View Full Version : looking to sell my PM9 and PM40.. Need advice.

11-03-2011, 11:48 AM
Since, I will never do buisness with Kahr EVER again, I am looking to sell my PM9 and PM40. Both have night sights and have shot flawlessly. Both are like new, except for the PM40, which, Kahrs service manager screwed up the finish on the slide, and will not fix it right. Let me know what you think I should charge for both? I paid $750 OTD for each. Any ideas would be appreciated.

11-03-2011, 11:50 AM
Don't you think you are over reacting? :rolleyes: I hope your next gun is perfect.

11-03-2011, 12:01 PM
Probably start out at $600-$650 and see what happens, PM40 maybe a bit less but it just takes the right buyer.

Want to swap sights before you sell the PM9? :D

11-03-2011, 12:21 PM
Don't you think you are over reacting? :rolleyes: I hope your next gun is perfect.
I have many perfect guns.. and the PM40 is no where near what it looked like when I bought it new! The damage was caused by Kahrs service manager... NOT me.;)

11-03-2011, 03:16 PM
I read your thread just today about your experience and while I agree it's total BS and an extreme annoyance, I hate to say it, but your already invested, if your PM9 is great and works how you want selling it at a loss just adds more salt to the wound.

I am a firm believer of the vote with your wallet mentality, however, in this case you already paid, keep the PM9 and just enjoy it, never buy another Kahr again and tell your story to whom ever is interested, but again, if the gun fits the bill, your going to be hard pressed to find a better replacement if you were previously enjoying your PM9.

I do not have my PM9 yet, I only have a deposit on it to be picked up next week at a local show when the dealer brings it down, and after reading all the crazy threads on here, it sure seems like a gamble at best, but hey, I know what I am getting involved in, I know the risks, support horror stories, backward springs, rolling issues, slide issues, broken strikers and on and on.

But for me the PM9 on paper seems like a good choice and it gets the job done so it seems.

Just enjoy what you have and dont let the experience put you off from the guns. You were enjoying them before this issue, why not "try" and enjoy them after.


11-03-2011, 03:23 PM
$500 for both seems fair.....where do I send the money?

11-03-2011, 03:27 PM
Agreed ^^^ part the pm40 out on gunbroker or here and sell the pm9 outright... id say 475 for the pm40 and about 525-550 for the pm9 would be fair.

11-03-2011, 03:42 PM
Thing is you can find the PM9 with out the NS for about $550 pretty easily and in the low $600 range with NS.

11-03-2011, 04:01 PM
Gunbroker has several for sale, I'd find one that matches my pistol and go from there. Here is a PM9 search on GunBroker.com
Here are some PM40's from GunsAmerica:

11-04-2011, 07:05 AM
I am thinking $550 for the PM40 and $585 for the PM9 ?

11-04-2011, 07:16 AM
i must have overlooked why you want to sell your pm9. is it the all black model?

i get why you want to sell the 40, but you're selling the pm9 and it has performed flawlessly? if it's the "i'll show em" reason, i suppose that's good enough. if it isn't the gun for you......why not?

11-04-2011, 08:05 AM
i must have overlooked why you want to sell your pm9. is it the all black model?

i get why you want to sell the 40, but you're selling the pm9 and it has performed flawlessly? if it's the "i'll show em" reason, i suppose that's good enough. if it isn't the gun for you......why not?

I just dont consider 9mm a good self defense round.

11-04-2011, 08:37 AM
I just dont consider 9mm a good self defense round.

Watch these lol:



For a small little PM9 type situation, this is just about on par with marshmallows I guess, so at least you could cause a cavity :behindsofa:

11-04-2011, 09:04 AM
I would still take the 40 over a 9.... JMO. I have seen real world situations of both.

11-04-2011, 09:08 AM
thow a fs thread up with them or put some pics of them up on here too

11-04-2011, 09:28 AM
thow a fs thread up with them or put some pics of them up on here too


11-04-2011, 09:35 AM
Here's the thread:

11-04-2011, 10:04 AM
Like new, no mention of the messed up frame on the PM40 that wasn't like that 'when new'?

Maybe add this to the description:

"Since, I will never do buisness with Kahr EVER again, I am looking to sell my PM9 and PM40. Both have night sights and have shot flawlessly. Both are like new, except for the PM40, which, Kahrs service manager screwed up the finish on the slide, and will not fix it right."

Both can't be 'like new' if one isn't.

11-04-2011, 10:12 AM
In my opinion, I think you are seriously over reacting and your expectations are a bit unrealistic. I read your earlier post a while back. You state both guns perform flawlessly and the cosmetic factor seems miniscule. If a mistake was made, it may have been Kahr going way overboard for you. Again, just my opinion.

I do not mean to sound harsh, please do not take it that way but.... by virtue of your alias, "allglock", is it possible you have a bias? :D

11-04-2011, 10:38 AM
You have two perfectly functioning, very concealable CCW weapons. Maybe some bigger, higher def pics are needed because I cannot see ANYTHING wrong with the finish on the PM40! I wonder if ANYONE can see it if the gun is not right up in their face? Polish the sides of the slide like an Elite and shoot it like you stole it! It is a weapon, not a piece of jewelry. Sell the PM9 because you don't like the caliber for SD. But keep the PM40.

11-04-2011, 10:47 AM
You have two perfectly functioning, very concealable CCW weapons. Maybe some bigger, higher def pics are needed because I cannot see ANYTHING wrong with the finish on the PM40! I wonder if ANYONE can see it if the gun is not right up in their face? Polish the sides of the slide like an Elite and shoot it like you stole it! It is a weapon, not a piece of jewelry. Sell the PM9 because you don't like the caliber for SD. But keep the PM40.


both of those pistols look mint! Maybe you have a serious eye for details that mere mortals cannot see:eek:

11-04-2011, 11:08 AM
I would still take the 40 over a 9.... JMO. I have seen real world situations of both.

Did you see these real world situations before or after you bought the 9?

11-04-2011, 11:09 AM
Maybe you have a serious eye for details that mere mortals cannot see:eek:


All joking a side, just having a little fun, I too am a stickler for details and it drives me insane when something I own has an issue, I focus on that issue for ever ;)

11-04-2011, 11:10 AM
Like new, no mention of the messed up frame on the PM40 that wasn't like that 'when new'?

Maybe add this to the description:

"Since, I will never do buisness with Kahr EVER again, I am looking to sell my PM9 and PM40. Both have night sights and have shot flawlessly. Both are like new, except for the PM40, which, Kahrs service manager screwed up the finish on the slide, and will not fix it right."

Both can't be 'like new' if one isn't.

Oh.. but Kahr says it is.... so I will leave it at that. I also have a lower price on the PM40... and since noone here seems to care about finish issues, I dont think it really matters!;)

11-04-2011, 11:12 AM
Hey.. you want two guns that go bang when you pull the trigger... These are them! Free shipping if you buy both!

11-04-2011, 11:13 AM
You should hear my P2000SK's right slide take down lever, they have an issue where it literally jingles, when I walk it sounds like I am a cowboy wearing spurs haha.

I took some Velcro and put a piece behind the arm to stop the silence but its still quit loose, the SK is a fair bit more expensive of a handgun and H&K's motto is " No compromise ", I guess they feel Velcro is a high quality item to use on such an expensive gun lol.

Just one of those things, but I wouldn't sell it thats for sure ;)


11-04-2011, 11:17 AM
Did you see these real world situations before or after you bought the 9?

The PM9 was an impulse buy. Thats just how I roll ;)

11-04-2011, 11:43 AM


11-04-2011, 11:44 AM
Impulse.....ahhh yes, been there, done that, too much.

11-04-2011, 12:20 PM
my glocks don't rattle when i walk... maybe that's why i ditched the sk's i've owned and went back to the block for carry. Don't get me wrong I loved my sk's just would rather have a glock and cm series pistol for the price of one of the h&k's.

11-04-2011, 12:50 PM
Not to derail,

But the SK was just one of those things, it's allure & sex appeal was way to powerful for me to resist (not to mention its buttery action). :D

Some times you just have to have what you want...

11-04-2011, 04:27 PM

All joking a side, just having a little fun, I too am a stickler for details and it drives me insane when something I own has an issue, I focus on that issue for ever ;)

You must be a hoot after buying a new Car :D I do not know too many vehicles that do not have orange peel or some other minor issue.

In allglock's case, apparently, he is the only one that can see the issues so we are not really sure what he is upset about.

I bought a Colt 1911 a while back. After 500 rounds, the front site fell off. When cleaning the Colt, I noticed the rifling was real shallow from end of the chamber to about halfway down the barrel. Would I have liked to see perfect rifling all the way down the barrel? Of course! However, the gun shoots so well, I do not want to change a thing. there is an old saying..... If it aint broke, don't fix it! :D

11-04-2011, 05:20 PM
You must be a hoot after buying a new Car :D I do not know too many vehicles that do not have orange peel or some other minor issue.

In allglock's case, apparently, he is the only one that can see the issues so we are not really sure what he is upset about.

I bought a Colt 1911 a while back. After 500 rounds, the front site fell off. When cleaning the Colt, I noticed the rifling was real shallow from end of the chamber to about halfway down the barrel. Would I have liked to see perfect rifling all the way down the barrel? Of course! However, the gun shoots so well, I do not want to change a thing. there is an old saying..... If it aint broke, don't fix it! :D

Anytime you would like to come over to examine it, you are more than welcome... BTW I already posted a picture of the "Botched" job the service damager did on the gun.... Do a search........;)
To clarify once again... I didnt buy it looking like sh*t, so why does Kahr feel they can make it look like sh*t ??, and me be accepting of it??

11-04-2011, 05:38 PM
If it was good in the first place, why did you send it in? Just curious.

11-04-2011, 06:46 PM
I just looked at my CW40 and .45 and they have similiar imperfections if you look close enough. Of course these are much cheaper guns, and I suppose you can expect some imperfections on those models. I've never noticed them before, I was much more interested in how they performed. I don't see what the problem is as long as the guns perform well. I got to looking at my other guns, and they all have some imperfection in the lettering somewhere. Beretta's, Kimbers, Springfield Armory.
Have you checked your Glocks that closely, I imagine you can find some imperfection if you look close enough.

11-04-2011, 07:14 PM
Ahhh, you're 'that' guy... forgot about that thread.

I just got it back today, and all looks good! I hope I will never need to send it back again! I really like this little pocket rocket!
Thanks to all at Kahr service (Ian, Rich, Jay, Doug, and all of the Techs that worked on it), for fighting through this, and fixing it right!
I was without the gun for almost 2 months total, but the final product was worth it.

I'm really confused.

11-04-2011, 07:22 PM
Not to derail,

But the SK was just one of those things, it's allure & sex appeal was way to powerful for me to resist (not to mention its buttery action). :D

Some times you just have to have what you want...

yeah i know exactly what you mean.... i'll get another hk one day, but prob a compact again in 40 or 45.

11-04-2011, 08:34 PM
Armslist.com is a great way to sell guns. That way you can limit your buyers to a specific area and can set up a face to face transaction so you don't need to ship to a FFL, unless your laws forbid that type of thing.

11-04-2011, 10:23 PM
Ahhh, you're 'that' guy... forgot about that thread.

I just got it back today, and all looks good! I hope I will never need to send it back again! I really like this little pocket rocket!
Thanks to all at Kahr service (Ian, Rich, Jay, Doug, and all of the Techs that worked on it), for fighting through this, and fixing it right!
I was without the gun for almost 2 months total, but the final product was worth it.

I'm really confused.

At that point of the journey, all looked good... until I went out and shot it ,and found the slide stop lever was still rubbing the slide.........

11-05-2011, 12:38 PM
Since, I will never do buisness with Kahr EVER again, I am looking to sell my PM9 and PM40. Both have night sights and have shot flawlessly. Both are like new, except for the PM40, which, Kahrs service manager screwed up the finish on the slide, and will not fix it right. Let me know what you think I should charge for both? I paid $750 OTD for each. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Dear Unhappy Kahr Owner:

The pocket 9mm market is evolving as we speak. The CM9 I believe has killed the PM9 price point. Look at this from a consumer. Why would I pay $500-$600 for a used PM9 when I can buy a brand new CM9 for $400? What is even more sobering is the new competition. I just put down $409 out the door for a new Beretta Nano. I have no idea if it is going to be reliable, but if it delivers the goods which firearm would you purchase? $600- $700 Kahr PM9 or a Beretta Nano for low $400? (The 9mm Nano I was told will have a 40 caliber conversion kit available at the end of this year. If true your 40 caliber Kahr will also soon drop in value.)

I feel your frustration, I owned a CM9 and the after market night sight Kahr installed kept breaking off. I devoted hours calling Kahr and shipping the gun back three times in three months. They could never figure out why the front sight kept breaking so they refunded my money. I earned ever dime of that refund with the hours I devoted and I am relieved I got that headache out of my life. I also feel very fortunate for the refund because I know the high end pocket 9mm market is over.

Honestly, I wish they could have fixed the sight problem. I loved how well made the CM9 was and how it concealed in my pocket. In short it was the perfect concealed gun until I fired it.

What I am hoping with the new competition is not only lower prices, but more reliable concealed firearms. I want to know that if the need arises I can trust my family and my life with the firearm I am packing. The CM9 had just enough FTF (2%) in addition to the sight breaking to leave a question mark in my mind.

Good Luck and I hope you are able to sell your firearms for what you hope to make. My only advise would be sell now if you want to maximize your return and be willing to drop the price. Knowing you can always score a Beretta in the low $400 range may make it less painful to drop the price. Russ :target:

11-05-2011, 06:25 PM
Sold both of them today... GOOODBYE KAHR ARMS, and Goodbye Kahrtalk!

11-05-2011, 06:55 PM
Looks like the end of a bad chapter in the book of kahrtalk here so I'll just close this one.