View Full Version : NRA DVD offer?

11-03-2011, 12:50 AM
Did anyone else get this DVD offer from the NRA today? It came in the mail, the DVD is called "Combat Focus Shooting and Home Defense Tips". I am free to preview this (unsolicited) DVD until November 23, then either send them $12.95 or send the DVD back.

Really???? Is this what I can expect from being a member of the NRA? (Just joined this year as a condition of joining the local range.) Not just advertising for their products, but this kind of "push" tactic? I absolutely detest this kind of marketing. I don't care if it's a limited edition personal training video with Massad Ayoob. If I didn't request it, I ain't interested.

I have no problem supporting the NRA, but I won't put up with this kind of nonsense. Does this happen to all members? Or just us newbies? :32:

Okay, down off the soapbox now. Breathing... Blood pressure coming back down.

- Wayne

11-03-2011, 04:27 AM
I am a little confused on this...

They sent you a DVD, unsolicited, for you to preview until a later date at which time you need to pay them or send the DVD back?

Is this like the old Columbia House Records deal where after you sign up, they will send you the monthly selection if you don't tell them you don't want it and, as a part or your membership, you would have to pay for it?

I admit that I don't know enough about this, but it just doesn't seem right.

11-03-2011, 05:58 AM
I am a little confused on this...

They sent you a DVD, unsolicited, for you to preview until a later date at which time you need to pay them or send the DVD back?

Is this like the old Columbia House Records deal where after you sign up, they will send you the monthly selection if you don't tell them you don't want it and, as a part or your membership, you would have to pay for it?

I admit that I don't know enough about this, but it just doesn't seem right.Its like Columbia House. That also means if you do nothing, nothing happens. No DVD, including the first free one.

This is my first year in NRA and I am bombarded with requests for money and even for my renewal despite being in my first month. I believe they also shared my contact information with a U.S. Senator leading an effort against pending legislation and with an other gun rights organization. This stuff, and Wayne LaPiere's $1,200,000 salary has me thinking that I will not renew.

11-03-2011, 05:59 AM
Did anyone else get this DVD offer from the NRA today? It came in the mail, the DVD is called "Combat Focus Shooting and Home Defense Tips". I am free to preview this (unsolicited) DVD until November 23, then either send them $12.95 or send the DVD back.

Really???? Is this what I can expect from being a member of the NRA? (Just joined this year as a condition of joining the local range.) Not just advertising for their products, but this kind of "push" tactic? I absolutely detest this kind of marketing. I don't care if it's a limited edition personal training video with Massad Ayoob. If I didn't request it, I ain't interested.

I have no problem supporting the NRA, but I won't put up with this kind of nonsense. Does this happen to all members? Or just us newbies? :32:

Okay, down off the soapbox now. Breathing... Blood pressure coming back down.

- WayneWayne, do nothing and you have effectively opted out.

11-03-2011, 06:02 AM
Yes, that is exactly what it is like. We have taken that offer for a while. First one is cheaper though, after that price goes up to just under $30.00. I think they are good information wise, if you're the average ccw carrier, but way over priced. They have all been by Rob Pincus and shorter versions of the same type of thing, by Rob, can be found at the Personal Defense Networkhttp://www.personaldefensenetwork.com

11-03-2011, 07:20 AM
My favorite NRA offer is to join their "wine club!"

11-03-2011, 09:24 AM
Its like Columbia House. That also means if you do nothing, nothing happens. No DVD, including the first free one.

Wayne, do nothing and you have effectively opted out.

No, they actually sent me the first DVD. It's not free, they want $12.95 for it. So I am on the hook for returning the DVD or paying for it. I would have to brush up on my consumer law, but I would imagine I could argue it's mine since it was unsolicited, but I don't want to mess with all that either.

You're right, it's like Columbia House, except I didn't join the NRA expecting to have to deal with this. The DVD is going back today (unviewed) along with a note saying please no more of this (doubt that will even be read by anyone). If this keeps happening, I won't be renewing.

- Wayne

11-03-2011, 02:06 PM
I got one of those a couple of months ago. I immediately sent it back even though I could have kept an unsolicited item without paying. A month later they were still trying to bill me for it. If this is the future of the NRA to allow companies to try to solicit their members like this, I will drop out.

11-03-2011, 02:23 PM
I received one, called the 800# and was told to keep it as a gift. Dont waste your time sending it back!

11-03-2011, 04:17 PM
No, they actually sent me the first DVD. It's not free, they want $12.95 for it. So I am on the hook for returning the DVD or paying for it. I would have to brush up on my consumer law, but I would imagine I could argue it's mine since it was unsolicited, but I don't want to mess with all that either.

You're right, it's like Columbia House, except I didn't join the NRA expecting to have to deal with this. The DVD is going back today (unviewed) along with a note saying please no more of this (doubt that will even be read by anyone). If this keeps happening, I won't be renewing.

- Wayne

Wayne you are under no obligation to do anything if it was sent unsolicited. That is the law. I would write them a letter informing them that you received the DVD unsolicited and that if you receive any more that you will seek legal recourse.

11-03-2011, 05:52 PM
Wayne you are under no obligation to do anything if it was sent unsolicited. That is the law. I would write them a letter informing them that you received the DVD unsolicited and that if you receive any more that you will seek legal recourse.
I wonder if the marketing campaign differes by State? I recall the offer, I didn't respond, haven't received a DVD or a bill or a call.

11-03-2011, 06:24 PM
I wonder if the marketing campaign differes by State? I recall the offer, I didn't respond, haven't received a DVD or a bill or a call.

I believe that since the offer was sent by mail that federal laws prevail. As far as I know you don't have to respond to unsolicited offers and may keep the merchandise.

11-09-2011, 07:58 AM
I believe that since the offer was sent by mail that federal laws prevail. As far as I know you don't have to respond to unsolicited offers and may keep the merchandise.

Here's an older article on the DVDs


11-09-2011, 08:15 AM
I think you can opt out of all the solicition mail. The NRA used to allow you to cancel your US mail stuff and just get it by e-mail..... then you can block the e-mail.
Nine times out of ten, I just chuck the ads in the trash. Once in a while I'll respond to their requests for supporting various legislation.

The NRA may be a little pushy, but they are still the big dog when it comes to protecting our rights. Until something else comes along, they deserve our support.

Awwwww, I forgot to climb up on my soapbox. Oh well, next time.:rolleyes:

11-14-2011, 08:02 PM
I sent the postage-paid envelope back, with a printout of the following snippet from the Federal Trade Commission:

"Unordered Merchandise

Whether or not the Rule is involved, in any approval or other sale you must obtain the customer’s prior express agreement to receive the merchandise. Otherwise the merchandise may be treated as unordered merchandise. It is unlawful to:

- Send any merchandise by any means without the express request of the recipient (unless the merchandise is clearly identified as a gift, free sample, or the like); or,

-Try to obtain payment for or the return of the unordered merchandise.

Merchants who ship unordered merchandise with knowledge that it is unlawful to do so can be subject to civil penalties of up to $16,000 per violation. Moreover, customers who receive unordered merchandise are legally entitled to treat the merchandise as a gift. Using the U.S. mails to ship unordered merchandise also violates the Postal laws."

I highlighted the civil penalty, and thanked them for the gift!