View Full Version : New CM9...first range report

11-12-2011, 06:54 AM
I'm breaking mine in now. Bought a CM9 last week-end. I'm following the break-in recommendations on this forum. I also followed the recommendations for lubing the gun. It appears to prefer to be run a bit "wet". First range session I fired about 175 rounds. My primary break-in round is a European surplus 9mm FMJ I have a bunch of. I would rate them as being on the "hot side" as factory 9mm rounds go. These were bought for a Sten Gun, and function flawlessly in that application. After the first couple of magazines of this round through the new CM9, it took them without a hiccup for the rest of the day. I also took several other types of 9mm rounds I've had lying around to the range, as much to use'em up for the break-in as anything. It was interesting to see how the pistol handled each one though. Mixed factory JHP's were no problem especially after a few magazines had been run through. I have a cast load I make up in quantity for my Browning Hi-Power. It has proven utterly reliable in that pistol for years. Initially, the CM9 didn't handle it well. As the session progressed, the little pistol became more tolerant of those mild cast bullet reloads. At the beginning, it wouldn't function well with them at all...by the end it was taking magazines of the cast reloads without problems.
The trigger of the CM9 is suprisingly good for a DAO pistol. I've never had one like this before(DAO). All shooting was done from 15 yds. using a target with a 3" bullseye. Slow fire offhand, taking my time, I could reliably keep'em in or "next to" the bull. Shooting faster...bring it up to eye level and fire quickly...keeping them on the 8.5 x 11 sheet of target paper wasn't too tough. For a first session, especially with my old eyes...I'm satisfied. With regular range work, I'm confident I'll be able to hit "minute of bad guy" with the little CM9 if necessary.
In summary....these Kahr CM9's appear to work just fine if properly handled. They are VERY "break-in sensitive". The literature that comes with them tells you to expect a 200 round break-in period. I definitely saw it with mine. If you want a new gun you can take out of the box...load up with any 9mm on the market and be ready to defend your life...this isn't it. For me, the prep. and break-in issues do not outweigh it's inherent "carry-ability" which exceeds anything else I've tried. FWIW...I carried a borrowed Glock 26 for a little while, just for a test, and disliked it enough that I never took it to the range for further evaluation. Living in Florida....choosing a carry ALL THE TIME defensive handgun involves making some compromises. When you go down the "compromise road"..only YOU can decide which parameters you won't trade-off and which ones can be compromised. The Kahr CM9 meets my most important criteria, which are: being on me..ALL THE TIME and being utterly reliable. Those are my primary requirements. Yours may be different.

11-12-2011, 08:36 AM
You have listed all the right reasons for picking a carry pistol! I have both a CW9 and a CM9. They are well made reliable pistols. I carry one or the other, shoot safe!

-- Richard

11-12-2011, 10:23 AM
So the bottom line, for those of us about to purchase a CM9, is follow the break-in and lube recommendations and be patient for those first 200 rounds? Does doing that alleviate most of the problems people report? Sounds like the tight tolerances on the Kahrs require a little shooting time to loosen up ...

I rented a PM9 at the range a couple of weeks ago and really liked it. But then, that had been well broken-in by then.


11-12-2011, 10:53 AM
Mike, of course I can't speak for anyone else, nor diagnose their issues from here. I read enough on the net..this forum and a couple of others, to gain a pretty good understanding of the Kahr CM9 before buying one. I cleaned, lubed and "racked" (with trigger pulls) my brand new CM9...for a week before ever taking it to the range.
Even so...I defnitely observed a "break-in" occurring during my range session. I'll be doing a lot more range work with this pistol, including testing a couple of defensive "carry rounds" before I start carrying it everyday. Right now, I'm very comfortable carrying it loaded with the FMJ rounds I mentioned in my report. I'll find another however before too long...AND a holster..or holsters. Still working on that.

11-12-2011, 11:23 AM
Full power loads are a definite plus during the break in too. I think under powered loads lead to issues early on as well.
While they are not usually ammo sensitive once they are broken in they seem to thrive better on full power.

A little wet seems to be a common denominator as well.

11-12-2011, 11:43 AM
Guido, THANK YOU for your report! You nailed it and this is the message we preach from our collective soapbox. As Bawanna (smart man) said, the extra power helps break-in. It helps overcome the additional friction of break-in and that supports good feeds. Same with running wet initially. But once housebroke it's a really great little puppy with a serious bite.

11-12-2011, 12:48 PM
Thanks, Guido, and Bawanna and OldLincoln. I really liked the PM9 I shot -- OK, trigger is a little different than my Glock 19 -- but after 50 rounds or so, it felt pretty natural to me.

Now I feel that CM9 calling to me!

11-12-2011, 02:12 PM
Thank you for the range report, I was very apprehensive on purchase of the cm9 but followed the clean and lube and only had 1 issue, with a nosedive on a JHP other wise great little pistol, Today was first day for me to carry, And yes they seem to like to run wet, after initial clean with break cleaner I was a little over indulgent with gun oil (Hopps) EXCEPT in points 9,7 &8 of the lube Diagram. Points 6,2,5 needed an Oil spill clean up crew:p

Now to find a truck load of 115gr Remington MC (green white box) that is affordable

11-12-2011, 03:36 PM
Points 6,2,5 needed an Oil spill clean up crew
That's one reason I repeat use grease in 6. Look at the chart and you see it states "Coat" for all except #5. Coat = Grease.

11-13-2011, 04:06 AM
Thanks for the comments folks.
FWIW...to "coat" I'm using a very small paint brush. Tried a Q-tip and made a big mess.

11-13-2011, 06:42 AM
When I use grease I use my finger tip to apply it exactly where I want it to go, then just wash my hands. Works for me.;)