View Full Version : Help! W/PM combo

Smoke Eater
01-13-2010, 09:24 AM
I have been carrying the PM45 as primary w/ PM9 as a bug.
I've been thinking of getting rid of the PM45, using the PM9 as a primary and getting a P380 as a bug.
It would lighten the load(of an already light load), but I've always carried a .45acp

Give me some feedback, Talk me into it:confused: or talk me out of it:confused:


01-13-2010, 09:28 AM
I have been carrying the PM45 as primary w/ PM9 as a bug.
I've been thinking of getting rid of the PM45, using the PM9 as a primary and getting a P380 as a bug.
It would lighten the load(of an already light load), but I've always carried a .45acp

Give me some feedback, Talk me into it:confused: or talk me out of it:confused:


How about you sell me your PM45 for a great deal and use that money towards you're new P380? Now you don't have to take up room in your safe with an extra gun, you have a substantial down payment on your new gun and I get a deal of a lifetime.:wof:

It's a win, win, win situation.

I carry a P9 with a Ruger LCP as my BUG. I think you have the right idea. I live in Texas where winters are almost non-existent. That's why I went with Kahr's.

01-13-2010, 09:47 AM
If your an officer two big guns calibers are understandable, but IMO you are carrying to many guns. no matter what size..

01-13-2010, 10:23 AM
Well,my two cents worth is this. Unless you are experiencing some type of discomfort,keep the .45 and the 9. I have absolutely nothing against .380s and used to own one.It was a Bersa and served me well,but I traded it in toward the purchase of my PM9 and I`ve never looked back.Unless you have a burning desire to have the .380,stay where you are.Or you could just be patient,save some more $$ up and buy the .380 outright. ;)

Smoke Eater
01-13-2010, 10:27 AM
Do you really feel that two guns are too many?
I am wondering how you are coming up with a number? If you feel comfortable carrying one, then its doing its job, I feel comfortable carrying two, mine are doing there job, if anyone wants to carry three? good for them as long as they are comfy with it.
To the other point, I am no longer LEO, but do have history with it, I got smart(no offense but look at Cincinnati's History)!

01-13-2010, 10:35 AM
Well,my two cents worth is this. Unless you are experiencing some type of discomfort,keep the .45 and the 9. I have absolutely nothing against .380s and used to own one.It was a Bersa and served me well,but I traded it in toward the purchase of my PM9 and I`ve never looked back.Unless you have a burning desire to have the .380,stay where you are.Or you could just be patient,save some more $$ up and buy the .380 outright. ;)

You guys aren't helping me much.

I personally don't alway carry my BUG and need to experiment with a pocket holster for my Ruger LCP. I don't like to feel bulky when I wear clothes so I hate wallets and do my best no to carry too much change either.

01-13-2010, 11:57 AM
Hi Smoke Eater...I think if you get rid of the PM45 you are gonna miss it... I say carry both it and the PM9 in a pocket if it makes you feel better...You cant have too many guns, bullets or money...I bought a Ruger LCP .380 because of the price and I needed a pocket gun to replace my Seecamp .32 that I traded for my current CW40...The LCP rides in a Desantis Nemesis holster and I like it as a primary piece for most occasions...I only hope that good carry .380 ammo becomes available but I don't think it will be anytime soon....My CW40 is my bedside gun and in my truck console is a S&W 4506 .45 ACP....Sometimes size matters...I was recently at a do it yourself car wash when a group of home boys walked up and asked for a dollar...I said ok and opened up the truck door, reached in and took out the 4506 and stuck it in my belt....Needless to say they didn't stick around to collect their dollar!!!

01-13-2010, 12:14 PM
[QUOTE=Smoke Eater;7611]Jocko,
Do you really feel that two guns are too many?
I am wondering how you are coming up with a number? If you feel comfortable carrying one, then its doing its job, I feel comfortable carrying two, mine are doing there job, if anyone wants to carry three? good for them as long as they are comfy with it.
To the other point, I am no longer LEO, but do have history with it, I got smart(no offense but look at Cincinnati's History)![/QUOT

I did state IMO (in my opinion). You can carry what every amount you want. I own a P380 and an lcp 380 and thought I wouldlove to have it in my pocket when Ileft home and didn't want to carry my PM9, but I felt so under gunned with the 380 when the Pm9 would carry 99%of the places my P380 was, so there fore I hardly ever carry my P380.

For me certanly one gun is enough. I don't dress to carry and if your gonna carry two guns, I have no doubt one has to somehow dress to carry. No offense was intended as you stated your reasons I just state my IMO......:confused:

My number was in reference to you stating you carry the 45 and 9mm and was wanting something smaller......

01-13-2010, 12:29 PM
I have been carrying the PM45 as primary w/ PM9 as a bug.
I've been thinking of getting rid of the PM45, using the PM9 as a primary and getting a P380 as a bug.
It would lighten the load(of an already light load), but I've always carried a .45acp

Give me some feedback, Talk me into it:confused: or talk me out of it:confused:

First thing to do is buy a CW40...Then you'll really be confused.:D
Seriously though, I'll have to go along with the "keep the .45 advice". You would only regret selling it.
As getsome said -you can't have too many guns-. And you sure can't carry too many.

Smoke Eater
01-13-2010, 02:15 PM
In no way did you offend me, I was just giving my thoughts as well.
I welcome all opinions(or I shouldn't have asked). I was just trying to find out where you were coming from? I find that if I collect a wide variety of answers sometimes my point of view changes.
Im bullheaded(ask my wife) yet can be some what open minded.

Thanks to all so far!

01-13-2010, 05:39 PM
In no way did you offend me, I was just giving my thoughts as well.
I welcome all opinions(or I shouldn't have asked). I was just trying to find out where you were coming from? I find that if I collect a wide variety of answers sometimes my point of view changes.
Im bullheaded(ask my wife) yet can be some what open minded.

Thanks to all so far!

no foul, I understand what you were asking to. I would not give up my PM9 for a P380, just not that much difference in carry but certainly a big differenc ein firepower. You probably have the two best calibers out there in the 45 and 9mm. I honeslty do feel underpowered when carrying my 380 when I think I could have put my PM9 in the same pocket. Now that being said if I did not have a pM9 for pocket carry, then the P380 would be the next best choice, for I have said many times that I don't dress to carry...

01-13-2010, 10:09 PM
I just did the opposite, I sold my PM9 and picked up a PM45 for my main carry gun. Also just installed crimson trace and gonna try it out this weekend.