View Full Version : Holster Perfection!

11-05-2011, 10:26 PM
I just added the crowning piece to the holster collection for my polished CM9. Got it in the mail this afternoon. I ordered it from James Dean Gunleather (JLAUDIO29 on Kahrtalk) about 4 weeks ago, but we decided to wait until his friend who owns a CM9 got back in town on 10/22 so we could get the best fit. So, turnaround time was really less than 2 weeks. And he would not accept payment until the holster was completed and ready to ship. Shows what kind of an upstanding person he is.

The holster is an IWB with 2 snap belt loops, made out of Herman Oak leather and hand stitched. The fit is perfect. The molding is beautiful. The hand stitching is done perfectly and snugged up so it is recessed to protect the thread. The edges of the leather are rounded, smoothed and finished just as well as the rest of the leather. And the finish is a deep, rich black.

This holster is very comfortable, with a small but perfectly shaped sweat shield and a perfect cant for drawing from just behind the hip. It sits just high enough to clear the waistline, and is very stable with the 2 widely spaced belt loops. The reinforced mouth stays open for easy reholstering. The gun sits tight against the body and there is good combat grip access.

The talent, expertise, quality materials and hand workmanship that James puts into his holsters positions him on the mountain top with a very few of the very best holster makers. I think he could charge a lot more than I paid for this superb holster. It is a work of art!

Needless to say, I am extremely pleased with this purchase! After months of shopping, searching, picking up leads from other forum members and learning everything I can about holsters, I found a rare work of art—a Mona Lisa that I can enjoy for the rest of my life.

I plan on taking some good pics of this holster with my gun in it. But for now, here are the nice front and back pics that James sent me when the holster was ready.



11-05-2011, 11:11 PM
Very Nice!

11-06-2011, 07:42 AM
Very nice looking, except for the fact that he made it backwards. :)

11-06-2011, 11:16 AM
I will second the fact He makes a good product. I just got a great horsehide pocket holster from him. See my post further down.

11-06-2011, 06:13 PM
Holsters like this, in Herman Oak leather and hand stitched, go for over $100 with a 6 month wait. This one was $75 shipped, completed and delivered in less than 4 weeks.

I love this design. It rides and supports the gun so well. And as much as I like wearing it, I like looking it over and admiring it just as much. James's workmanship is extraordinary, and so is the Herman Oak leather.

11-07-2011, 08:42 AM
Man the search for the perfect pistol and holster is all consuming! Congratulations, that is a great looking rig. I do want to see photos with the pistol and while it is on the belt. I am glad you found the right combination for yourself before you ended up with two cardboard boxes full of holsters.

I am still working on the holster to carry my CW9/CM9! I have two really good ones, a CTAC and a paddle both by Comp-Tac. I think the solution for me will be a pancake holster by Lobo gun leather.

-- Richard

11-07-2011, 08:54 AM
I've always wondered how easy (or hard) it is to put one of the snap loop IWB holsters on? It's one style I've never used. Is it as simple as the same style OWB?

Nice looking holster... has all the features, snap loops, good cant, quality leather, sweat guard, etc., that one would want in a daily carry.

11-07-2011, 09:12 AM
Man the search for the perfect pistol and holster is all consuming! Congratulations, that is a great looking rig. I do want to see photos with the pistol and while it is on the belt. I am glad you found the right combination for yourself before you ended up with two cardboard boxes full of holsters.

Yeah. I have done pretty well keeping the holster mistakes to a minimum. :rolleyes: I have sold a few and I have sent a couple back for refunds. So, what I have at present are usable holsters.

I am still working on the holster to carry my CW9/CM9! I have two really good ones, a CTAC and a paddle both by Comp-Tac. I think the solution for me will be a pancake holster by Lobo gun leather.

-- Richard

Another new (to me) holster maker! Lobo has some nice stuff. Are you going to get the snap loop one for easier on and off? I would recommend it. I have a high rise pancake with slots. It is a lot of trouble to get the belt threaded through the front slot, the side belt loop of my pants and the back slot, and position everything so that the buckle will center when I buckle my belt. With the slots, you cannot slide the holster to adjust it. You have to undo the belt, slide it through one slot, then the other. I find I cannot do this without undoing my pants, sitting down and rotating my pants some to get at it. Whew! :mad: And this is complicated by me being left handed.

Also, with the belt bending to go in the front slot and out the back slot, it doesn't sit against your body as well and wants to sag, IMO.

So, I am really enjoying these snap loops!

11-07-2011, 09:21 AM
I've always wondered how easy (or hard) it is to put one of the snap loop IWB holsters on? It's one style I've never used. Is it as simple as the same style OWB?

Nice looking holster... has all the features, snap loops, good cant, quality leather, sweat guard, etc., that one would want in a daily carry.

Yes. It is as simple as snap loop OWBs. I think this style is the best IWB solution in leather, IMO. That is why similar designs are the premier CC offering of some of the very top holster makers (the ones with the 6 month lead times).

And I must admit, being as poor as I am living on Disability, the price of this holster being half what those famous holster makers charge for their fine products makes this acquisition extra sweet! :D

11-07-2011, 06:58 PM
Can you post a pic with the Kahr in it. Curious about the grip height.

11-07-2011, 07:42 PM
Can you post a pic with the Kahr in it. Curious about the grip height.

I'll try. I just got a new 16mp digital camera and have to learn how to use it. I've got to figure out how to upload images to my computer. My old camera had a USB cable, but this one doesn't.

I'm looking at it with the gun in it right now, sitting on a chair beside my computer (I enjoy admiring this holster as much as wearing it! :p). If you'll look at the photo, there is a rounded dip between the trigger guard and the rear snap loop. That dip is there for the very reason of enhancing combat grip access, and provides a 3/4"+ gap between the top edge of the holster and the front of the grip. The mag release clears the holster by a little more than 1/4". So the combat grip access is perfect. The sweat shield is so small that it doesn't get in the way of my thumb when drawing. The only thing is that the holster keeps the grip frame pressed against my body so well that I have to squeeze my thumb in there. Not a problem; just emphasizing how well the holster holds the gun in against my body! :)

I'll be getting some pics posted as soon as I figure this new camera out. :o

11-07-2011, 11:19 PM
Jfootin, im glad you liked it, i was admiring from the time i finished it till the time i mailed it off, im a sucker for black leather :)

I really appreciate the kind words and the awesome review, i really hope it fits your needs!

11-22-2011, 06:38 PM
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/382817_308344709194740_252174494811762_1150695_161 5495412_n.jpg

he finished up my K9 holster last night, looks blackish here but i think it's slightly lighter in color than it looks. it's a chocolate brown, elephant hide loops and reinforced throat.

a work of art IMO, exactly what i was looking for. haven't received it, but i'm sure i'll be even more satisfied when i do.

11-22-2011, 07:04 PM
apheod, when I first began reading this, I thought you were saying that you had just finished up this holster. Duh. LOL! :p

I'm sure you will enjoy the holster. I enjoy looking at mine and admiring it almost as much as wearing it!

11-22-2011, 07:08 PM
edited for clarity lol... i wish i could build that.

11-22-2011, 08:00 PM
Definitely a quality looking, sturdy rig!


11-22-2011, 08:52 PM
Definitely a quality looking, sturdy rig!


probably last forever and the look like the more you wear it the sweeter it will get as it "breaks in".

If I was going with that type rig I would look really hard at this