View Full Version : Our Representatives speak

11-01-2011, 07:39 PM
The House of Representatives passed a bi-partisan resolution Tuesday night reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the official motto of the United STates. The 396-9 vote came at the request of Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) – in part over President Obama’s refusal to correct remarks he made that misstated the motto as “E pluribus unum” instead of “In God We Trust.”

Lawmakers voting against “In God We Trust” include Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA), Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), and Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA). Voting present were Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Rep. Melvin Watt (D-NC).

The bi-partisan resolution not only affirms “In God We Trust” as the national motto, but it also “encourages its display in public buildings and government institutions.”

“There’s been no motto in U.S. history that’s been more inspirational than ‘In God We Trust,’” he said, noting that he felt it was appropriate for members of Congress to “firmly declare our trust in God.”

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/congress/2011/11/01/see-which-congressmen-voted-against-god-we-trust#ixzz1cVY3Wt5r

Anyone look familiar?

11-02-2011, 02:53 AM
As if they don't have important work to do...

mr surveyor
11-02-2011, 08:18 AM
the Republican controlled House HAS been doing the important work since January.... they have some 18 major bills passed that Reid will not allow to be debated on the Democrat controlled Senate floor...... one of which is an actual BUDGET. Neither the Dem controlled House nor Dem controlled Senate has even offered a budget in over 900 days.

11-02-2011, 08:35 AM
Isn't Keith Ellison a Muslim? If so, that would make sense that he voted against "In God We Trust".

All those that voted against were Democrats except Justin Amash. He claims to be a Christian on his facebook page, so I don't know why he would vote against the measure.

11-02-2011, 09:01 AM
Isn't Keith Ellison a Muslim? If so, that would make sense that he voted against "In God We Trust".

All those that voted against were Democrats except Justin Amash. He claims to be a Christian on his facebook page, so I don't know why he would vote against the measure.

That doesn't make sense. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in the same God...the split comes at Abraham's offspring. Christians and Jews believe the promise came down through Issac (only son of both Abraham and Sarah), and Muslims believe it came down through Ishmael (first born of Abraham and a servant girl). He could have easily voted for the bill and still been true to his belief in God.

All people of faith should be afraid of Socialism though...it is a message that you don't need God, you only need government. Go look at any Socialist country, and you will find a significant lack of people who believe in anything except themselves.


11-02-2011, 09:17 AM
That doesn't make sense. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in the same God...the split comes at Abraham's offspring. Christians and Jews believe the promise came down through Issac (only son of both Abraham and Sarah), and Muslims believe it came down through Ishmael (first born of Abraham and a servant girl). He could have easily voted for the bill and still been true to his belief in God.

All people of faith should be afraid of Socialism though...it is a message that you don't need God, you only need government. Go look at any Socialist country, and you will find a significant lack of people who believe in anything except themselves.


Christians and Muslims DO NOT believe in the same God. Muslims believe that their god has no son and that Jesus was merely another prophet. That's a huge difference. The Christian God says to love your enemy. The Christian God says to witness to people and convert them into Christianity, but if not then let them go in peace. The Muslim god says to convert people to the Muslim faith, but if not then enslave them or kill them. Another huge difference. Read the New Testament and then read the Koran. It's all there in black and white.

11-02-2011, 11:58 AM
Great speech by the father who lost a child at Columbine

11-02-2011, 12:37 PM
Actually, Carlcyrus is right. the split came with Ishmael and Issac. God promised Abraham and Sarah a male child, but they became impatient as they grew old and Abraham had Ishmael with an Egyptian servant. Issac was born later of Sarah when Abraham was 100 years old. Issac and Ishmael never got along and Ishmael went into the desert and his followers much later became the Muslims. The Jews followed Issac.

I think the Muslims think of Jesus as more than a prophet. I don't think they deny that he rose to Heaven but they don't believe that he died on earth. They criticize Christians as having three Gods, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. They worship only one God.

The peace and Love of Christianity comes almost entirely from the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus. The Old Testament could be a violent place.

I can't comment on Koran as I have never studied it. Although from what I have read, it doesn't appear to have been inspired by God, IMO.