View Full Version : Son Patrick visits for a week

11-07-2011, 12:44 PM
Well, I haven't been on the Forum much the last week or so. My son Patrick(39 this March) from Columbus, OH, visited us for a week ending last Saturday, the 5th. The last time he was here in 1999, we went out in my boat and played with our water-toy raft, taking turns throwing each other off.

We had a nice visit, eating in the weekend and Halloween night and then dining out the next three nights. Friday, our last night together, we both fixed supper.

We tried to get ready to go shooting Wednesday, but had to go pickup my wife's car as it was ready in the shop. By the time we got the loaner returned and her car back where she works, it was late and we decided to wait until the next day to go shooting. We had ALL of the magazines loaded up, targets ready and everything packed in my van for the next day.

We got to go shooting Thursday and shot my Springfield Champion 1911 .45, PM45, and the Mag-na-ported P40. He liked the 1911 best and didn't care much for the other two, especially the P40. I videoed a bit and was able to show him that he was pushing the gun trying to anticipate and react to the recoil. Most of his shots placed below the center horizontal line, which means he really has a problem, because I found the sight had "drifted" high, making the shots about 3" high at 7 yards for me!

After I got a chance to shoot the 1911 and found that it was shooting about 3" high, I wondered if the sight set screw had backed out. It looked like it was further out than it should be, but I had no tools with me and it was at the end of our range visit. At home the set screw didn't want to budge easily and I worried that I would break the only tiny allen wrench that I could find... .035", I believe. I'll try lowering the elevation and see if the danged screw is even in far enough, but later. I still have three pistols to clean!

Here's a short clip of what he experienced with the Springfield:


His forehead was covered with black marks like mine was the first time I shot my PM45. He didn't want a hat or cap, though I did offer him one.

I'm still working on the photos from the clips and posting them on Photobucket, but thought I would share this clip with y'all... many of whom have had this same experience... the "lovetaps".


11-07-2011, 12:52 PM
Been wondering about you Wynn. Was about to send out a search party. Looks to me like the extractor on that thing needs a little tweeking. I remember reading here somewhere how to adjust the tension so they get tossed more to the right.

Quality shooting time with the boy, that's a good thing always.

11-07-2011, 01:20 PM
Been wondering about you Wynn. Was about to send out a search party. Looks to me like the extractor on that thing needs a little tweeking. I remember reading here somewhere how to adjust the tension so they get tossed more to the right.

Quality shooting time with the boy, that's a good thing always.

Is there any update on Dietrich?

11-07-2011, 01:22 PM
I'll post an update very shortly. I'm hoping for a response but I may just go without it.

11-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Been wondering about you Wynn. Was about to send out a search party. Looks to me like the extractor on that thing needs a little tweeking. I remember reading here somewhere how to adjust the tension so they get tossed more to the right.

Quality shooting time with the boy, that's a good thing always.

It was pretty random from shot to shot... almost 360°... very inconsistent!

Link to PB Album: http://s1134.photobucket.com/albums/m620/wyntrout/Patrick%20shoots/
