View Full Version : 11-11-11 Remembrance of Our Armed Forces

11-11-2011, 01:21 PM
It's that time again, to remember and thank those who serve our great nation... past and present, who have helped Her stay FREE. We should do this every day, but this is the day to focus on their service and reflect on their endeavors and sacrifices... and to give HONOR and our thanks to all of our men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces... heroes all... who serve all over the world to further the cause of freedom... ultimately contributing to the freedom and prosperity of our great country. Many have suffered greatly and even made their ultimate contributions with their very lives in the service of our nation.

Without these heroic efforts, we would surely not be blessed with the liberty and opportunities that our citizens enjoy. Many take these things for granted and even cry for more "rights"... tangible things taken from those who produce the wealth of our country. That's not why our country was founded.

Our forefathers came to this place to start a new life without the oppression of tyrants and repressive religion... to start a new life with opportunities not available in their homelands. It has taken much blood and effort... many lives and fortunes spent to establish our nation... AND to keep it free. Many would have the weapons turned into farm implements and disband our military, but we've seen that the meek and defenseless only inherit enough space for their burial.

Our country is the Shining Example of Freedom to the world... and much despised by many, as such, because the tyrants and oppressive religions in other lands see us a a threat to their continued dominance of their subject populace. These despots would like nothing better than to see us fail or destroyed. It is our Armed Forces who stand in defense of our continued freedom... here and abroad.

For all of the things we enjoy... our freedoms and other blessings... we owe a great debt of gratitude to all of the men and women, past, present, and future who stand and defend us and our way of life. It is a never ending battle and we dare not let our guard down, for there are many who would like to plunder and destroy our great Nation... foreign and domestic.

Many of us have served in the military and contributed to the cause of freedom, but we still owe our profound thanks for all that we have to all of the others... living and dead, who gave their all to preserve our way of life... our Veterans.

Thanks and God Bless you all.



11-11-2011, 01:32 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself.

11-11-2011, 02:05 PM
Very well said wyntrout. Let's give thanks to those who served. And let's pause to honor those who never came back from their mission.

I would also like to mention the outstanding service our current vets are doing. They stepped up to the plate and exceeded all expectations during their time in the middle east. I was choked up with pride on so many tales of heroism and camaraderie. You were magnificent.
Many were asked to pull multiple tours. It's difficult to imagine the hardship this put on them and their families. Hopefully things will slow down a bit and they can settle down to a more "normal" life.
Welcome home.

11-11-2011, 02:59 PM
Thank you for that very eloquent post wyntrout, very well said....I watched the History Channels 3 night Vietnam series this week which was excellent and I saw many film clips that I had never seen before but last night was especially hard to watch as they told the true story of Hamburger Hill or hill 937 as the Army called it and the horrors those brave young men went through to take that heavily fortified God forsaken hill and then after all the blood and guts being spilled and lives lost the commanders said to just abandon it and walk away and not hold it which is what you do in war, capture and hold ground and then 14 days later the NVA took the abandoned hill back without a shot being fired... What an awful terrible waste of life and a crying shame...

What really had me in tears though was the vets telling their story of being attacked and spat upon when returning to the states... They didn't deserve that after all they had been through just doing their duty to our nation...What a sad sorry awful time in our countries history...I was 16 when the war ended and through the Grace of God was spared the hell they went through but I will forever feel guilty that I didn't do my part...

My best friend Mike's older brother was killed over there when the Huey he was in was shot down along with his first cousin a few weeks later in another battle and their family was never the same...His father died soon after from a heart attack they said but I think it was simply a broken heart ...We owe so much to the brave men and women in the millitary and I for one feel it's a debt I can never ever repay...God Bless them all and God Bless the United States of America!!!...