View Full Version : Dear Dietrich

11-07-2011, 07:55 PM
I've received many inquires on our own Dietrich. I've held off partly waiting for permission from Dietrich to make this post and mostly I held off in hopes that there would be some tiny sliver of good news to share.
In the old story of I got some good news and some bad news I have no good news.
I'm heartbroken to report that it's absolutely all bad!

Forgive me Dietrich for running with this but I can't carry the burden of all this sadness and heartbreak by myself anymore. I'm plumb used up.
My hope is that you'll be so pissed you'll come west and give me a whipping which I surely deserve and quite honestly will enjoy immensely.

Dear Dietrich has Cancer, reports indicate that it has spread and it is inoperable. As many may recall it came on very fast. A slam dunk. Just suddenly down, lost his mojo. He had his first round of Chemo Therapy today in hopes for some relief and a reprieve from the inevitable. He reports his concentration is next to zero, lack of focus, doesn't even care about his guns and for folks like us you know that's a bad bad sign.

His reports have been infrequent and I asked (I begged) to have him tell his wife to send me updates and post. So far nothing from her. But I still have hope.

I went through this same scenario with my own dad 7 or 8 years ago and he did have a few days a week when the chemo wore off that he had good days, before they hit him again.
I'm sure with all the miriade of things going through his head he's overwelmed with things he wants to get done or accomplish but I know he really wanted to get on here and make his own post. That says alot for us here at Kahrtalk that we rank high enough in importance for him to want to do that just for us.

I don't know if that will happen. If he was to call and tell me taking a couple buckets of grease and getting launched over a prison fence nekkid would make him feel better, I'd be on the first plane to NC with a drum of grease and smile on my face and I don't care who knew about it.

That's all I know for right now. I sure hope he understands my need and desire to share this bad news with everyone here. Dietrich has been a rock here on kahrtalk with some of the most off the wall threads, sayings and general side splitting conversations. A tremendous asset. I know back in some of the ugly early days he's directly responsible for many of us still being here. Several of the early members, myself, Jocko, Wynn, several others got tired and left, he got tired and left several times too. He was always there to talk everyone into sticking around and of course we were all there to talk him into staying too. I'm sure glad we did.

I'll post any new news or reports I receive.

I hope we can all laugh at this as a sick joke 30 years from now when he gets the miracle cure. Now that would be a side splitter.

11-07-2011, 08:04 PM
Bawanna, thank you for the update. We newbies owe the KT founding fathers quite a debt of gratitude. Suggest we get the prayer circle cranked-up in high gear for Dietrich.

11-07-2011, 08:23 PM
Years of multiple family and friend cancer tragedies has really sensitized us to this issue and I'll tell you...this just really sucks!! If you get to talk to him, Bawanna, please let him know that I/we care.

11-07-2011, 08:25 PM
Bawanna, be sure to let him know how much we care about him, and that our combined thoughts and prayers are working in his favor.

11-07-2011, 08:50 PM
Thanks for sharing the update Bawanna. Even though it's news we don't want to hear or share, i think it's news we were expecting unfortunately all things considered. And yes I too hope Dietrich will heal up and slug you a good one for spilling the beans but I think all he'd do is shake your hand and thank you, kindhearted fellow that he is. And maybe a hug. Gentlemanly, of course.

Dietrich, many thoughts and prayers are headed up on your behalf and for Mrs Dietrich. May God bless mightily and heal beyond expectation.

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11-07-2011, 08:53 PM
Thanks for the news, Bawanna, even though it's bad. My eyes are watering and not in a good way. I hope he gets some relief from the chemo.

I'm not very religious, but my prayers and thoughts are with him and his family. My younger brother has been through hell with cancer several times and will never be as strong as he was. He's supposedly cancer free, but not problem free.

Please keep us in the loop and give him our best when you can.


11-07-2011, 08:54 PM
Being somewhat new to the forum, I do not know Dietrich on a personal level.
But, as a cancer survivor, I am aware of the difficult road ahead for him. I wish him strength, understanding and courage.

11-07-2011, 09:43 PM
Oh no, what a heartbreaker, My prayers go out for him and his family.

11-07-2011, 09:50 PM
For some of you who don't know Dietrich, do a search of his threads and post. I suggest not drinking anything carbonated or eating anything you can't swallow or spit out fast.

I've gone back in the archives myself many many times just to read some of his post.

He's had a ton of excellent signature lines but I think my favorite was

"Say something nice to your cousin Shirley....For a fat girl, you sure don't sweat much....cue sound of head slap"

11-07-2011, 10:01 PM
I've prayed. Will continue to do so. I'm a noob, but now how important the old guys are to any community.

I'm also a believer in the miraculous power of God. My mom is a survivor of pancreatic cancer (5 years this month!). I know too many others whom God has touched, when the doctors said it was impossible.

May God bless and heal you, Dietrich.

11-07-2011, 10:14 PM
Dear Dietrich,
You don't know me from Adam, but then you'll never know the number of people you've impacted simply by being Dietrich. I am moved by how Bawanna and other Kahrtalkers are asking us to pray for you. So, I'd like to join in that race.

With your permission, I'd like to add your name to a list of prayer requests that I send out each day via email to over 500 people in my church. Obviously, we all believe in God who has the power to comfort you during this trying time. Regardless of the outcome or duration of this challenge you face, please know that God loves you more than any of us ever could (and that's a whole lot!), and He'll never leave you. Hang in there, friend, as Karhtalk talks to God on your behalf!

11-07-2011, 11:17 PM
Like everyone, I've been thinking about Dietrich wondering if we'll hear from him soon. I'm just plum sorry it's the bad news we feared. I know this has taken the wind from his sails and he's giving it all he's got just to get through each day. I hope our caring helps lift him a bit to carry on. With enough friends you can lift a house, but battles like this must be fought individually, though not alone.

God bless you Dietrich.

MW surveyor
11-08-2011, 03:43 AM
Sorry to hear about this and hope for the best for Dietrich.

I really miss snorting on to my keyboard with some of the offbeat things that Diet comes up with.

11-08-2011, 05:44 AM
I am heartbroken to hear the bad news, I will keep you in my prayers. May God Bless you my friend!

11-08-2011, 07:00 AM
In my prayers brother

11-08-2011, 07:41 AM
This one had to be a sticky. It simply will not be as fun a place without Dietrich. He has been with the forum from nearly the beginning, and has played a major role in making it the kind of place it is. My thoughts are with our good friend and his family. Having been through this with my own loved ones, I know how hard this must be for all of them. :(

11-08-2011, 09:33 AM
God Speed to full recovery Diet, Prayer circle set to Full Steam Ahead...Get well old boy, we miss you here and your bar stool will always be open for your return...

11-08-2011, 01:07 PM
Oh Wow. What can I possibly say but I'm very sorry to hear this bit of news. Dietrich if you read this post please be aware that Knee Mails have been sent and will be sent often for your recovery. Stay strong my friend.

Popeyehttp://ts3.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1303868155422&id=abc733acc1eac6a1c24a5c931f2ffc3c&url=http%3a%2f%2fprayinghandsclipart.com%2fpraying hands_left%2fprayinghands_6.jpg

11-08-2011, 05:47 PM
Hey, Dietrich!
I just emailed over 500 people in my church and asked them to pray specifically for you. We are asking the Lord to give you and your family the comfort, guidance and peace that can only come from trusting Him. Hang in there, friend! We all love you!

11-08-2011, 06:32 PM
This is heartbreakin news. My prayers are for you!

11-08-2011, 10:16 PM
Joe,Tell the other guys and yourself this info.I have put my complete faith and my life into the hands of God.We are hoping the chemo treatments will slow the cancer down and possibly stop it, give me more strength and ability to do things around the house.I really would like to do some Christmas shopping on my own for Helen and be able to help out around the house.Chemo works different on each patient so it is a crap shoot as to how I do and if I don`t do all that well with one,they`ll change to another.I had my first treatment yesterday and had no ill effects except for feeling worn out since then but they said to expect that.They said I would start to feel better later in the week and hopefully stronger as time goes by.I have God on my side,a wonderful family and friends praying and rooting for me,along with a great group like you guys raising hell in the back.Joe,I`ve got pretty much all a guy could hope for.Y`all just keep praying and I`ll keep in touch.If you want to just post this e-mail on the forum ,.do that

This email really made my day.

11-08-2011, 10:32 PM
Dietrich,will keep you in my prayers

11-08-2011, 10:40 PM
Dear Dietrich,

In very simple ways you've been a friend to me individually, and an inspiration to us all. Please know that you are in my prayers as well.

In my own family, my mom was diagnosed with inoperable cancer but we found a doctor up here at Johns Hopkins who was pioneering some new surgical techniques. He added many long years to her life, and I wish the same for you too my friend.

God bless.

11-08-2011, 10:48 PM
Made my day too. And night. Probably week.

Content no matter the circumstances. Check. Support of family and friends. Check. Trusting in and relying on God and leaving it in His capable hands. Check. I didn't expect any different from good ol' Dietrich. Thanks for making our night.

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11-08-2011, 10:53 PM
Dietrich, hang in there. We're rooting for you and hope that the doctors can find a treatment combination to get you on the mend.

Take care, my friend.


11-09-2011, 06:45 AM
Lifting you up DD. Don't know what I can do, but K'dale is only a couple hours away if you needed anything...

11-09-2011, 07:29 PM
I'm so saddened about this, not only is he a member of the Kahrtalk family, but he's a fellow NCian to me...Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. Hopefully he's going to a great hospital to get some good treatment and they can slow it down and at least hold it off from growing anymore....

11-10-2011, 03:53 PM
May God speed Dietrich on what ever course He takes him. My prayers are for the best of outcomes. One day all of us will die. How or when you die is of little consequence. It's how you lived that's important.

11-11-2011, 08:37 PM
Thoughts and prayers are with Dietrich.

11-13-2011, 12:38 PM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sparks and Suzy

11-13-2011, 12:55 PM
Never give up my friend.

11-13-2011, 01:22 PM
I miss you Diet. Take care of yourself and get better.

11-13-2011, 01:23 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of this news. There is always hope though! My extended family has two folks currently going through Chemo-therapy, both showing very good results. There is always hope when you trust in God. My prayers are with you and your family.

11-13-2011, 01:46 PM
Glad to see Dietrich online on Karhtalk for a little while today.

11-17-2011, 10:20 AM
I just received a status report from Dietrich. The sun's peeking through a little bit and I like it a lot.

In it's entirety.

"Got my first transfusion yesterday. Two units took four hours which surprised me but my cousin who is a surgery nurse says its much quicker in the OR.Feel good today and I think the chemo may be doing some good.Hope you and the guys are doing well.D"

11-17-2011, 10:58 AM
Ahh, this is answered prayer and great news! It's too long a road to travel alone, so that's why God and the rest of us will be with you, Dietrich!

11-17-2011, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the update uncle Banana. Keep up the good fight Dietrich!

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11-17-2011, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the update uncle Banana. Keep up the good fight Dietrich!

Sent using Tapatalk

Banana? Ok Mister your in the same seat at the adults table at Christmas now too. Your a slow learner ain't ya? More yams to auntie's house, be enough gas to fly the Hindenburg.

11-17-2011, 01:13 PM
Aren't you supposed to be working on some Glocks to make money for my Christmas gift this year or something? You know that mk9 you promised me? And yes you can borrow it for a while to make all the grips you want. Mrs. MikeyKahr will take Buckeye Burl.

By the way you should be flattered I called you uncle Banana. I could have called you uncle Cheeto. Or uncle Cheerio like when you get out of the pool.

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11-29-2011, 07:34 PM
Well great news to share following nephews inuendo's and slanderish attack on his favorite uncle.
I hereby present in it's entirety an email just received from Dietrich hisself.
I'm happy as a pig in mud to read it and know you all will be too. Hope this continues.

"Second chemo treatment yesterday.No negegative results yet.Doc says I will be needing another blood transfusion before the third.Probably next week or by sure the following.You wouldn`t believe how how much better they make me feel.I`m actually able to have the energy to do little things around the house and for myself for a change including driving myself to the store and places.Had to take Helen to prove my competency both to her and to myself.I had taken myself off the road because I didn`t trust myself anymore but my strength or concentration level have risen back to a level I trust for driving myself to the doc and around Morehead City if need be.Not on Interstates and long trips.Next week my I plan to go to the range for the first time with my brother-in law since this mess all got started.Be interesting to see if I can hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle.I`ll let you know.I miss you guys.Take care.Dietrich."

And there you have it. I'll keep everyone in the loop pronto when I receive status reports. I really look forward to em myself.

mr surveyor
11-29-2011, 07:41 PM
now that is good news:)

11-29-2011, 07:42 PM
Thanks for passing that along, 'nanner. And Dietrich, good luck at the range. That will make you feel better! Blowing things up or filling them with holes makes me feel good... that front pants rising thingy.
Take care and get well... hang in there for a few more decades or so.


11-29-2011, 08:15 PM
Great news, Dietrich, and thanks so much for sharing it with the rest of us uncle B. Keep up the good fight, D - we'll keep up the praying!!

11-29-2011, 08:31 PM
That is the best news!!! :):):):):):):) Praying for a full recovery, Diet. Thanks B.

11-30-2011, 01:31 PM
Wow. That note made my week. Thanks Bawanna for sharing, and please pass along our best wishes & prayers back to Dietrich.

11-30-2011, 01:35 PM
Bawanna, thanks for keeping us posted on Dietrich's progress! Goes to show us the power of prayer, faithfulness, and friends. This good news should not cause us to let up on our prayers for Dietrich, but to keep them going strong!

11-30-2011, 03:21 PM
Very good news indeed! Not only that he is feeling better physically, but sounds like his spirits are up too. Hopefully this is just the start of his improvement. Many thanks for the updates!

11-30-2011, 04:22 PM
get well deit. BTDT sh-t. Never pleasant but the results today are outstanding. I am still here today after a long hard fight 10 years ago.. Oh yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it ain't always a train coming head on either. Keep the faith deit,, and I and the members will do or very best to keep Bawanna in line. It isn't easy as u know.

11-30-2011, 04:36 PM
well great news to share following nephews inuendo's and slanderish attack on his favorite uncle.
I hereby present in it's entirety an email just received from dietrich hisself.
I'm happy as a pig in mud to read it and know you all will be too. Hope this continues.

"second chemo treatment yesterday.no negegative results yet.doc says i will be needing another blood transfusion before the third.probably next week or by sure the following.you wouldn`t believe how how much better they make me feel.i`m actually able to have the energy to do little things around the house and for myself for a change including driving myself to the store and places.had to take helen to prove my competency both to her and to myself.i had taken myself off the road because i didn`t trust myself anymore but my strength or concentration level have risen back to a level i trust for driving myself to the doc and around morehead city if need be.not on interstates and long trips.next week my i plan to go to the range for the first time with my brother-in law since this mess all got started.be interesting to see if i can hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle.i`ll let you know.i miss you guys.take care.dietrich."

and there you have it. I'll keep everyone in the loop pronto when i receive status reports. I really look forward to em myself.

awesome ;)

11-30-2011, 05:09 PM
Thanks for the update Bawanna, or banana, or nanner, or whatever alias you are using. That was real good to read.

Diet hope and pray you keep on feeling a little better each day!
Those blood tranfusions help get the poison out of your body for awhile until they inject some more. No wonder you are feeling better. It's doable. I was a relapser, so I ended up going I think 76 weeks during 3-4 years of it. That time is pretty foggy to me now. Glad you feel well enough to drive, and go to the range. Slinging some lead ought to do you some good, just pretend those are cancer cells you're shooting at and blowing away. They say positive images like that help your body fight off the disease.

11-30-2011, 05:42 PM
Excellent news! Miss you Diet!

11-30-2011, 09:12 PM
Rock on and get better. Enjoy the range time!

11-30-2011, 10:53 PM

Keep fighting mate. You are a breath of fresh air when you post here, and we miss you. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family coming from Thailand.


12-01-2011, 01:13 AM
May the face of every good news and the back of every bad news be towards you.

12-01-2011, 08:38 AM
Prayers and Warm wishes headed your way Dietrich. I don't post much but I read a lot. Have missed your wit.

12-01-2011, 04:41 PM
So glad he's feeling up to going to the Dr. and driving to MHC. To those that don't know, MHC is about a 30-45 min drive from where he lives. I don't know of any ranges any closer than that either.

Prayers are being answered Diet...Keep up the fight my friend.

12-01-2011, 04:43 PM
and moight I ask where in the hell have u been jdlott74????? We miss u..

12-01-2011, 07:54 PM
and moight I ask where in the hell have u been jdlott74????? We miss u..

It's crazy here right now. With jlottmc working FT and going to the police academy part-time, us only seeing us in passing (maybe 30 min, 4 days a week), and having a 4 year old in the house it's nuts. Let's just say I commend all those single moms and dads out there. When you work all day, then have to cook, get lunches and clothes ready for the next day, in addition to baths for the little one, not enough time to do a lot at night.

I'm still logging in but just not posting much. We have another 8 months or so of this.

12-04-2011, 10:04 AM
From one cancer survivor, hang in there, Dietrich. Miracles happen every day. God Bless you. I pray for a speedy recovery. Hope to see you on the Forum soon.

12-17-2011, 05:36 PM
Dietrich, this post is for you. Wish you were here to share it with me. Hope you are feeling like a new man soon.


12-17-2011, 06:04 PM

Wow! Congratulations, Melissa! There's not another lady within 400 posts of 1000! I just looked at the first page by number of posts.


12-30-2011, 07:35 PM

I'm absolutely devastated to have to inform you all that our own Dietrich has passed away. I just received an email from his wife with a prearranged message I shall share below.
I guess his last feeling good report was a rally before the end. He was a trooper and one of the funniest people I ever knew and I miss him horribly already as I know we all will. They truely broke the mold when they made Dietrich. He's been on kahrtalk nearly as long as there has been a kahrtalk and was instrumental in forming and molding it into the great forum that it is today. It certainly won't be the same without him.

I contemplated waiting till after the New Year to share this sad news but felt if I was in your shoes I'd want to know in real time. Frankly I had a bad feeling as I've emailed numerous times with no response and just felt something wasn't right. I'd planned to stay dry New Years but not any longer.

I've of course offered his wife our most sincere condolences along with an offer of anything at all that we can do to help her in any way. What a lucky lady to have spent so many years with a guy like Dietrich.

Here's Dietrichs final post on Kahrtalk written by his wife Helen.


Hi, I'm Paul's wife, Helen and I'm typing this for Paul. This to sadly inform you that I have passed away. I have enjoyed your friendship for the passed months. Tell the rest of the gang of my passing.

Good bye,

This is the first time ever that I really hate this job.

Dietrich, save me a good spot, we'll see ya on the other side.

12-30-2011, 07:44 PM
Terrible. Never easy news to deliver or receive.


12-30-2011, 08:00 PM
Thanks Bawanna. Go with God Dietrich, our friend! Sometimes, often, life just ain't fair.

12-30-2011, 08:01 PM
I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Dietrich in real life, but I am looking forward to meeting him in Heaven. You are missed, Paul.

12-30-2011, 08:01 PM
Like others, I hate losing Dietrich. He was a live one here and always willing to play the part of a jester to lighten things. Have to say it took me quite a while to figure him out and see his different sense of humor, but I did and appreciated him all the more for it. I'll never understand how some folks are just plain witty but his Dear Dietrich thread sure proved he was. RIP Dietrich and I hope his family can take comfort in how much he was appreciated here.

12-30-2011, 09:09 PM
Baruch Dayan Emet.

So sad for for his family and extended family. He will be truly missed. Thank you Bawanna for letting us know.


12-30-2011, 09:30 PM
Thanks for letting us know Bawanna, even if it is such terrible news. Vaya con Dios, Paul.

12-30-2011, 09:36 PM
I joined the forum so recently that I was just beginning to get to know Dietrich. I feel so unfortunate not to have had more time sharing with him here. I guess I'll take some time to review all of his posts.

Bawanna, you handled the delivery of this sad news very sensitively. I tip my hat to you. :yo:

Comfort, peace and joy be yours, dear Dietrich.

12-30-2011, 09:39 PM
I joined the forum so recently that I was just beginning to get to know Dietrich. I feel so unfortunate not to have had more time sharing with him here. I guess I'll take some time to review all of his posts.

Bawanna, you handled the delivery of this sad news very sensitively. I tip my hat to you. :yo:

Comfort, peace and joy be yours, dear Dietrich.

I plan to do the same. Warning- your sides will hurt. I wouldn't drink anything you can't cycle through your nose. Your in for some side splitting entertainment.

12-30-2011, 09:50 PM
:angel:May you rest in peace in the arms of the Lord..You will be missed..:angel:

12-30-2011, 10:02 PM
Well as if my day could not get any worse. Such terrible news. I am, at least, glad that his suffering has ended. Our dear Dietrich was one of the first members to reach out and say hello to me. We struck up a dialogue based on our mutual love of classic film and its stars. They don't make them like that anymore. They don't make them like Dietrich anymore. So let me close with some appropriate words from the eulogy of one of my favorites. I think it fits Dietrich much as it fit Bogie. His "...hospitality went far beyond food and drink. He fed a guest’s spirit as was well as his body, plied him with good will until he became drunk in the heart as well as his legs.”

Goodbye my friend, and keep a light on for the rest of us...

12-30-2011, 10:21 PM
Terrable news but I guess that I am glad our friend is not suffering any longer and is a peace with the Lord. I'll miss his contributions and wish his family peace during their time of sadness.

There are a few things I will always remember, his incredable humor and quick wit. The thing that will always stand out most and really shows his character to me was the time he mentioned his concern for a young lady that I believe he and his family went to church with. They were trying to guide her through growing up and he wondered if what he did and the advice he gave was the right thing for her long term benefit. To me that shows his real character.

Rest in peace brother and I'll meet you one day on the other side.

12-31-2011, 06:20 AM
Definitely not good news..... :( My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family! :(

12-31-2011, 06:56 AM
One of the most precious gifts we can receive is the gift of laughter. Dietrich made me laugh each time I read his posts. For that I thank him. I suspect that he's cracking wise and making the folks he's with now laugh. I like to believe that The Lord has a sense of humor. Just look around if you doubt me.
My prayers are with his family. Hopefully the memories of his humor will ease the pain of his loss.

12-31-2011, 07:16 AM
Thoughts and prayers to the family. He will be missed by many,many people.

12-31-2011, 09:29 AM
Words cannot describe, so I wont even try.


12-31-2011, 11:13 AM
First of all, Bawanna, thanks so much for giving us this news of Dietrich's home-going.

Secondly, take 4 minutes, 28 seconds to view this video and put yourself in Dietrich's place.


Yes, Dietrich is 100% healed, pain-free, and in perfect peace only by God's grace. May that same grace open our eyes and heal our pain until we see Dietrich again in the presence of the Lord.

12-31-2011, 03:15 PM
Bawanna, I'm sorry the unpleasant task fell upon you. Be strong my friend.

Dietrich will be and has been missed very much around here. He was one in a million. May God send his comfort and healing to his family and friends. And may he rest in peace. Take comfort in knowing he's with the Lord now, and beyond any pain and suffering. I'd love to be able to have a drink in his honor, but unfortunately my body won't allow it.
God bless him and his family and friends.

12-31-2011, 05:13 PM
:angel:Aman. You are with the angels now.

12-31-2011, 05:27 PM
oh my bawanna, Deit was KAHR TALK. I loved his stories and how they lingered on and on and on . He never had a bad word either, never confrontational. He was what we should try to image oursleves after. No doubt he is at peace now, not the kind of pain and suffering that we would want our friend to go through.

We will see him again, I just hope he is packing a kahr!!!!

bless Diet and I don't miss him, I REALLY MISS HIM!!!

12-31-2011, 06:10 PM
I have been tie up with visiting family and just now read this post, I am nearly at lost for words. I would like to express my deepest condolences to Dietrich's family and I will pray that God to provide healing and comfort to them during this time of loss. Dietrich was a unique person with the ability to bring a smile and laugh to this forum to the point that sometimes I could hardly breathe when reading once of his post. Dietrich will be sincerely missed by me and the other members of this forum. Rest in peace my friend.

12-31-2011, 06:33 PM
Deitrich's humor always made me laugh, but it was his ability to make you feel like an old friend, even though you had never met, that I most admired. He will be truly missed.

12-31-2011, 06:52 PM
he and I PM-ed each other many times. I now treasure those PM's to...

12-31-2011, 08:03 PM
I have been tie up with visiting family and just now read this post, I am nearly at lost for words. I would like to express my deepest condolences to Dietrich's family and I will pray that God to provide healing and comfort to them during this time of loss. Dietrich was a unique person with the ability to bring a smile and laugh to this forum to the point that sometimes I could hardly breathe when reading once of his post. Dietrich will be sincerely missed by me and the other members of this forum. Rest in peace my friend.

Amen to that. He will be greatly missed. As a fellow NCian myself, he will be greatly missed. RIP Diet. Thoughts, prayers and condolences are with his family at this time. We will miss you greatly Diet..

12-31-2011, 10:30 PM
Rest in peace, Dear Friend. We'll miss your humor and all of your contributions to the camaraderie here at KahrTalk.


01-01-2012, 12:29 AM
While I am new to Kahrtalk and did not have the time to fully appreciate Dietrich, I am truly sorry for his family and friends. If the posts here are any indication he was a truly great man, the world could use a few more

Thank you Bawanna, you have handled this situation very well, you obviously had a hard and terrible job thank you for the way you have handled it.

01-01-2012, 12:25 PM

01-01-2012, 01:04 PM

That's awesome Rotoflyr, very well done. I want that engraved in a 1911 slide.

Jdlott and myself are searching trying to find the local obituary and any service information. I even paid for a search deal but came up empty. It may not be out yet or they may not have even done one.
If/When we find one I'll let everyone know.

01-01-2012, 01:15 PM
awesome rotorflyr

Diet can see it!!

01-01-2012, 07:10 PM
Bawanna, thanks again for keeping us all posted on the obit and funeral plans as they become available. Our prayers are with YOU, too, my friend.

01-02-2012, 08:31 AM
I'm continuing to look for an obit, but have not found one yet. I'm still looking though. Not sure exactly when he passed but sometimes it take a few days to a week to get into the newspaper because the newspapers in that area are not put out but once a week or so, lucky if it is twice a week. The town he lived in doesn't even HAVE a newspaper or a funeral home. If all else fails and we can not find an obit, we can send flower to her to let her know how much we thought of him or send a donation to the American Cancer Society, NRA or even Kahrtalk in memory of his name. That is what most people do in that area.

01-02-2012, 08:49 AM
Sorry to hear the sad news, but he is in a better place....with factory CW45 flat base plates and no break in periods.


01-03-2012, 09:58 AM
I just noticed all the new posts in this thread and was hoping for good news but I now see that is not the case...I'm feeling kind of numb right now and don't know what to say but Damn, just Damn....

RIP Diet, your humor will be missed here and if you can read this from heaven I am happy you are no longer in any pain and have found comfort in the loving hands of our Lord...

Thank you Bawanna for all you did to keep us informed and for everything else you do...It is a sad day here at Kahrtalk....

01-04-2012, 11:53 AM
There has been some interest in doing something for Dietrichs wife. The Lotts, JD and J kind of in the forefront.

I guess what we're looking for is idea's that anyone wants to put forward. I do know that their recent move put them in close proximity to her family just for such an event so she has people close by.

I think the Lotts and myself at the very least want to express how much all of us here at kahrtalk loved this guy and how terribly he is missed.

I have no clue on her financial situation but reading between the lines I don't think money is a huge issue and I'm not sure that we'd be able to solve that issue if it was an issue.

So share whatever ideas you might have. I will continue to look for an obit which jdlott is also doing. I do have a mailing address and a phone number someplace. I wish about 500 of us could somehow show up at the service, now that would send a message but that just isn't gonna happen.

01-04-2012, 05:07 PM
Well it looks like Ole Dietrichs wife lost her brother about a month ago too, that poor lady. http://www.mundenfuneralhome.net/obi....php?id=134591

Thanks much Melissa for catching this, no idea how you found it.

01-04-2012, 07:37 PM
I had actually seen this. I thought you knew Bawanna....When searching for his name, I found it online. Do we know exactly what day he passed away? I'm still searching..

01-04-2012, 07:47 PM
I had actually seen this. I thought you knew Bawanna....When searching for his name, I found it online. Do we know exactly what day he passed away? I'm still searching..

Don't know for sure. I got Helen's email last friday but it didn't specifically say what day.

01-04-2012, 08:02 PM
Just catching up now, so sorry to hear this. There's a huge void here where we once had Dietrich.

If I may... One of his many comments that truly made me laugh out loud.

99% of the misery I`ve seen in my life has been directly caused by females.It has made no difference if they were liberal or conservative although it seems that the libs were a bit more adventurous in the sack.My best advice is to ride her like a rented mule and then kick her to the curb when you get tired of her.

01-05-2012, 03:58 AM
I'm not around a ton and this is the first chance I've had to read this thread. I'm very sorry for all of you who knew Dietrich as a personal friend or as someone who was an internet friend. I know the few times I've started threads posing questions Diet was always one of the people who offered good information in a friendly manner. His passing is definitely a loss to this community. I am not a christian but I do have religion and to my religion the loss of any person is sad but someone with such a great sense of humor and someone who was so dedicated to something they love is a true loss to us all. My thoughts are with his family and all of you in this time of mourning.

01-05-2012, 10:46 AM
Very well stated.

01-05-2012, 09:07 PM
I am just tonight reading this awful news. I haven't been here long enough to have made his acquaintance, that's my loss. To his family and friends, my sincere condolences. Rest in Peace, Dietrich.

01-05-2012, 09:56 PM
I'm just now seeing this and I'm terribly depressed. He will be missed.

When I first joined kahrtalk I have to admit I was a bit intimidated. I knew next to nothing about Kahrs, about CCW, and about so many things that all of you are experts in. I pressed on anyway, but inside I felt pretty inadequate, even if I never gave voice to those feelings.

Unsolicited, Dietrich (Paul) PMed me, several times. He was kind, gracious, and said how much he appreciated my posts. How did he know? Honestly, he lifted my spirits and encouraged me in ways he could never know with his few simple words. Simple to him, they meant the world to me.

Like everyone else I grew to appreciate and love his humor. His last long "Dear Dietrich" series contained some of the best humor in this forum. I always waited breathlessly to see what that guy would uncork next!

I'll miss him badly. I pray for his family, that God's gentle mercy and grace will be with them.

Farewell my friend.

Your friend,

01-06-2012, 07:59 PM
We are still looking for ideas to do something for his wife Helen. I have an address, Bawanna, if you could find the phone number I could call her and see if there was a specific charity or memorial they have set up. Usually with NC, when someone passes, they are buried or have services within 2-3 days. If there isn't an obit, which I haven't been able to find, and I've looked in the county register of deeds, Raleigh Newspapers, Carteret County and Onslow County (Jacksonville) and Wilmington's newspapers, there probably wasn't one done. I've even looked at the local funeral homes websites.

Jlottmc and I were talking tonight and wanted to run something by you guys...He was thinking about a Vermont Teddy Bear...They have a Bear Angel and a Fishing Bear. Jlottmc said that his wife Helen's family were fishermen down there. Maybe even have a chocolate pie or some food delivered maybe. Maybe a fruit basket, or one of those fruit bowls made from the watermelon.


01-07-2012, 11:16 AM
And still nothing here. We took up arms when a brother got robbed, now when one falls silence?

01-07-2012, 11:55 AM
I am at a loss, JLott. I will contribute for a donation, whatever his wife specifies.

01-07-2012, 12:06 PM
Count me in. Can't do much now (wife is looking for a job) but I'll gladly do as much as I'm able.

01-07-2012, 12:06 PM
Obviously me and mine are up to it. There has been no communication between his wife and anybody that we would know. Guys I appreciate the effort, sorry for the last one, but that does get my hackles up a bit.

01-07-2012, 12:11 PM
I just sent another email to Helen as I can't seem to find the phone number. I know I had it at one time and I'm still searching.

I don't know if she will continue to check that email address, if it was a joint email or his own. I'll keep ya posted.

If need be I'll just mail a letter to her. I'd like to find out what we could do that would be most effective for her at the moment.

I'm still coming up blank on obits, seems like it would have been out by now if they were doing one.

01-07-2012, 12:16 PM
That's what we keep getting. We'll keep on it.

01-07-2012, 06:09 PM
Well, gang, I go away for two weeks with slim/none internet connectivity, and I come home to hear of the sad news of a friend's passing. I sure will miss Dietrich...we will all miss Dietrich and his unique contribution to our forum. I would try to write something eloquent and moving in his honor, but I feel that's already been done. aray, you hit on almost everything I would have wanted to say so thank you very much for sharing. It just goes to show how good a man Dietrich was that he blessed so many in such a wonderful way. Uncle Bawanna, thanks for taking point in communications with Mrs. Dietrich and keeping us updated. I know this hasn't been easy on you. Nice new 1911 in his honor, btw. jlottmc/jdlott, thank you for your work the last few days. Count me in for doing something to help Mrs. Dietrich (Helen), let us know how things progress in the coming days/weeks and what's been decided. Dietrich - we miss you already, old friend.

01-13-2012, 07:21 PM
Bawanna, have you been able to contact Helen yet or find her phone number yet? We were thinking of trying to do something by the end of the month. That's when jlottmc and I get paid again and can have money to spare.

01-13-2012, 08:09 PM
Nothing. I know I had a phone number and it will turn up. May just have to send a letter as she is not responding to email.

01-14-2012, 05:36 AM
Here's the obit



Do ya'll want to send a donation to the church building fund? Do we want to all send money to Bawanna or another Kahr Talk member and then have them send it as one big donation from Dietrich's Kahr Talk friends?

01-14-2012, 06:40 AM
Put me down for ten bucks

01-14-2012, 07:28 AM
Here's the obit



Do ya'll want to send a donation to the church building fund? Do we want to all send money to Bawanna or another Kahr Talk member and then have them send it as one big donation from Dietrich's Kahr Talk friends?

Now that REALLY sucks. He passed on my birthday. I am all for sending money to the church in memory of him from his Kahrtalk family. Someone at the church is in charge of the donations and give a list to the family member/spouse to let them know donated money.

01-14-2012, 07:50 AM
The quickest and easiest way is for each of us to send donations to the church individually, with a note saying we knew him and loved him on Kahrtalk.

01-14-2012, 09:08 AM
The quickest and easiest way is for each of us to send donations to the church individually, with a note saying we knew him and loved him on Kahrtalk.

Either way works fine with us.

01-14-2012, 10:13 AM
The quickest and easiest way is for each of us to send donations to the church individually, with a note saying we knew him and loved him on Kahrtalk.

Either way works fine with us.

Actually, the large number of us contributing individually, each with an appropriate note of remembrance and respect, would have a greater impact on his wife and loved ones.

Edit: Plus, we can keep our donations private.

01-14-2012, 11:13 AM
I feel robbed myself. I considered this man one of my best friends. I never met him and I have no clue what he even looked like. I was hoping for at least a photo to see what he looked like.

Thanks for sending it Melissa, I've looked so many times I'd kind of given up that it would ever be listed.

I certainly like jfootins idea of all leaving an appropriate message, not sure how much family members really read these sites but maybe so.

I'll go along with whatever you all want to do on the money. I can be a collection point again or we can send individually. Might be just as effective to send direct and just let them know we're kahrtalk pals.

Edit to add- It looks like you have to do the facebook or twitter thing in order to leave a message etc. Never seen that before.
Apparently commercialization has hit the funeral business just like Christmas.

01-14-2012, 11:25 AM
I am puzzled. Dietrich was almost 3 months younger than me, yet he was retired and taking life easy. I assumed he was much older. I am sort of forcibly retired by permanent disability, or else I would still be slaving away at the corporate grindstone. Was Diet disabled? Or was he rich and successful so he could retire early like Jocko? :behindsofa:

01-14-2012, 11:31 AM
I know he wasn't disabled. I don't know what he did for a lively hood but some people play their cards right, invest wisely and are able to retire.

I'm on the other end of the spectrum will have to work till I keel over on my keyboard or whatever I'm doing when the river crossing comes.
I was in the wrong line for wise investments, money savings and the like but I got alot of guns to play with and that's the important thing.

01-14-2012, 11:41 AM
u need to sell one of those 2 guns that u own bawanna!!!!!!!! and invest in Kel tec products!!!

nasty huh???

01-14-2012, 11:48 AM
Well my prayers have been answered. I just received a reply from Dietrichs wife Helen. It explains alot about why we were so behind on the obit and stuff. I include it in it's entirety.
I've asked here to send me her email address so we have a contact. I mentioned our tentative plan to make donations to the church ori if she has anything more personal that we as a group could help with. I'll keep yall posted.
I also invited her to log into our humble forum and visit if she had a mind to.


Hi, I'm Helen, Paul's wife. I decided to open Paul's computer this morning and see if he had unanswered emails. It looks like Paul mistakenly sent an email out on Dec. 30 that he had me to type & put in hold. Paul passed away Jan 9, at home peacefully. He missed not talking to you and the gang but the last few months could not type.


I know Paul enjoyed your friendship and communicating with all of you.

Helen Stines

01-14-2012, 12:00 PM
Well, that explains the delay in finding anything as far as the obituary. Money to the flood-damaged church sounds like a nice gesture in Dietrich's memory, if that's the general opinion.


01-14-2012, 12:01 PM
Wow. We were mourning his death before it happened.

01-14-2012, 01:25 PM
Gives new meaning to instant communications doesn't it? The church idea sounds like a winner.

01-14-2012, 01:39 PM
I know he wasn't disabled. I don't know what he did for a lively hood but some people play their cards right, invest wisely and are able to retire.

Perhaps Dietrich won't mind me sharing this with everyone. If I remember correctly, part of his business involved paving/concreting new subdivisions and the economy/real estate bust forced him to shut down. I don't remember him saying anything about being disabled.

01-14-2012, 02:07 PM
From what I can tell, they had a memorial service, instead of funeral. I'm ASSUMING that he was cremated.

Here is the other obit I found on the local newspaper.


As you can see, they were married for 27 years.

If anyone wants, we can do up a message for Helen and I will be glad to post it on the condolence page for us. In addition to us sending donations individually.

01-14-2012, 02:45 PM
I wonder if there's an online point of contact for the church... an "official" donation site or something for contributions specifically.


01-14-2012, 03:00 PM
I wonder if there's an online point of contact for the church... an "official" donation site or something for contributions specifically.


With the size of the town I seriously doubt it. From what I have been able to look for the church doesn't have a website.

01-15-2012, 09:52 AM
I searched, too, and just got a bunch of "junk" links to add your business, etc. I guess it's "snail mail" then.


01-15-2012, 09:02 PM
Looks like Dietrich (Paul Stines) had a nickname of Dickie. A friend of his posted a note in the Carolina Shooters Forum (see the first posting in this thread):


You can also see that on the Condolences tab/page at the funeral home web site where he was also called D-ick (short for Richard? - the forum software censored his name so I had to insert a hyphen):


Could be some people called him by his first name, others by his second name. I've seen that common in the south and, case in point, I go by my middle name.

01-15-2012, 09:13 PM
Poor Helen. Looks like she lost both her brother as well as now her husband. From the Condolences page:

Harry and Barbara Lynch Posted Wed January 11, 2012
Helen, Harry and I miss Paul already. His love for you and his church family was always apparent when we were around him. So glad we got to come down and spend time with the two of you. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Wishing you much love and God's peace during this time of turmoil in your life - losing your brother and now Paul. May our Lord Jesus Christ grant you peace and strength through this difficult time. We will be in touch.

Looks like her brother's name was Janie, based on the other postings.

Sad. She needs our prayers.

01-15-2012, 10:10 PM
Sigh. It's worse than I feared. Helen did lose her brother, and sadly just recently too.

Here's the obit for her brother James Robinson (must be her maiden name) on December 8, 2011:


01-15-2012, 10:15 PM
Yeah it was about a month ago give or take.

01-16-2012, 11:09 AM
Well I now have an email contact for Dietrichs wife Helen, and she sent me a photo which I will attempt to post here along with her latest email. I'm gonna withhold the email address at this point as I don't want to bombard this poor woman with a bunch of emails from folks she doesn't know YET.

If you wish to send her an email PM me and I'll share it privately.

Her latest email.


Thank you for your kind words. Paul spoke of you often and enjoy talking (computer talk!) to you. Please tell everyone thank you for the prayers and thoughts. I will check the kahrtalk.com.

Attached is a picture of Paul with 2 of his beautiful ladies, Maggie (red) and Abby (black). Maggie was his lap dog and she is misses him.


And a picture of our pal. Truth be told I often try to visualize what a person looks like that I've never met and I couldn't have been further off.
He's far more handsome and normble than I imagined.
Sorry I couldn't do the picture more justice but she scanned it and its acting different. I couldn't do much to enlarge or anything.

01-16-2012, 11:19 AM
Well, ole Diet was a good looking guy...even had a mustache. :)

01-16-2012, 11:53 AM
Ur OK Bawanna, I don't care what Melissa says about u either!!!!

01-16-2012, 01:05 PM
Ur OK Bawanna, I don't care what Melissa says about u either!!!!

OK, what did she say about me? I need to get my spider man mask out and dazzle her with my stache. It's out of control.

01-17-2012, 04:18 PM
OK, what did she say about me? I need to get my spider man mask out and dazzle her with my stache. It's out of control.

O no. Dazzling and Spiderman mask. I hope we don't have a repeat of the last time around.

Sent using Tapatalk

01-17-2012, 05:16 PM
Bawanna, I was off, thinking Diet was much older rather than the same age as me. I envisioned an older, thinner man with white hair and a full beard. At least I got the beard right! But I think I found my long lost twin!

http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/John_England/Misc/PaulDietrichStines.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/John_England/Misc/Me2-18-11.jpg

01-18-2012, 03:51 PM

Sent using Tapatalk

01-18-2012, 03:54 PM
Hold me, I'm scared :eek:

01-22-2012, 09:37 PM
Hey guys, as someone posted earlier, there was a note from a friend of his on the carolinashootersforum board. I sent him a note that we were mourning the loss of Diet and invited him to poke in and see some remembrances of him. He was nice enough to send me a short message about him. Helps to put him more in place in my mind. For the sake of privacy, I edited out a couple things.

"XXXXX -thanks much for your note about paul....he was a good friend and we shot together a good deal and even went on a hog hunt down in Ga. some years ago...that
was a great time.....I knew paul had a Kahr .380 or 9mm, but didn't know he was on a gun
board for that pistol...but i can imagine the 'innocent' questions or statements he may have asked knowing full well what kind of responses he would get...for the somewhat rough exterior he put forth from time to time, he was a very moral and sensitive fellow who wrote well and had a good way of enjoying his time no matter whom he was around.

Glad folks over there heard of his passing....he didn't want his passing publicized in the local paper (N&O) for personal reasons, but it was mentioned in about ten words in the state obits with no photos during the week of his funeral. There was a pretty large crowd, mostly the wife's kin during the Morehead City service and plus folks from the church they transferred from in Garner, NC to down at Sea Level Baptist in Carteret co....we plan on visiting his wife Helen again sometime soon when she gets things at home with her ailing mom and family a bit more settled...

Paul seemed to be at home down east and although i did not share his big love of the water and fishing, we kept in touch on email and phone calls and my wife and I would meet him when he came up for the occasional raleigh gun show....we talked a good bit about concealed carry and between us we made sure he had an ample supply of firearms and ammunition for any type of hunting and personal protection he needed...I think he finally settled on the Glock 30 .45 acp and perhaps the Kahr 9mm as a backup for his concealed carry.

I am also sure we could tell each other some good stories about our late friend...let it be enough for now that we raise a glass of iced tea or other beverage and remember our late friend now and then. My wish is that he was, indeed heaven-bound so we will see him again someday soon....thanks for your kind communication...don't be a stranger..."

He touched a lot of people it seems, we sure were blessed to have him here.

01-22-2012, 10:16 PM
Thanks much rholmes. Good stuff. I found Dietrich in my thoughts a lot during my alone time this last week snowed in on the hill.

Thanks for sharing that conversation.

02-18-2012, 05:59 AM
Wow, I haven't been on here in a while and this is the first time I'm hearing of this. I always enjoyed his posts & threads, I'm pretty sure he was tappin on the keyboard over on Glocktalk as well (I think he was Hubadub). At least I thought it was him. He will be missed, but he is in a much happier place than we are now. Prayers for his family