View Full Version : Black Helicopters

11-08-2011, 02:13 PM
There is a very interesting Federal case against 4 men in the Cleveland and Toccoa Georgia areas which are small towns located in the mountains of north Georgia...The men are, Frederick Thomas 73, Dan Roberts 67, Ray H. Adams 55 and Samuel J. Crump 68...

They are all charged with domestic terriorism for allegedly planning to assassinate Federal Officials, Blow up Government buildings etc due to being fed up with the current government in general...All this came from an unnamed FBI informant from meetings the men had during breakfast at a local Waffle House and get togethers at Fred Thomas's home...

Thomas's wife and many friends and neighbors of the four say it's just a bunch of old coots running off at the mouth (kind of like us) and that they really didn't mean any harm and didn't have the experience and materials to carry out anything like what they have been accused of...

Frederick Thomas is known on several internet Militia and gun forums as Ahab and is known to own about 10 legal hand guns (sound familiar) and and is an avid shooter and hunter...In his forum writings he speaks of how the current Obummer administration (I have used that term here before) is destroying this country and that all real Patriots must gather together and retake our Nation using any method necessary up to and including violence...

Mr, Thomas in some of his various internet forum posts mentions passages from the book "Absolved" by Mike Vanderboegh...I have never heard of this book but it sounds interesting....I'm really starting to wonder just how much Big Brother is watching forums like Kahr Talk and other gun and shooting internet forums looking for persons of interest under order of the Patriot Act and if I really want to continue to say anything on here about the Government, Obama or anything that might be looked at in any way as making terrioristic statements... Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching you!!!...:der:

I'm sure these four men never believed they would be in Federal custody being held without bond just for something they said whether they meant it or not and so far all the FBI has against them is what the informant told them was said at the Waffle House breakfast meetings.....This will be an interesting case to keep an eye on, what do ya'll think? (edited to correct spelling)

Longitude Zero
11-08-2011, 02:28 PM
Under the Patriot Act it may be possble. Most cases of his type require on overt act toward the accomplishment of the conspiracy.

11-08-2011, 02:28 PM
Comes down to this, is saying you're going to do something a crime?

If there is no other evidence it will be hard to convict anyone, I would think.

11-08-2011, 03:12 PM
The case received a lot of attention here in Atlanta. If they just talked about it and never did anything, it sounds like the 'thought police' are out in full force. It's sort of like 'hate crimes' - you get charged for your thoughts or opinions at the time of the crime. Who knows what the feds are capable of doing under The Patriot Act? I just wish I could learn to keep my mouth shut!

11-08-2011, 04:19 PM
I'm willing to bet cash money was involved, a transaction of some sort, that indicated these guys were about to be active in their "old coot" plot. Just a guess.

11-08-2011, 05:17 PM
So much for the first amendment. It's an Obamanation.

11-08-2011, 05:46 PM
If it weren't for my tinfoil hat and precautions they'd have hauled me in long, long ago.

11-08-2011, 05:59 PM
In many cases saying something is a crime. Asking if someone knows where to get a few Lortabs is a crime, conspiracy to possess narcotics. I've seen that used frequently to get gang members off the street when they can't get anything else to stick. Asking where you can get a machine gun or hand grenade is probably under a similar law. attempting to gain access to destructive devices or something to that effect. Asking if someone knows where to get a hooker is soliciting for illicit sex.
Nothing has to be proven in court, only that you made inquiries into getting access to something illegal.
I kind of worry that some of the pictures of my children in the bathtub or running around naked could be used to charge me under child porn laws, if I piss the wrong person off. Thankfully those are in my wifes possession.

Something to be aware of; simply wiping out a hard drive of any sensitive material will not keep someone determined to find some dirt on you from finding it. Professinol data retrievers can go back 7 layers of reads and writes in the same location and retrieve data (7 was the last number I heard, it may be more now). All erasing data does, is remove the pointer to where that data was stored the data is untouched. If you have something on your hard drive you never want anyone to see, you need a professional quality data shredder that will write over the area several times with X's and O's.
It's best just to remove the drive from the computer and smash it with a sledge hammer or throw it in a fire.
There are commercial products that you can buy that will restore "erased" files for you if you ever erase a file by accident, as long as the same area wasn't used by another program. The commercial stuff only goes back one layer. This can work even after a drive has been formatted, I've had to use it a few times to access data when I've accidently erased some files.

I'm sure all the gun forums are monitored, after all, we are terrorists clinging to our guns and bibles. I imagine from some the things I say that I'm on some lists. And not just the things we say in public are recorded, our emails and PM's are monitored too. The newsletters we subscribe too, and everthing about your online life can be stored in your file if you are a "person of interest".
I worked in the computer network part of a very large corporation and they thought nothing of going through certain people's emails. Of course they could deny they ever did it, if questioned about it, and it's very difficult to prove. Unless they confiscate your hard drive and go through it.
Everything you type ends up on a file somewhere. The internet and your email is not private at all, they use it to track terrorists or anyone they choose to label terrorist all the time. Everything is backed up for future reference in case the government needs an email you sent 2 years ago. I've worked in Data Processing all my life, and have been involved in PC's and the Internet since they first got started. I've seen how we've had to send what people thought were personal files off to the Underground Vault and Storage Company conveniently located close to Wichita KS. 7 years was typically what it was kept for. Iron Mountain (PA?) is another destination for back ups. We have the Patriot Act to thank for allowing much of the Government snooping under the banner of "Watching for Terrorists" be they arabs or the wannabe Timothy McVays. Nothing you say on your cell phone or cordless phone is secure. You can buy receivers to listen in on your neighbors cell phone conversations, so the courts have ruled that no wiretap request is needed to monitor cordless phone conversations, since you have no right to expect privacy on a cordless phone. Who knows how many cameras you appear on during a normal day. Big Brother IS watching and listening. Be careful what do and say.
I'm sure that the sheer capacity of people outraged over the government abuses keeps the monitors busy, so I don't worry about it too much. Certain Keywords will cause your communication to get pushed towards the top, anything like b-o-m-b, a-n-t-h-r-a-x, c-h-e-m-i-c-a-l w-e-a-p-o-n-s, N-u=c=l-e-a-r whatever, that sort of thing will get you noticed quicker. Even your google type searches are recorded for future use. So if you are googling something like how m-e-t-h is made, that get's recorded.
Or if you want to know how a-t-o-m-i-c b-o-m-b-s are made that might get your noticed. Put some hyphens in there to maybe fool the robots that go through your communications and flag them.
So really, no communication, even smail mail is secure from prying eyes if someone wants to see it bad enough. This post here may get pushed towards the top of someone's list, but since I shy away from illegal activities, I'm not very worried, except for the things they can plant on you and make you an offender. I've used so many of the "buzzwords" in this post, that I wouldnt be a bit surprised if some govt. stooge reads it.

MW surveyor
11-08-2011, 05:59 PM
No more early Waffle House meetings for me and my group any more!

MW surveyor
11-08-2011, 06:03 PM
thetmanski - I read it and you are in big trouble now!

11-08-2011, 06:11 PM
I'm always amused at when they bust someone for selling booze out the back door after hours, or someother minor offense, they always pile up the offender's guns and take a bunch of pics and crow about the tremendous amount of "illicit" guns that are now off the streets. Like they've really broken up some dangerous gang or something.

11-08-2011, 06:15 PM
Ok, thetmanski, I finally got ya. All these years of undercover on Kahrtalk finally paid big time. I'm really officer O'Malley with the CIA Covert Ops group. I want you to go lie down on the roof of your apartment building. I have you on satallite now. A black heliochopper will be along momentarily to take you into custody. Lie on your back with your pockets pulled out.
Anything you say ca...ah skip that you already did that.
Keep your feet spread and back em, or back em and spread em, a hell you know what to do.

I you so desire O'Dell and can't afford one well neither can I so your up the crick with no paddle.

Ok fella's lets take lunch at the waffle house.

11-08-2011, 07:06 PM
I'm too far away from any WaffleHouses.
Can't we just hold the world hostage for the huge sum of ..... drum roll please....... One Million dollars!!!!

Sorry, I was channeling Dr. Evil and I forgot the FBI was monitoring this board.

At least, the Over-The-Hill-Gang shouldn't have to spend much time in jail.

Any word on Eric Holder and his furiously fast friends? No? I didn't think so.
Hey, look over there!!! Isn't that Sarah Palin kicking a puppy?!!!:cool:

11-08-2011, 07:27 PM
Land line telephones are not secure either. After 9/11 there was a BIG push for all RBOC's to complete upgrades to meet CALEA requirements. They can tap your calls and no one ever knows.

11-08-2011, 07:51 PM
Land line telephones are not secure either. After 9/11 there was a BIG push for all RBOC's to complete upgrades to meet CALEA requirements. They can tap your calls and no one ever knows.

Calm down. Janet Reno....I mean Napalitano has declared open season on America. Pay no attention to that clicking noise on your phone.

You got a problem with that!!!:mad:
Ummmm, there's someone knocking on your door. Don't expect to be back for the next few years. Janet don't fool around.

This just in:
Don't panic! FEMA urges Americans not to worry as national alert system is tested

First-ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System to occur on November 9 at 2:00pm EST
Will last up to three-and-a-half minutes

By Daily Mail Reporter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Daily+Mail+Reporter)

Last updated at 11:15 AM on 7th November 2011

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2058344/Emergency-Alert-System-test-Wednesday-FEMA-FCC-tell-Americans-dont-panic.html#ixzz1dAYK2gke

11-08-2011, 08:01 PM
Calm down. Janet Reno....I mean Napalitano has declared open season on America. Pay no attention to that clicking noise on your phone.

You got a problem with that!!!:mad:
Ummmm, there's someone knocking on your door. Don't expect to be back for the next few years. Janet don't fool around.

This just in:
Don't panic! FEMA urges Americans not to worry as national alert system is tested

First-ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System to occur on November 9 at 2:00pm EST
Will last up to three-and-a-half minutes

By Daily Mail Reporter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Daily+Mail+Reporter)

Last updated at 11:15 AM on 7th November 2011

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2058344/Emergency-Alert-System-test-Wednesday-FEMA-FCC-tell-Americans-dont-panic.html#ixzz1dAYK2gke

As long as they don't have that mind reading machine working yet I'm in good shape. :D

Oh, just kidding Janet...

11-08-2011, 08:18 PM
As long as they don't have that mind reading machine working yet I'm in good shape. :D

Oh, just kidding Janet...

I knew you were going to say that. I was notified earlier that you would try to joke your way out of some serious Political Malfeasance. It's too late. The helicopters have launched.

11-08-2011, 10:29 PM
I been up on the roof the last couple hours, if you ain't coming to get me I'm going to bed. It's starting to snow.

11-08-2011, 10:32 PM
I been up on the roof the last couple hours, if you ain't coming to get me I'm going to bed. It's starting to snow.

Crap I must have had the wrong coordinates. We picked up a dude on the roof, looked like a real rabble rouser.

Not you huh? Well we'll get him on something.

11-09-2011, 12:33 AM
O)n the more serious side, the spooks do have the massive computer system (Echelon) that "listens" for key words and funnels those to people for review. It's not a secret that it exists but just about everything else about it is.

And as far as reading rights, forget it. Under the terrorism act, suspects have no rights, don't get a call, and no attorney no matter how much money they have. The ones making the decisions over there scare me more than bad guys even though I'm completely harmless and my only consideration is my vote.

11-09-2011, 02:01 AM
Yes, pretty sad when you have more to fear of your own government than the terrorists.

11-09-2011, 08:59 AM
Many of the dire predictions made about Big Brother are coming true. The funny thing is, it's being implimented by liberals. They are following the storyline from the book 1984. Didn't they yell and scream against these policies back in the '60's and '70's? Now, THEY are the ones demanding searches, phone taps, surveillence and Stalinist police actions against American citizens.
Everything comes full circle.:cool:

11-09-2011, 09:36 AM
Here's the latest example of Big Brother.

The Fed Now Attaches GPS Systems to Your Car


It's getty very scary.

11-09-2011, 10:44 AM
Conspired to distribute cocaine.... He talked about getting some cocaine.
Oh, and that On-Star system... so helpful if you get in a wreck, it can be used to track you. Hell they can even track your cell phone.

les strat
11-09-2011, 11:06 AM
Many of the dire predictions made about Big Brother are coming true. The funny thing is, it's being implimented by liberals. They are following the storyline from the book 1984. Didn't they yell and scream against these policies back in the '60's and '70's? Now, THEY are the ones demanding searches, phone taps, surveillence and Stalinist police actions against American citizens.
Everything comes full circle.:cool:

If I recall correctly, Republicans (Bush) were the initiators of The Patriot Act.

I don't trust any of them, Rep or Dem. They're all big govt, just in different ways.

11-09-2011, 11:10 AM
It;s sad that my concerns are driven by Obama being president. My personal opinion is that behind his smiles he is entirely ruthless and will not hesitate to do whatever he can to further his cause. If any of the Republicans we had going back to Reagan were in office I would feel protected.

I do wish him well however because I have faith in the office that things will right themselves once he leaves office. If there's any wonder why we have term limits they should be answered now. All I can say is do all you can do to vote next year. Vote against Obama whoever runs against him.

I've had daydreams about the new president pausing between his oath and speach to sign some papers then in his inaugural speech announce that his first action was to sign an executive order exempting all states from mandatory compliance for Obamacare. That would bypass all the court stuff because if Obama could arbitrarily exempt one so can the new president. The the next thing would to be to announce new interim Attorney General and Homeland Defense leaders. Then he can say stand by because there are more to follow. Wouldn't that be grand!!

11-09-2011, 11:10 AM
I'm very angry with the republican leaders, they had all 3 branches for awhile and failed to accomplish anything to cut costs or balance the budget or trim the government back any. Instead we got the wonderful patriot act. They tried to compromise with the democrats instead of playing hardball like the dems did when they took over.

11-09-2011, 11:53 AM
I'm very angry with the republican leaders, they had all 3 branches for awhile and failed to accomplish anything to cut costs or balance the budget or trim the government back any. Instead we got the wonderful patriot act. They tried to compromise with the democrats instead of playing hardball like the dems did when they took over.

Yep, me too, but I resigned from the party in 1995. They seems to have checked their guts at the door. I left the party partly because I felt Newt backed down too often. Now he's looking better and better. At least I don't get nearly as many demands for money from the Libertarians.

As far as computers are concerned, I really don't have much on mine to worry about, except comments in forums like KahrTalk. However for years, I have been using a program to delete files that re-writes seven times over the deleted item. I understand that that's the government standard or at least it used to be.

11-09-2011, 02:21 PM
I'm too far away from any WaffleHouses.
Can't we just hold the world hostage for the huge sum of ..... drum roll please....... One Million dollars!!!!

Sorry, I was channeling Dr. Evil and I forgot the FBI was monitoring this board.

At least, the Over-The-Hill-Gang shouldn't have to spend much time in jail.

Any word on Eric Holder and his furiously fast friends? No? I didn't think so.
Hey, look over there!!! Isn't that Sarah Palin kicking a puppy?!!!:cool:

WH's are pretty hard to miss around here - there are four within three miles of my house. I can't leave the area without passing one or more. Since I've been banned from the Diner, there's not too many other choices for my afternoon coffee. I usually hit McD's in the morning since coffee's only 41c, but later in the day it's a problem. Plus, we have to go a couple of times a week at night, because Vickie's addicted to their pork chops.

I heard a short report on the radio news yesterday about Holder and F&F. The news is only 3 or 4 minutes every half hour so they just hit the highlights. Obviously not everyone has forgotten. BTW, that wasn't Palin, it was Pelosi.

11-09-2011, 05:08 PM
Why did you get banned from the diner, O'Dell? I'd figure they would want your continued business. Slip them a counterfeit? ;)

Sent using Tapatalk

11-09-2011, 09:04 PM
Vickie and Amy, the new owner?, are in a huge feud - Amy has never paid Vickie a nickel although she tells everyone she paid $90,000. She has been using all of Vickie's equipment for months for free. Plus, Amy embezzled several thousand by grabbing the security deposits on the lease, credit card account, and other services. I am Vickie's best friend and as it is known now, a partial owner. It's mostly guilt by association. We were going to pull all the equipment out this weekend via a court order and see how much business she could do with four bare walls. However, we learned yesterday that Amy will be evicted in two weeks for nonpayment so it won't be necessary. We already have a contract for another sale.

11-09-2011, 09:20 PM

Did Vickie fly the helicopter or buy the diner? I'm more confused than normal.

And, by the way, the WaffleHouse never gave permission for ANYONE to be best friends with anyone else. If she's evicted, Joe Biden is obliged to pay for room and board for twenty five months.

P.S. I got caught picking my toes in Newark.... paid my dues and still wear the scars. That should settle all doubts about my commitment to the cause.

Back at'cha.... as Daffy Duck says "Whoooo Hooo."

mr surveyor
11-09-2011, 09:50 PM
now that's a "shiny post" if I ever saw one.


11-09-2011, 10:06 PM
now that's a "shiny post" if I ever saw one.


Did I mention the seriousness of "Whoooo Hooo" ?

If I gotta come back to it, Amy and Vickie are going to be upset more than any credit card and service issues.... I garoonteee yew that.

11-09-2011, 10:10 PM
Shiny?? Did someone say Shiny?? Where??!! Lookie, there's shiny!

11-09-2011, 10:33 PM
I'll bite.
"Shiny post" means......?

11-09-2011, 11:10 PM
Came from a post a while back.

Shiny.... as in on one path of thought and conversation and then along comes something "Shiny" that distracts everything from the original post. Easily distracted. as in "Oh! what's that... Oooooo Ahaaaaaa Shiny..... what was I saying?????"

I'm guilty of being distracted too.

Post a picture of an attractive, or even an unattractive person in a random post and watch it go off track.

11-09-2011, 11:18 PM

Got it..... shiny thingy... ooooh looky over there.

Now getting back to the WaffleHouse and Vickie....:D

11-09-2011, 11:20 PM
I introduced "shiny" from a neighbor's kid who has a distinct lack of concentration. She will be talking in depth about something and a bird will fly be and she not just gets distracted for a moment but switches tracks so fast you get whiplash. Her dad was telling me about it by saying she is talking and "OH LOOK, SHINY!" That is a pretty good application for our frequent derailment of threads here. Unlike many forums, it is tolerated to a point as the side trip often adds color or depth to the main points.

As my sig point states, "A 'thread' doesn't always have to have a needle with it." That was courtesy of Jocko who I understand is off to Rome. I hope he finds a decent cup of coffee. Thee is a little bistro, or do they call them something else over there, along the avenue where I saw a real pretty young lady who took a fancy to me. Oh look, shiny!

11-09-2011, 11:28 PM
Would the current Herman Cain distraction be considered "shiny thingy?"

Obama and Eric Holder are about to be cornered and Lo' and behold...look over there....isn't that Herman Cain with a white woman???!!!

The ultimate razzle-dazzle.:cool:

11-10-2011, 11:34 AM
I try very hard to avoid the debates and most speeches because I seem to get upset at the lack of common sense prevalent in the candidates. They are the epitome of political correctness trying to dance on the head of a pin depending on which audience they are in front of. Cain really is different. I fail to understand how his tax plan can possibly do all he says it will, but it's obvious he is convinced and he sticks to it for all audiences.

Then along comes Gloria Allred dragging another paid off "abused" woman in front of the press. She destroyed Meg Whitman's campaign for CA governor by putting that poor illegal immigrant making only $60K a year who lied on her employment application that she was legal blaming it all on Meg.

Well that was a success so now she's doing the same trying to destroy Cain's campaign. The more I've thought about that the more angry I get. I really, sincerely, honestly, do hope Cain will sue both Allred and the woman for libel, slander and Allred for malpractice and after taking office and installing a new interim AG, charge her for election tampering. The only way he stands a chance of stopping this nonsense is a bold aggressive approach and suing for $30M each would be that.

11-10-2011, 12:36 PM
I try very hard to avoid the debates and most speeches because I seem to get upset at the lack of common sense prevalent in the candidates. They are the epitome of political correctness trying to dance on the head of a pin depending on which audience they are in front of. Cain really is different. I fail to understand how his tax plan can possibly do all he says it will, but it's obvious he is convinced and he sticks to it for all audiences.

Then along comes Gloria Allred dragging another paid off "abused" woman in front of the press. She destroyed Meg Whitman's campaign for CA governor by putting that poor illegal immigrant making only $60K a year who lied on her employment application that she was legal blaming it all on Meg.

Well that was a success so now she's doing the same trying to destroy Cain's campaign. The more I've thought about that the more angry I get. I really, sincerely, honestly, do hope Cain will sue both Allred and the woman for libel, slander and Allred for malpractice and after taking office and installing a new interim AG, charge her for election tampering. The only way he stands a chance of stopping this nonsense is a bold aggressive approach and suing for $30M each would be that.

Boortz brought up an interesting point this morning. Cain Worked for the Navy, Coca-cola, Pillsbury, Godfathers, Federal Reserve, and other corporations, but the only charges come from the short time he was with The National Restaurant Assoc., which is based in Chicago, I believe. Anyone else make a connection?

11-10-2011, 01:02 PM
Boortz also pointed out how some people used computerized layered voice analysis, which is used by a lot of police agencies and insurance investigators and said to be more effective than the old lie detectors at determining the truthfulness of people, to analyze Herman Cain's response to the woman's question about the accusations during the debate last night. He passed with flying colors. They also had some interesting things to say about the attitude of the woman reporter. I hope they do it when and if they do any more press conferences with those lying women.

11-10-2011, 01:07 PM
Boortz brought up an interesting point this morning. Cain Worked for the Navy, Coca-cola, Pillsbury, Godfathers, Federal Reserve, and other corporations, but the only charges come from the short time he was with The National Restaurant Assoc., which is based in Chicago, I believe. Anyone else make a connection?

Yeah, food is an aphrodisiac for hermie?

11-10-2011, 01:10 PM
Yeah, food is an aphrodisiac for hermie?

What about Pillsbury and Godfathers Pizza?

11-10-2011, 03:31 PM
I just love the snide comment from Gloria Allred when she heard Cain hired an attorney.
"I find it interesting he feels to need to hire an attorney."

Yeah, B***h.... you forced him into getting legal help. AND how dare you question someone's decision to hire a lawyer....
I'll get back to you later, I'm spitting mad.

11-10-2011, 03:36 PM
What do expect from a woman so ugly that her momma had to stick pork chops in her pockets to get the dog to play with her...She's just jealous...

11-10-2011, 04:58 PM
Anyway to get back to where this thread started, here is an update on the 4 grumpy old men terrorist suspects...It seems that Fred Thomas had over 50 pistols, rifles (some of the assault weapon type, :eek:) and 50,000 rounds of various ammo which the paper really played up because some if it was "sniper rifle ammo" whatever that is and he also had some "sub sonic" pistol ammo which the paper also made a real big deal out of because they said it is only used with a silencer which was also confiscated and of everything in Fred's collection it was the only item he didn't have a license for...I"m just glad he didn't have any "cop killer ammo" or it would have been straight to death row.....

The FBI confiscated everything and good luck Fred ever getting any of those back...They also said they found caster beans growing on his farm which isn't illegal because they make caster oil out of them and they grow wild but the FBI insisted the men were going to manufacture risin and mass kill everyone in Atlanta...

The 4 are still behind bars and no bail has been set by the Federal Judge and Fred is having a tough go of it due to having COPD emphysema, and barely being able to walk due to chronic back trouble but the Feds insist he was planning mass murder and mayhem against Government officials....Fred's wife says that he loves his country, is a retired Navy Vet and a patriot and wouldn't hurt a fly...

The real kicker is that the confidential informant was a convicted child molester...Nothing but the best for the FBI...This whole case smells like a crock and I hope they will be able to beat the case but even if they do it will cost them everything they have and whats left of their lives will never be the same...:mad:

11-10-2011, 05:22 PM
Of course this whole incident smells like a crock....it is.

Napolitano, Obamba, & Hillary have a distinct hatred of America. They are willing to smear, distroy and frame anyone to further their goals. Setting up "Straw Men" has worked for them before and it'll work again in the future.

11-10-2011, 05:27 PM
The FBI usually doesn't arrest people for idle chit-chat. Not knowing what, if any evidence exists, I find it hard to believe there is no fire where there's smoke that attracted so much attention.

11-10-2011, 05:53 PM
I try hard not to be a conspiracy theorist, but with this administration, I can't help it. Yes the FBI and CIA and NSA are usually ethical agencies... BUT, politics has become very bloody. Winning by any means has become the norm. If some poor citizen has to be sacrificed, so be it.

Manipulating the media has far and away exceeded the need to be truthful.

11-10-2011, 07:55 PM
I try hard not to be a conspiracy theorist, but with this administration, I can't help it. Yes the FBI and CIA and NSA are usually ethical agencies... BUT, politics has become very bloody. Winning by any means has become the norm. If some poor citizen has to be sacrificed, so be it.

Manipulating the media has far any away exceeded the need to be truthful.

There was a FBI person that I had a conversation with one time recently. We were comparing some of the ridiculous ways that my company and her agency do business. I was talking about how my company puts those that do not understand the task in charge of running the show. She said they have to consult the ACLU before making decisions on how they handle some bust more often that you would believe. I think her agency won the ridiculous prize.

08-23-2012, 01:25 PM
Is this Russia!!!!...:confused:...Here is an update to this post started last November when the so called old geezer terriorist crew were indicted for talking to FBI informant Joe Simms (let out of jail for child molesting if he would agree to be a Government informant) in a local Waffle House....

Today former veterans Frederick Thomas 73 and his friend Dan Roberts 68 were senenced to 5 years each in Federal Prison for making terioristic threats against the Government to the informant who admitted in the trial to pushing the group to go forward with the plans they were only talking about which both Thomas and Roberts said was just a bunch of old soldiers drinking coffee and talking bull chit and that they had no plans to really do anything they were talking about...

At one point the informant admitted that he pressured the men further by implying that if they didn't go forward with their plans that their families would be harmed (Your Government at work)....The only illegal thing really found in the whole case was that Thomas had purchased a pistol suppressor without getting the proper paperwork....

In Thomas's case 5 years means a life (death) sentence in prison as he has COPD Emphysema and congestive heart disease and most likely won't live that long, all for something he SAID...(so much for the 1st amendment)...So watch what you say folks, Big Brother is listening and will make you disappear if you say something they don't like...The other two old gentlemen in the case will be sentenced later this month...good luck guys!!!

This is no longer the country I was born and raised in and if the anointed one gets a 2nd term it's gonna be game on against the America we once knew!!!...:mad:

08-23-2012, 01:36 PM
Is this Russia!!!!...:confused:...Here is an update to this post started last November when the so called old geezer terriorist crew were indicted for talking to FBI informant Joe Simms (let out of jail for child molesting if he would agree to be a Government informant) in a local Waffle House....

Today former veterans Frederick Thomas 73 and his friend Dan Roberts 68 were senenced to 5 years each in Federal Prison for making terioristic threats against the Government to the informant who admitted in the trial to pushing the group to go forward with the plans they were only talking about which both Thomas and Roberts said was just a bunch of old soldiers drinking coffee and talking bull chit and that they had no plans to really do anything they were talking about...

At one point the informant admitted that he pressured the men further by implying that if they didn't go forward with their plans that their families would be harmed (Your Government at work)....The only illegal thing really found in the whole case was that Thomas had purchased a pistol suppressor without getting the proper paperwork....

In Thomas's case 5 years means a life (death) sentence in prison as he has COPD Emphysema and congestive heart disease and most likely won't live that long, all for something he SAID...(so much for the 1st amendment)...So watch what you say folks, Big Brother is listening and will make you disappear if you say something they don't like...The other two old gentlemen in the case will be sentenced later this month...good luck guys!!!

This is no longer the country I was born and raised in and if the anointed one gets a 2nd term it's gonna be game on against the America we once knew!!!...:mad:

I guess I'm naive.
Or maybe just living in denial.
But I'd like to believe that some folks working for these agencies have lines they will not cross.
That enough Americans can see clearly through the miss-information to change the course of things.
Even in the worst case scenario and the plague of Obamanation continues for four more years.
Our forefathers had the wisdom to see something like this as a possibility.
And put a two term limit on the presidency.

We are resilient and will survive.
I'm just not sure at what cost...

08-23-2012, 01:45 PM
The eff-bee-eye is developing a reputation for creating fake terror plots and having confidential informants push people into "crimes", otherwise known as ENTRAPMENT.


08-23-2012, 02:01 PM
The eff-bee-eye is developing a reputation for creating fake terror plots and having confidential informants push people into "crimes", otherwise known as ENTRAPMENT.


A reputation with what group? You have some idea what transpired in this particular case? If someone is motivated to murder because of some delusion, and the FBI prevents murders by stopping the act before it happens, most people would call that a GOOD THING.

How would you do to stop these bastards that want to kill you and your family?

08-23-2012, 02:13 PM
ripley16 -- What are you getting so hot and bothered about? Do you like entrapment? In the case of the old geezers in Georgia and also in the case of the Newburgh Four, the feds were the ones using confidential informants to direct the people who were ultimately arrested into committing the acts for which they were arrested. Or maybe you just didn't bother to read the link...

08-23-2012, 02:16 PM
The first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 was an FBI sting operation that got away from them ending in innocent people getting killed...There is widespread belief that Timothy McVeigh had undercover (Gov) help to pull off his deed....Fast and Furious was supposed to be a Government undercover plot that got away from ATF so there is long history of Federal law enforcement getting out of control trying to make so called domestic terriorism into much more of an issue than it really is to grow their agencies importance, status and payroll...

Now where did I leave my tinfoil?...:crazy:

08-23-2012, 02:23 PM

In a different vein some people denounce the possibilty that "black helicoptors" even exsist. While I do not have any photos I have seen them on more than one occasion. I KNOW they exsist tho I can not prove this unless perhaps you would believe me and a family member who has also seen them.

08-23-2012, 02:28 PM

In a different vein some people denounce the possibilty that "black helicoptors" even exsist. While I do not have any photos I have seen them on more than one occasion. I KNOW they exsist tho I can not prove this unless perhaps you would believe me and a family member who has also seen them.

Last I heard, the "black helicopters" were going away and being replaced by drones :eek:

10-01-2012, 08:19 PM
It;s sad that my concerns are driven by Obama being president. My personal opinion is that behind his smiles he is entirely ruthless and will not hesitate to do whatever he can to further his cause. If any of the Republicans we had going back to Reagan were in office I would feel protected.

I do wish him well however because I have faith in the office that things will right themselves once he leaves office. If there's any wonder why we have term limits they should be answered now. All I can say is do all you can do to vote next year. Vote against Obama whoever runs against him.

I've had daydreams about the new president pausing between his oath and speach to sign some papers then in his inaugural speech announce that his first action was to sign an executive order exempting all states from mandatory compliance for Obamacare. That would bypass all the court stuff because if Obama could arbitrarily exempt one so can the new president. The the next thing would to be to announce new interim Attorney General and Homeland Defense leaders. Then he can say stand by because there are more to follow. Wouldn't that be grand!!
you cant be serious, Bush senior was big in pushing this country toward the NWO (New Worl Order) this mess started long before Obama, im not defending him, just saying this has been in the works fo years and the Republicans play as big of a role as the Dems.

10-01-2012, 09:41 PM
you cant be serious, Bush senior was big in pushing this country toward the NWO (New Worl Order) this mess started long before Obama, im not defending him, just saying this has been in the works fo years and the Republicans play as big of a role as the Dems.

Sure you're defending Obama. As much as I disliked the Bushes, particularly 43, for his financial irresponsibility, just mentioning them in the same sentence as Obama is defending him. Of course some of the mess started before Obama, but it started in a Democratic Congress, not in the White House.