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10-28-2011, 11:02 AM
Second Amendment: A Win for Gun Rights in Canada
Canada has finally learned a lesson in liberty. This week, conservative Members of Parliament (MPs) introduced a bill to end Canada's long-gun registry and to destroy all the records that have amassed during the registry's history. National Post reports, "Since the long-gun registry came into force, lawful gun owners have faced increasing scrutiny from police authorities. The surveillance has increased particularly since the Firearms Registry database went online. In the second quarter of 2003, the database was searched 95,503 times by police. By the first quarter of 2011, the number of searches had reached nearly 1.3 million." The results have been harassment, arrest and even imprisonment.

One Toronto man recalls that police came to his home one night, led him into the street in his underwear, seized his properly licensed guns, and leveled 14 criminal offenses against him. It seems a prospective buyer touring the man's apartment had seen the guns and reported them to police. Also, a New Brunswick man brought his legally owned unloaded gun to a neighbor's house when drunken teenagers created a disturbance. The gun owner made a citizen's arrest of the teens, but soon after, he himself was arrested and jailed.

Tony Bernardo, executive director of the Canadian Sports Shooting Association, notes that the 144-page legislation at the root of the registry focuses on law-abiding citizens while not even mentioning criminal firearms use. According to MP Candice Hoeppner, who has championed the repeal, the registry has cost almost $2 billion -- money that should have gone toward targeting criminals. Should the repeal pass, law-abiding gun owners will be able to rest a bit easier north of the border, and Canadian police will be free to turn their attention to the real criminals.

10-28-2011, 01:17 PM
Well, it's a good first step, but from what I heard, they have much further to go.

10-28-2011, 10:59 PM
Good luck to our neighbors, but anyone who thinks a giant gov't database can be destroyed is whistling in the dark.

As the DA on my County's Gun Board said to the fellow without a single felony conviction, "we have our own records". Seems an expunged arrest, including the fact no charges were brought, was not really expunged.


10-29-2011, 07:43 AM
Canada and England (the latter being worse) are almost police states. WAY too much regulation. I have in-laws in both places. It the old days the King ruled with an iron fist. Now it's been traded for their governments.

Nevermind. Don't listen to me. I'm a southerner and we all think that freedom is most valued. We're just confused down here. Hmmmm..... , I wonder what they would think about some of our collections??????

10-29-2011, 08:12 AM
In Canada liberalism in government runs amok. Outside of the cities most Canadians are of good pioneer stock with an independent streak. I wish them well in their pursuit.

10-29-2011, 09:41 AM
Outside of the cities most Canadians are of good pioneer stock with an independent streak.

That is 100% true. My brother in law is from a little place Alberta and tries to hide whatever he can from the government. His gripe is the cities are ran in a way to support all of those that don't want to be producers in the country and they waste his tax dollars on them.

Sounds like here huh?

10-30-2011, 02:50 PM
This kind of treatment is exactly why I don't travel to Canada and spend my money there anymore. There are a lot of 2A-respecting States right here in the good old US of A that are in need of my tourist dollars.

I give the 2A-disrespecting States the same cold shoulder I give the Canuks.


10-30-2011, 03:18 PM
I don't understand the whole "we're just confused down here" in the South. What, u think we're stupid or something? There's always new York for ya as they are at the pinnacle of intellect and nice living!

10-30-2011, 04:43 PM
I don't understand the whole "we're just confused down here" in the South. What, u think we're stupid or something? There's always new York for ya as they are at the pinnacle of intellect and nice living!

Yeah, but no body goes to New York unless they have to. At least down here it's just pockets of liberalism that we can avoid.

10-30-2011, 05:33 PM
I don't understand the whole "we're just confused down here" in the South. What, u think we're stupid or something? There's always new York for ya as they are at the pinnacle of intellect and nice living!

Watch Jersey Shore and get to know Snookie. Then try to tell me they're smarter or more evolved up North! :mad:

Of course, the South has it's devolved apes posing as humans, too. I was a teenager during the 60s and grew up with rock & roll and classic soul music. I always enjoyed the music of Lynyrd Skynyrd, so I decided to take a date to a concert at Lakewood Amphitheater back in the early 90s. I never thought about what kind of an audience they would draw in Georgia, with some coming from Alabama and Florida, etc. There were 40,000 long haired, tattooed, snaggle toothed, inbred Southern rednecks at that concert! The only black persons there were ushers and concession operators, and to hear the rabble talking about them in the restroom, you'd think they had never seen a black person before. I ended up not feeling too well and leaving early. But I decided that I would limit my enjoyment to listening to my CDs! :o

Those people reminded me of sewer rats. Primitive! Of course, you have primitives everywhere, North, South, East and West. At least I think that most of these types don't register and vote. Thank goodness! :rolleyes:

10-31-2011, 12:22 AM
Those people reminded me of sewer rats. Primitive! Of course, you have primitives everywhere, North, South, East and West. At least I think that most of these types don't register and vote. Thank goodness! :rolleyes:

But they do breed - oh how they breed.