View Full Version : jocko

01-15-2010, 11:20 AM
Hi jocko, I purposely stayed out of dietrich's last thread because I could see where that was going...I know he didn't mean for it to end up like it did... perhaps we should in the future avoid politics and religion and stick to what we enjoy, burning powder and kicking brass!!! jocko I hope you will reconsider and will come back to Kahr Talk....I'm sure no one meant to make you mad or hurt your feelings, We need differing opinions and sometimes we just have to agree to disagree on a subject...Happens with my wife and myself all the time but she always believes she is right!!! Anyway please come on back...we need your knowledge and opinions here and besides you are the only one that types worse than me....I also think what Kahr Talk needs is a good clean joke/humor forum to take the edge off sometimes...What to y'all think:)

01-15-2010, 11:45 AM
What you said -- yes... absolutely there's a place for everyone here 'cause we do have things in common and it's nice to share experiences, knowledge, AND humor. Jocko definitely did/does all of that, and I hope that he will reconsider his decision.

01-15-2010, 11:49 AM
I’ll 2nd that one regarding the typing and wanting him as part of the forum. But stay away from politics? Hmm, don’t know about that one. Ya, we all could use a good joke/humor when sometimes it seems like the excrement is hitting the whirly-gig.
A taxidermist from Connecticut decides to take a vacation to New Hampshire. After arriving, he decides to visit the local watering hole. As he enters the bar he notices all eyes are on him and there is an uncomfortable feeling in the air. The taxidermist approaches the bar and asks the bartender for a beer. After handing the beer to him the barkeep says, "don't think I've seen you around here before, where you from and what do you do?" The taxidermist answers, "I’m from Connecticut and I mount animals. "Oh," the bartender says, "it’s ok boys, he's one of us!":D

01-15-2010, 11:58 AM
What the &*%$ is going on here? What thread are you guys on? Jocko has said many times he is thicked skinned. I find it hard to believe he is now all of a sudden leaving.

Du what?

There are 3 things that will get your dander up, according to Charlie Brown, politics, religion, and the Great Pumpkin.

Chief Joseph
01-15-2010, 12:14 PM
Owning guns and not being political in this day and age is not possible. In washington state right now a senator from seattle is proposing another gun ban. If we go to sleep for "politeness" sake, we could well wake up disarmed.

01-15-2010, 05:43 PM
I sent Jocko a PM during the furor this morning and he replied with a lengthy message.I believe that he feels he needs a break.I respect his decision even though I wish he`d stick around.His absence will deprive all of us of a wealth of information.Hopefully,his sabbatical will be a short one.He is a good man as are you all.
I don`t believe for a minute that as citizens and gunowners we can avoid political discussions.The whole enchilada is political.However,I do believe as ladies and gentlemen we can engage in intelligent discourse without stepping on each others toes too badly.I am not trying and will not try to affix any blame for the little fireworks display this morning, for to do so would be counter-productive. I do urge all of you to take a deep breath,shake hands and get ready to take on our counterparts on the other side of the aisle.Let us redouble our efforts to treat each other with friendly and respectful courtesy.Even when we get ticked off. :typing:

01-16-2010, 08:44 AM
I think keeping things firearms related is a good policy. Politics should stick to 2A stuff. Mind you I believe that means it is fair game to be critical of openly anti-gun politicians, and that obviously includes Mr. Obama. Any of my good Illinois friends would confirm that.


01-16-2010, 09:43 AM
I walked away for five minutes and look what happens! Actually, I have no idea what happened, but from what I surmise there were some , let's just say, less then friendly comments made and feelings were hurt. Listen boys, this is a fine forum and great place to come and relax and talk about our Kahr's. Each and every one of us is entitled to our opinions and they do not all have to be the same. How boring would that be?

Remember, this is America, there are all types with differing opinions are welcome or at least when I grew they were welcome. That is what this country is about or used to be, anyway. Some of you may be surprised to learn that there are liberals or more left leaning folks who love guns. Yes, it's true. There is NO ownership of the Second Amendment by one party or one view. The second amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution, not the conservative or right wing constitution, but the US consititution.

On a more personal note, something that has really bothered me for the last X number of years, is the polarization of the people in this country....there no longer seems to be civil discourse and we all must be pigeon holed into a "right or left" box. The Politicians like it that way and feed it to us every day with the likes of Fox and MSNBC.

Remember "Divided We Fall".

Just my 2 cents worth.

01-16-2010, 09:55 AM
I walked away for five minutes and look what happens! Actually, I have no idea what happened, but from what I surmise there were some , let's just say, less then friendly comments made and feelings were hurt. Listen boys, this is a fine forum and great place to come and relax and talk about our Kahr's. Each and every one of us is entitled to our opinions and they do not all have to be the same. How boring would that be?

Remember, this is America, there are all types with differing opinions are welcome or at least when I grew they were welcome. That is what this country is about or used to be, anyway. Some of you may be surprised to learn that there are liberals or more left leaning folks who love guns. Yes, it's true. There is NO ownership of the Second Amendment by one party or one view. The second amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution, not the conservative or right wing constitution, but the US consititution.

On a more personal note, something that has really bothered me for the last X number of years, is the polarization of the people in this country....there no longer seems to be civil discourse and we all must be pigeon holed into a "right or left" box. The Politicians like it that way and feed it to us every day with the likes of Fox and MSNBC.

Remember "Divided We Fall".

Just my 2 cents worth.


^^That is the smartest (non Kahr related) thing that has been said on this forum since I have been here.

01-16-2010, 11:44 AM
I walked away for five minutes and look what happens! Actually, I have no idea what happened, but from what I surmise there were some , let's just say, less then friendly comments made and feelings were hurt. Listen boys, this is a fine forum and great place to come and relax and talk about our Kahr's. Each and every one of us is entitled to our opinions and they do not all have to be the same. How boring would that be?

Remember, this is America, there are all types with differing opinions are welcome or at least when I grew they were welcome. That is what this country is about or used to be, anyway. Some of you may be surprised to learn that there are liberals or more left leaning folks who love guns. Yes, it's true. There is NO ownership of the Second Amendment by one party or one view. The second amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution, not the conservative or right wing constitution, but the US consititution.

On a more personal note, something that has really bothered me for the last X number of years, is the polarization of the people in this country....there no longer seems to be civil discourse and we all must be pigeon holed into a "right or left" box. The Politicians like it that way and feed it to us every day with the likes of Fox and MSNBC.

Remember "Divided We Fall".

Just my 2 cents worth.

+ another 1000
Please don't leave us for 5 minutes again, see what happens when we're not supervised. Besides we missed you!:)

Chief Joseph
01-16-2010, 12:59 PM
How about creating a 2nd amendment section here. There's one at the S&W forum I go to. It could be a place for us to discuss issues of gun control and such, and then leave the firearms area for just firearms. It works well over there.

01-16-2010, 02:15 PM
How about creating a 2nd amendment section here. There's one at the S&W forum I go to. It could be a place for us to discuss issues of gun control and such, and then leave the firearms area for just firearms. It works well over there.

Wouldn't the RKBA section work for this?

Chief Joseph
01-16-2010, 02:47 PM
Wouldn't the RKBA section work for this?

AAHHH! I browsed right over it and didn't even notice what it was. Very good.
I'll start posting things I find there. Thank you.

01-16-2010, 07:08 PM
I walked away for five minutes and look what happens! Actually, I have no idea what happened, but from what I surmise there were some , let's just say, less then friendly comments made and feelings were hurt. Listen boys, this is a fine forum and great place to come and relax and talk about our Kahr's. Each and every one of us is entitled to our opinions and they do not all have to be the same. How boring would that be?

Remember, this is America, there are all types with differing opinions are welcome or at least when I grew they were welcome. That is what this country is about or used to be, anyway. Some of you may be surprised to learn that there are liberals or more left leaning folks who love guns. Yes, it's true. There is NO ownership of the Second Amendment by one party or one view. The second amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution, not the conservative or right wing constitution, but the US consititution.

On a more personal note, something that has really bothered me for the last X number of years, is the polarization of the people in this country....there no longer seems to be civil discourse and we all must be pigeon holed into a "right or left" box. The Politicians like it that way and feed it to us every day with the likes of Fox and MSNBC.

Remember "Divided We Fall".

Just my 2 cents worth.

Another +1000 from me. You, mx5, exemplify why this is such a great forum. Thanks. And let me know if you need to leave the boys again. I'll sit in and keep an eye on them.

pacific nw guy
01-16-2010, 07:09 PM
give me a freaking break, this is an internet forum and if you cant handle a heated discussion you deserve to leave.....i have been off reading dodge forums lately because I bought a new truck but wow I come back to this? dietrich is a guy i kind of got into it with over shooting the dog and he took it and never acted like a 15 year old girl......jocko is a wealth of knowledge but also a little girl.....sorry to keep it real but that is the truth.

01-16-2010, 08:37 PM
Notwithstanding threats, profanity and vulgarity, I suggest you let it flow. If it is in the wrong section then the Mod should move it. BUt let's not place limits, add additional catagories or say no religion, politics, etc should be discussed.

So, I think too much is being made of this whole thing.

That, said...."I like this ship...it's so exciting here" I'm off KT for a day and all the cool stuff happens.....

01-17-2010, 10:45 AM
Another +1000 from me. You, mx5, exemplify why this is such a great forum. Thanks. And let me know if you need to leave the boys again. I'll sit in and keep an eye on them.

Thanks, Zena. You got it and I know you've got my back :angel:

01-17-2010, 05:44 PM
give me a freaking break, this is an internet forum and if you cant handle a heated discussion you deserve to leave.....i have been off reading dodge forums lately because I bought a new truck but wow I come back to this? dietrich is a guy i kind of got into it with over shooting the dog and he took it and never acted like a 15 year old girl......jocko is a wealth of knowledge but also a little girl.....sorry to keep it real but that is the truth.

A little compassion here might be in order. Mr John locked up the other thread due to ruffled feathers or some such thing all of which grew from nothing valid that I could ever figure out. I think in an effort to start with a clean slate we should refrain from kicking a man when he's down. I for one am hoping that Mr. Jocko comes back from his hiatus soon and helps stir the pot with the rest of us.

So glad you got a new truck. I'm sorry it had to be a Dodge. Now theres a title for heated discussion hopefully somewhere else where I'm not.

01-18-2010, 11:05 AM
Much ado about nothing IMHO. :blah:

My guess is Jocko likes his Kahrs too much to stay away.

He's already been lurking... :behindsofa: probably enjoying the hubbub.

Let's keep things civil and calm, as my mother taught... "Play nice" :cool: