:31 PM
O'dell, probably that is why he will not get elected.
The obama administration if cain gets that far will do everything they can to destroy him. They have a billion bucks to do it with. Obama doesn't hav eto spend a dime campaingning, as he has no opponet yet. He can ride aroudn in his million dollar canada bus say ing what eer he wants and we all are paying for it. Cain has to raise money to use a pay crapper even, It is going to take millions to run a good election against the great one. Cain resonates with me but IJO he won't make it because it seems even the conservative press keeps saying it is romney and perry, and cain is an anomly and the liberal media which is 90% of tv today doesnt even mention the man. I have talked tomore people who have told me they are not happy with any republican candidate but they will vote against obama and for me that is good enough. I don't care who u vote for as long as it is not obama. But that slick fokker is going to be hard to beat, for his party is definitely on a serach and destroy mission.

This republican party runners need to get their sh-t in order and stop this fighting and concentrate when they get news tv time j"fee" to make it all towards Obama failed administration and not what I our me or my people are going to do. Convince the people as to why they shouldnot vote for obama NO MATTER WHAT..

Personally Rick Perry does not impress me, but if he is the chosen one, he will get my vote..

10-28-2011, 03:35 PM
The supreme court will not protect our second amendment rights if it's full of liberal Justices. Did the Supreme Court protect the right to life of the unborn? The current President of the United States is removing our troops from harm's way at the risk of our National Interests. To hell with the economy. I want a man in office who will uphold the Constitution and place our National interests above all else. I believe that man to be Rick Perry. Don't let the media pick your candidate.

I figured this thread was going to get some sparks flying. Politics has a way of doing that.

Yes we need a person who will defend the constitution. With that said if we continue borrowing 40 cents for every dollar we spend there will not be a constitution to uphold. Our debt is 14% of our GDP. Greece is 12%. The only reason we are not in the same situation as Greece is United States prints their own money. Isn't that comforting.

10-28-2011, 03:45 PM
so far not sparks that I can see, we don't need to trash any republican candidate. gains nadda. shows our ass IMO.

Now u do have my full permission and cooperation in banging OBAMA..

10-28-2011, 03:52 PM
Just a few years ago, Perry was a Democrat. This tells me he is at the heart a politician of the worst kind—a chameleon! Here is what I'm talking about:

Just remember.....Ronald Reagan was a democrat first also before he saw the error in his ways.;)

10-28-2011, 04:09 PM
Perry was a conservative democrat. That's why he joined the republican party. He didn't leave the Democrat Party. The Democrat party left him. Just like the Democrat party left Ronald Reagan. Romney is cut from the same liberal cloth as John McCain and Lindsey Graham. He runs to the right and governs from the left. All that you need to do is look at his record as Governor.

10-28-2011, 04:12 PM
a guy can be wrong, can't he, why persucute him for changing politics. This world ain't perfect and we won't see the perfect republican candidate either.suport the repoublican candidate of ur choice but support the FINAL winner, no matter what...

10-28-2011, 04:14 PM
O'dell, probably that is why he will not get elected.
The obama administration if cain gets that far will do everything they can to destroy him. They have a billion bucks to do it with. Obama doesn't hav eto spend a dime campaingning, as he has no opponet yet. He can ride aroudn in his million dollar canada bus say ing what eer he wants and we all are paying for it. Cain has to raise money to use a pay crapper even, It is going to take millions to run a good election against the great one. Cain resonates with me but IJO he won't make it because it seems even the conservative press keeps saying it is romney and perry, and cain is an anomly and the liberal media which is 90% of tv today doesnt even mention the man. I have talked tomore people who have told me they are not happy with any republican candidate but they will vote against obama and for me that is good enough. I don't care who u vote for as long as it is not obama. But that slick fokker is going to be hard to beat, for his party is definitely on a serach and destroy mission.

This republican party runners need to get their sh-t in order and stop this fighting and concentrate when they get news tv time j"fee" to make it all towards Obama failed administration and not what I our me or my people are going to do. Convince the people as to why they shouldnot vote for obama NO MATTER WHAT..

Personally Rick Perry does not impress me, but if he is the chosen one, he will get my vote..

Well, we didn't expect much from the liberal media did we? they have too much invested in Obama. The conservative press may say Romney and Perry but the people seem to be saying Cain and Romney. The money issue is rapidly improving. I read a report today that stated that much more money is coming into the Cain coffers with the release of the recent polls. I think the Obama administration fears Cain more than the other candidates. At least he's getting a lot of flack from their lapdogs. Yip, Yip, Yip! No, it's not going to be easy for any Republican, but if the economy doesn't improve in the next 7 or 8 months, they have a shot. I'll stick with Herman unless a better alternative comes along, ie one that has a better chance of beating Obama.

10-28-2011, 04:21 PM
I figured this thread was going to get some sparks flying. Politics has a way of doing that.

Yes we need a person who will defend the constitution. With that said if we continue borrowing 40 cents for every dollar we spend there will not be a constitution to uphold. Our debt is 14% of our GDP. Greece is 12%. The only reason we are not in the same situation as Greece is United States prints their own money. Isn't that comforting.

So does Greece, but their inflation is through the roof. Ours is not, yet. That situation will not last however, if Obama is reelected. There still time to reverse his policies, but only if we get some fiscal conservatives in Washington.

10-28-2011, 04:25 PM
u might be right, as soon as the "right" media realize that Cain is for real, he will get the proper press needed to advance him. No doubt obama will fear him worse, for what blacks that will vote for the chosen one will be \IMO the more intellikgent ones anyhow and now that they have another choice for voting for a black and they start to weigh the pro's and con's of each, they just ight find out that cain is one of them, OI would fear him if I was obama, he is not a ugly black man , he is not a vindicitive black man, he thinks "neutral" in colors. He has no more experience in foreighn matters than obama did, not ever elected to office tells many that the man was WORKING FOR A FOKKING LIVING. It is never eeasy to be an incumbant and especially one with almost a billion bucks to spend.

I heard today that the great ones new brain child for student loans actualy amounts to 10 bucks a month less in actual monthly payments.It is all political from now on, anything he proposes and he willhave a new proposal every week to. Nice tosee him talk today and then the next headlines was whirlpool layaing off 5000 people in the U. S. and shutting down one of their big plants. I doubt if the liberal left will even have the whirlpool news..

10-28-2011, 05:13 PM
Three years ago half of this nation lost it's mind and voted for a charismatic black promising hope and change. This year the other half of our nation is losing it's mind and supporting a charismatic black promising 9-9-9. Rick Perry is the only candidate with military, business and governing experience. He has an A+ rating from the NRA and is a concealed carry permit holder. Don't allow the media to pick our next President. As a gun owner, support Rick Perry for President of the United States.

My thoughts on Perry:

The Texas Miracle - BS, just because you're standing on third base doesn't mean you hit a triple. He was in charge at the right time with an oil boom and has also benefited from military spending in his State. Iraq and Afghanistan are big components of his success.

His 20% tax plan - are you kidding? How does letting people pick their system (old tax code or a flat 20%) fix anything. It will benefit the rich who have accountants and tax lawyers helping decide which is better. They will not pay more than before, they will choose to pay less. The very poor will not pay 20% when they are at 0% now, so where does revenue enhancement come from? There is no simplification in this. Voodo Economics all over again. I'll pass.

Can he win? Nope.

Religion? Most people do not want religion forced on them. Perry blurs that line between Church and State. Supports too many issues that are driven by his religion. A country were we are free to believe in our Faith and act accordingly will be changed to one where we need to be consistent with his religion.

Courting the fringe - Showed how stupid he is when he consulted with Donald Trump and played the Birther card. Republicans in charge in Hawaii have certified Obama's BC. Nuff said.


10-28-2011, 05:34 PM
So does Greece, but their inflation is through the roof. Ours is not, yet. That situation will not last however, if Obama is reelected. There still time to reverse his policies, but only if we get some fiscal conservatives in Washington.

Greece cannot print Euros at will. This is why they must travel the path of austerity. Well, until the charade is over and they finally default, but that's another topic.

Bush appointed Ben Bernanke, TARP was enacted under Bush, and QE policies are those of the Federal Reserve, not Obama. Mark my words; the next president will continue to print, because our economy will fold like a cheap suit as soon as they stop. That too is another topic.

Rick Perry is about as corrupt as they come. He attempted to sell out every young girl in Texas to help his buddies at Merck. He's sold roads, built with my tax dollars, to the highest bidder and turned them into tollways. Texas ranks at the bottom in education and at the top for uninsured. I couldn't care less about his views on guns; he's a damn crook and typical politician.

Re 2nd amendment issues; that's up to congress and they've shown they won't touch it with a ten foot pole. They learned not to mess with firearms after the 1994 ban and they were all voted out. I spent the last four years listening to people saying Obama was coming for our guns and he hasn't.

Rick Perry screwed up and leaned too far to the right; he's lost the independent vote. We'll see if Cain has a chance, but I don't trust him since he spent four years at the KC FED. I'm surprised there aren't more Ron Paul supporters around here. If the republican base would support him, he'd definitely carry the independent vote.

Frankly, I have to question the sanity of anyone running for president. You couldn't pay me enough money to take the job with the shape the country is in. I believe most of them are just power hungry psychopaths.

10-28-2011, 05:49 PM
Greece cannot print Euros at will. This is why they must travel the path of austerity. Well, until the charade is over and they finally default, but that's another topic.

oops, you're right - forgot about that European Union thing. Next time I'll stop and think before typing even when I'm rushed. :o

10-28-2011, 06:16 PM
i say we need a ripublican ticket of bachmann and palen. it's time we let women give it a lick and see how they run our country. they would pose a serious thret to obama and biden. think about it, they'd have all the women voters.

10-28-2011, 06:40 PM
One of the wimp out advantages of being a registered Independent is that that when my head really starts to hurt, like now, wrt the candidates I can just put it all in a box, shove it under the desk, and forget about it until after the primaries.

Longitude Zero
10-28-2011, 08:35 PM
so far not sparks that I can see, we don't need to trash any republican candidate. gains nadda. shows our ass IMO.

This is the absolute essence of Reagans 11th Commandment.

I am for simplificationof the tax system. The ONLY intelligent way to do so is to tax CONSUMPTION and not income. I know it tends to be regressive on lower incomes but tough boogers. Nobody should get a free ride rich or poor.

10-28-2011, 10:47 PM
i say we need a ripublican ticket of bachmann and palen. it's time we let women give it a lick and see how they run our country. they would pose a serious thret to obama and biden. think about it, they'd have all the women voters.You're advocating a batshit ticket.. as in batshit crazy.

10-28-2011, 11:40 PM
I think the best guy would be Gingrich, but he's not going to win any popularity contests. I really like Cain, but I don't think he'll raise enough money. Romney would be a big mistake, but I would vote for him instead of Obama!

I thought Perry would be the guy, but if you take him out of Texas and gave him the whole country, I think he would screw it up, especially with regard to immigration and abortion.<I'm not trying and don't want to start a discussion on the latter>

I think it was someone who was filling in for Rush that said Newt had a list on Romney and started listing some of the inconsistencies... how he will say anything that people want to hear and change his "beliefs" or whatever for the occasion. He's joined the NRA to try to garner gun owners' support but he's one of those guys that thinks guns are only for hunting and sporting purposes... dangerous to have leading the country in a lot of ways. I'm worried that the Republican Party will throw their support behind him and we'll have another RINO who will be all over the place politically... and not CONSERVATIVE enough. He certainly won't support the original intent of the 2nd Amendment... self defense... AND especially self defense from a tyrannical government.

I hate to see another bout of fratricide where the Republican hopefuls sicken everyone with mud slinging and accusations, so that many will stay home instead of helping at the polls.


10-29-2011, 06:23 AM
One of the wimp out advantages of being a registered Independent is that that when my head really starts to hurt, like now, wrt the candidates I can just put it all in a box, shove it under the desk, and forget about it until after the primaries.

an independate but I sure vote in the primaries . anyway I can tohelp the man of my choice I will do, if he looses, I then revert to supporting the republican nominee. one does not hav eto not vote to say he is an indepedant.

10-29-2011, 06:27 AM
I think the best guy would be Gingrich, but he's not going to win any popularity contests. I really like Cain, but I don't think he'll raise enough money. Romney would be a big mistake, but I would vote for him instead of Obama!

I thought Perry would be the guy, but if you take him out of Texas and gave him the whole country, I think he would screw it up, especially with regard to immigration and abortion.<I'm not trying and don't want to start a discussion on the latter>

I think it was someone who was filling in for Rush that said Newt had a list on Romney and started listing some of the inconsistencies... how he will say anything that people want to hear and change his "beliefs" or whatever for the occasion. He's joined the NRA to try to garner gun owners' support but he's one of those guys that thinks guns are only for hunting and sporting purposes... dangerous to have leading the country in a lot of ways. I'm worried that the Republican Party will throw their support behind him and we'll have another RINO who will be all over the place politically... and not CONSERVATIVE enough. He certainly won't support the original intent of the 2nd Amendment... self defense... AND especially self defense from a tyrannical government.

I hate to see another bout of fratricide where the Republican hopefuls sicken everyone with mud slinging and accusations, so that many will stay home instead of helping at the polls.


IMO Newt is the smartest of all the other combined but tomuch baggage, the media, and the demo's with all their money woud rip him apart. He also is lacking FUNDS. I wouldhat eot think that romney or perry got in because they had the mostmoney to spend but it does seem to work that way. Cain just has to ake sure from now on what ever he says MAKES SENSE. Money will come to him in time if he makes us all feel good about his chances.

I think the republican voters are truly confused right now. One thing is for certai if u don't love any of the candidates, then vote against obama. I am not a true cardinal fan but a looser cubvbvie fan, but I didn't want texas to win it either, hence I rooted for the cardinals..

10-29-2011, 06:53 AM
wyntrout (http://kahrtalk.com/member.php?u=1064) - you may be very correct about Gingrich.

Jocko is right also, I just don't understand this "too much baggage" BS.
As if Milty doesn't have a lot of baggage also. - guns control, abortion, obamacare,

Back to the OP, I would like Perry except his very poor performance in the debates - the slickster obama will eat him up in debates.

P.S. Yes, Reagan was a Democrat, and early Democrat like myself when the Dems weren't trying to destroy the country. But as you all know he ended up being the best Republican President of our time, and I'm now running as a Republican for an office. We learn or we burn.

10-29-2011, 07:30 AM
wyntrout (http://kahrtalk.com/member.php?u=1064) - you may be very correct about Gingrich.

Jocko is right also, I just don't understand this "too much baggage" BS.
As if Milty doesn't have a lot of baggage also. - guns control, abortion, obamacare,

Back to the OP, I would like Perry except his very poor performance in the debates - the slickster obama will eat him up in debates.

P.S. Yes, Reagan was a Democrat, and early Democrat like myself when the Dems weren't trying to destroy the country. But as you all know he ended up being the best Republican President of our time, and I'm now running as a Republican for an office. We learn or we burn.

Yep. Good luck with your run. My daughter and Ex-wife live in Marion and we usually get together there for Thanksgiving. My Ex is part of the family and we are good friends. My son's in Columbus, Ohio, and meets us there. I know S. Illinois is different from Chicago and "Crook County" but I really hate going there and having to leave my gun locked up in the motel room safe. I wish that you guys could get a CCW law passed and we could get reciprocity.

My son used to live in Milwaukee... the only other state with absolutely no CCW at the time. It was no fun being unarmed there!


10-29-2011, 07:33 AM
I have always thought that Gingrich was kind of a visionary and has real passion to better the country. He'll tell you what you don't want to hear too and then you think to yourself you know what, that's obvious. Then the touchy feely people come out and say that's so mean. But like it was said he is heavy on the baggage. On the REAL issues Gingrich could smoke Obama in any debate. I like Cain too and he has had a real job for a long time. I could vote for him. What about a Cain/Gingrich ticket? Don't know how that would work out but I like both of them.

I DO NOT trust Romney. I'm also not sure that Perry could win. But most important:

NO OBAMA 2012.

Whoever it is get out the vote.

10-29-2011, 07:52 AM
Here's a political cartoon from the Chicago Tribune in 1934!

It's exactly what Obama and crowd have been trying to do:

http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/168475_126310997436558_100001729764312_168599_2447 975_n.jpg

Top center of the cart... looks like Bahney Fwank!

And here's an obituary... sort of... for Capitalism from a Pravda blogger:



10-29-2011, 08:41 AM
Here's a political cartoon from the Chicago Tribune in 1934!

It's exactly what Obama and crowd have been trying to do:

http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/168475_126310997436558_100001729764312_168599_2447 975_n.jpg

Top center of the cart... looks like Bahney Fwank!

And here's an obituary... sort of... for Capitalism from a Pravda blogger:



That's the truth, pure and simple. I'll tell you, I am not shy at all about labeling everyone who voted for Obama as blooming idiots! I wonder if our country can even survive 14 more months of this guy and his liberal cohorts. And I seriously doubt that there is enough right thinking American support for the complete top to bottom, inside out transformation to conservative/libertarian ways that it will take to save our government, economy and nation. There are just too many government educated "progressives" who wield power at the voting boots. And the politicians, the whole lot of them, need to be exterminated if we are to have any hope at all. And all these pin headed, self righteous morons who deem to rule over us at every level from neighborhood associations and city counsels on up, plus the unelected bureaucrats in the I.R.S. and the E.P.A. and countless other government agencies, ALL need to be sent hiking.

Isaiah 60 foretells of a time when darkness covers the earth, and "gross darkness" the people. I always saw this darkness as an overwhelming evil, and it is all around us, but I see now that it also manifests as blatant and rampant stupidity of the populus. Are we there, yet? I think we are very close.

Longitude Zero
10-29-2011, 09:15 AM
The problem with this country is not Obama. It is the fact we are INFESTED with a large enough number of boobs/nincompoops/idiots/dolts to elect a cretin so bereft of any worth.

10-29-2011, 09:56 AM
The problem with this country is not Obama. It is the fact we are INFESTED with a large enough number of boobs/nincompoops/idiots/dolts to elect a cretin so bereft of any worth.

+1. you got it.

10-29-2011, 10:24 AM
+1. you got it.

it is the arogant bastard!!!

10-29-2011, 10:28 AM
The problem with this country is not Obama. It is the fact we are INFESTED with a large enough number of boobs/nincompoops/idiots/dolts to elect a cretin so bereft of any worth.

Exactamundo. :yo:

10-29-2011, 11:33 AM
wyntrout (http://kahrtalk.com/member.php?u=1064) - you may be very correct about Gingrich.

Jocko is right also, I just don't understand this "too much baggage" BS.
As if Milty doesn't have a lot of baggage also. - guns control, abortion, obamacare,

Back to the OP, I would like Perry except his very poor performance in the debates - the slickster obama will eat him up in debates.


Gingrich's 'baggage' mostly comes from his divorce - the dems will say he divorced his wife on her deathbed to marry his current wife. It's not the whole story nor is it the whole truth, but when has that stopped them. Also He doesn't come across as likable - he's very smart and knows more about how we got to where we are and how to fix it than anybody, but he comes across too clinical or preachy. My biggest problem with Newt is that he is lukewarm on the FairTax. Either Newt or Herman with his plain talk would debate Obama under the table.

10-29-2011, 11:35 AM
The problem with this country is not Obama. It is the fact we are INFESTED with a large enough number of boobs/nincompoops/idiots/dolts to elect a cretin so bereft of any worth.

That's exactly what I read in a European newspaper editorial some months ago, but they took 1500 words to say it.

10-29-2011, 12:48 PM
I have always liked Newt for intellingense. but he can't win it, to much baggage that whether we like it our not would bring him down.Newt would belittle obama in a debate, no doubt in my mind, Not sure cain can do that though. I like cain, but he is no newt in knowledge.

10-29-2011, 01:30 PM
I have always liked Newt for intellingense. but he can't win it, to much baggage that whether we like it our not would bring him down.Newt would belittle obama in a debate, no doubt in my mind, Not sure cain can do that though. I like cain, but he is no newt in knowledge.

You're right. Herman doesn't have the historical or political savey of Newt. He's been much too busy all his life with business interests and saving failing companies. However, he's bright, and since he and Newt are pretty good friends, he can learn from Newt. Newt will not win the nomination. I would love to see him cancel the run and become the chief adviser to Herman. Right now Herman needs to surround himself with the very best people. He simply cannot afford any mistakes, like being drug into the social conservative or religious right agendas like Perry. That would kill him with the independents and any candidate has to have them to win. I know Herman has a strong faith [He's an assistant minister], but he has to keep away from that subject and focus on what's necessary to reverse Obama's damage.

10-29-2011, 01:40 PM
You're right. Herman doesn't have the historical or political savey of Newt. He's been much too busy all his life with business interests and saving failing companies. However, he's bright, and since he and Newt are pretty good friends, he can learn from Newt. Newt will not win the nomination. I would love to see him cancel the run and become the chief adviser to Herman. Right now Herman needs to surround himself with the very best people. He simply cannot afford any mistakes, like being drug into the social conservative or religious right agendas like Perry. That would kill him with the independents and any candidate has to have them to win. I know Herman has a strong faith [He's an assistant minister], but he has to keep away from that subject and focus on what's necessary to reverse Obama's damage.

assured the GREAT ONE will explore all of cain's weakness points. Doesnt have to be true, just have enough money to run it on the TV 5 days a week until election time. Newt would make one hell of a campaign manager but I have no doubt his goals are much higher than that to. I don't see him doing that but I do expect him when he finally drops out to announce he is backing Cain. Right now we also don't know alot about Cain and some of his stands that the conservatives seem to mandate. He is not polished so IMO he does need some good political guidance to help him keep out of trouble as the liberal news media is taking every word he says and dissecting it to see if there could be another meaning to what he is saying.

10-29-2011, 03:57 PM
once again, i just wish we would quit *****-footin around and give bachmann/palen a lick at fixin what's wrong with our country. what are all those lieing democrats going to say about an all women ticket??? i agree with odell, the democrats will just lie about anybody we nominate so what's it matter? such a shame! i don't think a one of em has ever stepped foot in a church in their life. don't underestimate the intelligence of palen. she's not just a pretty face and she has a following.

10-29-2011, 04:02 PM
sorry, palin is a looser, she has lost most of her credibility this past 4 months. Bachman can't do it either. Only reason McCain picked her was her body and looks can't be her brains at that time, let alone wining alaska . Hell McCain had never even meet her prior to announcing her as v.p. She is 1005 smarter now than when she ran as v.p. that is for sure, but like Newt, her baggage is still there . This momma grizzly **** goes no where with me....

10-29-2011, 04:36 PM
an independate but I sure vote in the primaries . anyway I can tohelp the man of my choice I will do, if he looses, I then revert to supporting the republican nominee. one does not hav eto not vote to say he is an indepedant.

Unlike other states I've been registered in, in Colorado you can't vote in a party's primary unless you're registered with that party affiliation. I've been registered Independent since 1976...Republican prior to that.

Frankly, considering the state of the GOP and it's candidate pool right now I kind of view it as a blessing.

10-29-2011, 04:57 PM
Unlike other states I've been registered in, in Colorado you can't vote in a party's primary unless you're registered with that party affiliation. I've been registered Independent since 1976...Republican prior to that.

Frankly, considering the state of the GOP and it's candidate pool right now I kind of view it as a blessing.

I think they need all the help we can give them, so I am registered as a Republican so I can help pick one.

10-29-2011, 05:08 PM
I think they need all the help we can give them, so I am registered as a Republican so I can help pick one.

I understand and respect that. My wife takes that approach as well. I've always voted in the primaries when I was allowed to, but I am and will remain registered Independent/Unaffiliated as a matter of strong personal preference.

10-29-2011, 05:10 PM
jfoot.....i like the way you think

10-29-2011, 09:10 PM
Unlike other states I've been registered in, in Colorado you can't vote in a party's primary unless you're registered with that party affiliation. I've been registered Independent since 1976...Republican prior to that.

Frankly, considering the state of the GOP and it's candidate pool right now I kind of view it as a blessing.

Georgia's the same way. Since I'm a registered Libertarian, i can't vote in the Republican primary.

10-29-2011, 09:40 PM
once again, i just wish we would quit *****-footin around and give bachmann/palen [sic] a lick at fixin what's wrong with our country. what are all those lieing [sic] democrats going to say about an all women ticket??? i agree with odell, the democrats will just lie about anybody we nominate so what's it matter? such a shame! i don't think a one of em has ever stepped foot in a church in their life. don't underestimate the intelligence of palen. she's not just a pretty face and she has a following.As an Independent, I'd say "batshit crazy" for Bachman. For Palin, I don't think you can underestimate her intelligence. She also carries the baggage of quiting the highest political job she has held. She's just feeding her own ego these days and chasing a buck. Much prefer Cain or Paul. I also have no interest in mixing religion and politics.

10-30-2011, 10:58 AM
Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan would be 9-9-9-8 in Ohio since Ohio already has an 8% state sales tax. That's a 35% tax rate. His nine percent sales tax applies only to purchases of new goods and that doesn't bode well for manufacturing or the new housing market. It would promote an underground economy similar to that of the prohibition era. There is no guarantee that his nine percent sales tax wouldn't increase to 12% or 15% sales tax. You are still paying a temporary federal excise tax on tires that was levied help pay for WWII. Your still paying a temporary federal tax on your electric bill that was supposed to pay for rural electrification. Sorry gentlemen, but Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan sounds too much like hope and change to me. Just a large slice of pie in the sky.

10-30-2011, 11:09 AM
Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan would be 9-9-9-8 in Ohio since Ohio already has an 8% state sales tax. That's a 35% tax rate. His nine percent sales tax applies only to purchases of new goods and that doesn't bode well for manufacturing or the new housing market. It would promote an underground economy similar to that of the prohibition era. There is no guarantee that his nine percent sales tax wouldn't increase to 12% or 15% sales tax. You are still paying a temporary federal excise tax on tires that was levied help pay for WWII. Your still paying a temporary federal tax on your electric bill that was supposed to pay for rural electrification. Sorry gentlemen, but Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan sounds too much like hope and change to me. Just a large slice of pie in the sky.That's some seriously flawed math there, Bud. There are some legit criticisms to be made, but yours makes no sense.

10-30-2011, 11:42 AM
That's some seriously flawed math there, Bud. There are some legit criticisms to be made, but yours makes no sense.

I agree. The plan isn't perfect but remember, according the Herman, it's the first step to the FairTax.

10-30-2011, 11:59 AM
Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan would be 9-9-9-8 in Ohio since Ohio already has an 8% state sales tax. That's a 35% tax rate. His nine percent sales tax applies only to purchases of new goods and that doesn't bode well for manufacturing or the new housing market. It would promote an underground economy similar to that of the prohibition era. There is no guarantee that his nine percent sales tax wouldn't increase to 12% or 15% sales tax. You are still paying a temporary federal excise tax on tires that was levied help pay for WWII. Your still paying a temporary federal tax on your electric bill that was supposed to pay for rural electrification. Sorry gentlemen, but Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan sounds too much like hope and change to me. Just a large slice of pie in the sky.Using your logic & math,

1. ave Sub S corp now pays 19.3% per SBA study
2. cap gains is 15%
3. payroll taxes 7.65%
4. personal max rate is 35%
5. Ohio Sales Tax 8%

1+2+3+4=5 = 84.95%

That sound better to you?

11-03-2011, 07:56 AM
Using your logic & math,

1. ave Sub S corp now pays 19.3% per SBA study
2. cap gains is 15%
3. payroll taxes 7.65%
4. personal max rate is 35%
5. Ohio Sales Tax 8%

1+2+3+4=5 = 84.95%

That sound better to you?

No, Rick Perry's tax plan plan sounds better to me. So does a flat tax.

11-03-2011, 11:33 AM
No, Rick Perry's tax plan plan sounds better to me. So does a flat tax.The Devils in the details.

On my 2010 1040, I paid 18.5% of Adjusted Gross Income of $117,345. My position was eliminated so I only worked 7 month, but got some severance and vacation pay. I would pay $2,053 more at a flat 20% of AGI. It would be worse if true Gross was used.

Until I hit about $155k, I am paying under 20%.

While "flat" may be a good concept for the better off families, it is disasterous to a guy making $15,000 - $75,000, increases the burden to those in the next tier of $75,000 to $155,000, will not hit business owners who can declare dividends which may be 0%, while drawing modest salaries.

11-03-2011, 11:37 AM
Right a FLAT TAX at what %? There is the rub. Politicians pretty much agree we do not have enough INCOME currently.

The FAIR TAX plan says that 23% is the right amount on a consumption tax... Imagine being on a fixed income and not currently paying income taxes. (grandma on SS or anyone you know on disability) Imagine them now having a 23% SALES tax increase.

A 20% flat tax rate aint gonna cover Social Security and Medicare and the current income tax revenue since SS and MEDICARE are getting 15% currently.

11-03-2011, 11:43 AM
Right a FLAT TAX at what %? There is the rub. Politicians pretty much agree we do not have enough INCOME currently.

The FAIR TAX plan says that 23% is the right amount on a consumption tax... Imagine being on a fixed income and not currently paying income taxes. (grandma on SS or anyone you know on disability) Imagine them now having a 23% SALES tax increase.

A 20% flat tax rate aint gonna cover Social Security and Medicare and the current income tax revenue since SS and MEDICARE are getting 15% currently.I haven'tt read any details of Perry's Plan. Is it replacing our FEDERAL INCOME TAX only, or is it replacing our Payroll Taxes too (FICA and Medicare)?

Your point about Grandma is a good one. Let me add that anyone who saved for retirement on an after tax basis, has paid FIT once before, now as they need to spend it to buy clothes, a new washer, ammo or anything, they will be paying a second time on the same money.

11-03-2011, 12:10 PM
Rainman what ticks me off with all polticians... they LIE about nearly everything.

For instance they claim the you are entitled to the money you paid in for SS or Medicare. They all know better, they know that with the passing of a bill and the stroke of a pen all those funds can be spent anyway THEY want to. The government more or less had to fudge in order for Social Security to pass Constitutional muster... according to the SCOTUS ruling the SS funds are strictly a tax and are to be placed in the general fund and not to be ear marked.

11-03-2011, 01:08 PM
How do you know when a politician is not telling the truth ? When their lips are moving.

11-03-2011, 01:49 PM
Right a FLAT TAX at what %? There is the rub. Politicians pretty much agree we do not have enough INCOME currently.

The FAIR TAX plan says that 23% is the right amount on a consumption tax... Imagine being on a fixed income and not currently paying income taxes. (grandma on SS or anyone you know on disability) Imagine them now having a 23% SALES tax increase.

A 20% flat tax rate aint gonna cover Social Security and Medicare and the current income tax revenue since SS and MEDICARE are getting 15% currently.

You need to research the FairTax to post on it. That 23% replaces ALL, that's ALL, federal taxes including the approximately 22% imbedded tax that is in everything you now buy. In other words a $100 item you buy today will still cost about $100 including the FairTax. In addition, each person or family will receive a monthly check [prebate] to cover the tax on what are considered essentials, ie food, clothing, housing, etc, so if your "grandma" didn't go out and buy a new Corvette, she wouldn't have any tax liability at all. BTW, if she bought a USED Corvette she still wouldn't owe any taxes.

11-09-2011, 08:51 PM
i like perry's plan to eliminate 3 government agencies. i just wish he could remember which ones he will eliminate. oops......put the fork in, he's done!!!

it's a beautiful day.

11-10-2011, 12:59 AM
You need to research the FairTax to post on it. That 23% replaces ALL, that's ALL, federal taxes including the approximately 22% imbedded tax that is in everything you now buy. In other words a $100 item you buy today will still cost about $100 including the FairTax. In addition, each person or family will receive a monthly check [prebate] to cover the tax on what are considered essentials, ie food, clothing, housing, etc, so if your "grandma" didn't go out and buy a new Corvette, she wouldn't have any tax liability at all. BTW, if she bought a USED Corvette she still wouldn't owe any taxes.

Aint that what we need? Even more people getting a check from govt... Why not just exempt the so called essentials and forget the prebate check?

And just for the record the so called embedded tax wont go away over night but grandma and her sisters still have to eat everyday.

11-10-2011, 06:12 AM
I figured this thread was going to get some sparks flying. Politics has a way of doing that.

Yes we need a person who will defend the constitution. With that said if we continue borrowing 40 cents for every dollar we spend there will not be a constitution to uphold. Our debt is 14% of our GDP. Greece is 12%. The only reason we are not in the same situation as Greece is United States prints their own money. Isn't that comforting.

With Perry you get the best of both worlds. Texas is booming while the rest of the country struggles.

11-10-2011, 06:19 AM
I would be real careful endorsing this early in the game.

I come from the most red state in the union and in 2008 a lot of Utahns did not like the attack on mormons by Huckabee and recently when Perry did not rebuke the religious leader for his off the wall comment it really put a bad tast in my mouth and many others for Perry.

How can anyone lead that does nothing when 14 million God fearing people get labeled a "cult". (Utah is dominated by mormons and we strongly support gun rights. We are your friends.) It would offend anyone on this forum and just because Perry is in the good grace of the NRA does not make him the best choice.

Our country has a lot of problems and making the decision based on his gun views alone is not wise.

I agree that traditionally Republicans are more inclined to uphold the 2nd amendment. The question we need to be asking those running for office is will you appoint Supreme Court justices who will uphold the 2nd amendment.


I don't recall Perry calling the Mormons a cult. I believe that it was a religious leader who used that term. Should Perry apologize for something someone else said? Are all Mormons that thin skinned? Jeezus, it a good thing that your not a damn Catholic. :)

11-10-2011, 06:22 AM

I don't know what poll your referring to. The independent will decide this election and last I read Perry does not have their support. Nor does Cain have the support of the independent.

The Supreme Court is where your 2nd amendment will be protected. If you don't like the choice ny the President you let your Senator know not to sustain the choice.


The independents choose our last president. I don't trust their judgement.

11-10-2011, 06:26 AM
For you that don't know much about Herman Cain, I'll give you a brief background. His great grandfather was a slave, his grandfather was a sharecropper, his father a Janitor and his mother cleaned houses. However, his parents knew the value of an education, and made sure the children went to college, whatever sacrifices had to be made. Herman graduated from Morris Brown with a BA in mathematics and from Purdue with a masters in computer sciences while he worked full time for the Navy. He has honorary degrees from many universities and won the Horatio Alger Award. This is one smart, determined and driven man, although you would never know it from his laid back style. You've probably heard about his successes with Coca-cola and Pillsbury [Burger King and Godfathers pizza] and he has served on the boards of a dozen major corporations and also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Not bad for the great grandson of a slave.

I don't remember a man with such an unprivileged background vying for the presidential nomination since Harry Truman, and Cain is the political opposite of the liberal Truman.

I knew Harry Truman. Harry Truman was a friend of mine. Herman Cain is no Harry Truman. :)

11-10-2011, 06:57 AM
I don't recall Perry calling the Mormons a cult. I believe that it was a religious leader who used that term. Should Perry apologize for something someone else said? Are all Mormons that thin skinned? Jeezus, it a good thing that your not a damn Catholic. :)


You are correct Perry did not call us a cult but he did nothing to denounce it. On terms of thin skin take a moment and review Mormon history. My ancestors where driven from their land by force in the name of religion. Do you think they chose to walk 1,500 miles in harsh weather to Utah? Do you think the Mormons murdered at Hauns Mill had thin skin? You have no right to even suggest mormons have thin skin. We have turned the other cheek as our Savior taught over and over.

I would recommend you watch the movie 17 miracles. It tells a story of great sacrifice by a group of God fearing mormons who sacrificed everything including their lives for what they believe.



11-10-2011, 07:47 AM
Aint that what we need? Even more people getting a check from govt... Why not just exempt the so called essentials and forget the prebate check?

And just for the record the so called embedded tax wont go away over night but grandma and her sisters still have to eat everyday.

The reason we don't exempt the essentials is that THERE IS NO TAX RETURN, NO I.R.S.

The private entrepreneurs who researched and designed the Fair tax spent MILLIONS of dollars on it, very thoughtfully including the prebate to take care of the basic needs of the poor. They also carefully planned transitional issues, one of which is the repeal of ALL of the income tax, business and other taxes and fees that comprise the imbedded tax BEFORE implementing the Fair Tax. How many millions of dollars did you spend researching it to come up with your conclusion that grandma and her sisters won't be able to eat?

What you are doing is demagogueing - a fancy word for telling untruths about something that you oppose. Washington politicians are famous for it. The biggest hindrance to passage of the Fair Tax is that it is so easy to demagogue, because very few people do research themselves, so they will easily accept the untruths.

So, what? Do we stay with the current oppressive system? And Big Brother I.R.S. lording it over every citizen in the land?

11-10-2011, 10:45 AM
Aint that what we need? Even more people getting a check from govt... Why not just exempt the so called essentials and forget the prebate check?

And just for the record the so called embedded tax wont go away over night but grandma and her sisters still have to eat everyday.

The government is very efficient at mailing checks. The cost would be a tiny blip compared to the cost of maintaining the IRS to insure tax compliance. The prebate checks are limited to a certain amount depending on family size. There is no way to do that with an exemption. I think the check for a family of four would be about $450 to $500. that would cover the tax on the essential for a family of that size. The prebate is NOT welfare - it is simply a method to insure that lower income families do not bear an unnecessary burden.

Just for the record, according to the best economist at Harvard and MIT, the embedded taxes would disappear overnight. Competition would see to that. That principle has never failed in a free market system. The FairTax is the most heavily researched bill ever placed before Congress with $22 million behind it. I'm an engineer and lawyer by education, not an economist, but I'm certain these guys know of what they speak.

11-10-2011, 10:47 AM
With Perry you get the best of both worlds. Texas is booming while the rest of the country struggles.

Just because you're standing on third base doesn't mean you hit a triple.

11-10-2011, 10:50 AM
I knew Harry Truman. Harry Truman was a friend of mine. Herman Cain is no Harry Truman. :)

No he's not, thank goodness. Cain ran successful businesses, not failed ones. Truman was a liberal, and I've had my fill of liberals, thank you very much.

11-10-2011, 11:18 AM
That third government agency could be Energy or the IRS. We could do without both. The Energy came into being under Carter to get us energy independent. That sure has worked well. We're more dependent than ever and that agency has grown into an expensive and ineffective mess.

With the real Fair Tax implementation and its required prerequisite the abolishment of the income tax, we wouldn't need the IRS, either.


11-10-2011, 11:28 AM
That third government agency could be Energy or the IRS. We could do without both. The Energy came into being under Carter to get us energy independent. That sure has worked well. We're more dependent than ever and that agency has grown into an expensive and ineffective mess.

With the real Fair Tax implementation and its required prerequisite the abolishment of the income tax, we wouldn't need the IRS, either.


I can come up with six or seven off the top of my head - Commerce, Energy, Transportation, Education, EPA, OSHA, Corp of Engineers, etc.

You're right - The FT would take care of the IRS.