View Full Version : Halloween storm

10-29-2011, 04:33 PM
Anyone else in New England enjoying this misery? We are expecting 10-15 inches of this heavy, wet mess overnight. Too early for this!

10-29-2011, 04:52 PM
Oh yeah, here in southern PA we have over 6" so far. They are saying 26 degrees tonight too... I just put the snow plow on my Jeep and PLOWED my freakin driveway open.... in Oct !!!:crazy:

The trees are coming down like crazy also, there are hundreds of thousands here without power....I had to fire up our house generator too, as we have been without power since this AM. Where I live I expect to be out for awhile :(...Tomorrow the power could be out all over the northeast!


Bill K
10-29-2011, 05:08 PM
Yep, I'm in western Connecticut. 680' driveway with about 200' foot step hill at the road. Been maintaining it myself with snow blowers for the past 2 decades but now at 67 years of age it is getting very old. This wet heavy snow is the worst. I'd rather have 2' of the fluffy stuff than 6" of this wet heavy stuff.

Got many tree branches already down on my property. Lost power once for a short bit and also experienced a brown out. If we keep power thru this storm I'll be very thankful.

I pray for the safety of you'll and all the folks that have to be out in this storm because of their jobs.

Bill K.

10-29-2011, 08:23 PM
Let me be the first person to say "How's all that Global Warming treating ya?"
12 inches of Global Warming in October.... my my my.:rolleyes:

10-29-2011, 08:39 PM
ruined me and the ladies Halloween plans that's for sure. just spent over an hour in the hottub out back, now relaxin and watchin movies for the rest of the night by the fireplace...altho might not be as fun as goin out, i cant complain

10-29-2011, 08:53 PM
Hope you all keep that mess back east! Haven't got my snow tires on the Harley yet.

10-29-2011, 08:59 PM
Brutal front - we're down to 60 degrees here in central Texas. :)

mr surveyor
10-29-2011, 10:02 PM
we could sure use that 6 inches of wet snow here in NE Texas. I think we're still about 50% deficient on rainfall this year. Our lakes and rivers are near record low, and if we don't get the underground aquifers recharged soon our water wells are gonna suffer. (we also have to protect what water we have here from the City of Dallas that's 100 miles away:mad:

10-29-2011, 10:23 PM
Yeah it's rough - only got to 59 here in Atlanta today. Sorry Guys. If you're in the NE you have my sympathies. I hate snow. I hope you still have power.

10-29-2011, 10:25 PM
still have power here and the fireplace is ripping :)

10-29-2011, 10:34 PM
Hope you all keep that mess back east! Haven't got my snow tires on the Harley yet.

You're kidding, right?!

10-29-2011, 10:37 PM
He may be kidding but Jocko wouldn't be.

10-30-2011, 04:44 AM
10+ inches here in S. Maine and still coming down! Yikes, never seen this in 45+ years here.

10-30-2011, 05:46 AM
Here in Indiana last year we had that crazy blizzard that dropped 23", luckily it was the fluffy stuff. It was a lot of fun though, I love a lot of snow. It's even more fun when my daily driver is a rwd 350hp sports car. :D Thank God for snow tires lol.

Sent from Tapatalk

Bill K
10-30-2011, 06:15 AM
What a mess this morning! Wet heavy snow, about a foot on the cars and grass and about 6" or so on the driveway. My newer bigger snowblower kept clogging due to leaves and the very wet snow. Lots of clog ups because I'd have to stop to shake tree branches to get them lift up off the driveway. My son got the older MTD 8hp blower out and it actually handled the wet snow a lot better than the big machine. Smaller bite and years ago put in an upgrade kit sweeps the 2nd stage shoot. Son got off to work at just about his regular time. I've got a few hours of clean up left to do to clear all the snow - my car, the walkway,steps.

Don't even want to think about how much chain saw work needs to done. It'll have to wait, packing my gear for tomorrow and off to do some bowhunting on family property in central PA.

10-30-2011, 06:32 AM
What a mess this morning! Wet heavy snow, about a foot on the cars and grass and about 6" or so on the driveway. My newer bigger snowblower kept clogging due to leaves and the very wet snow. Lots of clog ups because I'd have to stop to shake tree branches to get them lift up off the driveway. My son got the older MTD 8hp blower out and it actually handled the wet snow a lot better than the big machine. Smaller bite and years ago put in an upgrade kit sweeps the 2nd stage shoot. Son got off to work at just about his regular time. I've got a few hours of clean up left to do to clear all the snow - my car, the walkway,steps.

Don't even want to think about how much chain saw work needs to done. It'll have to wait, packing my gear for tomorrow and off to do some bowhunting on family property in central PA.

Be safe out there. Slips and falls are a lot easier when you've got the wet slippery stuff. If any of ya'll haven't heard of them before, there's a product out there called Yak Traks. You slip them on the bottom of your boots and they provide great traction on ice. I got a pair from Bass Pro last year and they work very well. They seem to have good durability to. http://www.yaktrax.com/

Bill K
10-30-2011, 07:44 AM
Be safe out there. Slips and falls are a lot easier when you've got the wet slippery stuff. If any of ya'll haven't heard of them before, there's a product out there called Yak Traks. You slip them on the bottom of your boots and they provide great traction on ice. I got a pair from Bass Pro last year and they work very well. They seem to have good durability to. http://www.yaktrax.com/

Got a pair of those. Put them right where I'd be sure to find them when needed... yeah, right! :)

As the years have gone by I find myself doing more hunting from the ground. Not as productive as from a tree stand but I still get one every now and then.

10-30-2011, 07:59 AM
2 feet of snow here

10-30-2011, 08:11 AM
Got a pair of those. Put them right where I'd be sure to find them when needed... yeah, right! :)

As the years have gone by I find myself doing more hunting from the ground. Not as productive as from a tree stand but I still get one every now and then.

Mine are safely in the crawlspace in a bag. Which bag? Good question lol.

10-30-2011, 09:19 AM
Let me be the first person to say "How's all that Global Warming treating ya?"
12 inches of Global Warming in October.... my my my.:rolleyes:

Not the operational term anymore. Now, it's "Climate Change." That way, they can blame ANY kind of weather anomaly on us! It's not about truth, or science. It's all about using overbearing environmental policies to impose more control over us. And for some of these cockroaches, like Al Gore, it is an opportunity to enrich themselves brokering "Carbon Credits" and stuff.

Bill K
10-30-2011, 09:22 AM
Not the operational term anymore. Now, it's "Climate Change." That way, they can blame ANY kind of weather anomaly on us! It's not about truth, or science. It's all about using overbearing environmental policies to impose more control over us. And for some of these cockroaches, like Al Gore, it is an opportunity to enrich themselves brokering "Carbon Credits" and stuff.

Sorry to be picky but to be PC you must preface with "MAN MADE"... :)

Bill K
10-30-2011, 09:28 AM
2 feet of snow here

Is that wet heavy stuff like we got here in Connecticut?

10-30-2011, 10:38 AM
Sorry to be picky but to be PC you must preface with "MAN MADE"... :)

Thanks for the correction: "Man Made Climate Change." You know they convened a high dollar think tank to come up with that rebranding. The communists-oops, I mean socialists-oops, I mean liberals-oops, I mean progressives are real good at doing that. :lie:

10-30-2011, 10:40 AM
Not the operational term anymore. Now, it's "Climate Change." That way, they can blame ANY kind of weather anomaly on us! It's not about truth, or science. It's all about using overbearing environmental policies to impose more control over us. And for some of these cockroaches, like Al Gore, it is an opportunity to enrich themselves brokering "Carbon Credits" and stuff.

Next year, the terminology will be " Weather revolutionization"
Let's occupy the atmosphere!!!

10-30-2011, 12:14 PM
Is that wet heavy stuff like we got here in Connecticut?

sure was...what a ***** to shovel...the snowblower was having a hell of a time moving it as well

10-30-2011, 12:56 PM
Send it down here, we'll welcome it, cold and all.

mr surveyor
10-30-2011, 04:27 PM
snow blower???? Why????

I seen one once. The city hired some big company to bring one to town one year in mid December. They set that thing up in the middle of down town and blowed snow all over Main Street for the kids to play in. I figure our annual average snow fall of 2 inches is enough of that nasty stuff, so why use a snow blower to make more? Now, ice storms are a whole nother thing. Apparantly we have more than enough ice storms every year that ain't no one going out to hire some yahoo to bring in an ice maker.

If y'all with them snow blowere would use them in the summer time, you might actually make some folks real happy, but blowing that snow on the streets and people's driveways during the cold weather just don't seem right.
You ought to be ashamed.


10-30-2011, 04:34 PM
I live in Minnesota. We had our version on that storm exactly 20 years ago. Some 30" in two days. The stuff never melted until spring. Lot's of time at the reloading bench that long winter.

10-30-2011, 04:37 PM
What's a snow blower?

mr surveyor
10-30-2011, 05:54 PM
What's a snow blower?

didn't you read my post?????

they bring them things into places that usually don't get snow so's they can blow snow on the streets for the kids to play in. You would think that places up North that get plenty of snow anyway would make it against the law for people to use them things:D

10-30-2011, 06:01 PM
I was kiddin JFootin, they don't really make snow tires for the big twins. Just a good set of new tires will do. Snow isn't bad, if there's not ice under it. Ice is just too damn treacherous for me on the Harley. Actually, we could use about that much moisture, if it was rain. The well has run dry at the farmhouse. They've been toting water in to flush the toilets and stuff, and taking showers at my Brother-in-laws not too far from them, but has city water.

10-30-2011, 06:16 PM
Wow, Tom, I sure hope you guys get lots of rainy days the next few months. You must have a pair of tree trunks for legs if you are able to wrestle a Harley around in the snow!