View Full Version : The end of America as we know it...
10-30-2011, 09:25 PM
Is speeding toward us like a runaway freight train. I subscribe to a few investment groups and I've seen a common thread in all of them, that the end of America as we know it is quickly approaching, most say that it will hit sometime during 2012.
FACT: The USA currently borrows approximately 40 cents of every dollar it spends.
FACT: The USA currently owes almost 15 TRILLION dollars of debt.
More than we've owed in our entire history as a nation if you added up all the debt we owed until around the year 2000.
FACT: China and other countries are going to get tired of loaning us money that we are never going to be able to repay.
FACT: The USA is going to run out of credit sometime in near future as countries are no longer willing to loan us the money that we need to operate.
FACT: A do nothing or do little congress is helping Obama run this nation into the ground. Obama will probably achieve his dream of turning us into another 3rd world country during the next year.
FACT: An administration in trouble is a dangerous animal that will turn on it's citizens, taking away rights, and property as it trys to cling to power.
The tipping point will be when foreign countries decline to loan us any more money. This could happen at any time. I believe China is very close to sayin "no more". Another tipping point could happen if OPEC changes it's price per barrel of oil from dollars to some other currency. Either of these events will have disatrous effects on the US economy. The US will turn on it's own citizens first, stopping payment of social security, welfare, disability, all government funded programs will screech to a halt as the money runs out. As our currency becomes worthless prices will skyrocket for everything.
Most are suggesting buying enough non-perishable food items to last 6 months to a year, rice, beans, canned meat, MRE's, whatever. They also suggest to have a good amount of gold and silver to barter with.
Guns should be on your list of mandatory items to own, but most likely our 2nd admendment rights will be suspended under Martial Law, so I suggest hiding what you can, and only having the bare minimum readily accessable that you need for self defense, guns will most likely be confiscated as they were during Katrina. Don't forget about ammo, and the tools to make your own. Bullets may become an acceptable barter item.
We are likely to see food riots and city's burning as the welfare checks run out, and we are longer able to pay for police and fire protection. Expect to work on the promise of a paycheck as things get better.
Expect police to want a cash bribe if you get stopped, for real or imagined offenses. Take a look at what's going on in Greece, and about to happen in Italy, and you'll see our future. Gang violence will escalate dramatically as they carve out chunks of cities to extort. Expect all violent crimes to escalate, armed robbery, muggings, anything to get cash or valubles.
Move some of your cash to off-shore accounts in countries that have no agreement with the USA to disclose account information to the US. (not Switzerland, as they have made some deals with the US).
If you can, have a non urban rally point, that is defendable from all sorts of attack. Keep a bug out bag handy and your vehicle(s) full of gas for a rapid get away. Make a plan with trusted friends on what to do and where to meet. Be prepared for those in power to tell you all is well, even as the crap is hitting the fan. Expect your bank accounts and safety deposit boxes to be raided by government as they search for money and gold to operate. Read a copy of "Aftershock" (2nd Edition) by David Weidemer to get an idea of what is going on and why it is happening. Get your money out of the Stock Market and into a safer haven.
I know I'm going to be called paranoid, but when I have several of the sharpest minds in the investment world telling me the same thing, I listen.
Start preparing NOW. There is no telling how much time we have left before the crap hits the fan. Between the Patriot Act, and Obama's healthcare plan, the government has unconstitional priveleges it never has had before. Read my thread on Capp's law. it was called tinfoil hat paranoia by one of our members, but as I told him, I'd rather be prepared for something and not have it happen, then caught with my pants down.
I REALLY hope this warning is a waste of time, but too many things are in motion for it not to happen. Hopefully the USA's meltdown won't be as severe as it is in some other nations, but it's best to be prepared for the worst. As far as these stimulas packages and bailouts go, you might as well throw water on a drowning person, throwing more money after the bad is not going to straighten out this economy. You can't spend your way out of a debt crisis. It's like trying to avoid bankruptcy by taking out more lines of credit.
A severe reduction in spending is the only thing that might save our butts, and I just don't see that happening with the leaders we have now.
Ron Paul is about the only politician that sees what is going on and is willing to admit it. Most just want to happy talk you, knowing they will be protected when things go to hell. "Money Mischief" by Milton Friedman is another book that will clue you in on what is going on with our money.
I paid good money to get this advice ( and a lot more information ) but I'm sharing the warning with my friends here for free, do with it what you will. call me names, I don't care, as I am going to have my butt covered, and ready for the crap to hit the fan. If you can't accept at least the possiblity of this happening, then I really feel sorry for you, or else you are welcoming it in which case I won't say what I feel for you.
I'm suggesting nothing radical, nothing wrong with storing extra food, having extra ammo on hand, having some of your portfolio in gold and/or silver even in the best of times. Owning guns has always been a good investment for me, they almost always go up in price if you own them long enough, unless they are cheap guns. I'm not expecting my LC9 or my DB9 to increase in price, but most of my other guns are holding their own if not increasing in value. Like I say, I hope I am terribly wrong on the dire predictions, but I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't believe the nation is in peril.
mr surveyor
10-30-2011, 10:39 PM
just to set the record a little straighter, all this talk about "the do nothing congress" is at least 1/2 left wing media hype. The half about the Harry Reid controlled Senate being "do nothing" is 100% correct. Since the Republicans took control of the House in January of this year they have offered a lot of good proposals that Reid will not allow on the floor of the Senate. The only control the Republicans have is in the House, and that is limited to their ability to halt the left wing agenda.
Keep up the silly mantra about the "do nothing congress" and it does nothing but give the appearance that the entire country would be in support of Obama using his executive orders because "we can't wait".
How long did the libs control both the House and the Senate under Obama... wasn't it two full years? Now, that was two years of a "git er done" congress, if you like obama care, bail-outs, increased taxes, expansion of federal "law enforcement", trampling state's rights.......
Sorry to jump in like this, but the phrase "do nothing congress" really pisses me off considering the current circumstances. I think there should be a poll done that scores the Senate and House approval rating seperately. I'd doubt the results would be 9% for both, if those polled understood who was doing what. With pelosi on the sidelines now I think we should be glad nothing further can be done to us for a while.
Sometimes gridlock is your friend.
10-30-2011, 11:28 PM
No problem Mr. Surveyor. I just meant that there wasn't much being done to prevent the meltdown, most likely thanks Mr. Reid. And a do nothing congress is usually a good thing as no new rules to tax or handicap business are passed. The get er done congress was a nightmare. We got to reduce the spending to have a chance at all not print more money to throw at the problem and make it worse in the long term.
What kinda makes me angry, is the get er done congress that George W. had, didn't really acomplish much. Instead we got the damn Patriot Act, and a prescription drug plan, but nothing to rollback the nanny state, they still spent money like there was no tomorrow. They did little to control spending or balance the budget, instead we got the horrid Patriot Act. We got the prescription drug plan. They did nothing to weaken the nanny state. At least we got the majority and Chief Justice of the SCOTUS.
When the Dems got in they went to town passing unread secret bills that further strip us of our freedom, but at least they passed things. I do hope Ombamacare gets to the Supreme Court soon so it can be thrown out.
The Republicans need to play hardball like that next time they get a chance and change some things for the better and read The Constitution and abide by it and cut out some of this marxisit crap we got going, and defund Acorn or whoever it is now.
10-31-2011, 12:32 AM
I see the coming presidential election as being a critical juncture
for our nation. I believe with a course correction at this point,
the apparent and inevitable demise of our way of life can still be averted.
This emperor has no cloths.
And that has finally been revealed so some portion of the populous.
We are a resilient bunch.
We survived the black plague, small pox and other devastating pandemics in human history.
We will find a cure for Obomination.
Hope springs eternal.
And I will not go quietly into the night...
10-31-2011, 01:27 AM
Most everyone says we will come through this, but those that plan according will do much better than those caught off guard. That is why I typed my warning. If just one or two major things happen, then we could see some very troubled times, and those that have taken a few precautions will do a lot better than those caught off guard. I worry for the folks in the big cities that have a large population of the entitlement crowd. When those govt. checks quit showing up they are going on a rampage.
And if nothing happens, then at the worst you have extra ammo to shoot up and a few extra bags of rice and beans and things to use up. It's very simple to buy an extra bag of rice or beans on a trip to the store. Buy an extra box of ammo next time you're in wally world. Gold and/or Silver is always good to have, a good hedge against inflation. Getting out of the Stock Market is probably the hardest thing for folks to do, your broker is not going to want to lose your business and want you to re-invest so he can make a comission. You can do as little or as much as you want to take precautions, I'm just spreading the word that several investment guides that I subscribe too all are predicting tough times for those that don't take any action now to protect their investments, and homes and things.
Just reading "Aftershock" will explain in a lot of detail how this financial mess has happened and what we can do about it to get through it with much less pain then those caught off guard.
10-31-2011, 07:14 AM
Some people make a lot of money off of our fears. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
10-31-2011, 08:14 AM
Mr Surveyor has pretty well explained it.
Its a wonderment that the Government was controlled by the Dems - pres, Congress and Senate - for two years and they couldn't get anything done, except blame Bush.
What to me is also so funny, is now, after the 2010 whooping, Dems are "retiring" faster than Mexican crossing the border . . .
I think it was Earnest Hemmingway who said:
"Nothing is wrong anymore."
It's been that way for a while. We're just rolling along and we let the vocal minority dictate what is right and wrong. Control of the media, school system and politicians has solidified their positions. Sorry to say, there's no going back.
10-31-2011, 12:16 PM
You had to know it was coming when the politicians voted themselves a way of life that had different standards and rules to live by from you and I. They can't run the Govt but in the same breath tell us how we should live. Yes people say we will come through this, by then marxism will have a strong foothold on us all. (
10-31-2011, 01:13 PM
Some people make a lot of money off of our fears. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I don't think FDR ever met Obama.
10-31-2011, 01:21 PM
So you all think China is just going to keep on throwing good money after bad to prop up our economy? We're always going to have plenty of money and that inflation is not going to get worse and worse. That's cool. I honestly hope it's just a bunch of hype too, But I'll take precautions in case it's not. Having extra food on hand and some extra ammo isn't going to hurt anything. I don't see where anyone is going to make a lot of money off of my "fears".
10-31-2011, 01:33 PM
Why would I care about China? The debt is about 15 trillion and China "owns" less than 2 trillion... China aint the one to be a feared of.
As for the differences in congress under Bush and Obama... well as I see it the difference was that the republican congress under Bush was all about compromising with the democrats to get bills passed. Check out the differences in the proposed tax cuts and the actual bill that passed. As far as I can see it the republicans were so much about compromising to get the bills passed they didn't even see that they were compromising away the heart of the bills. We now have even more wage earners not paying federal income taxes. We got more spending instead of a control on spending. We got that wonderful Patriot Act which the democrats wailed on how bad it was until they got power and now they love it.
The republicans who supported the Patriot Act seemed to have forgotton what protections they threw out with no worry that the Republicans then in power would abuse it but they forgot that Republicans would not remain in power forever... and now they wail on the abuses of the act by the democrats who gained power due to their compromises when they had a semblance of power.
Some are now calling for a Constitutional Convention... talk about insanity!
10-31-2011, 02:37 PM
The populous still holds the balance of power.
10-31-2011, 03:11 PM
I was just using China as an example as they are the leading foreign owner of the US Debt. The owners of the US Debt breakdown as follows:
Social Security Trust Fund 2.67 Trillion Dollars or about 19%
The Federal Reserve 1.63 Trillion or about 11.3%
China 1.16 Trillion or about 8% (Largest foreign holder of US debt.)
US Citizens 959.4 Billion or about 6.6%
Japan 912.4 Billion or about 6.4%
State and Local Govts. 506.1 Billion or about 3.5%
Private Pension Funds 504.7 Billion or about 3.5%
The United Kingdom 346.5 Billion or about 2.4%
Money Market Mutual Funds 337.7 Billion or about 2.4%
State, Local, and Federal Retirement funds 320.9 billion or 2.2%
Commercial Banks 301.8 Billion or about 2.1%
Mutual Funds 300.5 Billion or about 2%
OPEC countries 229.8 Billion or about 1.6%
Brazil 211.4 Billion of about 1.5%
Taiwan 153.4 Billion or about 1.1%
Carribean Banking Centers 148.3 Billion or about 1%
Hong Kong 121.9 billion or about .9%
China is the largest foreign investor. I'm not comfortable that Social Security holds 19% of the debt. America owns most of it's own debt, While some 4.5 trillion is owned by foreign countries or foriegn investors.
That only adds up to about 76 percent. Not sure where the other 24 percent is.
Those are figures from
I don't know how all this is going to shake out, but I'm listening to folks that study the US and other economies for a living, and are predicting a little chaos in the coming months, some predict some pretty bad things, while others say it's just going to be bit of a tough time for awhile.
Look what's happening in Greece right now. You don't think that can happen here? Did we not go thru a great depression that started just 82 years ago. Sure we got through that, but those that were prepared fared a lot better than those that were caught by surprise. All I'm trying to do is give you a heads up that we could be in for some hard times., do what you will with it.
As I said before, what does it hurt to have a little extra food on hand, a little extra ammo, perhaps a little gold or silver on hand to barter with. I don't think that's being overly cautious, no one is making money from taking a few precautions. I guess I say plan for the worst and hope for the best.
What can that hurt? You all can say this or that, "there's nothing to fear but fear itself" etc. That isn't going to put food in a hungry belly. How many of you are economists? How many of you make a living managing other people's money? How many of you have studied the conditions that led to the great depression?
I prefer to listen to the experts, and take a few precautions and not just sit here and hope everything is going to be ok. I don't think it's paranoid, I think it's being smart to prepare for a rainy day.
I would think those with children to care for, would really want to have some extra food on hand. It's hard to see a child go hungry.
A year supply of food is more important than money in the bank.
I am not rich but a year supply of food for your family can be achieved.
10-31-2011, 04:11 PM
Thats a good site Russ, thanks for sharing.
I am sorry to sound so alarmist, but I wouldn't put out that warning out if I wasn't worried about the economic situation we've got ourselves into. I wouldn't share it with you if I didn't consider you all friends.
Do your own research, reach your own conclusions.
Some folks think good times are just around the corner. Everyone is ready for Obama to go in 2012, but what if he doesn't? Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. I know of many that think Obama is doing a great job and are ready to vote for him again. As history shows, it's very hard to remove a sitting president. Clinton got a 2nd term after all we did to get him out of there. And Obama's people now control the election process. I'm not confident that he won't have a 2nd term to finish the demolition job he has started. I've already heard stories about how absentee ballots are going to be in short supply, since our service men and women tend to vote republican. Who knows what other tricks he has up his sleeve to remain in power. I think a conservative - moderate controlled controlled congress is within our grasp, but not so sure Obama is going to be tossed out.
10-31-2011, 07:27 PM
Speaking of China:
95% of everything in our stores these days seems to be made in that country, so every time you go to a store and buy something, you are subsidizing a Communist economy - which most people conveniently forget in their quest for the lowest prices. Too bad there isn't a red star and sickle emblem on everything made there to remind us (like the dire warnings on cigarette packages).
At least *some* guns are still manufactured in this country. Other than a couple of items from Italy, a very pro-American country, my modest collection of little friends is all American-made I am happy to say.
10-31-2011, 07:41 PM
I can see the US falling into chaos and have been slowly preparing. It might be time to speed the preparations up a little bit though. 500 rounds of Ranger NATO arrived at my house this afternoon and I'm still looking for a Sub2k. I still need to stock up on stuff to eat.
10-31-2011, 07:57 PM
I can see the US falling into chaos and have been slowly preparing. It might be time to speed the preparations up a little bit though. 500 rounds of Ranger NATO arrived at my house this afternoon and I'm still looking for a Sub2k. I still need to stock up on stuff to eat.
Kel-Tec could sell a lot more of those Sub2ks if they would just make enough to meet the demand.
10-31-2011, 08:17 PM
Kel-Tec could sell a lot more of those Sub2ks if they would just make enough to meet the demand.
All I know is that the next one that my range gets in is mine. Don't know when that will be though.
10-31-2011, 08:55 PM
It's gonna happen. It's just how soon and how bad. I've been thinking about this for a long time. Some of what I asked myself "how long can this go on" about in the past I now have my answer.
We've borrowed more than our country can afford and it's not slowing down. Much of the rest of the developed world has followed us. No one can bail us out.
Look at those numbers on how much we owe ourself. All we can do is print our way out of this while de-valuing our dollar.
If we quit buying from China, who will they sell to? they'll be in trouble too.
Food will be the greatest commodity. what ever you need to protect that will also be valuable.
We may and probably will make it. It won't be comfortable, and it may not be the USA we are used to. It may be the one of 120 years ago. We will become like a developing country to some extent. I'm afraid our days of being a dominant world power are numbered. I hope I'm wrong. I am hoping that we will begin that positive trend forward but i also hope we have learned our lesson. I'm afraid we haven't.
That's enough of my serious thinking for today. Maybe the Wall Street protest crowd have some ideas? :der:
Keeping a little stash of money in the bank will see you thru to better days.
:confused: Ummmm, wait.
Don't worry the government is here to help.
:confused: Dang!
If we spend more money, we'll be better off.
:confused: Oh oh.
It sounds like I need a new catchy phrase to sedate me. Meanwhile that extra 10 boxes of 9mm looks pretty darn good in the closet.
If you are prepared (spiritually,emotionally and physically) you shall not fear.
11-01-2011, 01:27 PM
You know, just forget it. I feel like the guy in September 1929 telling people the stock market was going to crash. People thought he was nuts too.
You know, just forget it. I feel like the guy in September 1929 telling people the stock market was going to crash. People thought he was nuts too.
I appreciate your warning. I agree when you borrow 40 cents of every dollar you eventually will go bust. We may not be able to individually turn this mess around but there are things we can personally do to prepare when the train runs out of track. Striving to be self reliant really brings peace in my life. We are fortunate that we can grow a garden. It is very rewarding to sit down for dinner and know we not China fed my family. It is rewarding to pay cash for Christmas because we planned ahead.
Please don't take offense to my comment. I agree with you that things are going to get difficult. If we are prepared spiritually,emotionally and physically we will be in a much better position when the storm clouds gather.
11-01-2011, 05:01 PM
Russ, I appreciate your support and those of others that have chosen to wake up a little and take a look at what is happening. What's getting me down is the people that can't accept that their happy little lifestyle might be heading for a dramatic change, and instead decide to attack the messenger. I agree those are some dramatic predictions I posted, and probably hard to stomach. I know I didn't want to believe them but when source after source starts saying the same sort of things, I start to listen. These aren't average Joe's either, these people manage millions to billions of assets for people and make a living by keeping up with current economic trends. People that know a lot more about our economic situation than you or I do or probably most people in the forum. I'm sorry I tried to warn people, I thought I was doing folks a favor, but they don't want to hear it.
11-01-2011, 05:59 PM
I have been reading these things over the Web for a long time. Something's got to happen sooner or later. Not a whole lot I can do about it. And worrying about what might happen doesn't do anybody any good. So, ;) I like to keep my blood pressure down and keep a positive attitude...
11-01-2011, 06:53 PM
I know I didn't want to believe them but when source after source starts saying the same sort of things, I start to listen. These aren't average Joe's either, these people manage millions to billions of assets for people and make a living by keeping up with current economic trends.
Care to list your sources? No one knows how this will all play out. Everything could collapse tomorrow, or we might limp along for another ten years. As long as the 500 trillion derivatives market doesn't implode, we'll probably limp along for quite some time. The only given is that we face a decline in our standard of living thanks to globalization and peak cheap oil. As far as educating other people, screw 'em. If people haven't been paying attention over the last three years, they're not going to start now.
11-01-2011, 07:46 PM
The book "Aftershock" (Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown) by Dr. David Weidemer, Robert Weidmer, and Cindy Spritzer, is a good place to start. Money Mischief by Milton Friedman is pretty good reading on how money is manipulated.
I get much of my financial information from Stansberry and Associates, and Dr. Martin Weiss and the Weiss Research Institute see for some free information, those are probably my top two go to sources. Newsmax offers some good articles. The Dynamic Wealth Report and Inside Investing Daily are a couple of other good sources. There are several others.
Very few empires collapse with a big bang. It's usually a whimper.
I don't expect to hear FOX NEWS ALERT declaring the end-of-the-world next tuesday morning. We'll find out after the coffers have been looted and the booty has been claimed.
Personally, I'm tending to the needs of my family. If there's anything left, I'll share. It's like personal defense.... you are responsible for you.... nobody else is going to take care of you.:cool:
11-01-2011, 09:26 PM
I guess you can look at what's going on in Greece right now and kind of get an idea of what to expect as the US runs out of money. I'd not want to be near any big city as the inner city people seem ready to riot over any little thing, can't imagine what will happen on the day the welfare checks don't come in.
I'm just going to stock up on rice and beans and canned goods and rotate them as I use them, trying to keep a good supply on hand. Some goods are already skyrocketing, Coffee and Sugar are both much higher than a couple years ago, we all know what gas prices have done. I have a creek on my property to get water from, if it ever rains and fills up the aquafier that feeds it. Meanwhile I can get water out of the pool use it. It's really not too painful to stock up on things, a little here and little there. I figure when we hear that China and other countries have refused to lend us more money that will be a good point to start expecting things to snowball.
I imagine since Social Security owns so much of the debt that those benefits will be cut drastically if they are paid at all. All we can really do at this point is prepare the best we can and get ready to tough it out. Most of the advice I get says we can ride out the storm if we do start preparing now.
Prepping is not a bad thing. Didn't we used to recite the tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper to our children?
When did preparing for a rainy day become "paranoid".
11-01-2011, 11:53 PM
Actually, you all have been pretty decent. I guess I let some folks on another forum rub me the wrong way. I try to keep a pretty thick skin, but sometimes I let things get to me when I shouldn't. Why should I care if people think I'm crazy or paranoid. LOL, I just may be.
We're all rowing in the same direction.;)
11-02-2011, 04:00 AM
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get ya.
I don't think we can ride out the storm sir.. not as we are anyway.
Social Security is doomed.. it was doomed from the get go.. when it gets to be two paying in for every one taking out you can bet that benefits will take a drastic cut. Apparently, right now it is just under three paying in.
We have some 47% of wage earners not paying federal income taxes and some 10% not paying payroll taxes.... It aint long before something has to give.
11-02-2011, 06:51 AM
I don't think FDR ever met Obama.
Obama's is just another politician on his way out.
Obama's is just another politician on his way out.
I wouldn't be so quick to say that. This country has a gazillion stupid people in it. Look at what is happeneing with the "occupy wallstreet" crowd. They are in major cities and are being allowed to break the laws and infringe on other peoples rights. These are the people that will vote for Obama. They want socialism. They want the government to take care of them. Also, do not forget all those wonderfull immigrants that have been allowed into this country and are feeding off the country's support systems (e.g. social security, welfare, etc.) And remember, the Dems want to give licenses to illegal's and do not want "voter I.D." to happen. If voter I.D. were in place, the illegals would not be able to vote (unless they have licenses of course!). Although I want to believe Obama is out, I am not convinced that Obama is going anywhere yet.
I really hope Tom is not right in his predictions, but I can see it happening. I am hoping our military wakes up and remembers they took an oath to protect our constitution.
11-02-2011, 11:33 AM
We tried our damndest to get Clinton out and he held on another 4 years. As history will show, it's very tough to unseat a sitting president.
Dammit, I didn't mean to get this thread on the front page again.
11-02-2011, 03:57 PM
I wouldn't be so quick to say that. This country has a gazillion stupid people in it. Look at what is happeneing with the "occupy wallstreet" crowd. They are in major cities and are being allowed to break the laws and infringe on other peoples rights. These are the people that will vote for Obama. They want socialism. They want the government to take care of them. Also, do not forget all those wonderfull immigrants that have been allowed into this country and are feeding off the country's support systems (e.g. social security, welfare, etc.) And remember, the Dems want to give licenses to illegal's and do not want "voter I.D." to happen. If voter I.D. were in place, the illegals would not be able to vote (unless they have licenses of course!). Although I want to believe Obama is out, I am not convinced that Obama is going anywhere yet.
I really hope Tom is not right in his predictions, but I can see it happening. I am hoping our military wakes up and remembers they took an oath to protect our constitution.
If you take a look at the collection of clowns the republican party is fielding, Obama has a great chance. I don't know why we can't find someone who is actually electable to run for president. Mitt Romney, who's claim to fame is Governor of Taxachusettes (clearly is not ready to reduce government or taxes), 9-9-9, and Newt? Perry is like "W" all grown up. Thank God that Sarah Palin dropped out... Come on! Somebody step up!
11-02-2011, 07:21 PM
I've been thinking about this thread since the other day when it started. I remember the collapse of the USSR and the things they went though (and still go through.) When East and west Germany came together they had issues. France, well it's France. I just don't see a real positive trend here although I still think we have the best country in the world. We've just got ourselves in a pickle. We may just stagnate.
One consolation, there are the good kahrtalk folks here that want the best for the country. may our desires spread to the rest of the country and something good come out of it.
11-02-2011, 08:00 PM
11-02-2011, 08:53 PM
I remember the collapse of the USSR and the things they went though (and still go through.)
Interesting article for you.
Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US.
11-03-2011, 07:02 PM
Interesting article for you.
Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US.
Interesting reading. Some of it I agree with. Some I don't. I do like the last part about buy things of value that last. That's just good sense. I've believed that for a long time. Buy what you need and resuse what you can. I've never been a big "I have to have it now even if I have to charge it" person. I like saving and paying cash. Good thing the wife is like that too. I've also thought about that first bullet point on slide 28 but I never say anything about it. I just try to be one that it wont happen to.
Thanks for sharing the link.
11-03-2011, 07:18 PM
Interesting article for you.
Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US.
Well, that was cheery! Thank you. :(
11-06-2011, 06:42 PM
Americans are a resilient people. We have bounced back from far worse than this. I'm surprised by the pessimistic outlooks of some people on this forum. What happened your back bones? We all saw what happened in the last election. The nation is swinging back to the right. The dollar is still the world's reserve currency. Our military is second to none. What in the hell is wrong with you people?
I don't think we're crying "The sky is falling and there's nothing we can do about it."
We're just warning each other that we see signs of the sky falling and to get ready to take action.... whatever you feel necessary... food prep., ammo, training, gold, or just a very loooong vacation.;)
Nobody's giving up. Quite the opposite. We'll go down swinging.
11-07-2011, 12:05 PM
All I'm saying is it might be good to have some extra supplies on hand in case the worst happens. The dollar might not be world's reserve currency much longer, they way they just roll em off the printing press with nothing to back them. Our military is 2nd to none, but will our kids fight when they are not being paid? At lot COULD happen, and maybe very little will happen. Nothing wrong with stocking up on a few supplies to get you thru a bad time.
11-07-2011, 01:28 PM
Bawanna, On another thread someone suggested a political forum, with a VERY important election coming up, it might be a good idea, a place where we can trade info on candidates and things like that. Also a good place to pass on info we get from other sources.
11-07-2011, 01:41 PM
I'll run the idea past the boss. This is his call to make. Tying it in with the RKBA area might be an easy option. I agree it should be under a clear heading so people who don't want to don't have to work their way through it.
All rules would of course still apply. Civility, acting like grown ups, temper control. Hard to usually adhere to when things go politics. But worthy of sharing without doubt.
I'll see how JohnH feels about it.
11-07-2011, 01:47 PM
Yes, civility must be maintained, no name calling and that kind of crap. That just shows your ignorance of the topic when you have to resort to name calling.
I just imagine there will be a lot of polictal discourse in the next year.
It would be a good spot to put threads like this one in.
11-07-2011, 02:16 PM
I'll run the idea past the boss. This is his call to make. Tying it in with the RKBA area might be an easy option. I agree it should be under a clear heading so people who don't want to don't have to work their way through it.
All rules would of course still apply. Civility, acting like grown ups, temper control. Hard to usually adhere to when things go politics. But worthy of sharing without doubt.
I'll see how JohnH feels about it.
You know, they have the Ignore List. Well, I'd like an Ignore Threads list so they don't even show in the Recent Posts list if I don't want to see or read them.
mr surveyor
11-07-2011, 03:07 PM
seems to me that if you're offended by what you may see at a passing glance, you might not ought to ever leave your own house, or turn on the tv, radio, computer...etc, etc
11-07-2011, 03:58 PM
seems to me that if you're offended by what you may see at a passing glance, you might not ought to ever leave your own house, or turn on the tv, radio, computer...etc, etc
Are you talking to me? :mad:
LOL! :D I'm not offended at anything I see on this forum, But I am BOTHERED and DISGUSTED by some of these negative threads. I am trying to enjoy my HOBBY, not solve all the world's problems or listen to people whining on and on about being "victims" of Kahr!
If I wasn't your target, FUGGEDABOWDIT! :hippie:
Put me down as a YES vote on the creation of a political section. The elections are going to effect ous as gunowners, taxpayers, ...etc. Sharing info and resources would be a means of keeping the mainstreammedia "honest" (Yes, I realize that's a redundant statement);)
11-07-2011, 08:51 PM
Aint possible to keep em honest. Neither party is honest even with the members if its own party.
11-08-2011, 07:49 PM
Americans are a resilient people. We have bounced back from far worse than this. I'm surprised by the pessimistic outlooks of some people on this forum. What happened your back bones? We all saw what happened in the last election. The nation is swinging back to the right. The dollar is still the world's reserve currency. Our military is second to none. What in the hell is wrong with you people?
Just stating observations. I agree with you on america being resilient. All people in america aren't though and we have to clean house in D.C. No doom and gloom here. I'm planning on making it in relatively good shape. Always have to have a plan. :cool:
Oh by the way, I'm making it wheel chair accessible so Bawanna you, the mrs., and kids can ride with me if you want. We can scoot over and make some room. ;)
11-08-2011, 08:29 PM
Thank you, JFootin....
11-08-2011, 10:39 PM
Just stating observations. I agree with you on america being resilient. All people in america aren't though and we have to clean house in D.C. No doom and gloom here. I'm planning on making it in relatively good shape. Always have to have a plan. :cool:
Oh by the way, I'm making it wheel chair accessible so Bawanna you, the mrs., and kids can ride with me if you want. We can scoot over and make some room. ;)
That's a fine offer and I thank you for it.
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