10-31-2011, 09:42 PM
Just back from the range shooting the CM9 side by side with the Glock 34. Happy to report that the CM9 with the reworked recoil by Kahr functioned flawless again. Just a dream to shoot. Funny how that slide is so much more of a challenge to pull than the Glock. It is literally 50 times tighter than the slide on the Glock. The G34 showered me with brass to the face while the Kahr ejected perfectly back and to the right. I would consider this trip to be Kahr Perfection. The G34 on the other and is going back to Glock (at their request) for ejector work. Why do I always get the one gun that has a problem???? I am sure the Glock fanboys are not happy to hear about a Kahr out performing a Glock!