View Full Version : Good for skinny guy?

11-02-2011, 04:46 PM
I want a handgun to conceal everyday, that I can also enjoy during range time. This would be my first handgun and probably the only one I will own for quite a while, I like the K series because of the all steel construction. I know many of the polymer guns are probably really practical but I let aesthetics influence me and the K series is beautiful. I was thinking a K9 for IWB carry, I am six foot and weigh 140 so very thin. I probably wont purchase another handgun for a while as I don't have much disposable income, and I would like to spend what I have on practice rounds. Any skinny dudes carry the K9 IWB?

I want the elite stainless with the nice trigger and night sights, but it only comes in polished stainless. What are you guys' opinions on the matte vs polished finish? I prefer a low maintenance finish.

11-02-2011, 04:53 PM
I'm not as skinny, 6'-1" and 200, but my K9 carries nicely. The weight is the only downside, but I don't think it's that bad.

But then, I'm the guy circling the drain on a PM45, because it's smaller, lighter, and makes bigger holes. :D

11-02-2011, 05:28 PM
Do you have any friends that can loan you a gun to experiment with? I hate to see you stuck with a gun that may not work for daily CC. Until you experiment, it's hard to know what will/won't conceal well. Unless you're willing to alter your wardrobe, carrying can be a real pain. I suspect this is the reason that pocket .380s are so popular.

I'm also a thin guy and wouldn't pick this gun for daily CC as it would be too big for me. You might be better off considering a gun that can be carried both IWB and in your pocket. I'd suggest a small jframe, PM/CM9, or perhaps a .380. FWIW, even the PM9 was too big to pocket carry for me. My carry guns are an Airweight jframe and a .380 - YMMV.

11-02-2011, 05:33 PM
If you're going to buy into the heavier weight of a steel frame anyway you just might want to consider a K40.

11-02-2011, 05:48 PM
With what you've said, I'd look into the MK9, pipsqueak....I mean, NitroTurkey. :roll:I'm just messing with you, welcome to the asylum!

11-02-2011, 06:04 PM
at 6'1 and 185 I could IWB carry my cw9. I preferred a 2 o'clock carry. It worked OK and was really nice to shoot. That K9 would be a bit heavier but I'm sure it would be a dream to shoot. I alike the all metal guns too but went polymer for the weight.

11-02-2011, 06:18 PM
I'm 6'3" 168# and carry a H&K P2000Sk everyday in jeans and a T-shirt.
A K9 should be a breeze for you to carry.

11-02-2011, 06:31 PM
at 6'1 and 185 I could IWB carry my cw9. I preferred a 2 o'clock carry. It worked OK and was really nice to shoot. That K9 would be a bit heavier but I'm sure it would be a dream to shoot. I alike the all metal guns too but went polymer for the weight.

Welcome to the forum!

+1. I love the look of a K9 or MK9 with wood grips. But I chose a CM9 for CW carry. I am 5'9", 188 lb, and have a middle aged spread. :o I could only afford one gun, so decided on what was most practical for defensive carry. A pleasant plus is that these micro Kahrs are very accurate and a pleasure to shoot at the range. I wear my CM9 in a Kydex IWB holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) just behind my hip. It is so perfectly comfortable that it's like it's not there. (As I was writing this, I had to reach down there and confirm that it is there and has been there all day.) The gun sits up close to my body and is easily concealed under a shirt or jacket.

11-02-2011, 06:33 PM
Unlike you, I have a few handguns and plan to buy more before they nail the lid shut. However, I would like the ultimate pistol for concealed carry and would like to enjoy it at the range as well.

I have a Kahr MK9 elite, yup, that's your stainless steel that you like....but a good bit smaller than the K9. Well, it's small enough allright, (really too small for my hand, comfortably) and it's a heavy sucker (too heavy IMO) if you're thinking about pocket carry. IWB...it's a piece of cake. However, be prepared and forewarned, if this is your first rodeo with ccw, IWB will take some 'gettin used to'.

I think your choice boils down to this: If your first priority is to carry a pistol and carry it ALOT....smaller and lighter is almost always better IMO. This will give you TONS of carry options, and therefore encourage you to to do so. In this case, I'd STRONGLY recommend you to look at a Kahr PM9. I know I wish I would have done so instead of my MK9 elite. If beauty is priority, look at the all black PM9 w/ night sights and come back and tell us what you think. I think you'd have a ball with it at the range as it will challenge you to become proficient. I'd say it's the perfect gun for ccw and keep you happy and well protected for a lifetime. You could even save yourself bucks and buy the CM9 (same as PM9 with a couple of slight differences).

If you're looking at this as more of a hobby primarily for you to really enjoy at the range yet be able to carry the pistol 'once in a while'....I think the K9 elite is a beautiful weapon and would be a fine choice for this purpose as long as you have a good belt and holster. If this is the way you go....forget about pocket carry and plan on doing the holster thing. Good luck!

11-02-2011, 06:37 PM
Too bad there's not a "blue gun" available for more makes and models.

Each product is made with strong, impact-resistant polyurethane with steel reinforcement. This prevents bending and flexing while maintaining the detail, handling and balance of the actual weapon they represent.

At $45.95 it seems a bit pricy, but here's one company with a Kahr PM9 http://www.blueguns.com/pdf/2010pricelist.pdf

11-02-2011, 06:45 PM
I'm 6'3" 168# and carry a H&K P2000Sk everyday in jeans and a T-shirt.
A K9 should be a breeze for you to carry.

I'm gonna go with JodyH on this one. A proper gun belt and a proper holster and you'll pack that K9 with ease and no discomfort. You'll have to decide if Inside the Belt or outside the belt is for you but either will work fine and dandy.

It's very difficult to make just one gun do it all as you want but an all steel Kahr is probably the best one can do. The K9 would fill your CCW needs and down the road you can address something larger for just range fun or combination range carry.

I don't pocket carry so the weight of a K9 wouldn't be an issue to me in the least. Both the MK and the K9 would be to heavy for pocket carry.

11-02-2011, 06:46 PM
Just for informational purposes.....look at the number of threads posted in the subforum for the pm/cm series and then look and the same for this, the k series subforum. Hmmmmmmm. Me thinks there's a reason???

11-02-2011, 06:53 PM
Another approach would be to accept that we can't do a perfect carry and range fun gun and deal with it as funds become available. Assuming as you suggest you can only afford 1 gun for whatever reason. So we also assume you can't afford to go to the range as often as you'd like (I know what that's like) but you'll go enough to get proficient and maintain your ability.
So since we're addressing the carry option first we'll go small, light, concealable. That would be the CM (save some money), or PM9 a tad nicer, a little more money, but you'll never need to upgrade if it's what you want. It fills the CCW category perfectly but not the most fun range gun. BUT fun enough to fill your needs for practice now.

That alone would work for alot of guys. I think Jocko frequently goes with his PM9 stand alone. Shoot a couple boxes and call it a day.

The CM is considerably cheaper than the K or MK so you'd have some loot for a holster and some ammo and a few range visits.

Later when the piggy bank fills a bit you can address a range target practice play type gun that you might even carry when weather or attire allows.

11-02-2011, 07:19 PM
I think the OP's choice of a K9 is an excellent one. I'm 6'1, 170, and generally carry an all steel commander IWB, so the K9 feels like nothing to me. I generally use the K9 for pocket carry, though I wouldn't necessarily recommend that. I think its a great IWB CCW. And a "lot" of relatively cheap fun at the range!

11-02-2011, 07:50 PM
heck with it....just get a pm45 and call it a day. there, i said it!!!

11-02-2011, 08:23 PM
Well at least for once it wasn't me. I gotta tell ya your not gonna be popular pop (I made a funny) with the 9 crowd.

It is a fine idea.

11-02-2011, 10:04 PM
As an owner of a K9 I say go for it. With the right holster you will hardly notice it is there.

11-04-2011, 05:53 AM
why the heck are we helping a skinny guy??? what do they need help with....they're healthier, tie their own shoes, don't sweat like a pig, spend less on food (and therefore have more to spend on guns), get all the women, fit in any clothes, live longer, drive corvettes, lower cholesterol, make love from 500 different positions, don't need seat belt extensions, inspect their junk without using a mirror, don't swim with a t-shirt, excel at physical activities, ......well, you get the idea. i say, give the man NO help at all and encourage him to EAT MORE, lots more!

11-04-2011, 07:30 AM
why the heck are we helping a skinny guy??? what do they need help with....they're healthier, tie their own shoes, don't sweat like a pig, spend less on food (and therefore have more to spend on guns), get all the women, fit in any clothes, live longer, drive corvettes, lower cholesterol, make love from 500 different positions, don't need seat belt extensions, inspect their junk without using a mirror, don't swim with a t-shirt, excel at physical activities, ......well, you get the idea. i say, give the man NO help at all and encourage him to EAT MORE, lots more!


11-04-2011, 08:10 AM
I'm surprised to see no other votes for the P9. All black with night sites, you can get a full grip for accuracy yet the half inch size difference still makes it concealable in certain pockets. I wear a lot of cargo shorts year round in NC and it fits right on in there. It's light for everyday carry plus that full grip makes the range practice easy. I probably put 200 rounds through it a week. She's a work horse.

11-04-2011, 08:30 AM
I'm surprised to see no other votes for the P9. All black with night sites, you can get a full grip for accuracy yet the half inch size difference still makes it concealable in certain pockets. I wear a lot of cargo shorts year round in NC and it fits right on in there. It's light for everyday carry plus that full grip makes the range practice easy. I probably put 200 rounds through it a week. She's a work horse.

yup, what ^^^he^^^ said!!!

11-04-2011, 01:03 PM
As stated previously with a good belt and holster you should be fine.
Do not skimp on the belt!!! and you will not find the proper belt at wally world, target etc. Most larger holster manufactures have them available and be ready they can be pricey. Also do not skimp on the holster, unfortunately
this can be trial and error.
OH welcome and good luck!

11-04-2011, 01:22 PM
I'm very skinny, 120 lbs, and conceal a CW40 or CW45 almost every day in the 5:00 position with a heavy forward cant so the handle sticks up around my kidney for easy drawing. The gun stays out of site unless I bend forward at the waist, then the handle sticks out, so bending at the knees is important. I large T-shirt works well to cover it. As it get's cooler a jacket helps hide it even better. I'm finding myself liking the Remora holster more and more as I use it.

11-04-2011, 03:19 PM
As stated previously with a good belt and holster you should be fine.
Do not skimp on the belt!!! and you will not find the proper belt at wally world, target etc. Most larger holster manufactures have them available and be ready they can be pricey. Also do not skimp on the holster, unfortunately
this can be trial and error.
OH welcome and good luck!

Ditto on the belt. But it doesn't have to break the bank. I found a really premium double layer gun belt made out of the finest leather and dressed with a very attractive buckle and matching belt keeper for just $50. Comparable belts with more ordinary leather, plainer buckles and leather keepers are twice that much everywhere else. Scroll down on this page and check it out:

Mine is on order. A Christmas present to myself! ;) I asked and he agreed to put 7 holes .75" apart instead of the standard 5 holes 1" apart. No extra charge.

11-04-2011, 05:29 PM
I did find a decent belt at Walmart, I think it was a Dickies work belt, but has proven to be pretty sturdy. It was under $20. It's at least 1/8" thick and 1 3/8" wide of single ply leather.
It holds my Beretta Cougar .40 just fine, along with extra mag pouches. But I would agree to not skimp on the belt. I just tried it with a 1911, and don't think I'd want to hang it off that belt all day. I think most Walmart belts are one or two ply cheap leather, I think I just got lucky with this belt. I didn't have the $$ for a real gun belt. And Dickies makes some pretty heavy duty clothing.

Too Tall Todd
11-04-2011, 06:05 PM
Indigo, I use the p9 as my primary go to weapon, I carry it every day in either my theis iwb or my blackhawk iwb. Especially the theis is so comfortable that I hardly know its there.

11-04-2011, 07:24 PM
Indigo, I use the p9 as my primary go to weapon, I carry it every day in either my theis iwb or my blackhawk iwb. Especially the theis is so comfortable that I hardly know its there.

Same here. Out of 9 possibilities that one is with me 99% of the time. K9 for range, Sig 229 nightstand, 1911 is too pretty for any normal duty but that P9 I feel meets every requirement the OP was looking for

11-05-2011, 02:36 PM
Do you have any friends that can loan you a gun to experiment with? I hate to see you stuck with a gun that may not work for daily CC. Until you experiment, it's hard to know what will/won't conceal well. Unless you're willing to alter your wardrobe, carrying can be a real pain. I suspect this is the reason that pocket .380s are so popular.

I'm also a thin guy and wouldn't pick this gun for daily CC as it would be too big for me. You might be better off considering a gun that can be carried both IWB and in your pocket. I'd suggest a small jframe, PM/CM9, or perhaps a .380. FWIW, even the PM9 was too big to pocket carry for me. My carry guns are an Airweight jframe and a .380 - YMMV.

I totally agree with this.
Best case scenario you barrow a variety of guns and holsters.
Use them around the house in various cloths and figure it out for yourself.
Nobody can really answer this question for you.

We can only share our personal experiences.
And as everyone here can attest there are lots of different opinions.

Plus the one gun does it all thingy is very problematic.
I actually pocket carry an air weight J-frame the most.
It's no fun to shoot and not particularly powerful.
But its the lightest, smallest, most concealable gun I've got.
Since I work for a living, and have to wear dress clothes 5 days a week,
I'm really limited there.
Weekends anything goes and I belt carry a variety of larger, heavier, auto loaders and revolvers.

The sub compacts are more difficult to shoot, but make pocket carry feasible.
I guess just one gun might be a CM9.
Fun to shoot, easy to carry in pocket or belt, and fires a proper SD caliber.

Update: Ops K-Series? MK9/40 depending on how you handle recoil.
MK9 is the save bet.
But both are really too heavy for extended pocket carry.
I have done it successfully with cargo pants, Galco reinforced belt
and DeSantis Super Fly pocket holster.

Shadow Catcher
11-19-2011, 10:27 AM
I want a handgun to conceal everyday, that I can also enjoy during range time. This would be my first handgun and probably the only one I will own for quite a while, I like the K series because of the all steel construction. I know many of the polymer guns are probably really practical but I let aesthetics influence me and the K series is beautiful. I was thinking a K9 for IWB carry, I am six foot and weigh 140 so very thin. I probably wont purchase another handgun for a while as I don't have much disposable income, and I would like to spend what I have on practice rounds. Any skinny dudes carry the K9 IWB?

I want the elite stainless with the nice trigger and night sights, but it only comes in polished stainless. What are you guys' opinions on the matte vs polished finish? I prefer a low maintenance finish.
Greetings! As a new poster here, but long time shooter, let me start by saying the K9 is probably the most effective compromise you can make.
I shoot a lot of guns; large frame 1911 & Hi-Powers, small Walther PPk type pocket pistols, and everything else I can get my hands on at one time or another.

I bought the K9 when it first came out, literally the first production run made available to FFL's, and had the barrel re-chambered due to it's over tight tolerances.

I am a larger framed male type, at 6'2" and 240 lbs. I can and have carried the 1911 in various configurations, and in the winter I might gravitate towards my Hi-Power.
My "go to" gun in almost all carry situations is the K9. It is the finest shooting 9mm I have ever owned, and I conceal it year round.
Admittedly the Pacific North Wet doesn't get as hot as Phoenix, but I would find a way to carry one, or it's smaller brother, there as well.
One thing you discover early on is that once you have to conceal a pistol, there is not a lot of difference in concealing a .380 or a 9mm, and half an inch in barrel length
isn't the determining issue. Most times it's the grip length that makes the difference, so angle of holster ride and cover garment style matter more.

A couple of thoughts to keep in mind in selecting a self defense handgun:
1. Pick the handgun you trust your life to,
2. Pick that gun for reliability and functionality,
3. Have that gun with you and practice with that gun,
4. Dress to conceal that gun, not the other way around,
5. Use that gun to get you out of the battle zone, or to get you to your rifle, which ever is necessary.

Notice I ignore caliber . . . that's a two six-pack discussion and there are a million postings on the interwebs debating that issue . . . I'll ignore it all.
I do think that the possession of the gun, and the mindset to use it, and the skills to use it well are what matters, the rest is chatter. . which
I will indulge in at other times, but to answer your question , see comments 1-5 above.

I've gone through over 30 years of trying and discarding various solutions, the one I trust my life to these days is the K9 with Corbon DPX, Fed Hydra-Shok,
or any other proven to feed quality hollow point. I'd really prefer my .308 or my 12 gauge . . . but "need's must as the devil drives" . . .

Hope this helps a bit,

Shadow Catcher

11-19-2011, 12:43 PM
Shadow Catcher: Welcome. Great post. I certainly agree about grip length being a major factor in concealment.

11-19-2011, 02:32 PM
nice post, question, how many rounds do u think your K9 has through it?? ur 5 points are allon target to. That is why I don't carry my K9, as I don't dress to carryt so my PM9 rides in my front pocket of my jeans. My K9 and PM9 are totally 100% reliable. I trust my life with either, I shoot my PM9 poorly compared tomy K9 but again poorly at 7 yards is well good enough to hurt the bad guy. One think about it, if a bad guy wears a vest with me shooting at him that fokker is still not safe, for my 7 rounds out of my PM9 might hit him in the legs, balls, knee cap, arms, head,ass,,, probably chest area which is where I would be aiming would be safest??????

11-19-2011, 04:20 PM
Yahoo! Jocko is back!

Shadow Catcher
11-19-2011, 06:24 PM
Shadow Catcher: Welcome. Great post. I certainly agree about grip length being a major factor in concealment.
Jeff -

Thanks - glad to be here.

Been a fan of Kahr since they burst out on the scene, have bought and sold a few - keep gravitating back. Sort of like my Colt 1911 or SAA - it does what it does as well or better than anyone else does!!

Never could get enamored of the Polymer frame though - I get the worst finger bite ever!! That's okay - I like real steel anyway!!

I'm using a Galco Stinger or Galco Matrix holster for the gun most days, just bought a Remora IWB holster, we'll give it a go soon . . see if it works as well . . .

I'll start to spend some time perusing the various threads and sub-forums - seems like a nice group of well informed people to hang with!

Shadow Catcher

11-19-2011, 07:22 PM
Never could get enamored of the Polymer frame though - I get the worst finger bite ever!! That's okay - I like real steel anyway!!

That's pretty much my story ... I like steel, and a good-looking gun, which is why my first (and so far, only) Kahr is a MK9 Elite, which I thought would be a good carry gun given its svelte size. While a beautiful piece of equipment, it just is not carry-able due to its weight.

The PM9 is on my shopping list for next year as a possible remedy for this problem, although it has some pretty stiff competition from all the other things on my wish list. I need help ... and more money.

Shadow Catcher
11-20-2011, 10:19 AM
That's pretty much my story ... I like steel, and a good-looking gun, which is why my first (and so far, only) Kahr is a MK9 Elite, which I thought would be a good carry gun given its svelte size. While a beautiful piece of equipment, it just is not carry-able due to its weight.

The PM9 is on my shopping list for next year as a possible remedy for this problem, although it has some pretty stiff competition from all the other things on my wish list. I need help ... and more money.
I struggled with the weight issue a few times, but like Clint Smith advocates: "A gun isn't supposed to be comfortable, it's supposed to be comforting."
Frankly, I think that's a little more machismo than needed for this, but his point is that a good gun that brings comfort is what you should carry,
and what you need to do is invest in holsters and belts and such, until you find the working solution.

I find that the K9 carries well on either a Galco 1.5 or a 511 1.5 belt, in a good holster, and I also love using my Kramer T-Shirt holster -
that thing really works well.

My 1911 get's very heavy after 8 hours, my Hi-Power is right in my comfort range for 12 hours, and my K9 is good from feet on the floor
to feet on the mattress.

My son went with the P380 - he likes the 11 ounce solution, but he also humped 80 pounds of gear for two tours in Iraq, and really prefers
his battle rifles . . his feeling is that pistols are just to get you to the rifle.

More money, more time to play at the range, yeah . . . I'd take any and all of that too!!

Shadow Catcher

11-20-2011, 10:38 AM
That's pretty much my story ... I like steel, and a good-looking gun, which is why my first (and so far, only) Kahr is a MK9 Elite, which I thought would be a good carry gun given its svelte size. While a beautiful piece of equipment, it just is not carry-able due to its weight.

IMO, that MK9 will almost disappear on your waist with the right holster and a good belt.

For a holster, I recommend this one, already made for an MK9 and $75 shipped - half the price of comparable premium holsters hand stitched in Herman Oak leather. I got one left handed, all black for my CM9. I am blown away by the fit, the quality of leather, the molding, the finish (best edges I have ever seen!), how it keeps the gun so snug against my body, and the all day comfort.


You can get it right now, no 6 month waiting for a comparable holster! :)

01-26-2012, 07:56 PM
I'm pretty thin too, and have found the biggest problem when carrying concealed with an IWB holster is that the grip sticks out. So I've had to go to guns with a short grip frame. First was a Glock 26, which worked fine, but the whole gun is kind of fat. Then I got a Kahr MK9, which I carry in a Sparks Watch 6 holster, which is very thin. I can honestly carry it underneath an untucked T-shirt. But if I'm going to be rubbing elbows in public I wear an open linen or silk shirt over the T-shirt. I just aquired a used PM9 which has the same basic dimensions. The advantage of it is that it's lighter that the all steel ones.

01-29-2012, 08:24 AM
I carry my K9 IWB. It's all about the holster and the belt. I wear a Filson double thick belt ($78) and I don't even know the gun is there. Like the other guys have said, get a good stiff belt and you're gtg.