View Full Version : New CM9 - Slide Stop Actuation

11-02-2011, 03:43 PM
Greetings everyone,
Long time lurker, first time poster. First off, let me say that I've been looking at a PM9 for about a year before the CM series was released. I couldn't pass a CM9 up for the price point, so I purchased one a couple weeks ago.
I read through the Kahr-prep thread and sanded down the follower on one of my mags (the other 6-rounder was perfect). So far, I've had two quick range trips with great results. On my first range visit, I only had time to send 50 rounds of FMJ downrange, but am happy to report that I had no issues whatsoever with the CM9 (the only issue I initially had was my thumb's fondness of resting on the slide stop). I came home, field stripped, and cleaned the CM9 and was a happy man.
I just returned from the second range trip, with almost equally satisfying results: 50 more rounds downrange with perfect feeding and extraction. The new Pearce pinky extension pinches my pinky a little, but all is well. I did, however, encounter an odd occurrence with about 15 rounds to go though: The slide stop lever became impossible to actuate in order to feed the first round of the magazine. It took a firm thumb swipe to disengage the slide stop beforehand, but it was downright impossible for the last couple mags. Anyone have any idea on what could be the issue? In my mind, I semi-blamed it on using dirty, cheap ammo for the break-in period. I have yet to field strip and clean it, but was just wondering if there was some tidbit of information or insight that I missed when wandering the forums. Any help is appreciated all!

11-02-2011, 04:46 PM
The Kahr owner's manual states:

When the slide stop is held open on an empty magazine, the slide release is very hard to depress.
This warns the shooter that the magazine is empty.
To easily release the slide, either remove the empty magazine or replace it with a loaded magazine.
Depressing the slide relase will then be much easier."
Of course your magazine is full, but the hand gun may think it has an empty magazine
if the magazine is not fully "clicked" into the retainer.
Tap the magazine base to insure the magazine is fully seated into the hand gun.
Listen for the "click." That should solve your problem.


11-02-2011, 09:22 PM
Of course your magazine is full, but the hand gun may think it has an empty magazine
if the magazine is not fully "clicked" into the retainer.
Tap the magazine base to insure the magazine is fully seated into the hand gun.
Listen for the "click." That should solve your problem.


Thanks for the reply, Drive...

I do not believe that it was an issue with an insecurely seated magazine, as I tried both magazines several times. I would drop one magazine out, reinsert it and push up on the pearce pinky extension until the magazine snapped, and try to release the slide stop again. I even inspected inside the ejection port while the mag was in and slide was held back. I could push the mag up to close the (annoying) gap that is left between the base plate and frame, and I saw no obstructions or objects pushing the slide stop flange up. As stated, I tried both full mags several times, thinking that it was an issue with the feed lip engaging the slide stop, but it happened on both.

I just cleaned and lubed the CM9, loaded some snap caps, and was able to disengage the slide stop with a full mag, but it needed more force (almost superhuman) than I originally needed on my first range trip. It, indeed, is taking a toll on my thumb, as the slide stop corners are sharp. I'll continue to monitor this tomorrow when I go back to the range. Hell, I may throw a little remington lube with teflon in the slide stop catch on the slide to see if it helps.

Again, thanks for the reply. I was just curious as to if this was a common occurrence that someone has experienced, or just a tight, new kahr getting its tolerances broken in. Can't wait to put this sucker through it's paces! Thanks!

11-03-2011, 08:17 AM
Having the same issue with my new CM9. Only have 150 rounds through it (with no issues) so far. Slide stop is almost impossible to release with two thumbs, no way with one. Also mags do not drop free, guess I need to work on them.

11-03-2011, 11:04 AM
First, with the slide removed and the pin reinserted, check the up/down action to see if it's okay. If not lightly lube the pin at the ends where ti goes through the frame and try again.

With the slide locked back, identify the part of the slide stop that holds it back. Then with it removed, see if there's a machine burr or something. If rough, hit it with a finger nail file or similar fine file to smooth it, then polish it a bit and rub a tiny tad of grease on it. Also check out the slide notch for the same.

Let us know if this works.

BTW, I inherited my Dad's 1911 and cleaned the best I knew how and found the slide stop was very sticky. I cleaned it and it was still sticky. Then I discovered that dark stuff on the edges of the pin wasn't bluing, but crud packed in there over years of neglect. I scraped it off and cleaned it again and my problem was fixed.

Obviously yours is not from years of neglect, but the story is because even simple things like that can cause problems.