View Full Version : 2nd replacement CM9 range report

10-28-2011, 11:27 AM
My first CM9 came with a crack in the slide. Back it went.
My 2nd CM9 was a nose dive o-matic. Back it went.

This is my 3rd one and here is the first range report from it.

108 total rounds. All federal 115 FMJ.

O, Nada, None, nose dives. Yeah Baby!.

Out of 18 Magazines the slide only locked back 3 times. I am hoping and praying this shoots in as the spring loosens up a bit.

1 FTF on the second round of the second magazine. Just did not load into the chamber at all, but did not nose dive. I am not really concerned at this time as it may be a one off incident with a brand new gun that had not been shot.

The magazines don't drop almost at all. The tightest magazine hold of any of the three I have had. This is the least of my worries and I will live with it if it means no nose dives.

On the nose dive issue: I noticed something that may or may not be relevant. It appears on this CM9 that the rounds are higher up the ramp to start then my last one that had the nose dive issue. I am doing this strictly from memory as I don't have them side by side to compare, but I trust my gut reaction that felt this was the case the moment I looked at how the loaded magazine sat in the frame.

Overall I am definitely happier with the third one and only the slide not locking back is stopping me from calling this a complete success. Lets hope in 100-200 more rounds the slide will lock back consistently.


10-28-2011, 12:20 PM
Good deal Mark. Good plan. Shoot it some more. We can take care of that slide lock back and the magazine drop if things don't get better.
I'd say your on a solid course for all good things.

If you haven't already, you might take a peak at the mag spring and make sure it's in there right. Most likely is but no harm in checking.

You just have one magazine or did you get extras some where along the line?

10-28-2011, 12:44 PM
I did check the mag springs and there all good.
I have 3, 6 round and I am waiting on my free 7 round magazine.

10-28-2011, 03:14 PM
One thing I failed to mention that bothered me a bit is that when the gun ejected the spent shells sometimes they would fly back and hit me. All my other semi pistols ejected the spent casings off to the side and not back. Is this normal for the CM9?

10-28-2011, 03:41 PM
the magazine this is correctable there is a fix for it on the board somewhere. actually a slight compression on the upper part of the magazine will allow it to drop freely. an easy fix.

The slide will get better as rounds down range goes for locking back. If u can do it janually, then in time the gun will do it also. U have the 15 coil recoil spring in that gun and for many it takes time to get he recoii spring borken in. Some have with great success actually clipped off a 1/2 coil and achieved what ur wanting to happen.

hopefully u did the pre prep on the gun and a good lube job also. Ur OK with what is going on, so I would say in anothger 100+ rounds the gun will smooth out alot. The round shitting the head could also be a tired shooter and ur grip is now changing a tad. Some have also filed back the ejector a tad to produce good results. again giv eit some more time and rounds and see befrore doing any filing or cutting of things I mentioned. None will harm the gun but possably they won't be needed either. I can't remember to many semij's that I have owned and shoot alot that every once in awhile didn't bonk me on the head. Part of the game I guess, never really bothered me

10-28-2011, 03:44 PM
I hate it when the rounds are shitting me in the head..Mike :behindsofa:

10-28-2011, 03:48 PM
One thing I failed to mention that bothered me a bit is that when the gun ejected the spent shells sometimes they would fly back and hit me. All my other semi pistols ejected the spent casings off to the side and not back. Is this normal for the CM9?

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