View Full Version : Fox Sunday night

01-13-2010, 07:24 AM
I have been told that Fox is going to air a program Sunday night that will show Barack Obama for what he really is.From what I understand,the fur will fly after this one.Keep in mind that I can`t guarantee this as I haven`t been privy to a private screening or anything. I`ve also heard that Obama has made derogatory remarks about Fox News and they have decided to take the gloves off. At any rate,I intend to watch it.Just wanted to give you a heads up if you`re interested.Air time is 9:00 pm Eastern but I don`t know if it`s Fox or Fox News. :)

01-13-2010, 07:35 AM
I have been told that Fox is going to air a program Sunday night that will show Barack Obama for what he really is.From what I understand,the fur will fly after this one.Keep in mind that I can`t guarantee this as I haven`t been privy to a private screening or anything. I`ve also heard that Obama has made derrogatory remarks about Fox News and they have decided to take the gloves off. At any rate,I intend to watch it.Just wanted to give you a heads up if you`re interested.Air time is 9:00 pm Eastern but I don`t know if it`s Fox or Fox News. :)

You mean a light skinned well articulated black man...:001_tt2:

I hope Fox does. It would be a refreshing change to the "we love our new leader" news stations like NBC and MSNBC.

01-13-2010, 09:14 AM
wow, Fox has the credibility of what?? Squid **** on the bottom of the ocean.

01-13-2010, 09:37 AM
How do you know this isn't on CNN or MSNBC.

01-13-2010, 02:17 PM
I have been told that Fox is going to air a program Sunday night that will show Barack Obama for what he really is.From what I understand,the fur will fly after this one.Keep in mind that I can`t guarantee this as I haven`t been privy to a private screening or anything. I`ve also heard that Obama has made derogatory remarks about Fox News and they have decided to take the gloves off. At any rate,I intend to watch it.Just wanted to give you a heads up if you`re interested.Air time is 9:00 pm Eastern but I don`t know if it`s Fox or Fox News. :)
I just checked the schedule and it won't be FOX because 24 is on, and on FOXNEWS that's the time slot for Hannity. It could be on the Hannity Show, I guess.:)

01-13-2010, 03:11 PM
wow, Fox has the credibility of what?? Squid **** on the bottom of the ocean.

Uh, why would you say that? Is it because FOX is the only news organization not on the bandwagon promoting the gifted teleprompter reader/"community organizer" with no executive experience whatsoever, who only wants to destroy capitalism and our way of life and "fundamentally change" our government and rewrite the U.S. Constitution according to his Marxist indoctrination. That worked well for the Soviet Union. You're old enough to remember the Soviet citizens standing in line all day for each and every necessity... like ONE roll of toilet paper... one loaf of bread... etc., but usually being turned away empty handed because there weren't any goods because of the wonderful system they had where the government provided everything... and you didn't work very hard because you wouldn't get anymore than those who did little or no work.
We're sitting here on this forum because we believe in the right to keep and bear arms. That's the only thing standing between us and the absolute tyranny of this BIG government that our forefathers wrote the U.S. Constitution to prevent. The Constitution is all about limiting the federal government and keeping the people free of its tyranny. That has worked real well, huh. Congress certainly doesn't feel constrained by that piece of parchment. They routinely subvert, ignore, circumvent and do whatever the heck they want. They are all arrogant and self-serving, seeking only to secure their re-election by promising their constituents whatever it takes to keep them in office. It's all about power... power over the people... or sheeple who want the government to give them stuff that they take from the people who worked for it.
You can see for your self on PRAVDA that even some of them can see this. Read both pages: American capitalism gone with a whimper - Pravda.Ru (http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-american_capitalism-0)
Oh... don't look at the naughty pictures, read the article. :o

Check out this prophetic cartoon from 1934 when this "plan" was being tried.

This amazing cartoon was in the Chicago Tribune in 1934. Look carefully at the plan of action.
Remember the adage, "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it".

01-13-2010, 03:19 PM
I just checked the schedule and it won't be FOX because 24 is on, and on FOXNEWS that's the time slot for Hannity. It could be on the Hannity Show, I guess.:)
Oh well, misinformed again.Never mind.:behindsofa:

Chief Joseph
01-13-2010, 08:17 PM
wow, Fox has the credibility of what?? Squid **** on the bottom of the ocean.

Fox is the only source of REAL news we get outside of the conservative talk radio and the internet. Only someone who isn't paying attention could have that attitude.

01-14-2010, 01:42 AM
Fox is the only source of REAL news we get outside of the conservative talk radio and the internet. Only someone who isn't paying attention could have that attitude.

you say so, go for it...:confused:

01-14-2010, 08:23 AM
Dang, jocko. How could you not know what news source is more "fair and balanced"? They don't just say that for no good reason. All of the other "news" media programs are run by anti-gun libs who would like to see all Americans disarmed... just they, their buds, their enforcers, and criminals would have guns. You can see the sneers on their faces and contempt for "conservatives" any time they speak about Republicans or "right-wing" conservatives. Look at the ratings for MSNBC and FoxNews. You'll see that viewership for MSNBC has plummeted and FoxNews has soared in public opinion and support... for good reason. Fox isn't filled with smug, elite(in their own minds) libs who sneer at Americans who remember what the U.S. Constitution was based on and just want the government to stay out of their lives and leave them alone. They do keep a couple of libs around to argue with.
One of these days the enlightened ones will come to that "cave" you seem to be hiding in, and take your beloved guns... at least that's one of their goals.:eek:

Chief Joseph
01-14-2010, 09:06 AM
you say so, go for it...:confused:

Without Fox, we'd know nothing of the acorn scummy behavior, the mainstream media refused to report on it. Without fox news we'd know nothing of the climategate, also since the main stream media refused. Without Fox, we'd already have our 2nd or 3rd worthless "stimulus" and the health care "reform". You can keep your communist, socialist, ANTI GUN main stream media, I'll keep my TRUTH.

01-14-2010, 09:56 AM
as you say, go for it. You do seem to have all the answers... for your signature line so says "CHIEF".

01-14-2010, 10:13 AM
wow, Fox has the credibility of what?? Squid **** on the bottom of the ocean.

I’ve got the feeling that jocko is trying to get a rise out of us. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that beyond main stream media, he has other sources of news and events especially concerning our second amendment rights. There’s no way he's a Brady Bunch mole. Or is he?
jocko, say it's aint so!:eek:

01-14-2010, 10:22 AM
I'm not knocking or backing Fox because of my second amendment rights. That has nothing to do with it. Not trying to get a rise out of anyone, I posted my opinion evidentely it doesn't agree with you and others, so post any label you want on me. Just never knew one could not have an opinion and then get bashed to hell over it.

I watch Fox also, but I sure don't drink thier kool-aid either.

01-14-2010, 12:30 PM
I'm not knocking or backing Fox because of my second amendment rights. That has nothing to do with it. Not trying to get a rise out of anyone, I posted my opinion evidentely it doesn't agree with you and others, so post any label you want on me. Just never knew one could not have an opinion and then get bashed to hell over it.

I watch Fox also, but I sure don't drink thier kool-aid either.

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morining Mr. Grumpy? :D

Fox is the closest to the truth of them all. The others will not report anything that goes against the Lefties doctrine.

Just my 2 cents.

01-14-2010, 12:48 PM
thanks WMD, now calm down and drink your kool-aid.. and indeed pile on.

01-14-2010, 03:06 PM
wow, Fox has the credibility of what?? Squid **** on the bottom of the ocean.
Jocko, you started the sniping here with that comment. I believe that most people believe Fox News to be credible. If you think otherwise, I would love to hear your opinion or how you arrived at that conclusion, but I think that you've been drinking SOMEBODY's Kool-Aid if you think that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and their various offshoots and the Hollywood bunch aren't biased liberals. You haven't been listening to real polls which put most of those talking heads and so-called reporters (about 90%) way to left of center and most of them say the word "GUN" with unhidden scorn. They are the "Guns Kill People" crowd and if you have allegiance to them, then you must have sipped their Kool-Aid... IMHO. I hope not, though. Did you check out that Pravda link? Not the naughty pictures, but the article by a Russian, I guess. It pretty much summed up our present "progress". And, doesn't that 1934 cartoon look familiar?

01-14-2010, 03:07 PM
john stossel is going to be on fox buisness tonight @ 8:00 pm ,maybe what deitrich was referring to,I love the flavor of fox kool-aid:D

01-14-2010, 03:10 PM
john stossel is going to be on fox buisness tonight @ 8:00 pm ,maybe what deitrich was referring to,I love the flavor of fox kool-aid:D
At least it doesn't make you sick and lose your lunch... or your rights. And it doesn't cause the "leans", either, as to the left!:D

01-14-2010, 03:16 PM
wyntrout,you speak my language.:D

01-14-2010, 04:14 PM
My apologies to all who posted on this thread. My opinion is firm but it definitely ain't the way you boys want it, so like dogs, when they smell blood, they tend to team up and go for it, even if it is one of their own. I have seen it all to many times on other forums, so for ol jocko , u Jim Jones escapee's can indeed hammer away, for this has ceased to be even an intelligent verbage between different opinions.

I wish this forum really well. At my age, some things cease to be fun and helpful...but I realize it is also the internet...

01-14-2010, 04:52 PM
Well, Jocko, if that's what you really want... to tuck tail and go back to your comfortable little cave. I'm sure that nobody wants to run you off. We were just surprised that you would keep on feeding the fire. Fox News is right up there with the NRA in most of our opinions. I know that there are people that don't share my views and I don't condemn them for that. They have a right to what ever they want to believe in. We do share some things here and we don't have to get too heated over politics. I don't even want to think about discussing religion. Politics and religion are definitely topics to avoid if you don't want strife and to lose friends.
So please stay around and continue to enrich the forum with your experience and advice. You have added a lot to the forum and I, for one, would miss you.

01-14-2010, 06:18 PM
Well I for one have to say that was an unfortunate thread. i for one don't put much stock in Fox or MSCNBC, or Time or Newsweek, etc. All the media outlets have a target audience and they play to them...the truth be damned.
It would be nice to know what the truth is. Maybe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j2F4VcBmeo).

01-14-2010, 06:55 PM
Stick around Jocko, I've thought about pulling the plug numerous times when I run onto some stuff here. I agree we need to leave politics someplace else. I don't trust any media for what that's worth. You used the phrase "at my age". I find myself getting ticked off much easier and faster at my age. Go burn some powder, inhale deeply and tomorrow maybe some of us will look better to you.
I'd miss ya too!:)

Chief Joseph
01-14-2010, 07:06 PM
My apologies to all who posted on this thread. My opinion is firm but it definitely ain't the way you boys want it, so like dogs, when they smell blood, they tend to team up and go for it, even if it is one of their own. I have seen it all to many times on other forums, so for ol jocko , u Jim Jones escapee's can indeed hammer away, for this has ceased to be even an intelligent verbage between different opinions.

I wish this forum really well. At my age, some things cease to be fun and helpful...but I realize it is also the internet...

Wow, spew venom then quit when it comes back. Trying to see where your posts showed any sort of "intelligence" you mention. It's a fact that it's LIB democRATS who are after our 2nd Amendment rights, no debate about it. Thank god for fox, cause the Kool-Aid is flowing from the mainstream media, and I'm not drinking it.

mr surveyor
01-14-2010, 09:00 PM

from my experiences "elsewhere", I think it may be time to put a lock on this thread


01-15-2010, 03:58 AM
I had no intention for this thread to go in the direction that it took.Had I suspected anything of the sort,I would have never touched this keyboard.Gentlemen,please remember that we are,first and foremost,gentlemen.

01-15-2010, 04:55 AM
My apologies to all who posted on this thread. My opinion is firm but it definitely ain't the way you boys want it, so like dogs, when they smell blood, they tend to team up and go for it, even if it is one of their own.

As gun owners we definitely can agree on a few things: popular media outlets that support our second amendment rights could use our support. I get my news from multiple sources and do my best to filter it with bull sh** earmuffs.
Many (myself included) don’t trust the mainstream media; it is biased and has lost its credibility over the years. The definition of “mainstream media” is unclear at best, it is not a term solely used to describe the liberal left. Because of its ratings and popularity, many now consider Fox News mainstream media. As Raoul pointed out, they all have their target audiences.
Is the NRA as pure as the driven snow? Hardly, but I will support them any way I can because they fight for my rights as a gun owner.
I don’t see the pack mentality you expressed, but I do see emotional responses to a topic we all have strong opinions about. I also read some light-hearted comments written to take the edge off the emotional response.
Yes Dietrich, we are gentlemen and it would be unfortunate to lose jocko’s insight and knowledge on this forum.

01-15-2010, 06:37 AM
Dang, jocko. How could you not know what news source is more "fair and balanced"? They don't just say that for no good reason. All of the other "news" media programs are run by anti-gun libs who would like to see all Americans disarmed... just they, their buds, their enforcers, and criminals would have guns. You can see the sneers on their faces and contempt for "conservatives" any time they speak about Republicans or "right-wing" conservatives. Look at the ratings for MSNBC and FoxNews. You'll see that viewership for MSNBC has plummeted and FoxNews has soared in public opinion and support... for good reason. Fox isn't filled with smug, elite(in their own minds) libs who sneer at Americans who remember what the U.S. Constitution was based on and just want the government to stay out of their lives and leave them alone. They do keep a couple of libs around to argue with.
One of these days the enlightened ones will come to that "cave" you seem to be hiding in, and take your beloved guns... at least that's one of their goals.:eek:

I was gonna post a reply, but WHY. This Gent did it for me and said much better than I could.... Thank you sir!:D

01-15-2010, 06:45 AM
Moderator,I hate to do this but I respectfully request that you lock this thread.Thank you,Dietrich.

01-15-2010, 07:50 AM
I had no intention for this thread to go in the direction that it took.Had I suspected anything of the sort,I would have never touched this keyboard.Gentlemen,please remember that we are,first and foremost,gentlemen.

Yes, but to lockout opinions is a very liberal approach to democracy, don't cha think. If someone takes a unpopular approach and decides to post it, then people are well within their rights to object and reply and even repel the liberalism that's plaguing our country as of late..... Fox News is the most fair an balanced news agency out there today. We all know it, we saw it during the election coverage. For anyone to say the majority of the news coverage was not biased, either had their eyes and ears closed, or just flat out lying for what ever reason. So, gentlemen or not, we have a duty to our country to not allow the backdoor politics and corrupt Chicago style BS to ruin this country anymore than it already has.

01-15-2010, 09:28 AM
Moderator,I hate to do this but I respectfully request that you lock this thread.Thank you,Dietrich.
Yeah, Dietrich.. look what you started... what a controversial subject! Just joking... as I thought Jocko was when he threw the first stone, so to speak, that uncalled-for remark. I asked why he said that and tried give the reasons for my opinion, but he just started the Kool-Aid thing and wouldn't let up. I had him pegged as kinda crotchety, but amusing, and I'm shocked that he was so thin-skinned. I certainly had no idea he would get so defensive like that and I'm genuinely sorry he thought that he had to leave. He certainly didn't have to... it was like he thought that he woke up among a bunch of wild dogs and was lashing out before retreating to lick his wounds. He refused to discuss anything just insisted his opinions were firm and that we were ganging up on him.
He's only three years or so older than I, so it's not really an age thing, but it is something you see all too often... "Muh deddy was a Democrat...." and that's all they need. And when asked, that's about all they can come up with. I tried to get him to discuss why he said that, but all he did was resort to more "Kool-Aid" talk, and like a cornered animal, was looking for an escape while snarling a defense.
I really am sorry that he acted like that... the comments and the running away. I would rather he stayed and continued to liven discussions with comments and real help quite often. It's even sadder that he would choose to hide behind misbeliefs (MY opinion) and the very people who are working to betray him... and us.
Believe me, I've been biting my tongue hard since his last comment, and trying not to add to the fire, but he really acted like he had found himself amidst a bunch of people who had been replaced by the alien bodysnatchers... from the Sci-Fi movies. I don't know what world he's living in that he couldn't see whomever he's thrown himself in with are his "enemies", not us. We would defend his rights while the liberal left wants to take them away and take care of you... whether you think you're doing a good job of that or not.
I know that not everyone here believes as I do, but we do have some things in common, whether it's politics or not. I helped defend this country for 20 years in the Air Force and I swore to protect and defend our Constitution, as did OUR politicians, but most of them only gave lip-service and aren't listening to THE PEOPLE. I still try my best to defend it by discussion, but too often it's a case of don't try to confuse me with facts... my mind's made up.
Anyhow, I sorry that it ended that way... that Jocko recoiled in terror, so to speak, and went super-defensive before fleeing. I'll miss his humor and help, but I really wonder how he could be like that in this day and age. You really have to have blinders on not to see what's happening to our country and way of life -- "hell in a handbasket", indeed. That's my opinion, anyhow.
I can't see any appropriate "emoticons" ... sad and shocked?

01-15-2010, 10:48 AM
Yeah,I hate that things turned out the way they did too.It sure as hell wasn`t my intention for things to blow up like they did but for now,I think the best thing to do is to put this thread to rest and move on.I`m going to miss Jocko and his wealth of information.Maybe after a while he`ll come back to join us.Hope so anyway.

01-15-2010, 11:10 AM
Yeah,I hate that things turned out the way they did too.It sure as hell wasn`t my intention for things to blow up like they did but for now,I think the best thing to do is to put this thread to rest and move on.I`m going to miss Jocko and his wealth of information.Maybe after a while he`ll come back to join us.Hope so anyway.
Dietrich, you did nothing wrong at all... just trying to be helpful. And that was something I was interested in seeing, as were a few others. I keep thinking about glass houses and throwing stones and such, though.... 'nuff said.

01-15-2010, 11:20 AM
Yeah,I hate that things turned out the way they did too.It sure as hell wasn`t my intention for things to blow up like they did but for now,I think the best thing to do is to put this thread to rest and move on.I`m going to miss Jocko and his wealth of information.Maybe after a while he`ll come back to join us.Hope so anyway.

Dietrich, compared to so many other forums, I really thought it was rather tame & civil. No one's to blame for the post going a little sideways. Hope he comes back also.

01-15-2010, 12:07 PM
I skipped over this thread cause' I thought it was about Sunday night football.

As a seasoned keyboard gladiator, I can also back up med's statement that this thread is quite tame and docile. I have been in some real flaming wars, and this does not come close to it.

Chief Joseph
01-15-2010, 12:09 PM
john stossel is going to be on fox buisness tonight @ 8:00 pm ,maybe what deitrich was referring to,I love the flavor of fox kool-aid:D

I heard Stossel on Lars yesterday. I think it's the "Crony Capitalism" story he did. "Special" friends of the left are given tax breaks and credits the rest of us don't get. Specifically a little window company who's getting special tax credits their competitors aren't getting. Just because the company's wife works for the obamanation and is in charge of passing them out. Plus other big companies who donate to dems who are getting "special" benefits.

01-15-2010, 12:49 PM
I just got my free copy of Glenn Beck's Arguing With Idiots in the mail a few minutes ago. I got it for joining the NRA through his site. I can't wait to read that and possibly be better "armed" with words as well.:D
He gets emotional and carried away sometimes, but he sure can back up his words with real facts -- video and audio and print -- what a lot of people didn't do when they were voting for change.

01-15-2010, 01:20 PM
I just got my free copy of Glenn Beck's Arguing With Idiots in the mail a few minutes ago. I got it for joining the NRA through his site. I can't wait to read that and possibly be better "armed" with words as well.:D
He gets emotional and carried away sometimes, but he sure can back up his words with real facts -- video and audio and print -- what a lot of people didn't do when they were voting for change.
knowledge is the key to being properly armed.:D

01-15-2010, 06:32 PM
I heard Stossel on Lars yesterday. I think it's the "Crony Capitalism" story he did. "Special" friends of the left are given tax breaks and credits the rest of us don't get. Specifically a little window company who's getting special tax credits their competitors aren't getting. Just because the company's wife works for the obamanation and is in charge of passing them out. Plus other big companies who donate to dems who are getting "special" benefits.

You think it's only the damn Dems that do this? The whole bunch are a bunch of bloodsuckers who take no resposibility for the money they spend. OUR MONEY.
The only good thing I've read lately is about the Tea Party folks taking over low level local and state positions in the Republican Party. Their goal is to take back the party from the social wahoos who've lost their minds. We badly need a conservative party again to keep the left in check.

Chief Joseph
01-15-2010, 06:39 PM
I couldn't agree more. We need TRUE conservatives. No more steeles or mccains. If there were ever a time to purge the RINO's it's now.

01-16-2010, 08:23 AM
Fox is the only source of REAL news we get outside of the conservative talk radio and the internet. Only someone who isn't paying attention could have that attitude.

They are all owned by the same people, the big media networks.

Fox isn't conservative, it's neo-con. I see Fox promote the same wars for israel type propaganda. I don't consider them conservative at all.

01-16-2010, 08:25 AM
You think it's only the damn Dems that do this? The whole bunch are a bunch of bloodsuckers who take no resposibility for the money they spend. OUR MONEY.
The only good thing I've read lately is about the Tea Party folks taking over low level local and state positions in the Republican Party. Their goal is to take back the party from the social wahoos who've lost their minds. We badly need a conservative party again to keep the left in check.

I agree with this. The Republicans have been wasting our money to fight wars for Israel, send them billions to illegally occupy Palestine, billions to outsource our industry to China, etc... The Republicans are just as bad and at the same time these 'conservatives' are outsourcing they are hoping to let millions of third world people into the country so that Whites may come a minority in their own country.

Republicans conservative? My ass.

01-16-2010, 08:41 AM
This one is wandering too much and feathers are ruffled so I am going to lock down at the OP's request. Please remember there is the "report post" button at the top of each post if you want to directly call a moderator in. I was at a meeting all day yesterday, and tied up with family events at night so did not see this one. Politics are fine, just try not to get personal.

