View Full Version : Does it make sense to buy another gun when you haven't used all the ones you have?

11-17-2011, 07:33 PM
I know this has no right answer, but I'll pose the question here because it is an issue that I am struggling with:

Does it make sense to buy another gun when you have one or more than you have not used yet?

I'm sure that everyone would agree that you can never have enough guns, so that is beside the point.

There are always so many items on my wish list that if money were no issue, I would have a lot of unfired guns because I don't like to start with a new one until I can really concentrate on it and learn it. Right now I have one NIB gun that I got in Sept that I still haven't used except to dry fire. Yet I keep lusting after a number of other items that are on the top of my wish list.

I keep holding back on buying something new because of the unfired gun that is "blocking" any new purchases, which is perhaps a good thing because it keeps me from going broke. Does this make sense? How do the rest of you deal with this "problem"?

11-17-2011, 07:44 PM
I had a PM45 in my shopping cart at Bud's, but I chickened out. Just can't spend that kind of money right now. I may still make a purchase soon (of something half that price), but as you're struggling with, it's not something I need, just a kind of fetish object that makes me feel good.

11-17-2011, 07:44 PM
First, how can you have a new gun and not fire it?

Second, if you have the means - go for it!

11-17-2011, 08:02 PM
Absolutely not....but, what's your point?

11-17-2011, 08:08 PM
There may not be a tomorrow. If you got the money or a credit card that isn't maxed out or 5 credit cards that aren't maxed out buy it today. Don't delay. Only a finite amount of time but infinite number of guns to buy so don't waste a second on these silly mind games.

If you got the money honey, I got the time. I'll be your ridin pard.

11-17-2011, 08:24 PM
My solution has been to sell off a gun BEFORE purchasing another. Sometimes there's seller's remorse, but then it's quickly followed by buyers delight.:D

11-17-2011, 08:41 PM
Filthy rich people buy cars, boats, mansions, airplanes, etc, without using them, so what's the big deal with a $600.00 gun? That's how I justify it...and I'm not changing my tune. I say BUY!!! You'll get around to using it or you'll find something you like better and trade.

11-17-2011, 09:09 PM
Does it make sense not to use all the guns you have?

This is purely a logistical, or timing issue. ;)

11-17-2011, 09:45 PM
I don't know if it the norm or not, but I've reached the saturation point with 14 pistols and the 45 carbine. With the time I have available, it's becoming a chore just to get to the range and shoot them. I never take more than one or two guns at a time, because I hate to clean guns, and any more would be too daunting a task. I missed a chance earlier this week because the range was clogged with LEO's and I don't know when I'll get back. There are a couple of guns I would like to have like the perfect used P239 40 and Deltronics Combat Master 45 currently at my LGS, but I refuse to buy another unless I sell something. That won't happen because I have nothing I will part with. I know the guns don't care if they get shot or not, but I feel guilty having them and not exercising them.

11-18-2011, 06:07 AM
I don't know if it the norm or not, but I've reached the saturation point with 14 pistols and the 45 carbine. With the time I have available, it's becoming a chore just to get to the range and shoot them. I never take more than one or two guns at a time, because I hate to clean guns, and any more would be too daunting a task. I missed a chance earlier this week because the range was clogged with LEO's and I don't know when I'll get back. There are a couple of guns I would like to have like the perfect used P239 40 and Deltronics Combat Master 45 currently at my LGS, but I refuse to buy another unless I sell something. That won't happen because I have nothing I will part with. I know the guns don't care if they get shot or not, but I feel guilty having them and not exercising them.

This is pretty much the issue for me, although I am a couple guns short of you.

I look at - and drool over - many other guns, but I am not sure if spending a lot of money on yet another one will somehow improve my life. Thus my question to the group.

I have one unfired gun at the moment. While having an unfired gun might be unthinkable to some, I just haven't had the time to take it out and get used to it. I could just step out the back door and let loose with a few rounds just to say I shot it, but I see no point in that - and then like O'Dell points out, I would have yet another cleaning job.

For me, having an unfired gun stops me from buying something else - forcing me to "pace" my purchases until I have enjoyed what I have (and saved enough for the next one).

11-18-2011, 06:12 AM
Not to me it doesn't. If you don't shoot them or carry them then what the purpose of having them? To me sounds like a terrific waste of time and money. I don't do safe queens so maybe it's just me. I have much better and fun things to do with my money then to buy a gun shove it in a safe just so I can say I own it. Like my Harley, my guns get used. One rule I've always had in life. If I don't need it, or use it then I don't have it. Just a terrific waste of space and something else to clean. If I had a $1000 to spend on a gun to put in the safe or a $1000 to go on a Harley road trip. I'm packing my bags and heading out to wherever the front wheel takes me............http://harleytechtalk.org/htt/Smileys/classic/chopper_smilie.gif

Bill K
11-18-2011, 08:19 AM
Will you indeed be making use of the new purchase? If I were not making use of one of my guns at least several times a year it'd be up for sale or trade or given away.

11-18-2011, 08:54 AM
I did not know that one could have to many.......hmmm, something to ponder?

11-18-2011, 07:44 PM
Speaking as a Senior Member... Ok, Im kidding: Im not that pretentious! Anyway, The number of guns I keep at any given time is limited by the calibers of ammo that I want and/or can afford to keep. Over time I've evolved a "system" where my handgun collection ranges between 5 and 7 firearms at any given time. I generally go to the target range about once a month, rotating and taking a couple of different handguns with me each visit. That way, I dont get burnt-out cleaning a lot of firearms at any given time...and when I tire of a particular firearm(s) I sell or trade them for new ones, so that my collection continually turns-over with new arrivals and departures. As someone mentioned previously, my seller's remorse is generally overcome by buyer's delight.

11-18-2011, 07:54 PM
You guys are good and have great will power. To me buying a gun is like marriage, it's forever. I have divorced very few guns in my life, no wives yet, and I regret selling every single one.

I have guns I have never shot, some shot rarely but I love every one like it was the only one. I take em out and just hold em from time to time.

Guns are one of the very few things in life that never give me grief or piss me off. If they break I can set it down and cure it when I feel like it. They seldom break.

If it goes bang I want it, well I should clarify that some, nice guns. No KT's and such.

11-19-2011, 09:43 AM
You guys are good and have great will power. To me buying a gun is like marriage, it's forever. I have divorced very few guns in my life, no wives yet, and I regret selling every single one.

I have guns I have never shot, some shot rarely but I love every one like it was the only one. I take em out and just hold em from time to time.

Guns are one of the very few things in life that never give me grief or piss me off. If they break I can set it down and cure it when I feel like it. They seldom break.

If it goes bang I want it, well I should clarify that some, nice guns. No KT's and such.

That describes my feelings exactly.

Even though some of my guns have become favorites while others have not, I really can't stand the thought of parting with any of them. Perhaps it's because I put a lot of thought into the acquisition of each one and none of them were inexpensive. But then the same is true of my wife. :)

11-19-2011, 10:19 AM
That describes my feelings exactly.

Even though some of my guns have become favorites while others have not, I really can't stand the thought of parting with any of them. Perhaps it's because I put a lot of thought into the acquisition of each one and none of them were inexpensive. But then the same is true of my wife. :)

Most of mine are inexpensive and alot of them were free. The free ones are usually the most valuable too and the ones I cherish the most. One thing about my ongoing love for guns is friends who fall out of love with guns for whatever reason and old friends preparing for the river crossing know that they will be with me forever and I have no intention of selling them for profit.
I usually offer to help them sell them and find good homes with people who have money to pay, but many don't care about the money and just want the good home, that's where I come in. I'm not a vulture though and never ask or even suggest, I hate vultures circling around an old person looking for entitlements they don't deserve. Probably one of my biggest peeves is vultures.
So I have many precious treasures, many of these never shot, most shot at least a little and all shooters. I don't have any bajillion dollar collector wall hangers YET. I might start on those next year.

11-19-2011, 11:46 AM
You guys are good and have great will power. To me buying a gun is like marriage, it's forever. I have divorced very few guns in my life, no wives yet, and I regret selling every single one.

I have guns I have never shot, some shot rarely but I love every one like it was the only one. I take em out and just hold em from time to time.

Guns are one of the very few things in life that never give me grief or piss me off. If they break I can set it down and cure it when I feel like it. They seldom break.

If it goes bang I want it, well I should clarify that some, nice guns. No KT's and such.

I don't have any guns that I haven't shot. Even though it's hard, schedule wise, I want to be 100% sure that the gun functions properly, so I shoot them within a week or three of purchase. I have two, both 3" 1911's, that required some tweaks before I had confidence in them. The STI needed a new barrel and stronger recoil assy, and the Kimber required new mags. Both are now fully functional.

Due to computer aided design and manufacture, guns are much better today than they have ever been. In the ready information age, it's hard for a company to put out a bad gun, and if they do, everyone knows pretty quickly. 45 years ago, my first pistol was a Browning HP. As highly thought of as the HP was and is, it required some "tuning" by a Navy armorer before I would carry it as my service pistol. A couple of years later my Colt 1911, needed some work before I would trust it in competition.

In the last twenty years, I have only had three guns that didn't run right out of the box with proper prep, two Tauruses and a KT. I got rid of all three within a couple of months. Today, all my pistols are what I consider 'high line' in both price and quality except the inexpensive CW40 and LCP. Every one functions properly, including the two 'cheapies', and I wouldn't hang onto them if they didn't.

Tkr reptiles
11-19-2011, 12:23 PM
I have 4 guns right now that I haven't shot. Just haven't had the time yet, but I am always on the look for the next one. I have bought 7 handguns in the last 6 weeks or so. I don't plan to buy anything else until after the new year, but if I see something I want I will. To me you can never have enough. I just love em.

11-19-2011, 02:56 PM
I can't possibly answer this question.
The notion of buying a gun and not firing it is unfathomable to me.
I'm usually ordering ammo before I get the gun.
Even if it's headed to the gun shop for sights and whatever,
I still have to squeeze off a few rounds first.

Just like new girlfriends,
I can't go 24 hours before having to try her out!

That's just the way it is

11-19-2011, 06:14 PM
life is short and unpredictable - eat dessert first and buy the gun!

11-19-2011, 06:19 PM
Just like new girlfriends,
I can't go 24 hours before having to try her out!

That's just the way it is

With guns, it takes practice. With women, it takes endurance.

11-19-2011, 07:32 PM
With guns, it takes practice. With women, it takes endurance.

With women it takes both if you really want to be/get good at it. According to later model wife, inverse applies as well.

11-19-2011, 07:38 PM
The last several posts certainly illustrate the two main approaches to this "problem":

Use every gun right away
Buy lots of guns right away

I can see the reasoning behind each one. If money were no object, I would probably have a lot more guns than I do now, cuz my wish list is pretty long. I doubt they will stop making guns anytime soon, but I need these things NOW.

On the other hand, I'm not getting these things just to store away in the safe, like bars of gold (although there is some appeal to that). Guns are meant to be used, and should provide some value in return for all the money one spends.

So I appreciate the diverse perspectives here.

In my case:
- If I had more money, I would buy more guns.
- If I had more time, I would use my guns more.

Such a problem. Meanwhile, I have arbitrarily decided that because I have one unfired gun, I am going to wait until next year to buy any more. But then ...

11-19-2011, 09:59 PM
You are hitting a sensitive subject now. I'm just pondering what my next purchase may be and I'm asking myself do I really need another one now.....

11-19-2011, 10:07 PM
You are hitting a sensitive subject now. I'm just pondering what my next purchase may be and I'm asking myself do I really need another one now.....

Oh I always do that. Right now I got Mares Leg fever, a little cut down Winchester 92 copy by Rossi in for me 45 Colt of course.
I ask myself do I really need this now and I say to myself, self, Jeepster just got one! So my answer is hell yes I need this thing 2 weeks ago.

Now in addition to tracking down the Mares Leg I'm busy pondering next weeks desire that I probably don't really need and certainly can't afford but I may die money poor but I hope to be gun rich.

11-20-2011, 01:52 AM
Oh I always do that. Right now I got Mares Leg fever, a little cut down Winchester 92 copy by Rossi in for me 45 Colt of course.
I ask myself do I really need this now and I say to myself, self, Jeepster just got one! So my answer is hell yes I need this thing 2 weeks ago.

Now in addition to tracking down the Mares Leg I'm busy pondering next weeks desire that I probably don't really need and certainly can't afford but I may die money poor but I hope to be gun rich.

Now why did you have to go there?
I've got all this high powered 357 ammo lust lying around and everybody else
is having fun?
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyZPcjvBJtFqZEkLhN8tDcPPHvk1ZuK Nm2JsMDf9z4OgcCrHqcAAhttp://img693.imageshack.us/img693/2849/sshot11y.pnghttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3225/2624354268_3af9bd58bc.jpghttp://www.imfdb.org/w/images/thumb/c/c3/Brisco_33.jpg/400px-Brisco_33.jpghttp://www.imfdb.org/w/images/thumb/4/49/Mwslvnoraandpompey.jpg/400px-Mwslvnoraandpompey.jpghttp://spartanphoenix.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/kevins-tallahassee-mares-leg-gun.jpg?w=247&h=187

11-20-2011, 06:13 AM
Dang, that's a nice looking weapon! So suitable for close quarters tactical use. A point and shoot from the belly gun. Now, you've got me in the gotta have it mood! :o

11-20-2011, 10:09 AM
Get one in 357 and have fun with everyone else.

I don't charge for this suggestion, I do it as a public service.

Send pics when you get it.

By the way they have a brand new version that is color case hardened and I really dig color case hardening. Might still be hard to find but since I'm poor I got time to hunt.

11-20-2011, 11:29 AM
Get one in 357 and have fun with everyone else.

I don't charge for this suggestion, I do it as a public service.

Send pics when you get it.

By the way they have a brand new version that is color case hardened and I really dig color case hardening. Might still be hard to find but since I'm poor I got time to hunt.

Looks like just the 45 LC is case hardened?
Oh wise Bawanna, if I get the 357 or 44, what third party finish would you
recommend and by whom?

Hard Chrome maybe?
Or a nickel plating might look sweeeeeeeet

11-20-2011, 12:02 PM
Wow. Those pictures are "killer" and the women with guns..... it just doesn't get any better than that.

11-20-2011, 12:29 PM
Looks like just the 45 LC is case hardened?
Oh wise Bawanna, if I get the 357 or 44, what third party finish would you
recommend and by whom?

Hard Chrome maybe?
Or a nickel plating might look sweeeeeeeet

If you want to go flashy look at the Henry Mares Leg, Rossi calls theirs the Ranch Hand, I'm not sure how Henry was able to use the Mares Leg name but they did it.
It's about twice the money but it's already polished stainless or plated, not sure which, has some gold on it as I recall, it's one pretty thing indeed.
I was set to go with that one but since I didn't have half the loot for the Rossi I knew the Henry was just a dream. Besides I figured if a Ranch Hand was good enough for Jeepster, it ought to be good enough for me. Ya think?

11-20-2011, 12:45 PM
Besides I figured if a Ranch Hand was good enough for Jeepster, it ought to be good enough for me. Ya think?

I'm not going there LOL!

As for option A:
If your speaking of a classic Henry repeating rifle?
I'm going to have to check that out.
Always wanted a classic Winchester.
But a Henry? makes me go Mmmmmmmmm
(Plus you know stainless makes me weak - LOL!)

Sades of Siverado

Update: Henry Mare’s Leg .45 Colt
Brass receiver, brass buttplate & blued barrel and lever
Looks like a fine idea!

11-20-2011, 12:59 PM
gotta admit that is one cool looking rifle/pistol. Being they are located in Indiana maybe a good reason to pay them a visit some nice sunny day to. I bet they are cooler lookimg more than they are pleasant shootng...

11-20-2011, 02:02 PM
That's the one, I was thinking nickel but it is brass and it is a beauty.

I'd love to have one of those but too rich for my side of the tracks. The Ranch Hand is a stretch but if you want something bad enough you'll find a way. Always worked for me.

11-20-2011, 02:36 PM
Get one in 357 and have fun with everyone else.

I don't charge for this suggestion, I do it as a public service.

Send pics when you get it.

By the way they have a brand new version that is color case hardened and I really dig color case hardening. Might still be hard to find but since I'm poor I got time to hunt.

Looks like just the 45 LC is case hardened?
Oh wise Bawanna, if I get the 357 or 44, what third party finish would you
recommend and by whom?

Hard Chrome maybe?
Or a nickel plating might look sweeeeeeeet

Ok, Bawanna will get the .45lc, Barth will get the .357mag, and that leaves me with the .44mag. Or is that going to be a real kicker? How do these 3 rounds compare in recoil and performance?

11-20-2011, 02:46 PM
Bawanna, GrabAGun has the .45lc gun for $422.76 shipped: http://grabagun.com/rossi-m92-rh-45lc-12-6rd-bl.html

11-20-2011, 03:20 PM
Bawanna, GrabAGun has the .45lc gun for $422.76 shipped: http://grabagun.com/rossi-m92-rh-45lc-12-6rd-bl.html

That's the blued version. If Barth is gonna do the Henry, the very least I can do is get the case hardened. Doesn't look like they have any either but the may get some soon. Never heard of that place but I'll be checking them once in awhile now.

All three 357, 44, or 45 Colt are serious medicine. I opt for 45 just cause I got a few single action revolvers and a 92 in 45.
I have several 44's too I guess I could run with it but I'm leaning towards 45.

11-20-2011, 03:36 PM
That's the blued version. If Barth is gonna do the Henry, the very least I can do is get the case hardened. Doesn't look like they have any either but the may get some soon. Never heard of that place but I'll be checking them once in awhile now.

All three 357, 44, or 45 Colt are serious medicine. I opt for 45 just cause I got a few single action revolvers and a 92 in 45.
I have several 44's too I guess I could run with it but I'm leaning towards 45.

Jet Guns (http://www.jetguns.com/) in KY have some good prices, too.

Here is a site I like to visit frequently. It is a place where apparently volunteer posters find deals and share the info: Slick Guns (http://slickguns.com/).

And, I have found a shop in SC that has fantastic deals on quality guns like HK and Sig: Palmetto State Armory (http://palmettostatearmory.com/).

11-20-2011, 04:32 PM
I didn't see any guns for a price that I would pay at the gun show today. I was mainly interested in a large capacity .45 with night sights. The closest thing I saw was the Tactical FNP45 for $1029?? It had the raised or high NS and the threaded barrel... ready for a suppressor. I just couldn't pull the trigger on that much... I did have enough cash with me<hurricane fund and my travel money>, but it was a licensed dealer, too... tax and records.:rolleyes:

I just did yard work and need to shower so I can fix supper, so I had better get a move on... Wifey snarls when she gets too hungry!:eek: She's sipping... or guzzling... some Beaujolais Nouveau, so that might tone her down a bit until I get ready.



11-20-2011, 05:40 PM
That's the blued version. If Barth is gonna do the Henry, the very least I can do is get the case hardened. Doesn't look like they have any either but the may get some soon. Never heard of that place but I'll be checking them once in awhile now.

All three 357, 44, or 45 Colt are serious medicine. I opt for 45 just cause I got a few single action revolvers and a 92 in 45.
I have several 44's too I guess I could run with it but I'm leaning towards 45.

Case hardened or blue. Shiny sliver stuff is just too not classic for one of these.

11-21-2011, 05:56 AM
Does it make sense to buy another gun when you have one or more than you have not used yet?
Yes, it always makes sense to buy a gun.

11-21-2011, 06:19 AM
what the hell does "sense" have to do with buying another gun????????

11-21-2011, 07:19 AM
I have been moving some of my guns that I rarely/never shoot, but I have been replacing them with other guns. So my vote is yes, it always makes sense to buy another gun. Worst case you just sell it down the road and buy another, then repeat until they plant you in the ground. :)