View Full Version : 500 Times!!!!!

11-02-2011, 07:19 PM
That is a lot of times to rack the slide.

My hands are so sore I won't be able to shoot for a week!

But my new CM9 sure looks nice!!!

11-02-2011, 07:21 PM
lol, i racked mine about 200 times over the period of a week... I know what you mean

11-02-2011, 07:26 PM
Did mine over the course of the last hour and a half. Not sure I have any skin left on my left thumb.

11-02-2011, 07:27 PM
And you better be wearing some gloves! The serrations on the slide are like a bunch of piranhas tearing your flesh off. Ha! Hope you took the opportunity to pull the trigger after each pull back, then your trigger will smooth out too.

11-02-2011, 07:30 PM
If you ever have to do it again, it's easier to push the frame forward than pull the slide back.

Range time!

11-02-2011, 07:33 PM
Isn't it more fun to do it with ammo?

11-02-2011, 07:38 PM
A disposable latex glove on your racking hand, not even put fully on, makes gripping the slide much easier and protects your hands.

11-02-2011, 08:08 PM
Where was all this mention of gloves before I started? :)

I was pushing, but those serrations got my left thumb.

No trigger pulls during the racking. Have been practicing those for the last hour.

Squeeze, don't jerk... Squeeze, don't jerk... Squeeze, don't jerk...

11-02-2011, 08:16 PM
Someone call? Oh, don't jerk, didn't have my spectacles on. My bad.

11-02-2011, 09:59 PM
Oh, No Avenger.... That was for the PM9 not the CM9!!! Just kidding :)

Welcome to "The Great Learning After You Do It The Hard Way" club. Of course you can also look at it as "Wax On.... Wax Off" training, Grasshopper.

11-03-2011, 04:22 AM
Oh, No Avenger.... That was for the PM9 not the CM9!!! Just kidding :)

Welcome to "The Great Learning After You Do It The Hard Way" club. Of course you can also look at it as "Wax On.... Wax Off" training, Grasshopper.

I knew there was a method to your madness Mr. Miyagi. :)

11-03-2011, 05:14 AM
The 500 rack preshooting prep suggestion is the one I've never understood or thought accomplished anything other than a sore hand. I respectfully submit that, IMHO, it is a waste of time. Shooting a magazine's worth of ammo probably accomplishes as much or more, because the energy in hand racking is different than shooting.

I just don't see any benefitial change or transformation that occures while the slide moves over the frame, back and forth. The rail to groove fit should be 100% ready for live shooting right out of the box. The gun should function whether or not you hand rack it once or 10,000 times.

Sorry, I just don't buy it. If it makes people feel better about a new gun or more prepared, then I say, have at it. We all have our new gun rituals, (I do a Militec 1 treatment), but the 500 thing seems pointless to me.

11-03-2011, 06:11 AM
I did my PM45 1000 times and actually wore holes in a good pair of winter gloves. I'll have to say I'll try just about anything to get these guns to operate correctly.
I had so much lint from the gloves all through the PM45 that I had to completely disassemble it to clean it all out.

11-03-2011, 07:31 AM
The 500 rack preshooting prep suggestion is the one I've never understood or thought accomplished anything other than a sore hand. I respectfully submit that, IMHO, it is a waste of time. Shooting a magazine's worth of ammo probably accomplishes as much or more, because the energy in hand racking is different than shooting.

I agree that the force I exerted was no where near the force exerted by a live round. But I don't think it was a waste of time.

I just don't see any benefitial change or transformation that occures while the slide moves over the frame, back and forth. The rail to groove fit should be 100% ready for live shooting. The gun should function whether or not you hand rack it once or 10,000 times.

Maybe so. But at least in my mind, it appear to get a little easier as I went along. Maybe my muscles just adapted that quickly! :)

Sorry, I just don't buy it. If it makes people feel better about a new gun or more prepared, then I say, have at it. We all have our new gun rituals, (I do a Militec 1 treatment), but the 500 thing seems pointless to me.

It certainly made me feel better! If for no other reason than I now consider myself a "slide rackin' dude!"

It also made me feel better because in the limit amount of comments I have read on this site of people who have gone through this ritual, I don't recall anyone who has done this having problems. And I seem to recall problems being reported by some of those that haven't done this. I don't know, I guess it is just coincidence. Maybe it was just the cleaning that they did or something else. Maybe all that racking builds up the muscles in your shooting hand and helps prevent limp wrist?

In any event, it gave me an excuse to have my hands on my handgun, fondling it, for a couple of hours with my SO thinking I had lost it. So it was good bonding time between me and my new CM9. :)

11-03-2011, 08:03 AM
The 500 rack preshooting prep suggestion is the one I've never understood or thought accomplished anything other than a sore hand. I respectfully submit that, IMHO, it is a waste of time. Shooting a magazine's worth of ammo probably accomplishes as much or more, because the energy in hand racking is different than shooting.

I just don't see any benefitial change or transformation that occures while the slide moves over the frame, back and forth. The rail to groove fit should be 100% ready for live shooting. The gun should function whether or not you hand rack it once or 10,000 times.

Sorry, I just don't buy it. If it makes people feel better about a new gun or more prepared, then I say, have at it. We all have our new gun rituals, (I do a Militec 1 treatment), but the 500 thing seems pointless to me.Actually, many of the Kahr models are sooo tight, new out of the box, that racking it over many times loosens it up. Personally, I noticed a difference from before I did the 500 and after I did the 500. Afterwards it was easier to rack, some of the rough spots on the polymer frame were smoothed, the recoil spring loosened, helped the last round slide lock back, helped the ability to slingshot, etc... Furthermore, the barrel lug rubs tightly against the underside of the slide while cycling. The 500 racks helps begin the process of smoothing that out. I'm sure the racking helped me experience zero, nada, zippo, failures during break-in and since. For many other gun makers products, I'd agree that racking the side would do nothing. But with Kahrs, I know it is a useful step in having a successful experience, at the range, from day one. I'm not saying that if you didn't rack 500 you would have problems. However, I like to have the odds in my favor. After all, I'd bet you'd rather shoot than clear malfunctions.

11-03-2011, 09:40 AM
I guess another part of the problem I have in accepting the 500 thing is the whole break-in process. In my experience with pistols, the gun either functions properly from the first shot, or it doesn't, and that included the Kahrs I've owned. I am only refering to function, not wearing certain parts so they become smoother, less burred, etc..

Nor have I considered the Kahr line to be overly "tight", in fact if I were asked, I'd say they are looser than most of my current collection. The recoil springs are heavier than most, but that is not what I personally define as being tight. My Kahrs all seem to have a fair amount of wriggle room, the trigger action even moves the slide on some and on one a pin loosens when shooting. None of these are functional deficiencies, but rather, merely annoying.

Now, I'm a Kahr fan, own several, shoot them a fair amount and recommend them to friends, but there are some bandwagons that I just can't jump aboard. It's only one guy's opinion. I admit, I'm a little surprised that I seem to be the only active member that thinks this way. Maybe I should change my name to rebel16. :D

11-03-2011, 09:56 AM
I'll confess that I'm not totally behind the racking thing myself. I did rack numerous times but certainly not anywhere near 500 and probably not 50.

Everything in the proper prep thread is a suggestion, not required actions punishable by imprisonment if you fail to do so. Most will run right out of the box, more will run better with a little prep. It certainly can't hurt anything at all and it has to be somewhat beneficial. Can't be any other way.

I think more than anything it's the bonding process some one already mentioned.
I think the cleaning and lubing is far more beneficial both in getting proper function from the get go as well as the bonding. There's a certain confidence a person gets when they know what makes their gun tick.

11-03-2011, 10:16 AM
The 500 rack preshooting prep suggestion is the one I've never understood or thought accomplished anything other than a sore hand. I respectfully submit that, IMHO, it is a waste of time. Shooting a magazine's worth of ammo probably accomplishes as much or more, because the energy in hand racking is different than shooting.

I just don't see any benefitial change or transformation that occures while the slide moves over the frame, back and forth. The rail to groove fit should be 100% ready for live shooting right out of the box. The gun should function whether or not you hand rack it once or 10,000 times.

Sorry, I just don't buy it. If it makes people feel better about a new gun or more prepared, then I say, have at it. We all have our new gun rituals, (I do a Militec 1 treatment), but the 500 thing seems pointless to me.

What he said! ;)

When I got my PM9 I dis-assembled it, cleaned the factory green stuff/lube out of it, re-lubed it with TW-25B and FP-10.
The slide was worked maybe two dozen times or so during the above process.
During the first range session I put 425 rds, thru it w/o a single ammo/gun related problem.:D
That was all the slide needed to be worked on my PM9.

I never could find the page in my Kahr manual that stated the slide had to be "racked" 500 times.

11-03-2011, 10:53 AM
I'm not saying that if you didn't rack 500 you would have problems. However, I like to have the odds in my favor. After all, I'd bet you'd rather shoot than clear malfunctions.

It may ultimately not be necessary, but I truly believe that it didn't hurt anything.

Well, it didn't hurt anything other than my left thumb. And it is fine now, so I may go for another 500 or so tonight in an effort to maintain my self appointed "slide rackin' dude" title. :)

That and it gives my a chance to fondle my CM9 for an extend period of time again!

11-03-2011, 10:59 AM
I think more than anything it's the bonding process some one already mentioned.

Yep! I'll buy it is that at the very least. And if I get no more good out of it than that, I am okay with it.

11-03-2011, 11:07 AM
Perhaps we shall address you as "Slide Racking Dude" from here forward.

I know I've been called alot worse than that on my good days.

Go forth and rack........dude.

11-03-2011, 11:25 AM
Perhaps we shall address you as "Slide Racking Dude" from here forward.

I know I've been called alot worse than that on my good days.

Go forth and rack........dude.

I humble accept this most gracious bequest! :)

11-03-2011, 11:28 AM
Okay, I guess I should explain the benefits of pre-shoot racking....

Remember the purpose of break-in is to mate the metal parts via the recoil slide action. These parts rub together causing friction, dragging the slide and causing misfeeds and ejection issues. They likely wouldn't have such an extended break-in period if you set the gun on a racking machine and worked the slide back and forth 500 times. You are that machine. Of course it still needs to be shot but it should experience fewer issues. Also you don't have to grease as thoroughly which helps the rubbing together thing and heat is a problem except for some such as Jocko who racks as fast as shooting.

So, grasshopper, that is why we say to hand rack new guns. "Wax on - Wax off."

11-03-2011, 11:34 AM
Don't tell Mr. Kahr, but I've never done that with any of my five. Never had a problem either.

11-03-2011, 12:06 PM
I was fortunate enough to rack my PM9 467 times over the course of a week, with the help of my friend Winchester! haha.
I sure do love the thing though!
The only thing I've noticed, is that the magazines seem kind of finicky. If the nose of the top round isn't pulled firmly upward, I'll get a misfeed almost every time. OR, if I pull back my slide slightly to verify a round in the chamber after a period of being in my safe, etc, I'll drop the mag and notice that the second round is not loaded properly and this worries me that I'll get a misfeed too, or that it has already caused some. I don't know if it's the mags or just me. I'm leaning toward the latter since the rest of my Kahr is SOOOO smooth :)

Dirt doc
11-03-2011, 07:35 PM
Thank you Ripley16. Now I can come out of the closet and admit I didn't rack either my P9 or my PM9 500 times before shooting them. I just cleaned them and went to the range. Both have functioned perfectly from the first shot.

dirt doc

11-06-2011, 06:05 AM
For the record, I went ahead and did another 500... because I am a slide rackin' dude! ;)

Also practiced field stripping the gun and dry fires as well.

It was good, quality bonding time, if nothing else.

11-06-2011, 08:45 AM
FYI...To pass the time whie you're rackin' off, you may want to think of some pretty woman. It may help the process. No need to thank me, it's what I do..Mike :eek:

11-06-2011, 10:20 AM
I KNEW I liked you Avenger!! You're a good sport and I'm sure you and your Kahr will get along really well.

11-06-2011, 10:29 AM
You guys do know that excessive "rackin' off" is bad for your eyes, you could go blind. :D

11-06-2011, 10:38 AM
You guys do know that excessive "rackin' off" is bad for your eyes, you could go blind. :D

...and grow hair on your trigger finger.;)

I shave my trigger finger.:o

11-06-2011, 10:55 AM
You guys do know that excessive "rackin' off" is bad for your eyes, you could go blind. :D

I make it a point to keep it right below the level of "excessive". :cool:

11-06-2011, 11:09 AM
You guys do know that excessive "rackin' off" is bad for your eyes, you could go blind. :D

I'm just going to do it until I need glasses..:eek:

11-06-2011, 11:59 AM
Now that is funny.
Just about spit coffee all over my keyboard.

11-06-2011, 01:26 PM
I finally got to put a few rounds through my new pm9 today after doing a good clean,lube and 250 cycles by hand. Time was limited so I was only able to put 50 rounds of Winchester 115 gr fmj through it today. I'm happy to report no malfunctions whatsoever and even sling shotted a couple of mags just to see if I could make it stumble. Accuracy from 7 yards was good with most shots slightly high and left which was all me trying to adjust to the trigger. It's nice and smooth. With more practice I'll be making lots of hits in the bullseye instead of just a few. I'm liking my first Kahr very much so far it's a sweet shooter and far more accurate than me at this point.

11-06-2011, 04:50 PM
Btw as a side note my mag spring in my 7 rounder came from the factory installed backwards lol. Fit and finish on this pistol is very nice and so far all I have really noticed is a few very light tool marks on the slide serrations and the barrel is not centered in the slide and makes contact with the bottom of the slide when in battery. It's not very pleasing to the eyes but hasn't posed any problems with the small amount of rounds put thru it. Is this normal for kahrs?

11-06-2011, 06:33 PM
Careful, Avenger! If you keep racking your slide you'll go blind. So, just do it til you need glasses! (Im already wearing mine)

mr surveyor
11-06-2011, 06:47 PM
those thin, rubbery gripper doodads for opening jars, or a small square of that rubbery shelf "paper" used in the kitchen cabinets folded over the slide work real well for racking sessions;)

11-06-2011, 08:02 PM
I'm just going to do it until I need glasses..:eek:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you guys are killing me!!!!!!!

11-07-2011, 04:20 AM
Careful, Avenger! If you keep racking your slide you'll go blind. So, just do it til you need glasses! (Im already wearing mine)

I wear my sunglasses at night... :cool:

11-07-2011, 06:56 AM
You are also aware that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Slow down, it doesn't have to be done all at once. Kinda reminds me of the old yarn about the young bull and the old bull on top of the hill. Young bull looks down into the pasture and tells the old bull that they should run down there and screw half those heffers. Old bull replied no let's walk down there and screw them all.