View Full Version : CW9 New Owner

11-04-2011, 02:45 PM
I have many 9mm pistols (Bersa, Astra, CZ, KelTec) and recently picked up a used CW9 for a good price. I went to the range this week and was very surprised with the performance of the CW9. I am still getting used to the trigger pull which is miles better than the KelTec PF-9 but after about 150 rounds I got the hang of it. It cycled all the ammo I fed it which was a mix of FMJ/JHP 115/124/147gr and had no FTF/FTE or ejection issues. I have decided that the CW9 will be my main truck gun with some IWB carry duty when needed. Glad I found this forum for adddition tips and tricks for the CW, thanks for having me.

11-04-2011, 03:28 PM
Welcome rvehock, glad you're here and have a great gun in the CW9. We here the trigger comment a lot even from the "professional" review folks who shoot everything out there.