View Full Version : Considering a PM9 but have a few concerns

10-30-2011, 06:27 PM
Hi all,

First post of hopefully many. So I little background to start, I live in south Florida, it's hot, humid and sticky. For my EDC I carry a P2000SK in a Cross Breed Super Tuck, I love it, think its a fine firearm and does everything I need including being able to conceal well in (most cases).

However, with that being said, it is a double stack gun, and while it is very small I do find I need to adjust my attire in order to properly conceal the SK.

There are time when I just want to throw on some shorts and a t-shirt and just head out with out having to plan for jeans, and under shirt, a lose over shirt and not sweat to death.

I knew when I purchased the SK for EDC I would end up buying the PM so I would be able to have some options based on situation etc.

I have done a TON of reading and research about the PM, read the pre-setup thread and the lube thread, have watched countless videos on youtube etc, but I am still a bit unsure, it seems there are tons of completely satisfied owners, and while I know this gun will be incredibly easy to conceal even compared to my SK, the reliability issues still cause a bit concern.

A buddy of mine purchased one and he explains his has been faultless, an exemplary firearm, but I have watched so many videos of feed ramp issues, magazine issues, FTF/FTE and on and on, I just basically want to know I can rely on this gun as I can my HK.

Is this more of an older thing of the past or are things pretty stable these days? I know all about the break in (200 rounds), pre-racking the slide 500 times, cleaning, lubing, striping the mags etc.

Just about to lay down the cash and want to be sure I am doing the right thing, I am not 100% sure how much concealment I will gain between swapping from a P2000SK & and PM9 based on dress.

I plan to carry near exclusive in a mini-tuck at 3:30 which is my preferred method of carry, though with the PM9, I will also try a Galco IWB in appendix at 1:00 and also possibly a pocket system just for versatility.

Just looking for some additional feedback before I plunk down the cash ;)

Thanks in advance!

10-30-2011, 06:42 PM
get a kahr cm9 and a pjholster.com holster and you will be gtg.... I too am in florida and know what you are saying... save the extra cash and get the cm9.

10-30-2011, 06:42 PM
to touch on my last post my cm9 has 0 issues and is fun to shoot and also can be carried in the front pocket easily.

10-30-2011, 07:11 PM
Over the past several years I've owned many different handguns of various calibers. My PM9 that I adopted in November of '02 has remained my favorite of them all and is the one I turn to in nearly each concealed carry opportunity. Quality construction, flawless performance and very capable self defense caliber.

10-30-2011, 07:13 PM
700 rounds, 0 failures - http://giholsters.com Silent Thunder!

10-30-2011, 07:52 PM
get a kahr cm9 and a pjholster.com holster and you will be gtg.... I too am in florida and know what you are saying... save the extra cash and get the cm9.

+2. If you want the black finish and night sights, go for the PM9. Elsewise, get the CM9 and save a lot of money. They're essentially the same gun.

Hot and sweaty in South Florida, you don't need a CB type holster because the PM9/CM9 are so light. The Garrett Silent Thunder is a nice holster, but at less than half the price ($40 shipped) the P. J. Holster IWB with Kydex clip (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) is the perfect holster for these guns! I can wear mine all day and have to reach back there (8:30 for me, a lefty) to confirm that it is still there! Perfectly comfortable. Very concealable - the gun sits up tight against your body. No printing. Without a shirt on, I can face someone and talk with them, and they'll never see the gun unless I turn at least 45° to the right. The holster is not 1 mm longer, or wider, or thicker than it has to be to do the job. Easy on and off with the clip, yet stable with that wide clip over a good thick belt. Here are 2 pics of Coach Paul's PPS in one:


10-30-2011, 08:45 PM
Forget about racking the slide 500 times. I think it's a waste of time and energy. Just shoot your 200 rounds. That will limber the springs a lot easier than racking it. Buy the CM9 and save $200 for holsters and accesories.;)

10-30-2011, 09:05 PM
Stop mentally playing with yourself. Get a CM9 and laugh all the way to the bank. :D

10-30-2011, 09:16 PM
Welcome to the forum sfla99, and I also hope it is just the first of many posts. We like new (and old) guys so pull up a chair and feel at home.

While nobody can absolutely guarantee your new PM/CM9 will be absolutely perfect, the odds are it will be close to it. The trick is in the prep and lube and shooting with a strong pair of hands. Either the CM or PM will be a great carry gun and they are great to shoot.

10-30-2011, 09:34 PM
Hi all,

First post of hopefully many. So I little background to start, I live in south Florida, it's hot, humid and sticky. For my EDC I carry a P2000SK in a Cross Breed Super Tuck, I love it, think its a fine firearm and does everything I need including being able to conceal well in (most cases).

However, with that being said, it is a double stack gun, and while it is very small I do find I need to adjust my attire in order to properly conceal the SK.

There are time when I just want to throw on some shorts and a t-shirt and just head out with out having to plan for jeans, and under shirt, a lose over shirt and not sweat to death.

I knew when I purchased the SK for EDC I would end up buying the PM so I would be able to have some options based on situation etc.

I have done a TON of reading and research about the PM, read the pre-setup thread and the lube thread, have watched countless videos on youtube etc, but I am still a bit unsure, it seems there are tons of completely satisfied owners, and while I know this gun will be incredibly easy to conceal even compared to my SK, the reliability issues still cause a bit concern.

A buddy of mine purchased one and he explains his has been faultless, an exemplary firearm, but I have watched so many videos of feed ramp issues, magazine issues, FTF/FTE and on and on, I just basically want to know I can rely on this gun as I can my HK.

Is this more of an older thing of the past or are things pretty stable these days? I know all about the break in (200 rounds), pre-racking the slide 500 times, cleaning, lubing, striping the mags etc.

Just about to lay down the cash and want to be sure I am doing the right thing, I am not 100% sure how much concealment I will gain between swapping from a P2000SK & and PM9 based on dress.

I plan to carry near exclusive in a mini-tuck at 3:30 which is my preferred method of carry, though with the PM9, I will also try a Galco IWB in appendix at 1:00 and also possibly a pocket system just for versatility.

Just looking for some additional feedback before I plunk down the cash ;)

Thanks in advance!It works out for the majority but sucks if you're not in it. Since no one can guarantee your other options, just be sure you can live with the long DAO trigger. If you're a revolver shooter, you may love the trigger. I don't because I prefer a SA 4.5 to 5.5 # pull. Kahrs will be 7.0 -7.5#

10-31-2011, 05:02 AM
I recommend you start with reading all of the posts with Kahr owners reporting problems, all problems, with the CM9 and the PM9 and determine for yourself which pistol has more complaints.

I second what Ikeo74 stated about racking the slide 500 times.

I bought the PM9, all black w/NS and would never give it up for a CM9. ;)

10-31-2011, 06:40 AM
I'm big on triggers. The PM9 / CM9 (all Kahrs for that matter) have the best DA trigger there is on a semi.

Personally, my PM9 has never had a failure and is the most reliable semi auto handgun I own. It's the last gun I would get rid of.

10-31-2011, 07:23 AM
I can spend the whole day shooting this gun, it's that much fun. Accurate too. Mine has been flawless so I guess that factors into the equation also. Other than my LCP, I have never had a HG shoot flawlessly out of the box.

This is gun is so solid you could use it as a weapon without even chambering a round. lol

10-31-2011, 07:43 AM
I have one for sale. It has 500 rounds thru it. It's been reworked by Kahr and pronounced fixed. It comes with extra magazines AND IT HAS A VIRGIN CROSSBREED MINITUCK TO GO WITH IT! How could you go wrong!?

10-31-2011, 07:56 AM
Hi all,

Thanks for the replies! After a bunch of reading on this forum is makes me feel both informed and frightened of Kahr pistols at the same time haha.

There seems to be the line in the sand, some users who claim a flawless experience, and numerous other who have constant issues that require one to file, sand, polish, send back for service, replace bad slides, springs, manually vice down materials to reshape, cut away, fix backward springs, nose dive and omg it just goes on and on haha.

That's quite scary to be honest, I am considering a black diamond with ns and at that price point that puts me in the premium range, I am guessing even with a deal were looking at the post $700 range before tax.

To spend that kind of cash and have to deal with all those issues would certainly be a pain in the rear. What is so strange is you would think Kahr is listening and following all the forum content regarding their products, some of these issues seem so small it would make sense for them to fix these issues.

I am still debating, I have felt the gun in hand and while it does feel nice, I am not 100% sold yet. There are two shows coming up in my locale, one down south of me this weekend and then another on the 12th.

I have a little time to decide, but man, it's tough, there is just such as distinct line between the happy and frustrated.


10-31-2011, 08:00 AM
Hi Doc,

I appreciate your post, however, I have already ordered a mini-tuck, what you have is a micro-tuck single clip.

In addition, I am looking for the black diamond with night sights ;)

Out of curiosity, what made you decide to sell it.

As you mentioned it has been reworked by Kahr, so I assume that firearm falls into the latter of my discussion and had an issue that needed rectifying. Are you moving on or did you purchase a different Kahr product?


10-31-2011, 08:01 AM
It may seem that way, but the frustrated speak much louder than the happy. In general, people don't talk much if they are content - but if they encounter a problem they go in search of answers.

But I agree, why Kahr hasn't had more quality control of things like springs (right size, installed properly, etc) is beyond me.

10-31-2011, 10:33 AM
You appear to be at paralysis by analysis as I have found myself a number of times. Truth is, there is no guarantee that any firearm- vehicle- refridgerator- computer- etc will be perfectly flawless out of the box. You can go on any manufacturers forum and see just as many complaints as you will compliments. Find me someone that has had a positive experience with a brand of anything and I will find you someone with the exact opposite experience. Buy the CM9. Save the $$ you would have spent on the PM9 to buy range ammo. Break the CM9 in and if something is wrong, use the forums for self-help and then if that doesn't work call Kahr and they will do their best to make it right. They fixed my CM9 on one trip. They paid for shipping to/from and now I have a flawless CM9. The nice thing about buying guns is that if you get tired of it (like I do all the time) or if you are not happy with it, there are plenty of forums to sell/trade. It is not a marriage. Sure you may lose out a bit on price but there is no child support or alimony due. Sell/trade it and move on to something else. I would be willing to bet if you get the CM9 and put the work into it (prep, lube, break-in, etc.) the CM9 will become one of your favorites.

10-31-2011, 10:39 AM
I do have one question to some of those responding.

If someone wants a PM9, why do people try and talk them into a CM9? There ARE advantages to a PM9 outside of the eye candy. Not only is the OP looking at getting a PM9, but they want a step above that in eye candy - I don't think a CM9 is what they are seeking.

10-31-2011, 10:53 AM
It may seem that way, but the frustrated speak much louder than the happy. In general, people don't talk much if they are content - but if they encounter a problem they go in search of answers.

But I agree, why Kahr hasn't had more quality control of things like springs (right size, installed properly, etc) is beyond me.

+1 on all that. I was in the same boat, reading about all the troubles people had, thinking it was a crap shoot buying a CM9. But I agree with others here. There are people here who have had problems with their CM9s. They have had to put up with the frustration of sending them in for service or replacing springs, etc themselves. But they were taken care of. They ended up with working guns.

I think these little guns are flying off the shelves from my experience finding one locally after I decided to buy. So there are a lot of folks that we never hear from that are perfectly happy with theirs.

We probably sound like a bunch of fanboys trying to talk you in to something you don't want to do. Maybe. ;) But they are a good firearm and odds are very very good you would be happy with one if you decide to buy.

- Wayne

PS Thunder, thanks for changing your avi. I know it's Halloween and all, but the other one creeps me out. :eek:

10-31-2011, 11:08 AM
I'm trying to grasp why you would boldly be in search of a Black Diamond but not confident in buying a Kahr. That seems totally backwards to me.

As stated there is no product that will be perfect everytime and I really don't think in the over all scheme of things that Kahr is any better or worse than any other gun manufacture.

Most likely yours will run without issue and we won't hear anything more after the initial praise and how your fears were unjustified.
If it's not right, Kahr will take care of it. An inconvenience for sure but for the size and other qualities one worth dealing with.

I also agree with Thunder in that if a PM9 is what you seek, go for it. A CCW isn't something to approach on the cheap and you'll have it a very long time. Get what you want. The CM is a great gun and has it's own plus's but it's a personal call to make.

10-31-2011, 11:09 AM
LOL, creeped me out too ;)

10-31-2011, 11:42 AM
I have a PM9 it is a very nice pistol that just drips quality. It been 100% reliable shooting many brands of ammo including reloads. Yes I'm sold on the PM9 as being a very good gun. It's my EDC about 90%of the time. I have to be honest though and It might not be the popular thing to say on this forum but I'm not totally sold on the CM9 as being just as reliable. Sorry guys I'm just not. So I'll not recommend to you that you should save yourself a few dollars and by one of those over the PM9. Speaking only for myself here but I would not carry a CM9 at the present time. They just seem to hit and miss with to many problems for my liking. If you get a good one great, if you don't things are not so great.

10-31-2011, 11:47 AM
Sometimes the truth isn't always popular.

Your statement is understandable. I'd not hesitate to buy a CM9 but it would get thoroughly tested and proven before it earned a place on my belt.

We still hear of few (in the big picture) problems but there are some out there.

Another member whose opinion is usually very sound and trustworthy saw one in a shop in person for the first time and was quite disappointed in what he saw. So apparently there are some QC issues that need to be addressed.

I have yet to see one in person myself but I will eventually I'm sure.

10-31-2011, 11:48 AM
You're not alone Popeye ;)

10-31-2011, 12:06 PM
I'm trying to grasp why you would boldly be in search of a Black Diamond but not confident in buying a Kahr. That seems totally backwards to me.

Well, I want night sites on the gun, I also prefer the all black instead of the two tone. My reason is as follows:

1. I wear a lot of dark colored clothing.
2. I will be carrying in a (black) mini-tuck.
3. I wear a black cross breed 1.5 belt

With that in mind, I like the concept of a black gun on all dark backgrounds, that way should I reach for something or by chance my firearm become exposed for a short period of time I hope that by having the black on black with the above said, an onlooker may not take notice.

In addition, for me "personally" when it comes to CCW I dont count $200 into the equation, if having the PM9 over CM9 allows me to achieve some of my goals in a EDC ala night sight's then I will go for it.

My concept for the black diamond is nothing more than, if I want black, want night sights and am potentially ready to buy, why get the gun with out sights and do it aftermarket, I may as well just get the right gun at hopefully the right price.

In the end of the day $200 is money well spent if it gets me where I want to be with a carry gun.

All I am trying to do is make up my mind, if I decide to make the leap "which I am near certain I am" ;)


10-31-2011, 12:10 PM
The solution I offer is the PM9 Black w/night sights. A far better track record than the Black Diamond in my small book.

Meets all your criteria which is very good. You've done your homework and have a solid plan.

For what you want the extra couple hundred would be well spent. Black, extra mag, night sights, dovetailed and a little more detail.

10-31-2011, 12:10 PM
First sfla99, let me congratulate you on your fine HK. I have three and think that they are among the finest pistols made. As for the PM9, I have one and it has been flawless. I also have a CW40 and it's been the same. In fact I have had five Kahrs total without experiencing a problem. The PM9 much smaller than your HK and would be much easier to carry in hot weather. I think a great deal depends on preparation. All my Kahrs and all my other pistols were well cleaned and lubed before the first shot. I made sure they were functioning smoothly before ever going to the range. That may explain why nearly all my guns have been trouble free.

10-31-2011, 12:12 PM
Thanks for the added info, definitely helps and I agree $200 one way or the other for a carry weapon is nothing in the long term scope of things, not to mention it's intended purpose, to possibly save you or a loved ones life.

Good luck on your decision, whatever it may be - and if it's not a Kahr, please let us know what you chose - otherwise I'm sure we'll see you around more!

10-31-2011, 12:30 PM
After several months lurking in the wings, I finally joined this forum and shortly after purchased my first Kahr. Like you, I spent a considerable amount of time researching the myriad of 9mm pocket guns available today. One of the best resources I found for Kahr products is this forum. There is no better forum for any brand of firearm than what you will find here. Yes, you will have to endure the endless admonitions of a few naysayers, but if you take the time to sift through all of that you will find a community of well informed and experienced Kahr owners who will not let you fail. Although I have not had a reason to call Kahr Arms directly, from reading this forum I have come to believe that they will stop at nothing less than your 100% satisfaction should you ever need their service,
All of that being said, the best advice I can share is to simply take the time to know, understand and use your hand gun. Regular sessions at the range with a variety of ammo including your choice of personal defense rounds will build confidence.
Buy with confidence. Shoot with confidence. Carry with confidence…

10-31-2011, 12:33 PM
I'm a little confused... I thought black diamond was just a name for the black coating offered on the black pm's, and the rarer, more expensive version was stainless with a "black rose" engraved on the slide, but no different otherwise. Either way, I'm one of those with a flawless-after-break-in pm9 and don't post because I have nothing to complain about and absolutely no regrets. Black w/night sights and worth every extra penny, to me anyway

10-31-2011, 12:41 PM
Well, I want night sites on the gun, I also prefer the all black instead of the two tone. My reason is as follows:

1. I wear a lot of dark colored clothing.
2. I will be carrying in a (black) mini-tuck.
3. I wear a black cross breed 1.5 belt

With that in mind, I like the concept of a black gun on all dark backgrounds, that way should I reach for something or by chance my firearm become exposed for a short period of time I hope that by having the black on black with the above said, an onlooker may not take notice.

In addition, for me "personally" when it comes to CCW I dont count $200 into the equation, if having the PM9 over CM9 allows me to achieve some of my goals in a EDC ala night sight's then I will go for it.

My concept for the black diamond is nothing more than, if I want black, want night sights and am potentially ready to buy, why get the gun with out sights and do it aftermarket, I may as well just get the right gun at hopefully the right price.

In the end of the day $200 is money well spent if it gets me where I want to be with a carry gun.

All I am trying to do is make up my mind, if I decide to make the leap "which I am near certain I am" ;)


Very sound logic. That all black package sounds great! IMO, you cannot find a better really compact, yet shootable, carry weapon than the PM9. I don't know where Jocko is, but he has put over 32,000 rounds through his PM9 and it is still going strong. The CM9 has opened up the opportunity for a lot of us penny pinchers to own a quality Kahr pistol based on the PM9. But don't give it a second thought, you can afford it, and you clearly want the advantages available only on the PM9. So, go for it! :D

10-31-2011, 12:45 PM
Good to hear I'm not alone or on the brink of an earlier dismissal from this forum for saying what I said.
When I hear things like
Constant Nose diving
Chips in slides
Ill fitting slides at the back of the frame
Followers hitting mag releases
Mag springs installed backwards
mag cases splitting
Sights falling off.
Pistols being return multiple times to the factory for one thing or another,
It really makes me wonder just what's going on with these CM9 pistols. I have seen them in the local gun stores but have never been interested enough to look one over. Hopefully they get them straightened out but for now my PM9 is looking better all the time.
I agree all black with the Tru Dot night Sights is the way to go. They separate a great PM9 from a good PM9.;)

10-31-2011, 01:38 PM
Hrmm, have a lead on a PM9 with mepro's for $649.00, its serial shows a ic, after calling Kahr on the date they said Oct, 2010.

I assume the slight discount is due to date, but am I crazy or does that sound like a good price?


10-31-2011, 01:40 PM
That's what I paid with standard sights (also an IC serial), but I'm impatient and wanted one 'right now' and it was in stock and in my hand, kind of hard to say no. :D I did get them to take $50 off however, so I guess I ended up getting it for $600.

10-31-2011, 01:44 PM
Could work out well for me since they will be at the show coming up in 2 weeks near my home, that means no shipping and no FFL fee's. Two week wait but I am not impatient and have my P2000SK on my hip as I type this message from work ;)

10-31-2011, 02:08 PM
I love my PM9 and if something happened to it I would get another one.

Have you considered a P9 ? Since you carry IWB it would not be much more to conceal and you would have a little larger grip area and a longer sight radius ...... it would rule out pocket carry though.

10-31-2011, 02:23 PM
I'm a little confused... I thought black diamond was just a name for the black coating offered on the black pm's, and the rarer, more expensive version was stainless with a "black rose" engraved on the slide, but no different otherwise. Either way, I'm one of those with a flawless-after-break-in pm9 and don't post because I have nothing to complain about and absolutely no regrets. Black w/night sights and worth every extra penny, to me anyway

I may have helped add to the confusion. If the op is referring to the DLC black finish PM9 my work here is done, excellent choice.

I had Diamond Back on the brain and thought he was referring to that. In rereading the post here I believe my train derailed shortly after leaving the station. Sorry for the confusion and now it's my turn to be an idiot.

10-31-2011, 02:23 PM
The idea for the PM9 was the smaller form factor, as mentioned I already have a P200SK which is my choice when I need something slightly larger.

To be completely fair, my whole usage of the PM9 is for when I wanna throw on some shorts and a t-shirt, or I am heading out and just do not need a fully carry system. I want to be able to wear it IBW at 3:30, or use a different system for potential pocket or appendix when desired.


10-31-2011, 02:25 PM
Yes I was not referring the black rose, thats just way to fancy for my taste in an edc lol.

I was looking for the all black matte finish with night sights. However, I may jump on this firearm in question which is a two-tone.

I would prefer the all black, but that seems like quit a fair price point.


10-31-2011, 02:28 PM
You can get the slide done for $70, if you ever feel you need to. I had mine done and love it...

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6168/6218433029_a89ec325c0_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/6218433029/)
Custom Kahr PM9 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/6218433029/) by Light Artisan Photography (http://www.flickr.com/people/cwnauman/), on Flickr

10-31-2011, 02:36 PM
Well that looks darn nice!

Always an option, or do I just pony up more money and get it factory.

I am all for saving few bucks these days. I sold off an Old Sig P225 that wasn't get any action to fund this project.

Decisions, decisions ;)

10-31-2011, 02:50 PM
That cerakoted slide looks as good or better than my factory black slide. Love the silver release and trigger too. I'd definitely consider that if you can get a good deal on a two tone pm9

10-31-2011, 02:51 PM
I guess that all depends if $649.00 is a good deal on a two-tone PM9 with mepro's factory installed.


10-31-2011, 03:10 PM
I guess that depends on what you can get a black one for locally and how long you can wait. But that would be about $100 less than you can get one like that around here plus you'd have to order it.

10-31-2011, 03:25 PM
Yes I was not referring the black rose, thats just way to fancy for my taste in an edc lol.

I was looking for the all black matte finish with night sights. However, I may jump on this firearm in question which is a two-tone.

I would prefer the all black, but that seems like quit a fair price point.


If you are going to compromise and go 2 tone, go for the CM9 at Bud's for $371 shipped. That would make you feel better about compromising, IMO. Otherwise, if your going to spend the dough on a PM9, be patient and get it just the way you want it. This is not an impulse buy, so take a breath and take your time. :)

10-31-2011, 03:45 PM
If you are going to compromise and go 2 tone, go for the CM9 at Bud's for $371 shipped. That would make you feel better about compromising, IMO. Otherwise, if your going to spend the dough on a PM9, be patient and get it just the way you want it. This is not an impulse buy, so take a breath and take your time. :)

I think you're looking at the cw9 there. Cm9 is $410 from buds. Still a good deal though. Considering I just paid $415 local and then tax on top of that

10-31-2011, 03:59 PM
I would hardly call the two tone a compromise. I personally prefer the two tone myself. If I want to do any tweaking such as rounding off the slide release lever or polishing or fixing a ding I don't have to worry about refinishing.

The beauty of the cerakote finish, affectionately referred to as the Thunder treatment is you can leave the trigger and slide release shiny if you desire. And at 75 bucks you can try the two tone for awhile, see if it grows on you which I think it will and then if you want black, well Thunder Roll!

You could certainly do this with the CM as well but as someone suggested earlier I'm not gonna advocate it if you want a PM and muddy the waters.

10-31-2011, 04:02 PM
That Oct 2010 date wouldn't scare me away from buying that pistol at that price. It's not a great price but it's not bad one either for a new PM9 with night sights. Lets eat:hungry:

10-31-2011, 05:47 PM
I think you're looking at the cw9 there. Cm9 is $410 from buds. Still a good deal though. Considering I just paid $415 local and then tax on top of that

Sorry. My Bad. Still, $410 shipped is a great price.

10-31-2011, 05:56 PM
I would hardly call the two tone a compromise. I personally prefer the two tone myself. If I want to do any tweaking such as rounding off the slide release lever or polishing or fixing a ding I don't have to worry about refinishing.

Needless to say, I like the 2 tone, too. The compromise I was talking about was of his preferences. So for him, settling for the 2 tone PM9 is a compromise of his first preference. It's the preference for the black gun that is a big part of the justification for the extra expense of the PM9. And I don't see the $649 price as much of a break off the price of a black gun.

10-31-2011, 06:06 PM
The Thunder Treatment... I like it! ;)

10-31-2011, 06:09 PM
Whats funny is I asked them over the phone and said " The serial you gave me shows a date of Oct 2010 ", they said " Well its a brand new gun, it sits in Kahrs warehouse for a few months, then sits at the distributors for a bit, then comes here and sits for a bit. ".

Either way, I gather that's the reasoning of the discount. I put a 20% deposit and asked them if it does not check out when I get there what me recourse was, they explained I would get my deposit back.

At that point I will be inside the show already where I am sure there will be a number of PM9's


10-31-2011, 06:13 PM
That's not uncommon... some guns come in and get sold immediately, others sit a while - even years.

10-31-2011, 06:26 PM

But this is a a fairly high volume dealer I suspect, when they set up at the shows they are usually one of the largest exhibitors.

With that said, I am not concerned about the date in the slightest, and still feel the price is fairly reasonable.

What I am curious about though is I have been reading about upgraded recoil assembly's. What is this all about?


10-31-2011, 06:28 PM
Got mine at Cabela's, I would think they are high volume as well... I think 'most' people see a Kahr that is $650 and a shelf down they see a Taurus or Keltec for $250 and bam, the Kahr sits.

We know better. :D

10-31-2011, 06:45 PM
I guess that all depends if $649.00 is a good deal on a two-tone PM9 with mepro's factory installed. Cheers!

I'd say good seeing how a leo discount gets me mine at around that price...

as for the cm9 guys i had issues with my new 2010 kahr pm9 and sold it when the cm9 was available... I too like night sights on my carry gun, my glock 30sf or 36 are my primary and my cm9 is next in the pecking order. I installed a trijicon night sight on the front seeing how that's all you will have time to see 2 percent of the time and the other 98% will be point shooting anyways. The PM9 is great when it works flawlessly it just may take time to get there and a little patience(as would a cm9). I figured if I can get a brand new cm9 with a extra mag and a night sight for around 460 in the long run it would be worth it to me. my 2 cents.

10-31-2011, 07:55 PM
Forgot to mention Mine was made in May 2010. I Also bought it in 2010. It's been perfect.

11-02-2011, 08:36 AM
I have a PM9 and carry in a mini-tuck. I also bought 2 crossbreed belts and love them. I bought the PM9 at a gun show but also considered the CM9. It was only about $80 difference between 2 vendors by the time I added an extra mag for the CM9 so I went with the PM9. It carries well and I have had 0 issues, even during the break in time.

11-08-2011, 09:43 AM
I have had my PM9 for about 3 years, over +1500 practice rounds through it. 100% reliability. Never one malfunction. Best small pistol for accuracy and size. I carry it in a Mini Tuk (5 o'clock), very happy with that.
You can't beat the LCP w/ Alabama Holster's kydex pocket holster for front pocket carry when you are in t-shirt and shorts in the summer, PM9 just a bit bulky & heavy for front pocket carry in shorts.

11-08-2011, 11:02 AM
Well, I want night sites on the gun, I also prefer the all black instead of the two tone. My reason is as follows:

1. I wear a lot of dark colored clothing.
2. I will be carrying in a (black) mini-tuck.
3. I wear a black cross breed 1.5 belt

With that in mind, I like the concept of a black gun on all dark backgrounds, that way should I reach for something or by chance my firearm become exposed for a short period of time I hope that by having the black on black with the above said, an onlooker may not take notice.

In addition, for me "personally" when it comes to CCW I dont count $200 into the equation, if having the PM9 over CM9 allows me to achieve some of my goals in a EDC ala night sight's then I will go for it.

My concept for the black diamond is nothing more than, if I want black, want night sights and am potentially ready to buy, why get the gun with out sights and do it aftermarket, I may as well just get the right gun at hopefully the right price.

In the end of the day $200 is money well spent if it gets me where I want to be with a carry gun.

All I am trying to do is make up my mind, if I decide to make the leap "which I am near certain I am" ;)


If you want night sights I would go for the Pm9 black with night sights. I owned a cm9 and I think the dove tail front sight on the Pm9 is better than the cm9 pin sight.

11-08-2011, 11:25 AM
Appreciate the new responses,

However, I have already made a deposit on a PM9 that should be in my possession this coming saturday ;)

Hope to have range report Sunday evening!

11-08-2011, 11:29 AM
We'll be anxiously awaiting a "GOOD" report sitting in front of our monitors.

I wish you all good things with your new PM9 although I don't think you'll need them. Take care of it and it'll take care of you. Favorite saying of the Para factory shooter, name slips my mind. Most things slip my mind lately.

Where was I going when I stopped here?

11-08-2011, 12:41 PM
I think you did the right thing sfla99. You got the pistol with the night sights at what sounds like a very reasonable price. By the time you get a CM9, have the slide coated black, add the night sights and buy an extra mag, you have about as much invested as if you had bought the PM9. I hope the pistol proves to be as flawless for you as they have for most of the buyers. Don't skip the prep and the lube. If it doesn't act right, be sure and have someone else shoot it and see if they can duplicate the problem. I've had a couple pistols that didn't act right for me, yet shot just fine for the range master when I asked him to give it a try.
I had problems shooting my CW40 when I first got it, but the range master straightened my technique out and now it's had about 300 flawless rounds downrange, with the only problem being one Ranger 155 HP didn't go off, it had a dent in the primer, looked a little lite, but the rest of the mag ran fine, I took it home and sprayed out the striker channel, incase some brass shavings got in there, and will retest it next range trip. I'd be sure and get a nice pocket holster that covered the trigger real well, since the Kahr trigger is so light and smooth you might not notice it snagging on something. I usually take my holster out of my pocket, put the pistol in the holster, then insert the whole outfit into my front pocket. I like the Remora holster, since it can either be worn in the pocket or IWB. It's amazing how it sticks in place with no clips or anything when worn IWB, but it does stay in place, and also allows easy drawing from the pocket or IWB.
Good luck and smooth sailing!

11-08-2011, 02:08 PM
Thanks all,

That was my plan, pick it up this saturday, take it home, strip it down clean it, check mags, then get started on a one night pre-prep, rack, clean lube etc and then on sunday go to the range and throw down about 200 PMC 115gr rounds for the break in, I will not be worrying about accuracy, range distance etc, though while I will be firing 200 rounds, I plan to practice trigger pull and will document round count and any issues that may arrise.

If all goes well I hope to have a write up sunday eve.

I did order a backup 6rd mag from a sale for $26.00 + shipping, as I plan to carry the extra 6rd as my spare mag.

With that said ill let you know how it all turns out ;)
